You penned the following poem. I'd like to regift it right backatcha:
The distance between us,
spans years, spans time and place.
But the distance between us,
is only a breath, only a trace.
The distance between us,
is nothing when we embrace,
once again.
The distance between us,
melts into time and space.
And the distance between us,
brings us together,
joining us in His grace.
I am thankful beyond measure Ex10 that we have embraced....and now more than ever we fully share in His ever-abiding, magnificent, as-far-as-the-east-is-from-the-west GRACE!!!!
Thanks for all the warm wishes. Tis so nice to get up and come to the cafe for breakfast, and experience the comraderie at this unique place in cyberspace. :wub:
Tommy, you know me to well. I do have the day off, and I am spending it.......yes, I confess...... to doing laundry.
But, it's okay, because I'm also listening to The Joshua Tree and high volume (loud as I want) and Tucker the wonder dog is keeping me company.
I've been given orders to be dressed and ready to go out by 6 pm. :unsure: So I'm sure twill be a wonderful day, depsite the laundry detail. ;)
Happy Birthday Ex10. Since this is your second incarnation of being two years old, and having successfully survived the "terrible twos", I hope this time around will be the "terriffic twos" for you.
And looking forward to seeing you through the rest of your childhood. Seems like you might turn out to be a wonderful person when you grow up - at least you did the first time around!
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Hey, Ex! Happy Birthday!!!
You sure don't LOOK 2 years old! (More like 20.)
It was wonderful meeting you at the BBQ. Hope we can get together again soon!
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Wait till dark and forgo your Birthday suit and relish the feel of the hot tub tonight girl! mwah
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I Love Bagpipes
You penned the following poem. I'd like to regift it right backatcha:
The distance between us,
spans years, spans time and place.
But the distance between us,
is only a breath, only a trace.
The distance between us,
is nothing when we embrace,
once again.
The distance between us,
melts into time and space.
And the distance between us,
brings us together,
joining us in His grace.
I am thankful beyond measure Ex10 that we have embraced....and now more than ever we fully share in His ever-abiding, magnificent, as-far-as-the-east-is-from-the-west GRACE!!!!
Happiest of birthdays to you dear friend.
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Hey, Beautiful, have an absolutely tremendous birthday. You sure are fun to know!
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Happy Birthday!!
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Hope You Have a Happy, Happy Birthday, ex10!
Sure was fun to meet you and yours. You're the hostess with the mostess!
(Edited by tonto to remove the "font" and "color" that I tried to add.)
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Happiest of Birthdays, Girlfriend!
Hope your day is special in every way. You deserve the best!
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Tom Strange
A very happening day to you young lady... take the day off and let them all do their own laundry today!
(something tells me this will be a long thread)
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I hope you're treated like royalty for your birthday, ex10!!!
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Tom Strange
where'd you get that picture of ourseestorex10 Belle?
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ex may it be your best one so far
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Thanks for all the warm wishes. Tis so nice to get up and come to the cafe for breakfast, and experience the comraderie at this unique place in cyberspace. :wub:
Tommy, you know me to well.
I do have the day off, and I am spending it.......yes, I confess...... to doing laundry. 
But, it's okay, because I'm also listening to The Joshua Tree and high volume (loud as I want) and Tucker the wonder dog is keeping me company.
I've been given orders to be dressed and ready to go out by 6 pm. :unsure: So I'm sure twill be a wonderful day, depsite the laundry detail. ;)
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Hey hey happy happy dear Ex10!
Sounds like you're loved at home as well as here at the ol' GSC!
Glad it's a good one for you and yurs...
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Happy Birthday to you!!!
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Lots of happy birthday blessings to you, Ex10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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happy birthday sis mwah
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polar bear
Happy Bday ex10..Lots of love from all you friends up north.
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Have all the birthdays you want. Just don't get old. Otherwise this happens.
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Happy birthday to a SMART blonde.
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Shiner Bock all the way around!!
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Do I need to come down there and help cook for the party?
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Happy Birthday Ex10. Since this is your second incarnation of being two years old, and having successfully survived the "terrible twos", I hope this time around will be the "terriffic twos" for you.
And looking forward to seeing you through the rest of your childhood. Seems like you might turn out to be a wonderful person when you grow up - at least you did the first time around!
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Happy Belated Birthday, ex10!!!! Hope it was the most memorable one yet!!!
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