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A crazy fun little dream i had last night


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one that explains a bit about my life these days

and i couldnt think of a better place to write it out

and i couldnt find a recent thread to hold it

so...well...here goes

as i mentioned elsewhere around here

ive been twilight journaling a lot more lately

and with it, i am remembering more dreams

yesterday, i jotted notes on four dreams

this morning it was five

but one of them was a real hoot

it has really stuck with me all day

ok, imagine...

...ive got this groovy little vehicle

its about the size of a large cereal bowl

that i have to sit down in it and hold to my skinny a$$ with both hands

and lift my feet up in the air

and it has one small wheel on the bottom

and im telling ya...this thing really takes off

so im racing along the main street of my hometown

real fast, too

and i miss the turn i wanted

because there are no breaks on this gizmo

and so i cant slow down

so while im not bothered much by the speed

i am growing worried that i am going to be in the next city if i dont figure something out real quick

cuz like i said...this thing is really cruising along

and so i pull a nickel out of my pocket and try to dig it into the pavement

which sends sparks flying and slows me down enough to start thinking about turning

but then, the dream, or my memory of it, ends

but it sure speaks to the feeling of my life these days

in part...i figure...nothing like a little familial longing to mark the season with a crazy dream about my runaway life...i can see how i am definately wishing i could slow down and get back home

i dunno

but i thought some of you guys might get a kick out of it

whether you are feeling that way or not


Edited by sirguessalot
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Interesting dream. My guess is that the small vehicle and its accompanying characteristics (no brakes, one wheel, not much space, high speed; ie you can't control it) is TWI and the nickel is GSC, and failure to make that turn is anxiety about possible wasted opportunities in life, and the next city is the point of no return. But you did return. How did you get enough force on the nickel to cause sparks if you were lying on your back? Sounds like you still feel some urgency about having been in TWI even if you haven't been in for awhile.

Edited by johniam
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I started having extremely vivid dreams when I left TWI and even moreso as I worked on healing from that and my divorce. As a result, I got very interested in dream interpretation. www.dreammoods.com has a dictionary for different symbols common to dreams and I consult it regularly. :)

Obviously dreams are very personal in meaning and don't always fit with some standard, but usually I get an indication of where to start in my own personal analysis. Not what you were asking, I know, but thought I'd share in case you or others are interested.

What I found most intriguing were the number of dreams I had about needing to go to the bathroom and not being able to get the privacy I desired. :redface2:

I also had lots of dreams about elevators.

It's been an incredible journey and journaling with much additional self-evaluation has been a long, strange trip. :biglaugh: I'm enjoying every centimeter of the journey.

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Or maybe you have heard the Nckel Song one too many times.



Well you know that I'm not a gambler

But I'm being gambled on

They put in a nickel and I sing a little song


They put in a nickel and I sing a little song

Well, I don't mind that they're lucky

But it seems that they always win

And gamblin' is illegal in the state of mind I'm in

And if I had a nickel for each time that

I've been put on

I would be their nickel man

And I'd sing a little song

They're only putting in a nickel and

They want a dollar song

They're only putting in a little to

Get rid of a lot that's


Well I don't know so many things

But I know what's been goin' on

We're only putting in a little

To get rid of a lot that's wrong

And if we had a nickel for each time that

We've been put on

We'd all be their nickel man

And we'd sing a nickel song

You know they're only putting in a nickel

And they win a dollar song

Oh, yeah, they're only putting in a little

To get rid of a lot that's wrong

Oh, they're only putting in a nickel

To win a dollar song

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ha...luv it

thanks guys for throwing in

i like Tbone's style on that other thread, too

stitches a nice line in the weave, it seems

johniam...honestly, there wasnt much of a thought or feeling of twi in this dream

has a lot more to do with miss being with my mom and family for christmas

living on the other side of the cascades from them in winter

which has a lot to do, of course, with going wow and leaving town in the first place...hmm...


thanks for the guesses

tom..i guess you can have one the nickels Whitedove gave us

cuz yeah...a lot new work and new things are coming up on me pretty fast

and i really do love what i'm doing right now

and i dont really want to slow down

...nickel was for navigation, i think

like i needed a rutter or something

e...luv...and ya know...it feels and seems to me as if the second half of life becomes more about going home than it ever was about getting anywhere else anyway. and that the journey home can be as long as the journey you went on. just as many steps from another direction. i dunno..just rambling sister

gold curly locks...not sure what yer sayin...but sure that is one crazy funny avatar to go with it..and yeah...i did give it my all...steering mostly. i thought i might end up blowing through someone's house like a human cannon ball.

Belle...a rule of thumb i like to use, is how you (or i) are most qualified to interpret your (or my) own dreams, simply from being the only one with direct access to recollect the dream. in other words...not even jung or a shaman can tell you how you felt about a symbol or animal in a dream, or what you knew about it and the storyline behind it. though they may know how to help us ask better questions. the arts of open inquiry into dreams is exotic and spans all cultures and times. but ultimately...the dreamer is the only one who dreamt the dream.

so whether its playfully light or deeply serious and important, it was some sort of only asking the dreamer kind, curious questions meant for helping the dreamer find more precision and clarity.

its almost a given how the dream is never anything but wild and untamed and typically hard to catch.

artful inquiry reminds me of sitting at a bench in a park and sharing nuts with the squirrels

the dreams come out of the woods if you simply sit still and give them free food

maybe play a flute

just so they'll come out for you to observe

and name, perhaps

cuz you sure as hell cant catch em.

dreams can be like that, i have found

a most ordinary magic, in a sense

"I'm enjoying every centimeter of the journey."

ha! yep..thats it, it seems, aint it?

if one is also on a journey inside as much as outside

(skull? brain? body? whatever)

and its also a life-long trip

it must then also a very short slow trip or something

cuz physically...we dont really have that far to go

...white dove

what a wonderfel song

i have never had the pleasure of hearing that one

btw...whose Melanie?

and too..reflecting on the nickel...i wonder how i might be looking for a cheap quick financial way to change my course...or something. maybe i just couldnt very well use a dollar or a credit card to stop or steer the speeding a$$-rocket...or whatever it was

Edited by sirguessalot
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ha, Sir G, that was funny.

I have been feeling a bit of the same these days and last night had a very funny one as well. Belle's online dictionary actually pinned many things I have been feeling and dealing with to a tee....but who knows. I woke up laughing about it. If you don't mind....

In the dream my wife and I wake up in the boys room, but we don't have boys and things are set up differently. We wake up and it is 11am.

We're late.

So we start rushing around to get ready and I go into the bathroom to see that the toilet, sink and vanity are gone. Everything is stripped to the floor.

I call my wife in to look at it and we come to the conclusion that one of us called maintainance and they came and took it while we were sleeping in.

We turn to go back into the room only to scare the crap out of ourselves as we almost walk into a second set of us. They are waking up, but at a normal time, like 7am. They don't see us, but we see them, this freaks us out a bit.

So the second me is getting ready and goes into the bathroom for the morning release. The first wife and I look at eachother with concern, because obviously the second me doesn't notice that there is no toilet. So second me starts to go and the first us watches as it fills an invisible toilet. Second me finishes and flushes and we watch the water go down the invisible toilet and down the invisible plumbing. The same goes for the sink as me #2 washes his hands in what appears to be an invisible sink.

I begin to realise that not only are we watching ourselves at an earlier time in the day but in a totally different time all together. I start to geek out about whether we are in alternate universes or if we or they are in the past or future, or if they are different people all together, and what the hell happened to our bathroom fixtures anyway, when there is a knock at the door.

The maintianance guy is there and he begins to reinstall the new toilet and sink while Me and wife #2 get ready around him.

Then I wake up.


I must say it has been a while since I remembered much about my dreams but this one came right at a big point in our life, and when I woke up it made me laugh. I have just finished a kitchen project that has taken up the greater part of my life over the last year. That is a major weight off my shoulders and the end of a pretty chaotic but exciting time. We are putting our boys in daycare starting in 07 and have been filling out the paperwork and having meetings in the past week. I am seriously starting my business come the new year as well. So there is some anxiety over no longer watching my boys during the day and the uncertainty of starting a business. We are also leaving the boys for the first time this coming week with my mom-in-law for a couple of days. So, we are also finally doing our Will before we go. Belle's link had meanings to a lot of the symboles like the bathroom/ urination, waking up late, being invisible, etc that totally hit on a lot of the feelings that have come along with life of late.

Although, I didn't see anything in there on invisible toilets. :spy:

Good luck with your rocket cerial bowl.

Say, have you added fiber to your breakfast lately? :biglaugh:

Edited by lindyhopper
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  sirguessalot said:
ha...luv it

Belle...a rule of thumb i like to use, is how you (or i) are most qualified to interpret your (or my) own dreams, simply from being the only one with direct access to recollect the dream. in other words...not even jung or a shaman can tell you how you felt about a symbol or animal in a dream, or what you knew about it and the storyline behind it. though they may know how to help us ask better questions. the arts of open inquiry into dreams is exotic and spans all cultures and times. but ultimately...the dreamer is the only one who dreamt the dream.

so whether its playfully light or deeply serious and important, it was some sort of only asking the dreamer kind, curious questions meant for helping the dreamer find more precision and clarity.

its almost a given how the dream is never anything but wild and untamed and typically hard to catch.

artful inquiry reminds me of sitting at a bench in a park and sharing nuts with the squirrels

the dreams come out of the woods if you simply sit still and give them free food

maybe play a flute

just so they'll come out for you to observe

and name, perhaps

cuz you sure as hell cant catch em.

Thanks Sirguessalot !!!! That's one of the keewlest things I've ever heard about dreams...Liked your dream too...I'm going to have to try that twilight journaling stuff myself...sounds like fun...

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Who is Melanie?

She's won a Grammy, an Emmy, scores of top female vocalist awards, and the hearts of millions from Woodstock to Albert Hall. Over her long career, Melanie has recorded over 25 albums and sold millions of records.

During her lifetime, Melanie has amassed an impressive list of accomplishments. More impressive, however, is the fact that she did it without sacrificing her personal integrety. She was the first contemporary solo artist to play Carnagie Hall, the Met, the Sydney Opera House, and for the United Nations General Assembly. While Melanie persued her career, she also contributed time and energy for a while as the chief spokesperson for UNICEF.

Melanie's voice is a powerful instrument, and she sings with a unique passion and intensity. Her lyrics are thoughtful, and sometimes mysterious. Her melodies are often beautiful beyond description. Her style is captivating. In all the world of music, there is no one else like her.


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well..dr Rhino

to tell the truth...the nickel just kind of showed up in my hand

like it was change from the seat

it just happened to be there

and happened to work

in reflection, i feel as if the lesson for me is more about how much more you can do with a nickel to navigate

than simply throwing more money at the inability to control the outcome

i dunno


and yer telling me it took you an hour to come up with that?


yeah right

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  sirguessalot said:
in reflection, i feel as if the lesson for me is more about how much more you can do with a nickel to navigate

than simply throwing more money at the inability to control the outcome

that's almost prophetic to me

cool thread....good peeps here

dreams have always intrigued me, i get some of those "wth was that?" and go searching my psyche

for the stargazers: sunday morning in the East South East sky there will be a cluster/alignment of planets


my favorite quote from the link: ""When I look at something like this, I realize that all the powers on Earth, all the emperors, all the money, cannot change it one iota. We are observers, but the wonderful part of that is that we are the only species on this planet that can observe it and understand it."

that understanding engenders a litlle more faith in me than i had prior to reading it

What I understood GoldCurlyLocks saying was: you may have been reviewing your past years and feeling you didn't turn when you should've but gave it your best ....so be at peace with yourself....like the planets, we have no control over some things....sht just happens

maybe the nickel was like the two mites

Todd, i love who you are and the wisdom of your words, i envy your apparent control and thoughtfulness as well as others' on this thread...i'm working on it, you are all an inspiration

p.s. i was not able to purchase the "Blush" print or the others this year, tough year, it's got it's own chapter in the history of my life. Are they still available in the coming year?

if i recall, the following song streams right into "boy, you're gonna carry that weight" .....still fits in the dream, i think.....still prophetic for me

the beatles were tight and right....i LOVE Paul McCartney...i ache for Paul, he loved Linda...."you're gonna lose that girl" .....all that money and he can't move a planet or do some other things

Golden Slumbers

Once there was a way to get back homeward

Once there was a way to get back home

Sleep pretty darling do not cry

And I will sing a lullaby

Golden slumbers fill your eyes

Smiles awake you when you rise

Sleep pretty darling do not cry

And I will sing a lullaby

Once there was a way to get back homeward

Once there was a way to get back home

Sleep pretty darling do not cry

And I will sing a lullaby


and now I must get back to sleep......nickel in hand

love yous.....hoping telepathy becomes the method of communication, cuz words fail me

damn ants got it goin on!

edit: it's about 4:20 and i can hear the hunters shooting at "my" deer...if they get back home they'll be safe...i don't have a gun and i don't want to hurt noone...i've actually bought them bags of apples....i talk (imitate the noise they make) to them, i don't understand it...might be a mating thing, i should be careful,.... they come around when i play guitar outside at dusk....now you know i'm crazy

Edited by frickafrack
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God first

Beloved Todd know as Sir Guess Alot

God loves you my dear friends

Sounds like a wild and fun ride while not even leaven your bed in the fleshly realm but a long trip spiritually

I love dreams but I recall a small amount of mine these days but some times mine play over and over until I write a word of prophecy on the very sobject that my dream are teaching me

In my dreams I have walked all nine planets and the sun

In my dreams I have talk to Adam, Moses, John the Baptist, George Muller. E. W. Bullinger, my Mother, my Aunt, and many more

but while in my dreams I tried to talk to Cain, and a few others I could not reach them

I have visit all the many layers of Heaven the inter, the outer, and the ones between the two

I have had many pets of old visit me and many that I never knew sating talking to me in my 12x55 mobil home some time 1,000 at even given second of my dreams

I have jump for joy and I have cried my eyes out in my dreams

I have travel to the Past, I have travel into the Future, and I have travel beween time itself

I have walked on clouds, I have walked on water, I have walked on air, I have walked on sun rays, and I have walked on that which is between it all

thank you I love dreams

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy until we see one another in our dreams

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and the more i know and feel about such things as dreams

and religion and medicine and comas and dying and near-dying

and the more i know about your life, brother Roy

the more and more your naked appeals and expressions make sense to me

and though ive enjoyed from the beginning, as you know

there is an ongoing ripening to all this, our foolishness

and i mean everyone's foolishness...in a big bowl, ya know?

you have dug deep wells, my friend

and have seen the fountainhead

just thought id say all that...cuz it seems worth saying, i guess

...positively odd

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...positively odd = +odd

i gotcha ....cool

roy, i've understood a lot of what you say, but your greetings and salutations freak me out

in my world, god is not a man figure, breath is not a woman figure, and if jesus is my brother i wish he'd show up and help me chop wood and carry water

no offense intended, i just think we've spent a lot of time being tricked and/or tricking ourselves into "personifying spirit" <<<<<< oxymoron ....ya think?

if you are for real, roy, i'm working towards "truthiness" with ya...if you're not for real...ya know, like TWI and all the other heavenly name droppers, you can f'off

it is kinda weird...like i said , i've understood the body of your posts...you CAN talk to me with no fluff

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God first

Beloved Todd and frickafrack

God loves us all

yes its worth saying my friend

yes we must think so far outside the box that the box is out of sight

I am sorry my greetings and salutations are hard to get used to but it was a hard thing to begin but I guess its here

no offense intended tooken my friend

I think I am real or at least I do my best to be real

We can only do our best in how we write and how we talk to each other

But one good thing is I will not receive tithes because I am not a Levite that I know of

I glad you understand the body of my posts

I glad you take things slow my friend and stray far from traps like the Way was

I will stop here

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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