Nate, you're doing a good job over there and I'm glad to see some dialog now that things have calmed down a bit. Hopefully Matthew will chew on what you, Lorna and others have shared. :)
I guess what really bugs me about folks like Matthew is the selective memory. Did he not listen to the same STS teachings that we did? Did he miss the whole year on "Be ye not unequally yoked"? :blink: Did he miss all the teachings about 10% being th absolute minimum and that God wouldn't spit in our direction if we didn't give? Where has he been this whole time?
It's really hard to reason with folks like that. My former fellowship coordinator is like that. When they came out and said they had no policy on debt I vented to her and her husband. She looked me in the eye and asked me flat out when I had known someone to be M&A for not selling their home. SHE WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED WITH THREE OF THE CASES. She and her husband M&A three different couples at Moynihan's direction because they either didn't want to sell their home or had it on the market too long without it being sold. Yet she insisted that she didn't know of one single case where someone was M&A for that till I called her on the carpet.
I'm amazed the thread is still there. it is pretty interesting. that Matthew dude does a nice job of regurgitating the official twi spin on things. it's pretty sickening... unless he was in a different twi than I was??? I should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Lorna: No problem. I consider it a disagreement over how I presented myself initially, which is totally cool. I apologized and moved on to a more civil tone. At any rate, I'm glad someone else has picked up the torch, because I can't afford to spend any more time over there.
I'm amazed the thread is still there. it is pretty interesting. that Matthew dude does a nice job of regurgitating the official twi spin on things. it's pretty sickening... unless he was in a different twi than I was??? I should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah, I would do that Potato. I knew Matt and his sister. Well, it was more like we had many mutual firends and I knew him a little. He was always a decnet guy though. He is the son of RCs so I would imagine he didn't live the twi life that we did. I have never heard anyone say anything bad about his parents. I may be wrong, but as far as I know, they were never the hard-foot leaders that many of us know and (cough) love.
The thing that has me curious, and this may be too conspiratorial but, he is my age (about 10- 15 years older than most the myspacers over there) and is more educated in philosophy and theology than probably anyone in twi these days. So, why is he hanging out there?
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now cause I imagine he is not that unlike me and he sees a lot of himself in these young people and wants to help them if not protect them a little and perhaps be an example to them. The more negative side of me wonders if someone didn't approach him and ask him to do this.
Of course, someone as curious as Matt, with free will and all, is probably reading this. So feel free to answer for yourself, buddy.
I believe we've talked before. Personally, I didn't have a problem with your first post. Actually, I was laughing most of the way through it. Then the responses here gave me another chuckle. But I admit, your apology and dialog that followed was good too, not that it was your original intent.
Wow. I'm just really ticked off that even a year and a half later, this crap still consumes my thoughts. I think that's really why I fired off like that. I'm sick of it. 30 years of living with it was too much. Why can't I just completely forget about it?
I used to jokingly tell people I was in a cult. I think that was just one way I tried to deal with it. Now my coworkers are all like "Tell us about the cult, dude!" and I just don't even know what to say. They want to hear crazy stories and weirdness. I used to like getting it off my chest, but now I just get ....ed off about everything and it will spoil a night.
Anyone here go to a therapist at all about any of this stuff?
A few months ago, on a kind of whim, I opened my dusty bible and started to read the new testament. I had never, EVER, in my entire life, just sat and read the Word when it wasn't part of some required review or to follow along at a teaching. I cannot tell you how much closure I've received from twi hurts from just....reading.....the....Word.
If you like, here are some books on the basics that helped me get back to basics and re-receive so many things lost b/c of my bitterness:
"God's Opinion of You" by Terry Mize
"Our Covenant with God" by Kenneth Copeland
"Freedom from Fear" Kenneth Copeland
"The Power of the Tongue" Kenneth Copeland
I was skeptical at first when an ex-twit friend of mine recommended them, but it was so worth it!
Just read "Acts of the Apostles" (without referring to your TWI notes).
Imagine it's a movie and let it play out in your mind as you go.
Keep a Bible Atlas handy and take the time to see where the places are they're talking about.
You'll really dig it.
YEAH! It's way cool without the twi notes! My bible is full of notes, some are nice to have, helpful even, but going back through it's amazing how many of those notes are just wrong! I'm blown away right now at the stuff we took at face value.
sorry bliss i just don't get what you said here. i don't carry a sword. and i don't mind people who express themselves.
no offense
We were all in the Way, at different points of time, in different situations. I am sure you can remember a time when you were ''told'' something that was true from God's Word, but it was "applied" so wrongly that it caused destruction and hurt. Was it any less that God's word? NO. But what made it bad was the intent, the ego, the pride, the elitism that caused its misuse.
God says lots of things that we are to do, be, not to do , not to if I wield my sword (my love for God, His Word ) wrongly, then, it really doesn't matter if God said it, it will be used to sting and not heal someones heart.
I wasn't offering an opinion or judging what Nato did either way. We all need to express ourselves. Just pointing out that our words can either help or make it worse.
I still have family ""IN"". Do you know how many times in the beginning I blew off the handle at them, telling them the TRUTH about the Way Intl? It got me nowhere. If anything they saw bitterness and anger, and defensiveness.......didn't change a darn thing. They are still in.
The only thing that has calmed the waters in our relationship is sharing with them the awesome things God is doing in my life. How much closer I am to Him and the relationship that I finally have with HIM!
You know, I don't know why anyone's worried about the profanity I used at the MySpace group. They are Wayfers after all. They most likely all cuss like sailors. Or if not them, then their dads, so they're probably used to it.
Jeeze, 800? Didn't they used to at least get a couple thousand at those things?
The last few that I went to were real snoozers. At least the ones that Craig "taught" at were interesting, in a PBS occult special kind of way.
Snoozers is right. The last one I went to was on Thanksgiving in 2002. I left TWI 2 weeks later. I told my boyfriend (at that time) if I didn't see something that made me want to stay, I was outta there.
I had just started posting on GSC at the time. I read my posts from back then and see how my thinking was back then. Definitely TWI's BS filled my brain even though I wanted to get out. I just had to justify it to myself. Thank God I did. God and life's been good to me thus far.
Nato, it's a shame how they treated your grandma. She deserved better. Thank God you know she'll get what she deserves at the Return, and that day will be a joyous one. Nobody will be debating about which ministry is right or which one has the most truth. She was a fine lady. I always enjoyed sitting at the same table with her at lunch when I was on Staff.
That is too bad, I was just about to get started over there.
I was suprised that it stayed up as long as it did seeing as they supposedly have a no debate policy. Yet, it seems they were glad to discuss things as long as you still had the time to go back and forth with Matt. Can't keep threads like that up for long I guess. Don't want lurking wayfers to come across that.
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I guess what really bugs me about folks like Matthew is the selective memory. Did he not listen to the same STS teachings that we did? Did he miss the whole year on "Be ye not unequally yoked"? :blink: Did he miss all the teachings about 10% being th absolute minimum and that God wouldn't spit in our direction if we didn't give? Where has he been this whole time?
It's really hard to reason with folks like that. My former fellowship coordinator is like that. When they came out and said they had no policy on debt I vented to her and her husband. She looked me in the eye and asked me flat out when I had known someone to be M&A for not selling their home. SHE WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED WITH THREE OF THE CASES. She and her husband M&A three different couples at Moynihan's direction because they either didn't want to sell their home or had it on the market too long without it being sold.
Yet she insisted that she didn't know of one single case where someone was M&A for that till I called her on the carpet.
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I'm amazed the thread is still there. it is pretty interesting. that Matthew dude does a nice job of regurgitating the official twi spin on things. it's pretty sickening... unless he was in a different twi than I was??? I should give him the benefit of the doubt.
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Lorna: No problem. I consider it a disagreement over how I presented myself initially, which is totally cool. I apologized and moved on to a more civil tone. At any rate, I'm glad someone else has picked up the torch, because I can't afford to spend any more time over there.
You guys are great.
Edited by NatoLink to comment
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Yeah, I would do that Potato. I knew Matt and his sister. Well, it was more like we had many mutual firends and I knew him a little. He was always a decnet guy though. He is the son of RCs so I would imagine he didn't live the twi life that we did. I have never heard anyone say anything bad about his parents. I may be wrong, but as far as I know, they were never the hard-foot leaders that many of us know and (cough) love.
The thing that has me curious, and this may be too conspiratorial but, he is my age (about 10- 15 years older than most the myspacers over there) and is more educated in philosophy and theology than probably anyone in twi these days. So, why is he hanging out there?
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now cause I imagine he is not that unlike me and he sees a lot of himself in these young people and wants to help them if not protect them a little and perhaps be an example to them. The more negative side of me wonders if someone didn't approach him and ask him to do this.
Of course, someone as curious as Matt, with free will and all, is probably reading this. So feel free to answer for yourself, buddy.
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Hey, Nato.
I believe we've talked before. Personally, I didn't have a problem with your first post. Actually, I was laughing most of the way through it. Then the responses here gave me another chuckle.
But I admit, your apology and dialog that followed was good too, not that it was your original intent.
Rock on.
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A few months ago, on a kind of whim, I opened my dusty bible and started to read the new testament. I had never, EVER, in my entire life, just sat and read the Word when it wasn't part of some required review or to follow along at a teaching. I cannot tell you how much closure I've received from twi hurts from just....reading.....the....Word.
If you like, here are some books on the basics that helped me get back to basics and re-receive so many things lost b/c of my bitterness:
"God's Opinion of You" by Terry Mize
"Our Covenant with God" by Kenneth Copeland
"Freedom from Fear" Kenneth Copeland
"The Power of the Tongue" Kenneth Copeland
I was skeptical at first when an ex-twit friend of mine recommended them, but it was so worth it!
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Jess: It's great to be back in touch!
Well, looks like the thread was finally deleted. So much for that. It lasted a lot longer than I thought it would.
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no offense
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I got it. :)
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NATO It's awesome to see you again!
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Tom Strange
Just read "Acts of the Apostles" (without referring to your TWI notes).
Imagine it's a movie and let it play out in your mind as you go.
Keep a Bible Atlas handy and take the time to see where the places are they're talking about.
You'll really dig it.
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ok is the sword our words, is the sword our bible ?
what makes nato's words "wrong" except for the opinion of those here ?
except for maybe lindy and me and i can't remember whose else maybe geo.
all opinions period in my humble sword opinion
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YEAH! It's way cool without the twi notes! My bible is full of notes, some are nice to have, helpful even, but going back through it's amazing how many of those notes are just wrong! I'm blown away right now at the stuff we took at face value.
BTW TomStrange, you kept twi notes? :blink:
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We were all in the Way, at different points of time, in different situations. I am sure you can remember a time when you were ''told'' something that was true from God's Word, but it was "applied" so wrongly that it caused destruction and hurt. Was it any less that God's word? NO. But what made it bad was the intent, the ego, the pride, the elitism that caused its misuse.
God says lots of things that we are to do, be, not to do , not to if I wield my sword (my love for God, His Word ) wrongly, then, it really doesn't matter if God said it, it will be used to sting and not heal someones heart.
I wasn't offering an opinion or judging what Nato did either way. We all need to express ourselves. Just pointing out that our words can either help or make it worse.
I still have family ""IN"". Do you know how many times in the beginning I blew off the handle at them, telling them the TRUTH about the Way Intl? It got me nowhere. If anything they saw bitterness and anger, and defensiveness.......didn't change a darn thing. They are still in.
The only thing that has calmed the waters in our relationship is sharing with them the awesome things God is doing in my life. How much closer I am to Him and the relationship that I finally have with HIM!
Sometimes you do catch more flies with honey.
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Lifted Up
Michael Richards expressed himself.
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thank you bliss for your reply. sorry about your family and all.
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You know, I don't know why anyone's worried about the profanity I used at the MySpace group. They are Wayfers after all. They most likely all cuss like sailors. Or if not them, then their dads, so they're probably used to it.
Thanks for comparing me to Michael Richards. :)
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i thought that comment about kramer was directed at me
i'm not worried at all about your profanity
i hang out with middle schoolers
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Oops, looks like you were removed Nato? Can't get to the post anymore. I guess we made our points.
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There was one?
I'm surprised my inlaws aren't going.
Jeeze, 800? Didn't they used to at least get a couple thousand at those things?
The last few that I went to were real snoozers. At least the ones that Craig "taught" at were interesting, in a PBS occult special kind of way.
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Snoozers is right. The last one I went to was on Thanksgiving in 2002. I left TWI 2 weeks later. I told my boyfriend (at that time) if I didn't see something that made me want to stay, I was outta there.
I had just started posting on GSC at the time. I read my posts from back then and see how my thinking was back then. Definitely TWI's BS filled my brain even though I wanted to get out. I just had to justify it to myself. Thank God I did. God and life's been good to me thus far.
Nato, it's a shame how they treated your grandma. She deserved better. Thank God you know she'll get what she deserves at the Return, and that day will be a joyous one. Nobody will be debating about which ministry is right or which one has the most truth. She was a fine lady. I always enjoyed sitting at the same table with her at lunch when I was on Staff.
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They deleted it finally eh?
That is too bad, I was just about to get started over there.
I was suprised that it stayed up as long as it did seeing as they supposedly have a no debate policy. Yet, it seems they were glad to discuss things as long as you still had the time to go back and forth with Matt. Can't keep threads like that up for long I guess. Don't want lurking wayfers to come across that.
Too bad.
Happy thanksgiving ya'll.
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