waysider- Im sure that putting that much vinegar into a stew with bear in it, will kill of all germs, one should hope. My understanding is no germs can survive in the intensity of the ph factor...same for lemon juice.dual purposes..
Bear isn't usually available at the grocery store. I do a lot of my grocery shopping out in the woods where deer, rabbit, squirrel and bear seem to hang out.
I shop with a .50 cal. muzzleloader.
It tastes more like a mix of beef and pork. Since bear is related to a pig, and it's quite the scavenger, the trichinosis thing only makes sense. You have to cook it REAL good.
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I've never tried bear - what's it like?
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And just where does one buy bear? I've never seen it at my local grocery store.
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Waitress:" How is the chicken,sir?
Customer: "Fine,it tastes just like rattlesnake."
Actually, I have had black bear. To me it tasted like roast beef with waaaay too much salt.
Btw------If you should ever cook bear, be sure to cook it fully as bears are known to carry trichinosis which is a particularly unpleasant parasite.
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Thank you. I didn't know about Trichinosis and bear meat!
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waysider- Im sure that putting that much vinegar into a stew with bear in it, will kill of all germs, one should hope. My understanding is no germs can survive in the intensity of the ph factor...same for lemon juice.dual purposes..
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Ron G.
Bear isn't usually available at the grocery store. I do a lot of my grocery shopping out in the woods where deer, rabbit, squirrel and bear seem to hang out.
I shop with a .50 cal. muzzleloader.
It tastes more like a mix of beef and pork. Since bear is related to a pig, and it's quite the scavenger, the trichinosis thing only makes sense. You have to cook it REAL good.
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