Hi Chas. Funny you mention this concert. They are going to be here in Houston the day before my son's birthday, Dec. 17th, and he really wants to go. So does Hubby. So I think we'll just take the whole family and make kind of a day of it.
About 3 to 4 years ago, Linda Z mentioned this group. On her recommendaton, I bought the CD's and have absolutely loved the music. I turned my whole family on to their music.
2 years ago, my sister and her family saw them in concert.
Last year, my sister got me a ticket to their show. It was as Chas said. It is magnificent if you are already familar with them. As a new listener, you have to imagine the best in Christmas music as told through the eyes and effects of Pink Floyd.
My brother got me tickets for this season and am looking forward to it.
Look at this light show set to music from the Trans-Siberian orchestra. I posted it last year about this time but what the hey.. we listen to the same Christmas music each year don't we?? Click HERE! Isn't this just the coolest thing?? If you're a nerd like me anyways .
Well, we have our tickets. And I can't wait. We got tickets for the 3:00 show, so we will make a day of it down in Houston. The kids have no school the next day.....so we can party.
And Tommy, you must be psychic, because, yes indeed my precious little cherub done went and got his little beehind grounded........again. Sigh.
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Hi Chas. Funny you mention this concert. They are going to be here in Houston the day before my son's birthday, Dec. 17th, and he really wants to go. So does Hubby. So I think we'll just take the whole family and make kind of a day of it.
Thanks for the review.
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Tom Strange
ummm... I think he's grounded on that day...
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About 3 to 4 years ago, Linda Z mentioned this group. On her recommendaton, I bought the CD's and have absolutely loved the music. I turned my whole family on to their music.
2 years ago, my sister and her family saw them in concert.
Last year, my sister got me a ticket to their show. It was as Chas said. It is magnificent if you are already familar with them. As a new listener, you have to imagine the best in Christmas music as told through the eyes and effects of Pink Floyd.
My brother got me tickets for this season and am looking forward to it.
(There are two traveling companies)
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Look at this light show set to music from the Trans-Siberian orchestra. I posted it last year about this time but what the hey.. we listen to the same Christmas music each year don't we?? Click HERE! Isn't this just the coolest thing?? If you're a nerd like me anyways
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Well, we have our tickets. And I can't wait. We got tickets for the 3:00 show, so we will make a day of it down in Houston. The kids have no school the next day.....so we can party.
And Tommy, you must be psychic, because, yes indeed my precious little cherub done went and got his little beehind grounded........again. Sigh.
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