Just heard from Bowtwi and Ron. They are in Brinkley, AR with an ETA here around 2:30 p.m. Bow's cell phone is not getting reception. So if you need to talk to her, you can call here at 901-754-1557.
Bowtwi and the Princess, and Ron and Andrew just pulled out, next stop Kimball to meet with Dot Matrix and meet their new doggie! Looks like about a 6 hour drive to me, so expect them around midnight. Sweet dreams, all!
We're at rascal's and we have dot matrix and her friend here with us! What a great day to be here, celebrating 20 years of wedded bliss with the lovebirds.
I told mr. rascal that I only have about 1300 more greasespotters to bring here and he said, and I do quote, "BRING "EM ON!" I consider that a challenge.
Originally we planned on leaving here by 1 pm, but as it usually goes, we're not on the road yet. We've been fed and loved up and the kids have done their thing.
We also got to sing Happy Birthday to rascalmom, who I actually met in MI last summer. It was fun to see her here in TN today. In fact, the princess rode with her back from our meeting spot and rascal rode with us.
Oh yeah, our new dog - well, let's just say that I'm very thankful she's been fixed, as sirhumpsalot and she hit it right off, and even tho it was the first date, well, what stays on GS Roadtrips STAYS on the roadtrip, right?
On the road again! Bow, you give new meaning to the word road trip! The miles you travel. Have Ron and Andrew survived? Know you and Annie are used to it!
If you're coming back through Memphis, I'll see you soon and feed you a good supper. If not, I'll see you the next time you're in the neighborhood. Thanks so much for stopping by and introducing me to Ron and Andrew. What a treat!
OMG, Bow. That is NOT the Princess!!!! Dang the girl is getting all grown up!!!!
And quite the handsome young man Andrew is becoming, Ron. Dang, the last pic I saw of him in his Boy Scout uniform he was a young, pudgy little guy and now he's quite the looker!
Thanks for the pics, Bow.
Glad you got to see all the Rascaltribe, Dot and a new dog too!!!!
We'uns just got back up on our mountain and all is well. Bow tried to toss me out twice, since Andrew got a little box that makes electronic farts (remote controlled) the day we left and stuck it under my seat, but since Bow didn't smell anything, she let me continue riding with just a few stern warnings.
We drank a lot of coffee, laughed a lot, drank more coffee, gossiped about all of you, drank more coffee, fussed at me for farting (but it really wasn't me since Andrew got that damned little box), laughed some more, drank more coffee, opened the window a lot and rocked out to Andrew's new Inna Gadda Da Vida CD.
It sure was fun, and we met lotsa cool folks that I'd never met before like Dot Matrix, Rascal, SudosSuda, Mark and I never even met BowTwi before.
Maybe some of those nice folks will even let me come back when they find out it was all Andrew's fault with that little fart box...and WHOEVER it was that sent it to him.
We just slept our 2nd night on the mountain - what a gorgeous place to wake up and see the sunrise! I see why ArkieRon loves it here so.
Fortunately, my job is one I can do from anywhere, even from the top of this mountain. I'm feeling lucky today!
I had some trouble posting pics yesterday - had a great one of suda, Ron and myself with what was left of the all-time most amazing cake I have ever had the pleasure of savoring. Brace yourselves. It's called Italian Cheese Cake. :blink: I'll post more pics after I'm home, which won't be til after dark tonite.
Darn the bad luck, I'm going to have to stay put so I can use Ron's computer at least til I know I have all the work edited that is due today. Shucks. NOT!
Yesterday as I was making myself at home at Mr. Rascal's computer emptying memory sticks so the kids could get back at their photography adventure when we got back on the road, RascalMom hollered the food was getting cold, and people came from every direction to the dining room. We feasted on the best biscuits and gravy I know (Rascal makes them almost every time we get together - at our request) and bacon, eggs, fruit and who knows what all, I looked around that room at all those lovely faces while we ate - oh man, we have so much to be thankful for in our friends.
Speaking of friends, Dot Matrix came up to bring Sarah, who may or may not start being called Fifi any moment, and brought along a friend of hers. Dot, please post some of your stories about praying to God for very specific needs and desires and how undoubtedly God-involved, this woman seems to come out of nowhere with exactly what you've asked God for.
Dot's friend pulled me aside and we looked at a map to see just how far we were from Rascal's house. Dot and Rascal really wanted to meet each other, but time wasn't on our side. Neither was mapquest. Holy moly, were the time estimates off by incredible amounts! So we got out our trusty atlas and Dot's friend decided she could spare the time after all to treat Dot to the Rascal and Family experience.
First thing after stopping to see her horses, we found the fence post that I had ever so lightly tapped a couple years back when I pulled a U-Haul truck into their driveway. They have a tradition in their family that whenever someone hits a tree with a vehicle, that tree becomes "that person's" and they put that person's name on the tree, whether it's carved or a sign, I'm not remembering this morning. So Rascal pointed out to us that there was a sign that said "BOW" that was duct-taped onto the post I hit. I had always felt so very welcomed at their home by all of the family. Now I know that I know that I"m welcome there - part of the family, even.
Speaking of, Mr. Rascal is every bit the perfect mate for his Mrs. I had made myself very comfortable on his computer, as is my manner whenever I go there. I went and sought out his help about plugging in my USB cord media card reader so I could post a few pics here from their place and empty out the memory sticks for the kids to fill up again. I didn't want to just go unplugging things without permission. As he came with me to the den from the kitchen, I explained that I just needed to be able to download the pics to my folder on his desktop. LOL He got it right away and what fun it was teasing back and forth.
Then when we broke away to head home so at least one of our kids could attend school today (my apologies to Andrew), I opened my trunk and out popped a cat that somehow found it's way into my trunk! What a surprise that would have been to discover in Kansas City! He didn't admit it, but I sorta suspect Mr. Rascal helped that cat with the escape plan.
As always, any kid or dog or grown-up I bring to the wonderful Rascal home sort of clings onto Rascal almost as if they've forgotten I even exist. Doesn't bother my ego a bit. I get that same loved-up treatment, how can I complain?
Oh yeah, another Mr. Rascal is my hero story. The big kids were upstairs happily playing video games while the food was getting cold. They just didn't seem to get the spoken message that it was time to come down and eat. Mr. Rascal went and shut off the breaker to that part of the house! He really got their attention and a great meal was enjoyed by all.
As I said to Mr. Rascal, there are only about 1300 GSers I have yet to bring there. Who's next?
Off to work with me. What a great life, this being a greasespot! If I had known it would be this great, I"d have gotten myself kicked out of the way for something I actually did and a whole lot sooner!
So glad y'all had a blast!! Can't wait to see the pics and hear more stories. Did any of you actually see this alleged fart machine? Are you absolutely certain Ron didn't make it up?
Bow, I thank you for bringing such awsome folks to visit my humble home.
I look around and see all of the yard work that needs to be done, the dirt swept into a pile that didn`t get picked up, the dirty windows...etc. I pray that people don`t sit in the section of the couch that is broken....lol
You see the love and the kids and the food....the good things....in my rambunctious brood you see great kids, in my garrulous spouse, you see a prince...lol you get him...
I have to laugh at your description of people filing in from every concievable entrance when lunch was served.
Kind of reminds me when the kids go out to feed the cats and call kitty kitty...there are felines flying in from all directions under the house out of the trees out of the barn under the vehicles, seems like a hundred, (really only a dozen or so) sometimes followed by the dogs...
Ron what a pleasure to meet you and Andrew live after all of these years...you are every bit the gentleman, the quiet, funny man that I would have expected from the other side of the screen.
I would like to see you again in the spring when Andrew could ride.
I didn`t feel like I got to speak very much to you, or even get a good look at the pictures of your beautifull mountain home.
Hopefully that can be remedied in the future.
I cannot thank Dot and her friend enough for making the extra effort to add several extra hours on to her already long trip. What an awsome treat...I wanted to sit down and listen with all of my attention as she filled in pieces of the puzzle.
Your friend Dot, fit right in with all of these nutty greasespotters...we will have to make her an honorary grease spot ...eh?
My only dissapointment was that there were So many people and so little time to visit...lol.
I needed a week to sit down with each of you.
In addition to it being our anniversary, it was my mothers birthday, so had invited her up before knowing what a treat you guys had in store.
I was mortified when she started barking at me no different than when I was a child...sigh
It was ok though, because like a child...hee hee I muttered rebelious little insults under my breath as I slunk into the house tee heeing with dot over my mothers embarassing behavior. Dott was so understanding ...lol
I am glad that you all enjoyed the food, all I could do was worry because the potatoes and biscuts were cold. I think the hot gravey and good coffee (marks contribution) made it edible anyway.
I loved how the kids all dissapeared as soon as they arrived, Annie and Andrew each seemed to blend right in.
I love it when I see it so hard to get them away when time to leave...it makes me feel like they had a good time anyway.
What an unbelievably special little dog that sarah is...gosh, she crawled into my lap and right into my heart, what an awsomely sweet little soul. She is so very special, I had a difficult time letting Bow have her back...sigh
That little sweetie is something special. I didn`t know that she had not eaten that morning...and I had a plate of food right under her nose (she was sitting beside me) and she never begged, she only gratefully accepted tidbits when I offered them (which was as much as I thought I could get away with without making her sick for the trip lol)
Thank you Dot for rescuing her. Thank you Bow for the epic journey you made to give her a stable loving home. She in her way was as special to meet as the humans that came to visit.
I have already forgotten what name you gave the little brindle dog while you were here.. I promise to stop calling him *bu tt ugly*...really, I didn`t think that it bothered him, but you really are right, it isn`t very nice.
I think that I just do it so that I don`t get so attatched. It doesn`t sound very nice when the kids are yelling his name...I have to wonder what the neighbors think.
I was so delighted that Rosey behaved herself. There was something about you guys that she really liked. She has been known to be violent and disruptive (as the holes in my woodwork and furniture give mute testament to) when people have come that she DIDN`T like.
I thought of another *rosey* story if you will bear with me here...lol
When she lived with her former owners, a tornado struck....they all had to go down in the basement they took her with them ...she was screaming in terror...it is ear piercing when she gets going.....anyway, the teenaged boy who was carrying her cage.... was telling her to shut UP as the family was going back upstairs when the storm had passed.....
The guy finally shouted above the din...*Rosey if you don`t knock it off ..I am going to put you back down in the basement*....
She ceased immediatly and looked fearfully up at him and said in a frightened quiet tone clear as anything... *NO ...rosey scared*
I swear the bird knows the context of words.
Anyway thank you for bringing the party to me when I couldn`t get away, what a joy....
I think we oughtta nominate Bow to be the official greasespot diplomant or ambassador, something, the way she and annie travel and visit greasepotters bringing them together from all parts of the country...lol
Anyway thank you all for making the effort to visit, What an awsome awsome treat.
Yes, Belle, I did see and hear the fart machine. Ron is off the hook this time. Glad they are back on the mountain safe and sound. Can't wait to hear that Bow and Princess make it back to Kansas tonight. What a long, fun weekend they had!
Yes Rascal, Sara is one of the sweet souls. When I pulled into work on that DARK morning and saw this little slip of a dog shivering on the steps well... I broke inside that someone could leave her. She is a tender soul and I loved her bunches but the husband would not let me have a 7th dog.
Thanks for the food; I appreciate your warmth and kindness.
My friend is a wonderful person, her son is in med school after graduating from Princeton, her other son graduated from Notre Dame and is an Attorney.
And her daughter is studying abroad in Australia. Jan is very down to earth and accomplished at the same time. She is a caring, detailed attorney who used to be a college professor. When I first met her family I was shocked to see how they had all made something of themselves, for a minute -- as an x-cult member I felt very small and stupid. But she never let me go that route.
I am glad she got to meet you all. She was in a bad mood and said she had lost faith in people. Then, remarked how nice all of you were. She said BOW was a sharp lady and very very genuinely nice. She said Ron had a great heart and she said what made your home sweet was the heart you gave it. When she went to the little waterfall in your yard she said she felt a peace. She said she believed it was from you putting your heart into that area. Jan thought the area itself "felt" blessed.
The dog name I said for the Brindle was Patches. I have a brindle named Patches.
Or you could name him Beau (Bow) cause the white on his chest(wan't there white?) can be like a tie a BOW tie. After BOW here at the spot....
I duuno but Butt ugly kind of hurts my feelings for him.
By the way, did you know at Foster and Smith you can buy the stuff in heartworm meds and do it yourself cheaper? Trying to save you money -- as you have so many
Bowtwi and Annie done hit the road at 6:04 Pm my time and are back on their way to KC. Most likely, they won't be going thru Flippin on the way since they seemed to want to get home brfore 2AM.
We all had a great time and meeting some of the GSers for the first time was quite a thrill.
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Dot Matrix,
Just heard from Bowtwi and Ron. They are in Brinkley, AR with an ETA here around 2:30 p.m. Bow's cell phone is not getting reception. So if you need to talk to her, you can call here at 901-754-1557.
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Bowtwi and the Princess, and Ron and Andrew just pulled out, next stop Kimball to meet with Dot Matrix and meet their new doggie! Looks like about a 6 hour drive to me, so expect them around midnight. Sweet dreams, all!
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LOLOL! Just got off the phone with Ron and Bowtwi. What a blast they are having.
All is well, they're outside of nashville, behind schedule, on course they think.
Such a treat to talk to them.....sigh
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I told mr. rascal that I only have about 1300 more greasespotters to bring here and he said, and I do quote, "BRING "EM ON!" I consider that a challenge.
Originally we planned on leaving here by 1 pm, but as it usually goes, we're not on the road yet. We've been fed and loved up and the kids have done their thing.
We also got to sing Happy Birthday to rascalmom, who I actually met in MI last summer. It was fun to see her here in TN today. In fact, the princess rode with her back from our meeting spot and rascal rode with us.
Oh yeah, our new dog - well, let's just say that I'm very thankful she's been fixed, as sirhumpsalot and she hit it right off, and even tho it was the first date, well, what stays on GS Roadtrips STAYS on the roadtrip, right?
Having more fun than should be legal - woo hoo!
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He and Annie hit it off very well and traveled together as tho they'd done this before.
I'd love to say more, but time is of the essence, so here's a little teaser.

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On the road again! Bow, you give new meaning to the word road trip! The miles you travel. Have Ron and Andrew survived? Know you and Annie are used to it!
If you're coming back through Memphis, I'll see you soon and feed you a good supper. If not, I'll see you the next time you're in the neighborhood. Thanks so much for stopping by and introducing me to Ron and Andrew. What a treat!
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OMG, Bow. That is NOT the Princess!!!! Dang the girl is getting all grown up!!!!
And quite the handsome young man Andrew is becoming, Ron. Dang, the last pic I saw of him in his Boy Scout uniform he was a young, pudgy little guy and now he's quite the looker!
Thanks for the pics, Bow.
Glad you got to see all the Rascaltribe, Dot and a new dog too!!!!
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Dot Matrix
I just got home and I am exhausted. How wonderful it was to meet Bow, Ron and Mr and Mrs. Rascal! Then, the well behaved kids!
Sara the dog will have a good life with Bow's daughter as her Mom. She has a lot of love to give.
Well, I need to get some sleep
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Hope I get to meet you on your next trip to TN. So glad you got to see the Rascals!
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Ron G.
We'uns just got back up on our mountain and all is well. Bow tried to toss me out twice, since Andrew got a little box that makes electronic farts (remote controlled) the day we left and stuck it under my seat, but since Bow didn't smell anything, she let me continue riding with just a few stern warnings.
We drank a lot of coffee, laughed a lot, drank more coffee, gossiped about all of you, drank more coffee, fussed at me for farting (but it really wasn't me since Andrew got that damned little box), laughed some more, drank more coffee, opened the window a lot and rocked out to Andrew's new Inna Gadda Da Vida CD.
It sure was fun, and we met lotsa cool folks that I'd never met before like Dot Matrix, Rascal, SudosSuda, Mark and I never even met BowTwi before.
Maybe some of those nice folks will even let me come back when they find out it was all Andrew's fault with that little fart box...and WHOEVER it was that sent it to him.
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You've got 7 months to rest up.
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Ron G.
... just a few stern warning, yeah, right!
We just slept our 2nd night on the mountain - what a gorgeous place to wake up and see the sunrise! I see why ArkieRon loves it here so.
Fortunately, my job is one I can do from anywhere, even from the top of this mountain. I'm feeling lucky today!
I had some trouble posting pics yesterday - had a great one of suda, Ron and myself with what was left of the all-time most amazing cake I have ever had the pleasure of savoring. Brace yourselves. It's called Italian Cheese Cake. :blink: I'll post more pics after I'm home, which won't be til after dark tonite.
Darn the bad luck, I'm going to have to stay put so I can use Ron's computer at least til I know I have all the work edited that is due today. Shucks. NOT!
Yesterday as I was making myself at home at Mr. Rascal's computer emptying memory sticks so the kids could get back at their photography adventure when we got back on the road, RascalMom hollered the food was getting cold, and people came from every direction to the dining room. We feasted on the best biscuits and gravy I know (Rascal makes them almost every time we get together - at our request) and bacon, eggs, fruit and who knows what all, I looked around that room at all those lovely faces while we ate - oh man, we have so much to be thankful for in our friends.
Speaking of friends, Dot Matrix came up to bring Sarah, who may or may not start being called Fifi any moment, and brought along a friend of hers. Dot, please post some of your stories about praying to God for very specific needs and desires and how undoubtedly God-involved, this woman seems to come out of nowhere with exactly what you've asked God for.
Dot's friend pulled me aside and we looked at a map to see just how far we were from Rascal's house. Dot and Rascal really wanted to meet each other, but time wasn't on our side. Neither was mapquest. Holy moly, were the time estimates off by incredible amounts! So we got out our trusty atlas and Dot's friend decided she could spare the time after all to treat Dot to the Rascal and Family experience.
First thing after stopping to see her horses, we found the fence post that I had ever so lightly tapped a couple years back when I pulled a U-Haul truck into their driveway. They have a tradition in their family that whenever someone hits a tree with a vehicle, that tree becomes "that person's" and they put that person's name on the tree, whether it's carved or a sign, I'm not remembering this morning. So Rascal pointed out to us that there was a sign that said "BOW" that was duct-taped onto the post I hit. I had always felt so very welcomed at their home by all of the family. Now I know that I know that I"m welcome there - part of the family, even.
Speaking of, Mr. Rascal is every bit the perfect mate for his Mrs. I had made myself very comfortable on his computer, as is my manner whenever I go there. I went and sought out his help about plugging in my USB cord media card reader so I could post a few pics here from their place and empty out the memory sticks for the kids to fill up again. I didn't want to just go unplugging things without permission. As he came with me to the den from the kitchen, I explained that I just needed to be able to download the pics to my folder on his desktop. LOL He got it right away and what fun it was teasing back and forth.
Then when we broke away to head home so at least one of our kids could attend school today (my apologies to Andrew), I opened my trunk and out popped a cat that somehow found it's way into my trunk! What a surprise that would have been to discover in Kansas City! He didn't admit it, but I sorta suspect Mr. Rascal helped that cat with the escape plan.
As always, any kid or dog or grown-up I bring to the wonderful Rascal home sort of clings onto Rascal almost as if they've forgotten I even exist. Doesn't bother my ego a bit. I get that same loved-up treatment, how can I complain?
Oh yeah, another Mr. Rascal is my hero story. The big kids were upstairs happily playing video games while the food was getting cold. They just didn't seem to get the spoken message that it was time to come down and eat. Mr. Rascal went and shut off the breaker to that part of the house! He really got their attention and a great meal was enjoyed by all.
As I said to Mr. Rascal, there are only about 1300 GSers I have yet to bring there. Who's next?
Off to work with me. What a great life, this being a greasespot! If I had known it would be this great, I"d have gotten myself kicked out of the way for something I actually did and a whole lot sooner!
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hee hee hee Very cool
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So glad y'all had a blast!! Can't wait to see the pics and hear more stories.
Did any of you actually see this alleged fart machine? Are you absolutely certain Ron didn't make it up?
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Awww what awsomely cool folks you all are.
Bow, I thank you for bringing such awsome folks to visit my humble home.
I look around and see all of the yard work that needs to be done, the dirt swept into a pile that didn`t get picked up, the dirty windows...etc. I pray that people don`t sit in the section of the couch that is broken....lol
You see the love and the kids and the food....the good things....in my rambunctious brood you see great kids, in my garrulous spouse, you see a prince...lol you get him...
I have to laugh at your description of people filing in from every concievable entrance when lunch was served.
Kind of reminds me when the kids go out to feed the cats and call kitty kitty...there are felines flying in from all directions under the house out of the trees out of the barn under the vehicles, seems like a hundred, (really only a dozen or so) sometimes followed by the dogs...
Ron what a pleasure to meet you and Andrew live after all of these years...you are every bit the gentleman, the quiet, funny man that I would have expected from the other side of the screen.
I would like to see you again in the spring when Andrew could ride.
I didn`t feel like I got to speak very much to you, or even get a good look at the pictures of your beautifull mountain home.
Hopefully that can be remedied in the future.
I cannot thank Dot and her friend enough for making the extra effort to add several extra hours on to her already long trip. What an awsome treat...I wanted to sit down and listen with all of my attention as she filled in pieces of the puzzle.
Your friend Dot, fit right in with all of these nutty greasespotters...we will have to make her an honorary grease spot ...eh?
My only dissapointment was that there were So many people and so little time to visit...lol.
I needed a week to sit down with each of you.
In addition to it being our anniversary, it was my mothers birthday, so had invited her up before knowing what a treat you guys had in store.
I was mortified when she started barking at me no different than when I was a child...sigh
It was ok though, because like a child...hee hee I muttered rebelious little insults under my breath as I slunk into the house tee heeing with dot over my mothers embarassing behavior. Dott was so understanding ...lol
I am glad that you all enjoyed the food, all I could do was worry because the potatoes and biscuts were cold. I think the hot gravey and good coffee (marks contribution) made it edible anyway.
I loved how the kids all dissapeared as soon as they arrived, Annie and Andrew each seemed to blend right in.
I love it when I see it so hard to get them away when time to leave...it makes me feel like they had a good time anyway.
What an unbelievably special little dog that sarah is...gosh, she crawled into my lap and right into my heart, what an awsomely sweet little soul. She is so very special, I had a difficult time letting Bow have her back...sigh
That little sweetie is something special. I didn`t know that she had not eaten that morning...and I had a plate of food right under her nose (she was sitting beside me) and she never begged, she only gratefully accepted tidbits when I offered them (which was as much as I thought I could get away with without making her sick for the trip lol)
Thank you Dot for rescuing her. Thank you Bow for the epic journey you made to give her a stable loving home. She in her way was as special to meet as the humans that came to visit.
I have already forgotten what name you gave the little brindle dog while you were here.. I promise to stop calling him *bu tt ugly*...really, I didn`t think that it bothered him, but you really are right, it isn`t very nice.
I think that I just do it so that I don`t get so attatched. It doesn`t sound very nice when the kids are yelling his name...I have to wonder what the neighbors think.
I was so delighted that Rosey behaved herself. There was something about you guys that she really liked. She has been known to be violent and disruptive (as the holes in my woodwork and furniture give mute testament to) when people have come that she DIDN`T like.
I thought of another *rosey* story if you will bear with me here...lol
When she lived with her former owners, a tornado struck....they all had to go down in the basement they took her with them ...she was screaming in terror...it is ear piercing when she gets going.....anyway, the teenaged boy who was carrying her cage.... was telling her to shut UP as the family was going back upstairs when the storm had passed.....
The guy finally shouted above the din...*Rosey if you don`t knock it off ..I am going to put you back down in the basement*....
She ceased immediatly and looked fearfully up at him and said in a frightened quiet tone clear as anything... *NO ...rosey scared*
I swear the bird knows the context of words.
Anyway thank you for bringing the party to me when I couldn`t get away, what a joy....
I think we oughtta nominate Bow to be the official greasespot diplomant or ambassador, something, the way she and annie travel and visit greasepotters bringing them together from all parts of the country...lol
Anyway thank you all for making the effort to visit, What an awsome awsome treat.
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Yes, Belle, I did see and hear the fart machine. Ron is off the hook this time. Glad they are back on the mountain safe and sound. Can't wait to hear that Bow and Princess make it back to Kansas tonight. What a long, fun weekend they had!
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Tom Strange
From www.dictionary.com
Rascal!!! but I'm sure you meant it in the most loving way!
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Wow, I`d better check my meanings better, I thought it meant he talked grumbly and mean sounding lol....
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Oh YEAH, and Bow, my deepest apologies I DID find little Zoretas karate picture.
It was sandwitched in between the yoda pictures!
lol thanks So much, I thoroughly enjoyed looking at the pictures after the confusian all died down.
That picture of the family will be perfect for Christmas for the extended family.
Sure love all of you guys.
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Dot Matrix
Yes Rascal, Sara is one of the sweet souls. When I pulled into work on that DARK morning and saw this little slip of a dog shivering on the steps well... I broke inside that someone could leave her. She is a tender soul and I loved her bunches but the husband would not let me have a 7th dog.
Thanks for the food; I appreciate your warmth and kindness.
My friend is a wonderful person, her son is in med school after graduating from Princeton, her other son graduated from Notre Dame and is an Attorney.
And her daughter is studying abroad in Australia. Jan is very down to earth and accomplished at the same time. She is a caring, detailed attorney who used to be a college professor. When I first met her family I was shocked to see how they had all made something of themselves, for a minute -- as an x-cult member I felt very small and stupid. But she never let me go that route.
I am glad she got to meet you all. She was in a bad mood and said she had lost faith in people. Then, remarked how nice all of you were. She said BOW was a sharp lady and very very genuinely nice. She said Ron had a great heart and she said what made your home sweet was the heart you gave it. When she went to the little waterfall in your yard she said she felt a peace. She said she believed it was from you putting your heart into that area. Jan thought the area itself "felt" blessed.
The dog name I said for the Brindle was Patches. I have a brindle named Patches.
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Dot Matrix
Or you could name him Beau (Bow) cause the white on his chest(wan't there white?) can be like a tie a BOW tie. After BOW here at the spot....
I duuno but Butt ugly kind of hurts my feelings for him.
By the way, did you know at Foster and Smith you can buy the stuff in heartworm meds and do it yourself cheaper? Trying to save you money -- as you have so many
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Ron G.
Bowtwi and Annie done hit the road at 6:04 Pm my time and are back on their way to KC. Most likely, they won't be going thru Flippin on the way since they seemed to want to get home brfore 2AM.
We all had a great time and meeting some of the GSers for the first time was quite a thrill.
Andrew sez frrrraaaaaaaaaaap
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