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TWI was great

Patrick and Sarah

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I'm thinking this is the best place to start this thread. Sarah and I have been talking about things that where right about the TWI back in the 80's. The 80's is all that we have to go on because we have not been involved since. After the split we fellowshipped with some other for several years and had some good times too.

I'm looking for bullet comments like,

The Way was great because we had a place to minister "inflow outflow".

One thing about the doctrine of the PFAL that really worked was "All NINE all the TIME"

I'm not looking for arguement about a certain doctrine and how it is bad even though you think it is good.............We can start another thread for TWI was horrible because..............

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Patrick and Sarah

bless your hearts.............I am sure you have some fond memories of TWI. I am sure you all are sincere in your questions.

My question to you is, why don't you just go back?

They still promote ''all nine all the time''.

You aren't going to get too many ''TWI was great'' responses.

We are all here because, well, it wasn't that great. You'll get a few positives I am sure.

NOT ALL was bad......................but perspective and degrees vary greatly.

Most of us, don't believe in the Way ''isms'' or cliche's anymore.

Not because we don't believe in God, most still do. We just learned greater truths.

I wasn't there in the 80's. I was there for the whole 90's+

Let me tell you, it wasn't great in doctrine or in practice.(for me)

sorry :blink:

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9 what?

and what happened to thinking one thought at a time?

o i guess u mean manifestation(s)

so you can




word of wisdom

word of knowledge

discern spirit(s)



gifts of healing

all the time...hmmm

agree with the list but not the implementation

as per twi

doubt seriously if very many experienced

the intensity it takes to see them happen

intensity or single mindedness

or actually being to the point that these function

and being that there would be a situation calling for 'it'

and you might notice that you left out other great gifts as well

by the way...welcome to GreaseSpotCafe

Edited by cman
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  markomalley said:
You beat me to it, Geo...

Sprry for the vagueness.

I'm saying there was some stuff there that actually worked.........what worked about it for you?

Prove all things, hold fast to what is true.

  Sushi said:
Couldn't prove it by me. :doh:

Maybe not. I think that I believed and still to that when a certain thing is needed, some empowerment from the Lord, we can walk in that manifestation.............

I still believe that........yeah "all nine......daha dah dah" can be understood differently by different people I guess.

  bliss said:
Patrick and Sarah

My question to you is, why don't you just go back?

sorry :blink:

Oh we have talked about it........I'm sure there is too much law, too many rules for us that we just could not live by.

Back after 15 years out? Nope. To tell you the truth I have Idea what is going on with TWI. I'm pretty sure that I would not fit in though.

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  cman said:
9 what?

by the way...welcome to GreaseSpotCafe

Thanks for the welcome.

"all 9 all the time" was just an example.

If that one made no sense to you fine.

Was there anything that worked for you?

Different things seem to work at different times for different people. TWA worked for a purpose in it's time.

Maybe it was the use of half truths? What was the good half?

See what I'm driving at?

  waysider said:
What is "inflow outflow"?

(No responses from plumbers or septic tank workers,please!)


Giving and recieving.

When you give you are able to recieve more.

Works with ministry. When you minister, you give, and you are able to recieve more in order to keep giving. Mabe a lot of people just look at the abuse of that concept.

Seems like God works with us when we work with Him as well. If we put forth en effort we are able to receive a benefit. Why are you a Christian? For the benefits.

Well did not get what I was expecting or looking for from this thread. I blame myself for being a poor communicater.

Rough crowd.

Anyhows I won't be able to reply until sunday night because I'm going on a 24 hour shift............Thanks for the replies though.

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Here's my general advice for new people.


You may perhaps be surprised that many things you were unaware of were in

full effect during the 80s. I certainly was. However, the evidence WAS there

if I'd known where to look.

Many things have been uncovered that twi did their best to bury.

Many of us have some good memories of time in twi.

However, most of us with good memories of time in twi now have concluded that

the good times we had were paid for by horrible things done to some of our

brethren in Christ. You were scarred for life? Great-neither was I. However, that

does not excuse the crimes performed, and the harms inflicted, which were

done in the name of the good we experienced.


not everything WE saw was as WE saw it. Many things were done to control the

image of twi, and of vpw, and so on.

I'd recommend spending some time reading around here, and getting to learn

some things that are considered common knowledge around here.

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Well, it's been awhile since I've really unloaded, so what the hell.

WayWorld was a devious, self-important, contrived, MLM with a religious veneer. It's sole purpose was the betterment, enrichment, and entertainment of it's founder, the Vicster. Should anything worthwhile have happened to anyone else who got involved, I believe it was sheer coincidence, certainly not by design.

It was a group-think, pre-chewed philosophy cult where subjection was lauded and independance was eschewed. REAL thought was to be avoided at all costs. If you were an independant thinker and somehow came to the same conclusions as VPW, well, you'd be tolerated. IF, however, your thoughts strayed from the accepted dogma, you were quickly stifled and/or shown the door. "Freedom in Christ"? Puhleeze! Life in WayWorld was a self-imposed straight jacket.

Yes, we made friends, had some good experiences, even had the occasional epiphany and got along well, as long as we learned to parrot the catch phrases we were taught. Dissent was NEVER allowed. Either toe the line or hit the road.

So what did we get out of all that? Personally, not much. I invested (not too wisely) about 15 years of my life, and who knows how many thousands of dollars and got basically nothing in return. Yeah, I'm still a little miffed about that, but I do accept that I went along with it of my own free will. Still, getting fleeced doesn't tend to fill me with gratitude.

The LAW OF BELIEVING, the LAW OF GIVING AND RECEIVING, the MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SPIRIT, and SPEAKING IN TONGUES, and various other tripe we were "taught" was a weird mixing of pop-psychology, fringe Christian dogma and basic conman techniques that have been used for eons. They WORK?(!) That would be news to me. Well, I mean for something other than lining the MOG's pockets.

The Way International, IMHO, was a vile, digusting, self-serving, inbred, hurtful CULT of personality that disrupted people's lives, hurt them, used them, and ultimately gave them nothing but Amway-esque slogans to sooth their troubled minds with. It was a very unfair trade. A narcissistic leader who cared nothihg for his followers other than what he could take from them, and an "us and them" mindset that divided us from the world and kept us retarded in what we could (and should) have been accomplishing. Rather than going to college, trade-school, or advancing in our careers, we went "W.O.W." or "Corps", or into the "University of Life" where we earned (gasp!) nametags, medals, and worthless diplomas and ended up with a head full of Byzantine Mysticism but damned little else.

So, can I give you some quick "one-liners" (gawd, could it get anymore Wayferish?) about how cool WayWorld was?.....


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My response will be different from George Aar's. :wink2: Yet I like and very much respect George....from the few communications he & I have had.

  Patrick and Sarah said:
Back after 15 years out? Nope. To tell you the truth I have Idea what is going on with TWI. I'm pretty sure that I would not fit in though.

I assume you mean you have "no idea what is going on.." (Not nit picking; I totally understand typos. :) )From reading the "Fellowship/Friends..." thread you started, no, you two wouldn't fit in the current TWI (imo).

As far as this thread and your request: a bullet point for me from TWI is not a TWI phrase, but a scripture: I John 1:5: "...God is light and in Him is no darkness at all." I guess that isn't just the 80's, but it was in the 80's that I began to cling to that truth.

Regardless of the darkness that lurked/abounded in TWI (of which for the most part I was blinded/shielded to/from), I clung to that scripture for personal reasons, and it helped me to keep looking to Him for answers and healing. It helped me to not blame God for the pain in my life. I could have learned it outside of TWI; none-the-less, TWI was where I was and that is where that scripture was driven home for me.

(Maybe this thread should be in "About the Way" instead of "Doctrinal"?)

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Patrick and Sarah,

What vpw did in my eyes becomes only more heinous upon learning more of how the Holy Spirit works with us.

Many of us received blessings while in twi, but it was from the goodness of our hearts and from the kindness of those in twi who honestly sought to give Christ's love.

vpw not only plagarized the works of others and used his efforts to lure kindhearted people, but also, in selling counterfeit works, he hurt people spiritually because he was giving them the words of faith (which others had received by their faithful walk with the Lord) without the substance of faith.

When the words of faith are given without the Holy Spirit behind them, then people are taught that the walk of the Holy Spirit is a cardboard thing.

vpw made merchandise of men and women.

How many good hearted people were led astray by this error. Many, too many.

The twi place was like Gehazi's den. And although Naaman the leper did not lose his healing because he gave Gehazi bountifully, if Naaman had known that Gehazi was going against Elisha's word of the Lord, Naaman would have been held to a different standard of behavior.

I do not request for vpw, "God have mercy on his soul," (which I do for the many led astry by the dastardly deeds vpw committed), but rather I will enjoy seeing him get the just recompense of his sins.

I long for justice. I long to see vpw get a just recompense.

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Oh strange one,

my avatar went missing when I first came to the new GS Cafe (a couple of years ago now?) I never quite got around to putting one up again.

If anybody can tell me where to get a pic of Yakko Edobei (by Sharaku) and tell me the steps, I'll be glad to have my alter ego in place again.

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Kit THAT was well said.

Oh my goodness, that puts everything into a perspective that I can understand. The card board thing....

I have been struggling to understand why the scriptures learned delivered some, yet didn`t help others....whew...lights, bells and whistles going off here for me.

Thank you Kit, I think that was the final piece of the puzzle.

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  George Aar said:
Oh strange one,

my avatar went missing when I first came to the new GS Cafe (a couple of years ago now?) I never quite got around to putting one up again.

If anybody can tell me where to get a pic of Yakko Edobei (by Sharaku) and tell me the steps, I'll be glad to have my alter ego in place again.

Here you go, George:


It's URL is: http://www.tnm.go.jp/gallery/search/images/300/C0008374.jpg

the quick way is to copy and paste the above URL into the appropriate spot in your profile. The program can size the file so that it will be 'avatar'-sized.

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  WordWolf said:
However, most of us with good memories of time in twi now have concluded that

the good times we had were paid for by horrible things done to some of our

brethren in Christ. You were scarred for life? Great-neither was I. However, that

does not excuse the crimes performed, and the harms inflicted, which were

done in the name of the good we experienced.

Deep ouch ........ :( :blink: :(

WW, you did it again.

Thanks for articulating something I've felt but have been unable to specificaly identify/articulate.

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Just the other day, my grandson, Cletus(that's his name) was whinnin' and carryin' on about how his new game thingy wouldn't let him get to the next level(whatever the heck that is).I looked him straight in the eye and said "Cletus(that's his name), when I was your age I lived in a commune and slept in a room about the size of your Aunt Minnies' outhouse. There was little else to eat except for birdseed which the city folks called millet and some strange stuff we called familia . I always thought that was a queer kind of name since it didn't look at all familia' to me. "Oh, Grandpa,said Cletus(that's his name),you tell the best fairy tales. How about tellin' that one about that guy who was King Of The World and could make stuff happen just by thinkin' about it?" "Not now, Cletus(that's his name), I have to get all these little hs's and big HS's copied from my old Holy Book into my new Holy Book so's I can stand approved before "The Big Guy". "Who's The Big Guy?, asked Cletus(that's his name)" Why, my twig leader, who else?" said I. Geeze, these kids today don't know nothin'!

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God first

Beloved Patrick and Sarah

God loves you my dear friends

yes twi was good to a degree

I met good friends plus the coffe and snacks were great

there were good teaching at times

yes most twi were good but there times some one would judge you because your twi was not given enough money or talking enough classes

yes twi had good parts and I was happy to fellowership with the people I came across in it

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Its good to see Geo. in his old form again

anyway while you all reminisce sbout the wonders of the past which may or may not have happened

This is for Geo, if he wants to get back to his old self


Click My Controls

Then Edit Avatar settings

then copy and paste


into the space provided

that might work.

Carry on....

Since Im on the subject of how great the old avatars were :wink2:

where's Maximilian Kobe gone to Mr. OMalley?

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