Amazing how the smaller that they get the more layers of beuracracy they add.
Fifteen regions? I count 11 states that don't have their own Limb Coordinator, probably because there are few, if any, Way people in those states, and six region coordinators who are "overseeing" only one other Limb Coordinator, plus Harve whose region is only one state.
I remember at the peak of their numbers in the early eighties there were only eight region coordinators, and some of the bigger areas were subdivided into "Territories" or "Areas" that were the size of present-day regions.
Seems like TWI has become an organizations whose sole purpose is to be an organization and siphon the ABS from the believers to support those at the "top."
Seems to me all that weight at the top will cause it to topple one day.
My in-laws ( Stri*klands) got sent from New Zealand to Hawaii a cupla months back, don't know why, but I hope they're loving the heat and humidity (especially going from New Zealands temperate climate)
THanks for the info... Wow.. Some of those names are really awkward in the position they are.. I mean, so many newbies in the President Cabinet.. I am amazed they watered it down. Used to be only top dogs there, now it looks like a group of department coordinators on staff..
Don't quite get your question about the VP, RC, and TC for the USA.. RC ? Maybe I can't read, which is nothing new, is that Region Coordinator?!?
The office the Way of the USA isn't exactly busy so to speak except that the 2 positions I know of, the VP and the TC do 2 different functions.. The VP (Mr. Rupp) is nothing more than a relations man for the BOD to the rest of the Way of The USA.. He'd be in charge of the TC and the TC would do his bidding but really only dealing with the Region and Limb coordinators. THere was always that link in the chain, as Mr. Rupp used to be the assistant to the Trunk when Bill Green was, then Bill Green got the boot because he was much like John Reynolds (a push over for policies) and not strong enough to assert the BOT's demand. John on the other hand will take Rosalies orders, and either get his new "assistant" called the TC to get the Regions to do it, or Rupp will handle it himself for more "serious" matters that the BOT doesn't want the rest of the world to know (Once the TC knows)..
Just a name change really of the same positions. The old TC (Mr. Rupp) got his position changed to being named A VP, and the assistant to the TC got renamed to being just the TC.. Now there is no "real" assistant to the TC, outside of secretaries and so on and so forth..
Interesting the removing of "power" from many RCs.... Something must be cooking! Divide and conquer they always say.. More than likely not enough work for those who used to be RCs, so instead of being many Limbs, they are being RCs.. Much like when the "Territories" and "Areas" when TWI was big got dwindled into just having Regions, Limbs, and Branches.. Now, it's dwindling further.... Soon, the Regions will only be was "used" to be called Limbs..
Secretary/Treasurer – Rev. Jean-Yves De L!sle, Minister of Finance and International Operations
"Minister" of facilities, U.S.A. operations, finances and International Operations???
WTF is that all about? Seems like they are using the word "minister" differently these days. In the old days, the word "minister" was used as a verb describing a spiritual impartation towards someone in need, ie: "to minister healing"...but now it's used the same way that a government uses's a "title" now.
...and just exactly what does a "minister of education" do?...sell books?
Let's not forget the original meaning of the word "minister" used in the scriptures which just means a way of serving..
It was elevated to the "religious" definition much later, and now it has been changed completely from being the "action" of serving (in a certain capacity), to being just a title given to someone but rarely matching what they actually do..
Yeah, minister of finances.. He serves the money well! Hehehe... Ok.. I shouldn't laugh.. It's sad really..
"Minister" of facilities, U.S.A. operations, finances and International Operations???
WTF is that all about? Seems like they are using the word "minister" differently these days. In the old days, the word "minister" was used as a verb describing a spiritual impartation towards someone in need, ie: "to minister healing"...but now it's used the same way that a government uses's a "title" now.
...and just exactly what does a "minister of education" do?...sell books?
My take is an overinflated sense of grandeur. Minister of Education, Minister of Finance, etc...sounds like Rosie is the Prime Minister and that TWI is its own little pitiful country. I wonder who the Minister of Defense is?
Maybe we could help them out in that regard and move them to the Bikini Islands in the Pacific. Since we did the above-ground H-Bomb testing there, I understand that there aren't any residents anymore. Sounds like the perfect place to set up "TWI-land."
I'd even buy the Kool-Aid for them (kidding, of course)
I personally know a few of these couples/people... most have children, and it looks like they're NOT in the same areas... Kids moving, and moving and moving.... :(
That's what I'm seeing right now~ besides the cold, calculated, let's see how we can justify getting paid business-like setting
Several years earlier the Board of Directors agreed that the Directors and officers of The Way International would belifetime positions. And you’ve seen us implement this with shorter terms of service based on our placements standard. First, what is good for the person and second, what is good for the ministry.
Does this mean what it looks like it means? Is rosie setting up her geriatric care? Sounds like they are stuck with her till they bury her. What happened to the "five years" and then time for new blood?
It also seems to me that, in addition to watering things down, they are operating from a "wishful thinking" perspective. Surely they aren't getting that many "new people" if they really are getting any new people. From what I understand and hear, it wouldn't be near enough to off-set the "old people" who are waking up and leaving the group.
Belle, thanks so much for posting these assignments. I was sorry to see Gary and Valerie Livedal*n's names on there. Paw, she's the one from RI whose name I was trying to remember. We knew them way back in our late-70's Colorado days. He had a sister who I believe also went in the corps, but I don't have a clue which corps any of them were in.
And Johniam, I'm betting McFadden would be the likely candidate to rise to the top of the turd pile of leadership.
IMO, the reason so many people have titled responsibilities is to make the organization seem larger and more affluent than it really is. How impressive it must look to outsiders or newbies who know nothing of TWI or its history -- all those names, all those important titles!!!! "Minister" of facilities, U.S.A. operations, finances and International Operations - wow - he must be reallllllly important! And there are 14 members in the president's cabinet! They must have a LOT to manage in order to justify having that many staff to their followers. Hmmm - wonder what their responsibilites are?
I was sad to see that Joseph & Paula Wr*n are still involved. What lovely people they are - at least I hope they still are. And Rev. & Mrs. Moneyhands are in the UK... how nice for them. Too bad their only child and grandchildren are on the farm... so far away.
IMO, the reason so many people have titled responsibilities is to make the organization seem larger and more affluent than it really is.
I agree, Hope, and the flip side to that is there are a certain number of paid positions that need to continue to be paid in order to keep that image of "growth and abundance" that they tout. Firing people because they don't have a legitamate position for them would give a more accurate picture to the rank and file of how things really are....dwindling. They can't put up the front of expansion and growth while at the same time firing leaders for lack of followers. They have to hvae five leaders overseeing Gunnison while there are only a few corps there and there is good excuse for them to tell people they need to sell it. With Indiana they were still close enough to the exodus in the eighties and the purging of the 90s that they could sell it while preaching quality not quantity. What would they say now?
Can you imaging the future fate of twi? 12 regions for four states with a handful of fellowships, 25 members on the cabinet, 6 VPs, and 2 department heads for each staff worker. Anything to keep those believing images of victory. lol
I'll always remember meeting the trunk coordinators of Germany one year at the WinB conference. This was the late 90s. We were talking to them on the airport shuttle and learned that they were not only the TC, and not only the only BCs, and not only the only FCs, but the only two wayfers in the entire country. That was pretty eye opening.
I am still wondering about a pay scale. Anyone know?
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Country Coordinators
North America
Rev. and Mrs. Joe P*rry - Canada
Miss Silvia Molin* - El Salvador
Mario & Carmen *rtiz - Mexico
Melvin & Barbara Burg*ss - Barbados
Federico & Annalouisa Alvare* - Dominican Republic
Peron & Marcia Schout*n - St. Lucia
Prem & Hamida Harrichar*n - Trinidad and Tobago
Miss Lillie Sed*hl - U. S. Virgin Islands
South America
Manuel & Carmen Cat*n - Argentina
Mario Claudio & Solange Roj*s - Chile
Mr. Jorge Quirog* - Peru
Juan & Maria Villarro*l - Venezuela
Otsel-Buny & Sylvia May*n - Belgium
Jose & Kitty Ngeyitadil* - France
Parfait-Vilard & Alexandra Segbeay* - Germany
Corrado & Rosario Ciull* - Italy
Kala & Lorinda Zino Mundj* - Portugal
Rhys & Grace Mill*r – United Kingdom
Rev. and Mrs. Bob Moynihan - Outreach Ambassadors in the United Kingdom
N’Kose & Matimona Mankend* - Angola
Jerome & Kristine Sekp*n - Benin
Flavian & Matil Zabb* - Congo
Balla & Eleanor Doumbi* - Cote d’Ivoire
Roger & Michelle Lutamb* - Congo
Joseph-Marie & Elaine Mongengi* - Gabon
Bonaventure & Zilatu Toh*n - Niger
Faustin-Dreyfus & Chantelle Got* - Togo
Asia, Oceania, and Australia
Peter & Fiona Cawdr*n - Australia
Mrs. Mercy Allegr* - Guam
Sean & Mary Strickl*nd - New Zealand
Nicholas & Gina Boc* - Philippines
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Amazing how the smaller that they get the more layers of beuracracy they add.
Fifteen regions? I count 11 states that don't have their own Limb Coordinator, probably because there are few, if any, Way people in those states, and six region coordinators who are "overseeing" only one other Limb Coordinator, plus Harve whose region is only one state.
I remember at the peak of their numbers in the early eighties there were only eight region coordinators, and some of the bigger areas were subdivided into "Territories" or "Areas" that were the size of present-day regions.
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Tom Strange
Looks more like a list of current twig leaders!
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I noticed that D--nn- M-rt-nd-l- is still alive and well and still usng the name M-rt-nd-l-
somethings never change
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What happened to Dave and L0l@ P@atters0n? I thought they were pretty high up there?
It looks like too many leaders and not enough followers.
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Good stuff, Belle.
Not surprised at some of the names, but others it surprises and saddens me to see. I knew them as lovely fun and tender people.
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Seems pretty top heavy to me.
Seems like TWI has become an organizations whose sole purpose is to be an organization and siphon the ABS from the believers to support those at the "top."
Seems to me all that weight at the top will cause it to topple one day.
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allan w.
My in-laws ( Stri*klands) got sent from New Zealand to Hawaii a cupla months back, don't know why, but I hope they're loving the heat and humidity (especially going from New Zealands temperate climate)
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Hey Belle,
THanks for the info... Wow.. Some of those names are really awkward in the position they are.. I mean, so many newbies in the President Cabinet.. I am amazed they watered it down. Used to be only top dogs there, now it looks like a group of department coordinators on staff..
Don't quite get your question about the VP, RC, and TC for the USA.. RC ? Maybe I can't read, which is nothing new, is that Region Coordinator?!?
The office the Way of the USA isn't exactly busy so to speak except that the 2 positions I know of, the VP and the TC do 2 different functions.. The VP (Mr. Rupp) is nothing more than a relations man for the BOD to the rest of the Way of The USA.. He'd be in charge of the TC and the TC would do his bidding but really only dealing with the Region and Limb coordinators. THere was always that link in the chain, as Mr. Rupp used to be the assistant to the Trunk when Bill Green was, then Bill Green got the boot because he was much like John Reynolds (a push over for policies) and not strong enough to assert the BOT's demand. John on the other hand will take Rosalies orders, and either get his new "assistant" called the TC to get the Regions to do it, or Rupp will handle it himself for more "serious" matters that the BOT doesn't want the rest of the world to know (Once the TC knows)..
Just a name change really of the same positions. The old TC (Mr. Rupp) got his position changed to being named A VP, and the assistant to the TC got renamed to being just the TC.. Now there is no "real" assistant to the TC, outside of secretaries and so on and so forth..
Interesting the removing of "power" from many RCs.... Something must be cooking! Divide and conquer they always say.. More than likely not enough work for those who used to be RCs, so instead of being many Limbs, they are being RCs.. Much like when the "Territories" and "Areas" when TWI was big got dwindled into just having Regions, Limbs, and Branches.. Now, it's dwindling further.... Soon, the Regions will only be was "used" to be called Limbs..
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"Minister" of facilities, U.S.A. operations, finances and International Operations???
WTF is that all about? Seems like they are using the word "minister" differently these days. In the old days, the word "minister" was used as a verb describing a spiritual impartation towards someone in need, ie: "to minister healing"...but now it's used the same way that a government uses's a "title" now.
...and just exactly what does a "minister of education" do?...sell books?
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Hey Groucho...
Let's not forget the original meaning of the word "minister" used in the scriptures which just means a way of serving..
It was elevated to the "religious" definition much later, and now it has been changed completely from being the "action" of serving (in a certain capacity), to being just a title given to someone but rarely matching what they actually do..
Yeah, minister of finances.. He serves the money well! Hehehe... Ok.. I shouldn't laugh.. It's sad really..
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Such lofty labels...........

At the very least, the new something NEW to talk about.
Yeah, Roger that............really a way builders overseer.
Yeah, John R..................PRing the trunk office.
Yeah, Jean-Yves.............same ole thing Howard used to do.
And. Gary.........wasn't L0uie L1nd doing this job before he split out years ago?
And, Donna.......Chief Brass Polisher.
Amazing how many levels of "importance" can be instituted when $$$$$$$$$$$$ is in the coffers.
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That leads into my question.
Are there pay scales for paid leaders? Does a RC get more than a LC? How about a cabinet member and a VP or any of the BOD?
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So is Rosy ignorant or just trying to be vague and obscure with her grammar?
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Gillian Rules
"North Atlantic
Scott & Kim Bodolosk*—NY
John & Jennifer Chel*r—NJ"
Will they ever get that a$$ h0L out of NJ. Wonder what happened to K & M Carter? Maybe she hit it big in the Grand Ole Opery
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My take is an overinflated sense of grandeur. Minister of Education, Minister of Finance, etc...sounds like Rosie is the Prime Minister and that TWI is its own little pitiful country. I wonder who the Minister of Defense is?
Maybe we could help them out in that regard and move them to the Bikini Islands in the Pacific. Since we did the above-ground H-Bomb testing there, I understand that there aren't any residents anymore. Sounds like the perfect place to set up "TWI-land."
I'd even buy the Kool-Aid for them
(kidding, of course)
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I personally know a few of these couples/people... most have children, and it looks like they're NOT in the same areas... Kids moving, and moving and moving.... :(
That's what I'm seeing right now~ besides the cold, calculated, let's see how we can justify getting paid business-like setting
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Does this mean what it looks like it means? Is rosie setting up her geriatric care? Sounds like they are stuck with her till they bury her. What happened to the "five years" and then time for new blood?
It also seems to me that, in addition to watering things down, they are operating from a "wishful thinking" perspective. Surely they aren't getting that many "new people" if they really are getting any new people. From what I understand and hear, it wouldn't be near enough to off-set the "old people" who are waking up and leaving the group.
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I'm wondering which VP would take over if RFR were to die or something.
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Belle, thanks so much for posting these assignments. I was sorry to see Gary and Valerie Livedal*n's names on there. Paw, she's the one from RI whose name I was trying to remember. We knew them way back in our late-70's Colorado days. He had a sister who I believe also went in the corps, but I don't have a clue which corps any of them were in.
And Johniam, I'm betting McFadden would be the likely candidate to rise to the top of the turd pile of leadership.
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Hope R.
IMO, the reason so many people have titled responsibilities is to make the organization seem larger and more affluent than it really is. How impressive it must look to outsiders or newbies who know nothing of TWI or its history -- all those names, all those important titles!!!! "Minister" of facilities, U.S.A. operations, finances and International Operations - wow - he must be reallllllly important! And there are 14 members in the president's cabinet! They must have a LOT to manage in order to justify having that many staff to their followers. Hmmm - wonder what their responsibilites are?
I was sad to see that Joseph & Paula Wr*n are still involved. What lovely people they are - at least I hope they still are. And Rev. & Mrs. Moneyhands are in the UK... how nice for them. Too bad their only child and grandchildren are on the farm... so far away.
I'd better stop before I get really nasty....
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I agree, Hope, and the flip side to that is there are a certain number of paid positions that need to continue to be paid in order to keep that image of "growth and abundance" that they tout. Firing people because they don't have a legitamate position for them would give a more accurate picture to the rank and file of how things really are....dwindling. They can't put up the front of expansion and growth while at the same time firing leaders for lack of followers. They have to hvae five leaders overseeing Gunnison while there are only a few corps there and there is good excuse for them to tell people they need to sell it. With Indiana they were still close enough to the exodus in the eighties and the purging of the 90s that they could sell it while preaching quality not quantity. What would they say now?
Can you imaging the future fate of twi? 12 regions for four states with a handful of fellowships, 25 members on the cabinet, 6 VPs, and 2 department heads for each staff worker.
Anything to keep those believing images of victory. lol
I'll always remember meeting the trunk coordinators of Germany one year at the WinB conference. This was the late 90s. We were talking to them on the airport shuttle and learned that they were not only the TC, and not only the only BCs, and not only the only FCs, but the only two wayfers in the entire country.
That was pretty eye opening.
I am still wondering about a pay scale. Anyone know?
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darn the only people i know are N’Kose & Matimona Mankend*
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