You are never truly delivered. At some point if it is truly of God, shouldn't you be delivered??
I don't know if I can agree here. Christ was still tempted, and he is of God. Couldn't an addict still be tempted by his drug, and be delivered? IMO, the deliverance comes when the addict says no, even if the addict has to say no a million times a day. I don't think its all or nothing.
Please know that I'm not saying you're wrong. I honestly don't know that much about deliverance from addiction. I've just heard stories of people who said they were delivered, and then they succumb to their vice. Maybe they truely were delivered, but became complacent, and then temptation came, and they fell. I just don't think its wrong to be watchful.
I also think people can be jerks whether they are addicts or not. I don't think one necessarily goes with the other. (I'm not calling anyone here a jerk. I'm just making an observation.)
english is not my native language...but i try, i try....
and Jonny, i used to have more respect for your comments
i hope you can make some that make sense
and Jonny, the day you need the respect of this sort of man is the day YOU need another "make myself feel good put others down sub cult-ure groupie kinda thing gathering with unique language and special books that meets at least once a week" ;) ;)
i'm telling you that there is nothing wrong with the alcoholic
except the alcohol
That's taking it a little too far. They just have to learn other ways of dealing with their shortcomings other than becoming anestetised. Doesn't AA have the concept of a dry drunk?
I read a really good book a few years ago called High Bottom Drunk. I think there are a lot more "high bottom drunks" out there than we realize.
I don't care what's going on with the individuals - how they explain things - how they think about themselves and their alcoholism - I'm just glad they're getting help.
Thanks cool, these obstacles will always be in our way wether with alcohol or something else.
I learned that if we are grateful then the good can be found out of things
And if we are resentful then it will all be pretty much bad.
I was resentful that i had to work second shift, and the type of work that i was doing. That made it a bad job for me. And that is how i felt about it and it stirred other bad things as well. Bitterness and such.
Now I'm grateful for the job that i was able to keep with help from others.
I'm grateful to have a job! Then I see that there are many good things about it.
So, better attitude and a change in my life. A spiritual change.
And I know some don't think it's spiritual but it's the SAME JOB.
So what changed? Me. Godly attitudes make for Godly changes.
Thoughts are spiritual.
Can't be grateful or thankful and resentful at the same time.
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you don't know the love exc and i speak of
you could ask
and no one blamed the bottle
it is the person and the bottle
and there is more then just one person to look at
the problem is in the mind and body
stopping drinking is only the start
you must not read too well or comprehend
and Jonny, i used to have more respect for your comments
i hope you can make some that make sense
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and i blame no one but myself
i almost lost my family
suspended from work for 2 weeks without pay
if it wasn't for my friend at work
and me being honest
i would have lost my job
sleepless nites
peace comes and goes
but getting better
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Quoting Outofdafog:
I don't know if I can agree here. Christ was still tempted, and he is of God. Couldn't an addict still be tempted by his drug, and be delivered? IMO, the deliverance comes when the addict says no, even if the addict has to say no a million times a day. I don't think its all or nothing.
Please know that I'm not saying you're wrong. I honestly don't know that much about deliverance from addiction. I've just heard stories of people who said they were delivered, and then they succumb to their vice. Maybe they truely were delivered, but became complacent, and then temptation came, and they fell. I just don't think its wrong to be watchful.
I also think people can be jerks whether they are addicts or not. I don't think one necessarily goes with the other. (I'm not calling anyone here a jerk. I'm just making an observation.)
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Linda Z
Jonny, what in the world is wrong with you?
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c, i hope peace comes more and more and stays longer and longer
thank god you didn't lose your family or job
or yourself
thank you for your thread and thoughts
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you are very welcome exc
contact me any time
and for anyone interested
this is what i'm working on
it compliments a lot of what i already know
it also allows much freedom of thought
and help
i've read the first 7 chapters in the book they gave me
so far
and it's online
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that's the funniest schidt i've read in a while
i won't ask...i'd rather not know...thank you
english is not my native language...but i try, i try....
and Jonny, the day you need the respect of this sort of man is the day YOU need another "make myself feel good put others down sub cult-ure groupie kinda thing gathering with unique language and special books that meets at least once a week" ;) ;)

been there ....done that
D. all of the above
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well dude...I got into it in 1983...couple of birthdays since then (you know what I mean)
1996 July was my last one
Now you know what's in the cup in my picture...COMMUNITY COFFEE DARK ROAST
...and you all thought it was JD #7, shame on you...LOL!
Have a great day y'all
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Thanks Clay. Looks like I have some down loading
(and reading), to do. :)
You take care, eh???
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although to some and perhaps jonny
it may seem as i put him down
aa does not belittle anyone in any way
you can even show up drunk
and as long as you don't disrupt what is going on
no one will even look at you any different then anyone else
no one looks at anyone in a spiteful or negative way
we've done that enough to ourselves and everyone knows it
so sorry Jonny if you were offended by my remarks
but they were distasteful and i reacted
you just don't know what you are talking about
you don't know aa
it's not what you imply that it is
the only requirement to go is to want to stop drinking
thanks oilfield and dmiller
much thanks to all who posted
and it's still open
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and i'll add this
it's about progress not perfection
no one is perfect
if you want to stop drinking and couldn't after trying
aa can help, they know how
i tried many ways to stop only to stop for a while then start again
worse each time
i wanted to stop for good
because i never could stop at one or two
i had to drink the whole 6 pack
then even go to the store and buy more
and in my insanity i started in on vodka
there is something in aa for you
if you want to stop drinking
you don't have to agree with everything
take the steps and be honest
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even many in aa have relapsed into drinking
so they continue to come back to work on the steps
i'm telling you that there is nothing wrong with the alcoholic
except the alcohol
this is what is discussed and deliverance from is aquired by the thousands now
alcoholism is a disease....a dis-ease
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i've also discovered other things that help me in aa
that has nothing to do with the alcohol itself
defeciencies and flaws and i'm learning about that
and we all have them
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That's taking it a little too far. They just have to learn other ways of dealing with their shortcomings other than becoming anestetised. Doesn't AA have the concept of a dry drunk?
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hi DrtyDzn
Please explain this.
Perhaps there is that in aa.
I've only been going for a short time now.
i found this
it's these thought processes that are dealt with in aa
like i said i've only been going for a short time
but i've learned that this is what is being nailed
discovered and removed by a power greater then yourself
because you haven't done it on your own
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for instance-
since twi, i'm very nervous about going to meetings
and i was self employed and always got nervous before the job
and now i'm employed by a company and still get nervous about showing up for work
i don't know why
just a feeling of nervousness before even going shopping or out to eat
i had become a recluse of a sort
so i've at least recognized this and it did drive me to drink
to calm my nerves
just recognizing it alone just about kills it
but i trust God will work in me too
perhaps some can relate to this
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in aa you will have a sponser in which to confide
and in full confidence that whatever is discussed between the two of you
will not be disclosed to any one else
this is part of the process
to tell of these flaws to another face to face
if you hold back then it will not work
and of course these things take time
there is no pressure to rush it
if it's rushed it will not work either
my previous post is the truth
i gave it as an example
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remember that's part of why it's anonymous
it's first name basis
no one knows where you live or work
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o and no name tags either :)
sure tests my
these are good people making their lives and others better
no one is judged at all
in any shape form or fashion-period.
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I read a really good book a few years ago called High Bottom Drunk. I think there are a lot more "high bottom drunks" out there than we realize.
I don't care what's going on with the individuals - how they explain things - how they think about themselves and their alcoholism - I'm just glad they're getting help.
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me too belle and i wish the nay sayers on this thread would back of from those people who are making an effort to help themselves
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Thanks for the tip on the book Belle!
Thanks cool, these obstacles will always be in our way wether with alcohol or something else.
I learned that if we are grateful then the good can be found out of things
And if we are resentful then it will all be pretty much bad.
I was resentful that i had to work second shift, and the type of work that i was doing. That made it a bad job for me. And that is how i felt about it and it stirred other bad things as well. Bitterness and such.
Now I'm grateful for the job that i was able to keep with help from others.
I'm grateful to have a job! Then I see that there are many good things about it.
So, better attitude and a change in my life. A spiritual change.
And I know some don't think it's spiritual but it's the SAME JOB.
So what changed? Me. Godly attitudes make for Godly changes.
Thoughts are spiritual.
Can't be grateful or thankful and resentful at the same time.
So there is a choice in circumstances.
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That was another thing that would cause me to drink sometimes.
Someone not responding to my post.
Thanks for what you posted.
Also I know I missed thanking many personally for their input.
Shellon, You are always listened to by me.
The ones I see like a stalker or something-i'm not.
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Thanks c man.
I'm supporting you, praying with you, excited for you!
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