I agree with you in your posting that the Way was wonderful in the 70’s and 80’s. I have so many fond memories from that time period. However in the mid 90’s things started to get very legalistic and unpleasant. People did not have as much joy manifested in their lives and it seemed that healing and deliverance was a thing of the past. And then the Marking and Avoiding began. In one two week period my twig coordinator was M&A, then the twig area coordinator and his wife, than more than one third of the believers in the branch and then the Limb coordinator was gone!
I have since learned that while my experiences were wonderful from that early time period, others were terribly used and abused; physically, mentally and spiritually. So while it might be nice to reminisce with others here about how you were blessed please remember that some people here are still healing from their Way experiences.
To the best of my knowledge things are still very legalistic at New Knoxville with very little of the love of God that was the hallmark of the early Way. This breaks my heart because I can remember when the love of God was so real at fellowship it was something that you could almost taste or feel. I have since belonged to two churches and while the people there were very nice, it was not like it was in the Way. I certainly have not seen the spiritual growth or the healing that I saw twig. It is all so very, very sad.
...Sarah and I have been talking about things that where right about the TWI back in the 80's. The 80's is all that we have to go on because we have not been involved since. After the split we fellowshipped with some other for several years and had some good times too...
I'm not looking for arguement about a certain doctrine and how it is bad even though you think it is good.............We can start another thread for TWI was horrible because..............
Patrick and Sarah, I am sorry your thread has taken a turn for the worse – but it seems that one poster in particular has chosen to ignore your suggestion and instead prove how toxic some of TWI's doctrines can be – especially when all reason and Christian love are excluded as well. He also typifies TWI's propensity to think they are God-on-a-stick...I wonder if there's any reference to Jesus on the cross in that? Better save that for Doctrinal and another day…and even if there is…TWI was never interested in Jesus anyway – His name or person…and judging by the way VPW and many TWI leadership acted - they took the place of the absent Christ. As evidenced in these posts below where the poster takes it upon himself to act as a Christ-likepontificating-judge-on-a-PFAL-throne towards anyone that poses a threat to the worship of his idol:
...We got my life's story going through how much you hated yourself, and how that went towards the ministry. Then you decided to write out your errors.
Just what was it we were fighting for? Why then, if we were SOOOOO freakin' right, did we "lose?" If GOD be for us WHO can be against us?
You decided disbelieve the truth, and that is why you lost. You had you time to fight for what you believed and the devil walked in and shut it in your faces. You generation on GS is a waste of time, they started fighting when it was over. For example (NOW). Please save us from your stupidity. You walked in a trap eyes wide open and fell. Show me in the bible where it says standing will be easy. Sorry if it were easy every church would do it.
Then for the rest of that crap give me a violin, this is freakin ridiculous. The stupidity blinds you. You should have seen this coming, you should have been equipped to fight. No, you decided to fall like a tree in the forest no one heard a thing. Then in your fall you decided to mope around trying to blame people for there mistakes.
For It Is Written You without sin, you cast the first stone. Any takers
...How impressive you think you are right, this just that VPW tried to mentour you and you failed. Well I guess I can take some of the blame off of the memebers of GS. You were VPW's apprentice so to speak. While even being so close you couldn't figure it out. You can't figure it out to this day. You have no stand left in you, you are as weak as a dead tree. You have forsaken the power given to you, the fight is gone. The next thing you will say is "Goodbye cruel world I'm leaving you today, Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye".
To bad your resume of knowing the Wierwilles ended so badly, since they are almost all dead. We got Captain of knowledge on Wierwilles here, he is the best of the best of the best sir, with honors. Somewhere you must think to yourself do I believe the crap coming out of my HCW mouth. Let me grab some popcorn this is starting to get funny. Watch out Jay we got HCW on deck. Lets see here we got HCW as close to VPW as possible, then we se him fail like the Titanic, then the best thing he can do is come on here and tell is life's story. That my friend is priceless. Nothing like hearing about the good ol' days, from a expert. See if I were your mentour I would call you a waste of time, energy, and money, I would leave you in the dust and find someone who really wanted to learn. Because you are a gotta get something to give something kind of person. Well I will let you soak on that for awhile.
Uh, well he said he had his schedule clear for you, in case you have a relapse. To bad you must be a hand full. You know what this is alot better than last time, I just let the stupid GS overwhelm me. Now I can use my anger and hate towads you and blow off steam. Since the anger and hate has more power then your then you in general. Here is a question why should I be nice?? So that when I am loving and kind I get it thrown right back at me. Nope, not this time, this time I am not going to be nice or loving. The people who I am loving to are grateful and meek people. So when you say to me that I am wrong check you bible first.
For it is writtten: And he(Jesus) looked about them with anger.
There are times with your walk with God that you must get angry. This is a perfect example, you know the truth and you avoid it.
There are times as you limp along with your cumbersome idol that you will experience anger and confusion because others have not offered you assistance in carrying such a debilitating load – but rather they have encouraged you to cut it loose. This is a perfect example, of former TWI followers showing you the way to true freedom and you vomit on them.
Uh, well he said he had his schedule clear for you, in case you have a relapse. To bad you must be a hand full.
thanks for checking with your therapist, but I already have one who is familiar with cults and the domestic abuse which runs rampant in them.
You know what this is alot better than last time, I just let the stupid GS overwhelm me. Now I can use my anger and hate towads you and blow off steam.
well, that's very Christian of you!
Since the anger and hate has more power then your then you in general.
so you're here looking for a way to feel powerful?
Here is a question why should I be nice?? So that when I am loving and kind I get it thrown right back at me.
I haven't seen you be loving on this board, so I'm ignorant of any experience you have with having your purported kindness thrown back at you. however, I question your motives, as they seem very immature. you're clearly inclined to practice love and kindness only to get something in return, rather than because it's a good life policy to be kind, and our Father in heaven is Love. instead you choose to live hatefully so that you can predict how people will respond... kindness is very risky for the insecure. that's a simple statement, I'm sure I'm not the only one who had some hard lessons to learn coming out of twi culture.
Nope, not this time, this time I am not going to be nice or loving. The people who I am loving to are grateful and meek people.
are they? do they bow down toward your awesome knowledge of the Word according to vpw? do they ever, ever question or disagree? I bet they don't. it's so very easy to love people when they are a reflection of you.
So when you say to me that I am wrong check you bible first.
For it is writtten: And he(Jesus) looked about them with anger.
yep... so?
There are times with your walk with God that you must get angry. This is a perfect example, you know the truth and you avoid it.
it's very empowering to really look at the playground bully's attack and realize there is nothing of substance in there at all. I'm just practicing my skillz and having some fun. in twi, someone like CK would be coddled and praised for his ability to discern, and would be given free reign to terrorize the innocent at will. I would've been quaking in my boots. now, I just think he's sad and stunted. if someone wants to personally attack me or someone I respect, I'm just not inclined to be my usual sweet, loving and kind self! still, I'm happy that someone else is entertained as well, although I assure you, my motive is healing the part of me who never stood up to losers like CK Edited by potato
it's very empowering to really look at the playground bully's attack and realize there is nothing of substance in there at all. I'm just practicing my skillz and having some fun. in twi, someone like CK would be coddled and praised for his ability to discern, and would be given free reign to terrorize the innocent at will. I would've been quaking in my boots. now, I just think he's sad and stunted. if someone wants to personally attack me or someone I respect, I'm just not inclined to be my usual sweet, loving and kind self! still, I'm happy that someone else is entertained as well, although I assure you, my motive is healing the part of me who never stood up to losers like CK
Good for you! I, too, think TWI encouraged bullies.
thanks for checking with your therapist, but I already have one who is familiar with cults and the domestic abuse which runs rampant in them.
Well thats funny, I sure didn't know you went to one.
well, that's very Christian of you!
Damn straight
so you're here looking for a way to feel powerful?
It's the easy way of doing things
I haven't seen you be loving on this board, (so I'm ignorant) Yeah thats true
of any experience you have with having your purported kindness thrown back at you. however, I question your motives, I bet you do
as they seem very immature. you're clearly inclined to practice love and kindness only to get something in return, Somebody grab me a tissue
rather than because it's a good life policy to be kind, and our Father in heaven is Love. Well I never said I was perfect, Matter fact Jesus Christ died for our sins.
instead you choose to live hatefully so that you can predict how people will respond... kindness is very risky for the insecure. that's a simple statement, Kindness is a virtue that is gained
I'm sure I'm not the only one who had some hard lessons to learn coming out of twi culture. You only think you are living a life of truth but in return you are living a lie.
it's so very easy to love people when they are a reflection of you. Because one of love and a renewed mind is nice to reflect.
the truth has set me free, baby! Great whatever truth you can grab, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (make sure you cross yourself)
You must ask yourself a quick question, Why must I think?
The 5 senses is what gets us in trouble, to listen to your feelings puts you in harms way. You have demonstrated this lack of trust through God. Your therapist isn't doing his job right.
The things I have seen will never compare to the things you have seen. The things I have done will never compare with you. My life is my choice and my choice is to live by God. The things you say are of you for you. There is no way that what you say can be profitable for anyone but you. You think only of yourself giving your pride a ride. To live a life for God shows strength. This weakness you display is a complete lack of God. There is truth of what VPW has said, the power of God is in each and every one of us. When you figure out how to work it then you will truly be live a life more than abundant.
it's very empowering to really look at the playground bully's attack and realize there is nothing of substance in there at all. I'm just practicing my skillz and having some fun...
You’ve got that right, Potato. Lately when I read his posts the funny grammar and immaturity remind me of Eric Cartman on South Park -
CK----In post #213 you have said:"The things I have seen will never compare to the things you have seen. The things I have done will never compare to you."(sic) Was it your intent to state that the things you have seen and done are in some way inferior to what others here have seen and done? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant to state the opposite of what you did. With that said, can you be more specific in citing these things you have done and seen? No philosophical mumbo jumbo, just straight forward specific facts,please.
CK----In post #213 you have said:"The things I have seen will never compare to the things you have seen. The things I have done will never compare to you."(sic) Was it your intent to state that the things you have seen and done are in some way inferior to what others here have seen and done? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant to state the opposite of what you did. With that said, can you be more specific in citing these things you have done and seen? No philosophical mumbo jumbo, just straight forward specific facts,please.
Well I believe what I said was to show there is no comparison between our lives. There was no bashing or anything in this particular post. The only thing I am showing is that when we live we lead different lives. That is it on this one, but its still early maybe I will get some fight out in other posts. The things in my life have no place for facts, just truth.
agreed. CK leaves a lot of context out and speaks in generalities, which tends to be boring... I also have a request for you CK: read up on prepositions and how they're used... and another request: until you learn the basics of grammar, punctuation, and usage, could you refrain from any further attepts to infuse philosophical turns of phrase into your passages? they don't make you appear "deep" or "interesting".
You must ask yourself a quick question, Why must I think?
The 5 senses is what gets us in trouble, to listen to your feelings puts you in harms way.
Hmmm...Let's see here. CK has decided that "thinking" is not a good thing to do. Afterall, utilizing our 5 senses invariably get us into "trouble"...and "listening to our feelings" will put us into harm's way.
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Jesus did look about people in anger, but NEVER in hate. You have just exposed and confessed your rebelliousness agains God in Christ.
Ok, I'm done.
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E. W. Bullinger
Dear Patric and Sarah:
You certainly seem to have started no small stir here at the café! First let me welcome you. It is always great to meet another former Wayfer here at the Greasespot.
I agree with you in your posting that the Way was wonderful in the 70’s and 80’s. I have so many fond memories from that time period. However in the mid 90’s things started to get very legalistic and unpleasant. People did not have as much joy manifested in their lives and it seemed that healing and deliverance was a thing of the past. And then the Marking and Avoiding began. In one two week period my twig coordinator was M&A, then the twig area coordinator and his wife, than more than one third of the believers in the branch and then the Limb coordinator was gone!
I have since learned that while my experiences were wonderful from that early time period, others were terribly used and abused; physically, mentally and spiritually. So while it might be nice to reminisce with others here about how you were blessed please remember that some people here are still healing from their Way experiences.
To the best of my knowledge things are still very legalistic at New Knoxville with very little of the love of God that was the hallmark of the early Way. This breaks my heart because I can remember when the love of God was so real at fellowship it was something that you could almost taste or feel. I have since belonged to two churches and while the people there were very nice, it was not like it was in the Way. I certainly have not seen the spiritual growth or the healing that I saw twig. It is all so very, very sad.
E. W. Bullinger
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Patrick and Sarah, I am sorry your thread has taken a turn for the worse – but it seems that one poster in particular has chosen to ignore your suggestion and instead prove how toxic some of TWI's doctrines can be – especially when all reason and Christian love are excluded as well. He also typifies TWI's propensity to think they are God-on-a-stick...I wonder if there's any reference to Jesus on the cross in that? Better save that for Doctrinal and another day…and even if there is…TWI was never interested in Jesus anyway – His name or person…and judging by the way VPW and many TWI leadership acted - they took the place of the absent Christ. As evidenced in these posts below where the poster takes it upon himself to act as a Christ-like pontificating-judge-on-a-PFAL-throne towards anyone that poses a threat to the worship of his idol:
There are times as you limp along with your cumbersome idol that you will experience anger and confusion because others have not offered you assistance in carrying such a debilitating load – but rather they have encouraged you to cut it loose. This is a perfect example, of former TWI followers showing you the way to true freedom and you vomit on them.
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and now poor cookoo woops i meant ck thinks he is jesus christ well ck happy birthday get meds!!!!!
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thanks for checking with your therapist, but I already have one who is familiar with cults and the domestic abuse which runs rampant in them.
well, that's very Christian of you!
so you're here looking for a way to feel powerful?
I haven't seen you be loving on this board, so I'm ignorant of any experience you have with having your purported kindness thrown back at you. however, I question your motives, as they seem very immature. you're clearly inclined to practice love and kindness only to get something in return, rather than because it's a good life policy to be kind, and our Father in heaven is Love. instead you choose to live hatefully so that you can predict how people will respond... kindness is very risky for the insecure. that's a simple statement, I'm sure I'm not the only one who had some hard lessons to learn coming out of twi culture.
are they? do they bow down toward your awesome knowledge of the Word according to vpw? do they ever, ever question or disagree? I bet they don't. it's so very easy to love people when they are a reflection of you.
yep... so?
the truth has set me free, baby!
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Potato you are funny as all get out - keep tossing it out there.
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Good for you! I, too, think TWI encouraged bullies.
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I know this is not the topic here, but how do I do those "quotes" and colors in my replys to some people?
Every time I hit "bold" or the font I want, this is what happens
I don' think this is working.
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Row --- whenever you put in bold, or font, or color, or whatever ---
it has to be ended with a [/b], [/font], [/color], etc.
Click the icon twice.
That'll give you both the beginning and ending *tag* for what you want to do.:)
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beware the dark side, young padawan. Anger leads to hate, hate to suffering...
aww, forget it..
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You must ask yourself a quick question, Why must I think?
The 5 senses is what gets us in trouble, to listen to your feelings puts you in harms way. You have demonstrated this lack of trust through God. Your therapist isn't doing his job right.
The things I have seen will never compare to the things you have seen. The things I have done will never compare with you. My life is my choice and my choice is to live by God. The things you say are of you for you. There is no way that what you say can be profitable for anyone but you. You think only of yourself giving your pride a ride. To live a life for God shows strength. This weakness you display is a complete lack of God. There is truth of what VPW has said, the power of God is in each and every one of us. When you figure out how to work it then you will truly be live a life more than abundant.
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That sentence makes ZERO sense to me.
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Why answer him at all? He likes an argument....So, why give him one?
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You’ve got that right, Potato. Lately when I read his posts the funny grammar and immaturity remind me of Eric Cartman on South Park -
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I know! I was totally guessing at what he meant when I replied. it's awesome in its convoluted redundancy and misuse.
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Lori --- good point. Think I'll listen to you, and not him. :)
ckm -- I promised to be nice.
This IS NOT a slam. ;)
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Lets see if this is bold and italicized
this should be red
Hey dmiller,
Thanks for the help.
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Dot Matrix
Is CK Mike?
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wouldn't that be funny? doubt it though, CK is too "good" for the kind of friends Mike describes.
... although, I don't think we can rule out a split personality.
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CK----In post #213 you have said:"The things I have seen will never compare to the things you have seen. The things I have done will never compare to you."(sic) Was it your intent to state that the things you have seen and done are in some way inferior to what others here have seen and done? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant to state the opposite of what you did. With that said, can you be more specific in citing these things you have done and seen? No philosophical mumbo jumbo, just straight forward specific facts,please.
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Well I believe what I said was to show there is no comparison between our lives. There was no bashing or anything in this particular post. The only thing I am showing is that when we live we lead different lives. That is it on this one, but its still early maybe I will get some fight out in other posts. The things in my life have no place for facts, just truth.
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agreed. CK leaves a lot of context out and speaks in generalities, which tends to be boring... I also have a request for you CK: read up on prepositions and how they're used... and another request: until you learn the basics of grammar, punctuation, and usage, could you refrain from any further attepts to infuse philosophical turns of phrase into your passages? they don't make you appear "deep" or "interesting".
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Hmmm...Let's see here. CK has decided that "thinking" is not a good thing to do. Afterall, utilizing our 5 senses invariably get us into "trouble"...and "listening to our feelings" will put us into harm's way.
Now I understand! This explains a lot.
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