In 1978 there was a party and the limb leader was there and at the beginning of the party the LL said, "You're never going to know what your limit is unless you hit it once or twice". He was talking about drinking. Nobody died.
There was this one time we all grabbed some beer and went skinny dipping down at the swimming pool..... Oh wait, that was at the Methodist Church Camp where I was a counsellor..... "There's a beer in the bottom of the pool. There's a beer in the bottom of the pool. There's a beer - There's a beer. There's a beer in the bottom of the pool." Who's gonna go get it?? :P
How about the time we sneaked out of our rooms at night and went to the drive in.... oh wait, that was when I was involved with the Baptist Church....
The time we had a spontaneous bonfire on the beach and sat around singing songs - non-Christian songs... Oh, wait, that wasn't when I was with TWI either..
Nope.... Nope, Mo.... can't really think of a time. :mellow: But, then again, I didn't get involved till 1993 and things were already pretty much regimented by then.
August of 1975...I had finished the class one month earlier and was the only grad within 40 miles...
I ran a fellowship in my house that included drinking beer, smoking pot and listening to the Rolling Stones DURING twig... :) ...Needless to say that the first time that a twi leader visited our "outlying fellowship", things began to change rapidly. :(
Well, I would imagine that most of those times were early on and did involve drinking or drugs.
Lets see. I remember times when we could leave state without checking with leadership and having them contact every LC of every state we were planning on passing through. Ah, those were the days.
Ooh, ooh and the times when you could pray for whatever you wanted to without being called on to pray for something specific like our wonderful leader.
The majority of the time I spent with twi did not involve legalism. It's that few times that did that stand out in my mind. When it's started getting too religious, we left. That was after POP and during the mass exodus.
back in the late 70's and early 80's i used to show dr. seuse vidios at the twig i coordin....whoops we use to "run" them dr seuse sometimes made more sense that twi
I got one! When we were in residence Corps. Every time we were sent out into the streets of Emporia Kansas to witness, ( i am sure the Emporimites had enough) me and my fellow Corps twig brother would go together. It was David Bailey of the Agape group. We would go down to some bar and have a few pitchers of beer and go back and tell everyone noone would hear. It was a rebellious streak but hey know one knew. It was our secret.
I ran a twig for a while in Indy whilst awaiting the ROA to go out WOW. We didn't smoke pot or drink or anything, but I was kinda breezy regarding formalities, and anyone could come who wanted to, especially and get prayed for. I always asked people what I could do for them. Prayed for stuff and meant it. I learned a lot and I think the people there enjoyed themselves.
Then on the WOW year.....very different, lived with WC, stick up her anatomy most of the time.
The first year we were married, my husband was a TC and I think we did a very good, nonlegalistic job, in spite of the 7th WC BL knowitall. One time we had a brand new grad who had formerly dabbled in witchcraft and was still friends with her coven. WC BL told her to M&A same. She refused; how could she bring her friends to a knowledge of Christ if she never saw them or spoke to them? Where was the love and logic in that? Not one to fold when faced with logic, the WC BL told her to get lost; no longer was she permitted to fellowship with his righteous self or any other believer, nor were any of us to acknowledge her existence. After a week or so of this, we had had it, and invited her and her boyfriend over for coffee, dessert, and talk. I don't remember much of what was said. We listened a lot, explained to her a nicer version of Billy Boy's concerns, and quietly let her and boyfriend come to our twig. Nothing much was said about it, but we didnt' really care one way or the other. That guy was such a jerk!
In a contest with legalism, love always wins. Or so I've found.
I was in the memorial thread awhile ago and saw that an old friend,Paul C**per, had passed. I thought about the times a half dozen or so of the guys would meet at his house on Friday night to watch the weekly airing of B movies with a certain late nite host. Little Shop Of Horrors (the original) was always good for a good chuckle.
The host would periodically interject sound effects( like an "ahoogah" horn as Buck Rogers rocket lifted off for atrip into space. Sometimes when an alien would have dialog, he would dub over "PAPPA OO MOW MOW". We tossed lines from Firesign Theatre back and forth and there was NEVER( an unspoken rule) any teaching, prayer, manifestations,etc. Just some guys eating pizza(ZA), drinking pepsi(SI) and totally unconcerned with anything outside that darkened room(THE BOUD./shortened from BOUDOIR ) It was all long before so much of the craziness set in.
I posted this on another thread once, but it's so on topic. In '82 after Living Victoriously before the ROA several of us STL area musicians spent 4 weekends in a row on the road. We traveled to small towns in MO that had fellowships. We'd go witnessing with the twig, have a public ex type fellowship, then do a concert. It was fun, but in one town the twig cordo was also a WOW and between us STL people and the twig we went through several 12 packs of beer. And now the clincher.
At the ROA that year one WOW from each region was selected to get pinned on stage by VP himself. Yep, you guessed it. The WOW twig cordo who (obviously walking with God) had all the beer? HE was the one that got pinned by VP. Ha ha ha!
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Swimming in our underwear in Lake St. Mary... or, maybe that was sanctioned by TWI
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In 1978 there was a party and the limb leader was there and at the beginning of the party the LL said, "You're never going to know what your limit is unless you hit it once or twice". He was talking about drinking. Nobody died.
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There was this one time we all grabbed some beer and went skinny dipping down at the swimming pool..... Oh wait, that was at the Methodist Church Camp where I was a counsellor.....
"There's a beer in the bottom of the pool. There's a beer in the bottom of the pool. There's a beer - There's a beer. There's a beer in the bottom of the pool." Who's gonna go get it?? :P
How about the time we sneaked out of our rooms at night and went to the drive in.... oh wait, that was when I was involved with the Baptist Church....
The time we had a spontaneous bonfire on the beach and sat around singing songs - non-Christian songs... Oh, wait, that wasn't when I was with TWI either..
Nope.... Nope, Mo.... can't really think of a time. :mellow: But, then again, I didn't get involved till 1993 and things were already pretty much regimented by then.
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August of 1975...I had finished the class one month earlier and was the only grad within 40 miles...
I ran a fellowship in my house that included drinking beer, smoking pot and listening to the Rolling Stones DURING twig... :) ...Needless to say that the first time that a twi leader visited our "outlying fellowship", things began to change rapidly. :(
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Groucho: Sounds like the first twig I went to.
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Well, I would imagine that most of those times were early on and did involve drinking or drugs.
Lets see. I remember times when we could leave state without checking with leadership and having them contact every LC of every state we were planning on passing through. Ah, those were the days.
Ooh, ooh and the times when you could pray for whatever you wanted to without being called on to pray for something specific like our wonderful leader.
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The majority of the time I spent with twi did not involve legalism. It's that few times that did that stand out in my mind. When it's started getting too religious, we left. That was after POP and during the mass exodus.
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back in the late 70's and early 80's i used to show dr. seuse vidios at the twig i coordin....whoops we use to "run" them dr seuse sometimes made more sense that twi
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OK, here's a funny story...
There was this gal J*ff M**n and G**y K**g were witnessing to....
Anyway, they decided to play a prank.....They went to her house after dark, set off firecrackers
around her house....and slipped away without getting caught....
Hmmm, I wonder what that poor girl must have thought!
This was before the POP
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I got one! When we were in residence Corps. Every time we were sent out into the streets of Emporia Kansas to witness, ( i am sure the Emporimites had enough) me and my fellow Corps twig brother would go together. It was David Bailey of the Agape group. We would go down to some bar and have a few pitchers of beer and go back and tell everyone noone would hear. It was a rebellious streak but hey know one knew. It was our secret.
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Watered Garden
Well, lessee......
I ran a twig for a while in Indy whilst awaiting the ROA to go out WOW. We didn't smoke pot or drink or anything, but I was kinda breezy regarding formalities, and anyone could come who wanted to, especially and get prayed for. I always asked people what I could do for them. Prayed for stuff and meant it. I learned a lot and I think the people there enjoyed themselves.
Then on the WOW year.....very different, lived with WC, stick up her anatomy most of the time.
The first year we were married, my husband was a TC and I think we did a very good, nonlegalistic job, in spite of the 7th WC BL knowitall. One time we had a brand new grad who had formerly dabbled in witchcraft and was still friends with her coven. WC BL told her to M&A same. She refused; how could she bring her friends to a knowledge of Christ if she never saw them or spoke to them? Where was the love and logic in that? Not one to fold when faced with logic, the WC BL told her to get lost; no longer was she permitted to fellowship with his righteous self or any other believer, nor were any of us to acknowledge her existence. After a week or so of this, we had had it, and invited her and her boyfriend over for coffee, dessert, and talk. I don't remember much of what was said. We listened a lot, explained to her a nicer version of Billy Boy's concerns, and quietly let her and boyfriend come to our twig. Nothing much was said about it, but we didnt' really care one way or the other. That guy was such a jerk!
In a contest with legalism, love always wins. Or so I've found.
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I was in the memorial thread awhile ago and saw that an old friend,Paul C**per, had passed. I thought about the times a half dozen or so of the guys would meet at his house on Friday night to watch the weekly airing of B movies with a certain late nite host. Little Shop Of Horrors (the original) was always good for a good chuckle.
The host would periodically interject sound effects( like an "ahoogah" horn as Buck Rogers rocket lifted off for atrip into space. Sometimes when an alien would have dialog, he would dub over "PAPPA OO MOW MOW". We tossed lines from Firesign Theatre back and forth and there was NEVER( an unspoken rule) any teaching, prayer, manifestations,etc. Just some guys eating pizza(ZA), drinking pepsi(SI) and totally unconcerned with anything outside that darkened room(THE BOUD./shortened from BOUDOIR
) It was all long before so much of the craziness set in.
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I posted this on another thread once, but it's so on topic. In '82 after Living Victoriously before the ROA several of us STL area musicians spent 4 weekends in a row on the road. We traveled to small towns in MO that had fellowships. We'd go witnessing with the twig, have a public ex type fellowship, then do a concert. It was fun, but in one town the twig cordo was also a WOW and between us STL people and the twig we went through several 12 packs of beer. And now the clincher.
At the ROA that year one WOW from each region was selected to get pinned on stage by VP himself. Yep, you guessed it. The WOW twig cordo who (obviously walking with God) had all the beer? HE was the one that got pinned by VP. Ha ha ha!
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