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help..i am new.i have questions


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my first day here is today..id like to make friends..although i was never in "the way" my whole family was. i do not want to offend..i only want to make some friends who can answer questions. my grandparents were oldtimers in the way and my dads 5 brothers and sisters were in the way..strange stuff happened. i only discovered it was a real cult a little while ago when i decided to research it. now i am becoming estranged from family members after speaking out. i grew up in mainstream christianity and always thought things were off with my relatives but not able to verbalize it. is there a place here for me? hugs to everyone, motherof2

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Welcome Motherof 2!!

So, then, your parents weren't in the Way??? How did they escape that?

I am 2 years out, and I love mainstream Christianity, if that is what you call it!

I actually have a relationship with Jesus Christ now......................

imagine that.

20 years of learning and memorizing the bible, and not knowing my Lord and Savior.

Gives you the idea of ''what '' is missing and wrong with the Way.........(among other things) :blink:

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what kind of church are you in now, bliss? you werent taught to have a personal realtionship with Jesus Christ? why not? my parents were the only ones of 6 kids not in the way..my aunt and uncles VERY high up in the way..i think my uncles brother started one of the splinter groups..i just started researching this a few months ago..and so i am trying to learn to guard myself..and to well, help them hopefully..they are still tied to it although they have claimed to left a decade ago.

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Welcome, motherof2 - I have 2 children myself - one I raised mostly in the way and the other totally post-way. You betcha you fit in here - this site's for anyone that's been impacted by the way, as I understand it, and you've definitely been impacted.

I'm glad you're here. Ask anything you want to know - most likely someone around here will be able and willing to help you.

Enjoy the fine ambience and coffee. Someone will be around momentarily to offer you something wonderful to drink and eat, being a cafe and all...

Again, welcome!

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You don't have to be associated with The Way at all to post or read here - you are certainly welcome. There is quite a cross section of folks here - we have several countries represented here at times, many age groups, many income levels, gay, straight, Jewish, Christian, agnostic, etc. The one thing we have in common is a link, somehow, to The Way.

And yes, there are several members here who have gotten into mainstream Christianity after leaving TWI. If some haven't posted about it already I am sure they will. Personally, I've looked but most of the churches in my area (NH) aren't too lively but I keep looking - I am interested. It's got to be the right fit.

You are most welcome!


(also a mother of 2)

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  motherof2 said:
has anyone gotten involved in mainstream christianity after the way?


There seem to be very few ex-Wayfers who have forsaken the errant Christological doctrines taught in TWI, and embraced the eternal existence/deity of Christ and a Trinitarian view of God.

There are a number of ex-TWI folks around here who sit on Sunday mornings in traditional churches, but I suspect they are largely still Wierwille-esque in their Christological and theological views.

Two somewhat loudmouthed exceptions (there are/have been some others) are Mark O’Malley and I. O’Malley is a Roman Catholic. I am Calvinistic and a member of an OPC (Orthodox Presbyterian Church) church.

A soundly Trinitarian, though not-often-posting member of this forum is D. A. Reed (never involved with TWI), who is a Christian academic with a pastoral (Wesleyan, I think) background.

Welcome, and beware.

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Well, I'm un-soundly Trinitarian. Hee-hee.

I know plenty of ex-wayfers in churches, though I'll say there's a tendency for them to land in Charismatic and/ornon-denominational type congregations such as Vineyard. Still and all, considering their Way background, it's a pretty big step that represents to me significant growth away from an inward-facing insular group toward the wide-wide world of wonderful people.

I'm sure you well realize that you'll never argue them out of their attitudes. Be a lovely person to them...I'm sure you are.

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The uncle's brother would not be another uncle if the individual speaking were the offspring of the brother or sister of the uncle's wife.

Or, maybe that's when you're your own grandpa; I forget.

I went back to mainstream Christianity when my children were old enough to go to church. After a year or two, we switched churches, to the denomination in which I was brought up (in another state) because our current church has a fabulous children's ministry.

I'm not that involved in what the church actually believes; I want my kids around sweet people who love God. I do still find myself singing "woo-ooo" instead of saying 'God in three Persons, Blessed Trinity" in the doxology, and probably always will. I enjoy the acquaintanceship of several very nice people there.

I have become exactly what I looked down my nose at, during my time in TWI: I go to church for social reasons. Sure, it's the socialization of my children into a healthy lifestyle of service and joy; it now seems to me that I went to a whole lot of trouble in my youth. Maybe I should have just learned to go "woo-ooo."


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Hey there Motherof2. May I offer you a cup of coffee? :)


You are certainly welcome here at GreaseSpot Cafe (unlike at twi).

Chasufarley hit the nail on the head with her description of the variety of posters here.

We seem to represent every spectrum of belief and non-belief that there is.

As one of our posters here (Sudo) once said -- "We squabble some". And we do.

But by the same token -- we are (generally) pretty much forgiving, and understanding

if somone says something that rubs anyone of us the wrong way.

The one overall pre-eminent quality of GreaseSpot (in my opinion), is that we were all

affected at one time by twi (the way !nternat!onal) in varying degrees, at various times,

and everyone here seems to realize that while others experiences' were not neccesarily their own --

they still did happen to the detriment (or not) of the person posting.

So -- pull up a chair, and ask your questions. You will get answers with INTENSITY behind them.

When it comes to twi -- there are NO stupid questions here.

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You're right. If it's the brother of an uncle who is married to a sister in the nuclear family, his brothers would not be uncles. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Sometimes I'm slow, but I go, go, go!


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LOLOL..it is my uncle that married in..lol. thank you for welcoming me here..it is easy foe me to become engrossed in this place..i think my aunt and uncle that teach in gunnison are still in the way..not totally sure. they are very secretive. why? im hurt..im devasted actually by the things they have said to me..and furious at the same time..dont think im saved...worried about my husband and i spiritually...they think they are above the law..if they break the law and get in trouble..it was the devil spirits that wanted them to be in jail...they use all these terms....believers, (word) to describe the bible, bless you, abundant, etc...i used to use them all the time when i talked to them about God..i am christian and spirit-filled, contrary to what they m ight think..i was never the wiser..just recently finding out they dont consider me a "believer" well, i dont speak in tongues..but i walk with God, i know God..no doubts here. i am unfuriated by their aboveness and well....the lifestyle that is less than biblical, name calling, rudeness, treating people bad, drunkenness, social smoking, intolerance, swearing..my uncle is even controlling and abusive, he lies, he cheats, he steals...well, ia m angry..he confuses me when i talk to him..now that i am going off an a tangent...sorry i am truly happy to be welcomed here and to find a place to clear my head and hopefully get some answers so i can figure out how to handle this situation that i am not taking lightly! hugs, me

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My apologies, motherof2. Yesterday, I wasn't ignoring you in the chatroom. I actually found something to do and was away from the computer when you dropped by.

I'm one of the few and 'proud' to have gone the way of the agnostic around here. :biglaugh: Now that I've destroyed whatever credibility I might have had with you, I also welcome you to the cafe. :redface2:

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Very, very typical Way behavior you're describing there. Funny, but precious few ex-Way seem to make a caual link between such *common* behavior and the belief system. I do and trashed the whole thing.

Regardless, your best strategy is to keep things off the bible subject first of all by avoiding talking to them or the weather or sports, etc. That superior attitude comes with the teaching and you'll not break it yourself.

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