Your choice to not embed it was a good one. And I have no problem personally which you might have observed but others have voiced their being offended before so I thought I'd give you a heads up.
Your choice to not embed it was a good one. And I have no problem personally which you might have observed but others have voiced their being offended before so I thought I'd give you a heads up.
Well, there is now a warning disclaimer in the post.
She seems like a very bright kid but I think her parents use poor judgement in teaching her how to place so many labels on people at such a young age and then making her an icon or spokesperson for their beliefs. I bet she doesn't know what 45% of the words she is speaking really means.
$20 says that 20 years from now she's the wife of a preacher and a staunch member of the GOP.
If you liked the 8-year old, you will LOVE her uncle: <a href="
<font face='arial' size=4 color='ff0000'>CAUTION: THE LINK HAS SOME COURSE LANGUAGE</font>
You've been warned.
I have to laugh at the 'COURSE LANGUAGE' warning, Mark. I really do. Nothing on you, but with some of the ((ahem)) 'heated' arguments that go on around here, in the politics area and elsewhere, ... I imagine that it would be hard to picture very many of us then being shocked :blink: at course language on a video, even if it is done by an 8 year old girl and her uncle.
What in the world are you thinking? I'm not going to delete this thread (just yet) but it sure shows lack of taste on YOUR part. As several posters here have alluded to.. this young child is parroting extremist political views taught her. I don't see the humor at all. Do you think its funny to have young children using vile language perhaps?
I can think of many and various vile things that have been said, and all in a 'moral and pure' religious context too, ... like saying that someone is condemned to hell for simply not believing in Jesus, automatically presuming that atheists have no morals nor could ever defend their country (via the concept of no atheists in foxholes, donchaknow <_< ), trying to make a purely political viewpoint appear 'spiritual', even if/when it involves taking our nation to a stupid war, etc., etc., ad nauseum.
You subscribe to HBO, Showtime, or other cable channels that aren't as 'family friendly' as Disney? Then you probably (most likely) have heard just as much 'vile' things, and I'd be willing to bet that a good number of them haven't got you upset as you seem to be here. Especially if you have seen Penn & Teller's Bullsh1t!
What in the world are you thinking? I'm not going to delete this thread (just yet) but it sure shows lack of taste on YOUR part. As several posters here have alluded to.. this young child is parroting extremist political views taught her. I don't see the humor at all. Do you think its funny to have young children using vile language perhaps?
Delete* the thread if you want. You're the mod, not me.
I did place warnings on both links that I posted that stated there was course language involved. So if somebody who will be offended by course language clicks on the links, then, well, that's like somebody who is offended by porn subscribing to the Playboy channel and then complaining about its content.
I do think those two videos are an interesting study to see how some adults (yes, the vast minority) program their hatred into their children/ nieces/ nephews/ pupils, etc. I think it is a good lesson for those of us who are parents...on the influence of other adults in our childrens' lives (after all, the second link linked to a video of her uncle, not her dad).
I don't recall where in this thread I stated that I found the videos humorous. Irony was employed in my opening post (see disclaimer 1b in my signature block), but employing ironic language is not synonymous with finding something humorous. I see that others found it rather funny... and a couple of posters on the thread apparently approve of her message. So as to it being extremist, well, isn't that in the eye of the beholder? (Unless, of course, you are accusing those posters of harboring extremist views, as well)
But apparently you don't find it funny. You do find it offensive. You find it extremist. However, it's obvious, based on the other responses on the thread that your opinion is not universally held.
This board is, after all, private property and freedom of speech is contingent upon the discretion of the moderators. In other words, it's your board, not mine. But I've seen a lot of things that have personally offended me (do a search on the terms "pope" "RC" etc., and you will find tons of examples). I haven't hit the alert button. Why? Just the fact that somebody's statement offends me, doesn't mean that it should be suppressed.* The only time it should be suppressed* is if it violates community standards. The rules of the board are here. I don't see taste limitations, viewpoint limitations, or any other sort of content limitations in those rules, other than that personal attacks are prohibited. But, in the final analysis, you set the commuity standards, not me.
So the bottom line is that this is your board, not mine. You set the community standards for this community. You want to move this thread to 'tacks because you feel the content is political, I won't complain. You want to delete* this thread, feel free, you won't hear a whine out of's your board. Shoot, if I personally offend you enough, you're within your rights to ban me or even to make me an un-person (by purging all my posts from the database)...and nobody remaining would have the slightest right to complain. But if you're going to start deleting* threads based on the thread's content (especially when there have been no personal attacks on the thread), then I, for one, would appreciate you posting what are acceptable (and/ or unacceptable) topics someplace readily accessible for those who start threads. That way the rest of us will know what those community standards are.
*Note: the terms delete and suppress were used vice censor. Only governments can censor.
You could easily tell that they cut and paste things together to make her say what they wanted. The cursing is real but everything else is put together in the basement.
Actually, this is Pawtucket's site, not Doowap's. And I, for one, am glad that Paw has allowed a lot more to be posted here than to some link of a video that apparently have irked some people or that others might find 'hateful'.
And yes Mark, I too, find it ironic. But I would wager that for different reasons than you.
Actually, this is Pawtucket's site, not Doowap's. And I, for one, am glad that Paw has allowed a lot more to be posted here than to some link of a video that apparently have irked some people or that others might find 'hateful'.
And yes Mark, I too, find it ironic. But I would wager that for different reasons than you.
Thanks, Garth, I don't think I would have known it was Pawtucket's site, not Doowap's, without that hint.
And the reference to irony referred to my choice of words in the title and in the opening post. Not in the videos, at all. Frankly, I find the videos to be very sad. And if the child was a little Baptist girl condemning all the rest of the non-Baptist world to h3ll, or a little Muslim girl singing about how she wished to be a suicide bomber when she grows up (such videos exist), I would find it equally sad.
Since I was the one that started this warning thing here I would like to say my piece.
I was not offended by the video. I was saddened that someone so young understood the words in concept enough to be able to speak with those inflections.
Recently I was corrected because I linked a video that was IMHO a total hoot. When words first began to be spoken against it I viewed it as prudish. And for the life of me can't understand how some folks can make sex be evil to be spoken in public. But then it was Paw who helped me see it was probably not the best text/video to be aired in our community due to the fact there has been sexual abuse in twi. And what if someone who had endured it came here looking for help to get away from twi and saw that. It could discourage them from thinking we could help. (this is a short version of what I saw happen)
These videos on the other hand reflect another subject that I find to be way more evil than a couple monkeys screwing could ever be. Yet you tagged it with more than enough warning. The only thing I could add is perhaps it should have been started in 'tacks which would make it impossible for the public to read and a tad harder for those of us here who it offends. Because IMHO if you take the effort to go into 'tacks and click on any thread you have made the free will choice to read things that can be and are offensive.
In closing I use to really worry if y'all liked me around here but that has changed. I am not that sick anymore that I have to have approval. So if this offended you, chances are that should be a clue you need to loosen up.
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I think Garth wrote her script.
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I've never seen anything quite like it. I wonder where her definition source of empathy comes from.
(ps you might want to note the language used because some get offended here, things happening while you were away)
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There's always the mute button or the close-window "X" if it hurts somebody's feelings.
I liked to it...rather than embedded a person has to voluntarily click on it to see it.
But thanks for that reminder.
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Your choice to not embed it was a good one. And I have no problem personally which you might have observed but others have voiced their being offended before so I thought I'd give you a heads up.
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Well, there is now a warning disclaimer in the post.
So now nobody has an excuse.
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Smart man!
Okay I must get some work done so I will bid you folks ado.
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This little girl is obviously the product of some seriously bad parenting.
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very smart child but i think her parents should be charged with child abuse
can you imagine her in 15 years? ouch!
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She seems like a very bright kid but I think her parents use poor judgement in teaching her how to place so many labels on people at such a young age and then making her an icon or spokesperson for their beliefs. I bet she doesn't know what 45% of the words she is speaking really means.
$20 says that 20 years from now she's the wife of a preacher and a staunch member of the GOP.
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HEY, HEY, HEY!! Wait just a doggone minute here! no need to get nasty.
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polar bear
What a hoot. Sounds like she just left TWI.
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Sad to say, I didn't write her script, but sure as hell wish I had. Overall, *excellent* video, just excellent!
She does make some very good and valid points, ... when you manage to get past the 'offensive' terms. <_<
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If you liked the 8-year old, you will LOVE her uncle:
You've been warned.
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I have to laugh at the 'COURSE LANGUAGE' warning, Mark. I really do.
Nothing on you, but with some of the ((ahem)) 'heated' arguments that go on around here, in the politics area and elsewhere, ... I imagine that it would be hard to picture very many of us then being shocked :blink: at course language on a video, even if it is done by an 8 year old girl and her uncle.
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This is one seriously dysfunctional family. Is there any way that YouTube can identify them so they can be put on a remote pacific island somewhere?
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So, which 'course' language are we talking about here? Abnormal Family Psychology 101?
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What in the world are you thinking? I'm not going to delete this thread (just yet) but it sure shows lack of taste on YOUR part. As several posters here have alluded to.. this young child is parroting extremist political views taught her. I don't see the humor at all. Do you think its funny to have young children using vile language perhaps?
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I can think of many and various vile things that have been said, and all in a 'moral and pure' religious context too, ... like saying that someone is condemned to hell for simply not believing in Jesus, automatically presuming that atheists have no morals nor could ever defend their country (via the concept of no atheists in foxholes, donchaknow <_< ), trying to make a purely political viewpoint appear 'spiritual', even if/when it involves taking our nation to a stupid war, etc., etc., ad nauseum.
You subscribe to HBO, Showtime, or other cable channels that aren't as 'family friendly' as Disney? Then you probably (most likely) have heard just as much 'vile' things, and I'd be willing to bet that a good number of them haven't got you upset as you seem to be here.
Especially if you have seen Penn & Teller's Bullsh1t!
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Delete* the thread if you want. You're the mod, not me.
I did place warnings on both links that I posted that stated there was course language involved. So if somebody who will be offended by course language clicks on the links, then, well, that's like somebody who is offended by porn subscribing to the Playboy channel and then complaining about its content.
I do think those two videos are an interesting study to see how some adults (yes, the vast minority) program their hatred into their children/ nieces/ nephews/ pupils, etc. I think it is a good lesson for those of us who are parents...on the influence of other adults in our childrens' lives (after all, the second link linked to a video of her uncle, not her dad).
I don't recall where in this thread I stated that I found the videos humorous. Irony was employed in my opening post (see disclaimer 1b in my signature block), but employing ironic language is not synonymous with finding something humorous. I see that others found it rather funny... and a couple of posters on the thread apparently approve of her message. So as to it being extremist, well, isn't that in the eye of the beholder? (Unless, of course, you are accusing those posters of harboring extremist views, as well)
But apparently you don't find it funny. You do find it offensive. You find it extremist. However, it's obvious, based on the other responses on the thread that your opinion is not universally held.
This board is, after all, private property and freedom of speech is contingent upon the discretion of the moderators. In other words, it's your board, not mine. But I've seen a lot of things that have personally offended me (do a search on the terms "pope" "RC" etc., and you will find tons of examples). I haven't hit the alert button. Why? Just the fact that somebody's statement offends me, doesn't mean that it should be suppressed.* The only time it should be suppressed* is if it violates community standards. The rules of the board are here. I don't see taste limitations, viewpoint limitations, or any other sort of content limitations in those rules, other than that personal attacks are prohibited. But, in the final analysis, you set the commuity standards, not me.
So the bottom line is that this is your board, not mine. You set the community standards for this community. You want to move this thread to 'tacks because you feel the content is political, I won't complain. You want to delete* this thread, feel free, you won't hear a whine out of's your board. Shoot, if I personally offend you enough, you're within your rights to ban me or even to make me an un-person (by purging all my posts from the database)...and nobody remaining would have the slightest right to complain. But if you're going to start deleting* threads based on the thread's content (especially when there have been no personal attacks on the thread), then I, for one, would appreciate you posting what are acceptable (and/ or unacceptable) topics someplace readily accessible for those who start threads. That way the rest of us will know what those community standards are.
*Note: the terms delete and suppress were used vice censor. Only governments can censor.
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You could easily tell that they cut and paste things together to make her say what they wanted. The cursing is real but everything else is put together in the basement.
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Actually, this is Pawtucket's site, not Doowap's. And I, for one, am glad that Paw has allowed a lot more to be posted here than to some link of a video that apparently have irked some people or that others might find 'hateful'.
And yes Mark, I too, find it ironic. But I would wager that for different reasons than you.
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Thanks, Garth, I don't think I would have known it was Pawtucket's site, not Doowap's, without that hint.
And the reference to irony referred to my choice of words in the title and in the opening post. Not in the videos, at all. Frankly, I find the videos to be very sad. And if the child was a little Baptist girl condemning all the rest of the non-Baptist world to h3ll, or a little Muslim girl singing about how she wished to be a suicide bomber when she grows up (such videos exist), I would find it equally sad.
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The uncle looked like he was geekin'. Couple lines too many?
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Since I was the one that started this warning thing here I would like to say my piece.
I was not offended by the video. I was saddened that someone so young understood the words in concept enough to be able to speak with those inflections.
Recently I was corrected because I linked a video that was IMHO a total hoot. When words first began to be spoken against it I viewed it as prudish. And for the life of me can't understand how some folks can make sex be evil to be spoken in public. But then it was Paw who helped me see it was probably not the best text/video to be aired in our community due to the fact there has been sexual abuse in twi. And what if someone who had endured it came here looking for help to get away from twi and saw that. It could discourage them from thinking we could help. (this is a short version of what I saw happen)
These videos on the other hand reflect another subject that I find to be way more evil than a couple monkeys screwing could ever be. Yet you tagged it with more than enough warning. The only thing I could add is perhaps it should have been started in 'tacks which would make it impossible for the public to read and a tad harder for those of us here who it offends. Because IMHO if you take the effort to go into 'tacks and click on any thread you have made the free will choice to read things that can be and are offensive.
In closing I use to really worry if y'all liked me around here but that has changed. I am not that sick anymore that I have to have approval. So if this offended you, chances are that should be a clue you need to loosen up.
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