Hope that you birthday is very marvellous that you are, and it is literal OR perhaps less literally translated:
Hope that your birthday is as marvellous as you are, and I mean that literally!
Thanks dear sister Eagle!
I spent the morning visiting "my kids." That is, a bunch of 3-5 year old kids, at a crisis nursery, who have been taken out of their homes because of abuse and/or neglect. I hang out with them one morning each week. They're wonderful and made a book of drawings and birthday greetings for me... maybe I'll post a pic of the book...
Thanks folks... I hope each of you has a wonderful year and many wonderful birthdays too...
Happy Birthday Rocky. You are one of the wisest most politically astute persons on this entire site. And you ROCK dude. Had to say that to counteract some of the posts and karma by the right wingers here.
my humblest thanks to all of you (especially for the humble and gracious greeting given by our dear friend DMiller from the North shore of Lake Superior).
my humblest thanks to all of you (especially for the humble and gracious greeting given by our dear friend DMiller from the North shore of Lake Superior).
Shucks Rocky --- I (in my simplistic republican oriented fiddle-picking pea brain of mine), just kinda naturally figured you would like a bit of controversy to discuss, even if it was on a birthday thread. ;)
Seriously -- glad to hear you had a good one, and spent some quality time with those kids.
I'm betting you're making an impact on their lives. WTG.
It really is all about others in need, as we walk through this life.
Here's hoping you have many more years to do the same. :)
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Hey Rocky -- you lop-sided, politically incorrect, republican hating,
blind-to-the-truth, head-in-the-sand flaming liberal that you are,
(ignoring REAL news from the likes of Rush Limpaw and Sean Here I be) ---
I have just one thing to say to you ---
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Espérez que vous anniversaire est tout merveilleux que vous êtes, et c'est littéral
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Tom Strange
I don't have any fancy foreign words like likeaneagle! just... happening day dude!
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Happy Birthday,
to an old :blink: friend
with a sweet
and a quick
May your day be beautiful.
love, niKa
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Linda Z
Happy birthday, my friend, to a fellow left-hander.
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I hope it totally rocks, Dude!!
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have a wonderful day and year
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LikeanEagle said (translated):
Hope that you birthday is very marvellous that you are, and it is literal OR perhaps less literally translated:
Hope that your birthday is as marvellous as you are, and I mean that literally!
Thanks dear sister Eagle!
I spent the morning visiting "my kids." That is, a bunch of 3-5 year old kids, at a crisis nursery, who have been taken out of their homes because of abuse and/or neglect. I hang out with them one morning each week. They're wonderful and made a book of drawings and birthday greetings for me... maybe I'll post a pic of the book...
Thanks folks... I hope each of you has a wonderful year and many wonderful birthdays too...
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Happy Birthday Rocky :)
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Ron G.
So Rocky...
How old were you when you finally realized that Thanksgiving wasn't all about you?
I was about 35.
Happy Birthday!
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Mark Sanguinetti
Happy Birthday Rocky. You are one of the wisest most politically astute persons on this entire site. And you ROCK dude. Had to say that to counteract some of the posts and karma by the right wingers here.
Edited by Mark SanguinettiLink to comment
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Happy Birthday, my friend.
It certainly IS nice to have you back here among the wise and wacky
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Well, I've been thankful for a very long time that my birthday isn't a month later! ;)
And I count many of you among my wisest (and wisest arst) friends!
Thanks Ron and Mark and Jardi...
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Happy birthday Rocky.
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God first
Beloved Rocky
God loves you my dear friend
Happy Birthday Rocky
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Ok, now that it's over for another year...
my humblest thanks to all of you (especially for the humble and gracious greeting given by our dear friend DMiller from the North shore of Lake Superior).
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Shucks Rocky --- I (in my simplistic republican oriented fiddle-picking pea brain of mine), just kinda naturally figured you would like a bit of controversy to discuss, even if it was on a birthday thread. ;)
Seriously -- glad to hear you had a good one, and spent some quality time with those kids.
I'm betting you're making an impact on their lives. WTG.
It really is all about others in need, as we walk through this life.
Here's hoping you have many more years to do the same. :)
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