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Thank you


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(Note: this is very mildly political, but please don't make the mistake of interpreting it in light of current events...it is not intended in that way)

As a veteran, I wish to say "Thank You" to civilians.

Thank you for your prayers at night. I, for one, am glad you have taken the time on Sunday, at night, or wherever, to say a silent prayer for our safety and our success in what we do. Knowing that people are praying for you...including those who have never met you...is a very satisfying feeling.

Thank you for your wishes for success when we have to perform a mission. Many of you pray for our success (or wish for it, in the case of those who don't pray). Knowing that the people back home want us to succeed in a mission is vital.

Thank you for taking the time to vote for those who you believe will do the best by us. You may believe those who will do the best by the military people may believe politicians from different parties will do the best by us. The fact that our well being, training, safety, and capability are important to you...and that you communicate that to the elected officials...means a lot. The fact that we're on the agenda...in a positive light...is a good thing. Very, very few people in political office wish bad things for people in the military. That is a tribute to the good wishes that the civilians communicate about us to them.

Thank you (to most of you) who do not display a condescending attitude toward us. Though it may have been true for a few years after the draft, the vast majority of us are in the service (and, yes, there are exceptions) because we want to be, not because we have no other alternative.

Thank you for taking time to recognize us. Although I personally feel very humbled and very unworthy of such recognition (believing that there are many others who deserve that praise more than I: teachers, policemen, fire fighters, missionaries, and others who put their own lives on hold, or in fact, in jeopardy on a day-to-day basis for the benefit of their fellow man, knowing that they will mostly, at best, receive no recognition for their efforts)

I am not trying to represent any other veteran who posts here. But speaking as one, allow me to take the time to thank you.

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Mark -- I received this in an e-mail from my cousin.

Both of her parents (my aunt and uncle), are in Arlington National Cemetery.

Click THE LINK HERE for a tribute to veterans.

It speaks my heart as well.

God bless you SIR, and all others who choose to put country before personal achievements.


David, the purpose of my post wasn't to solicit thanks or whatever from anybody...just to let them know how I felt.

But thanks.

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