Linda Z, you reminded me of how paranoid a lot of people got in the Final Days, the latter half of the 80's. One guy, great guy, I remember he said he went to Costco? Maybe it was Price Club, one of those places, and bought a pallette of cassette tapes and he was dup'ing SNS tapes and teaching tapes of all kinds, by the dozens it sounded like. I guess it had it's value, some of those old SNS tapes have some funny and interesting things on them. I bet you know who I'm thinking of. But yeah, I bet if we had a quarter for everytime somebody shoved a tape in our hand and said "listen to this! it explains everything!!!!" we'd be retired right now and dialing in wireless from Hawaii.
I learned a great lesson through all of the ownership/copyright stuff though. My entire library of books, pamphlets and manuals that I've written are owned solely by me, socks. They're mine. This allows me to publish at will to an ever growing audience of eager buyers.
With the right labeling......"edited posthumously by socks" should be raking in the dough, because if the right-reverend slick vic said so, it's got to be right.
Cgeer got in just when the feeding frenzy was at its paranoid peak.
skyrider, forgive me for using this thread for what must surely appear like shameless self-promotion. It wasn't my intent. My heart was right but I may have misjudged the overwhelming outpouring of interest. I will do my best, humbly, to bring the light of knowledge and insight to these many hungry souls, be assured! Help is on the way!
And as always, it will be absolutely and unequivocally free! and of no cost at all to anyone, ever! I am in fact even now in negotiations with a courier service that will help me bring the blessings of discounted shipping to those with the vision to read and mailboxes to receive! This incredible opportunity will allow me to lower the already low shipping and handling fees to even lower cost! If all goes to plan I will be able to set a one-cost-ships-any price for publications. For the Unheard of yet true! price of just 45.95 USD any book or pamphlet of same size or smaller will be packaged, addressed and shipped directly to you, the recipient!
Yes! No charge of any kind for the material itself will be attached, ever! This is my promise and guarantee!
Knowing the abundance of blessings that will surely result from this influx of light into our culture I've set up in advance a "Free Will Love Consideration" account for the many who will want to show their love.
All such responses can be sent to me, socks, at ... cash only please, as I prefer currency that says "in God we trust"! and I know you feel the same.
Thanking you in advance that we can move this thing pre-posthumously!
regarding White Dove's comments about Geer's franchise. He does get paid once a year, from each of his franchise partners. Also he gets a cut of all the Abs, however he does not have a huge staff he pays. I got a letter from him stating he cannot counsel people because he lacks a staff. He only counsels,so to speak and get involved in situations only to protect his impire as he did in my family's case. HE protects his own.
He has been promising the advanced class for how many years now? Where does all of his money go? In his pocket I would say, not to mention all the checks he gets in his po box from people who think he is The MOG.
I would say he is most likely a millionare by now. What has he done to help those in need? Widow's, single mothers, the poor and needy? What has he done to help the believers?!!! When you don't have time to counsel and help people then knowlege and ego are more important and we know that God looks at how much you love Him and others.
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Yah, but not for long. I smell a buyer!!!
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With the right labeling......"edited posthumously by socks" should be raking in the dough, because if the right-reverend slick vic said so, it's got to be right.
Cgeer got in just when the feeding frenzy was at its paranoid peak.
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socks, may I please pre-order a copy of "millet - fun holiday recipes"?
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I'm holding out for Joyful Noise Unplugged
Backstage Pass The real story.......
If ya hurry you can beat the release of DIS-Branded and DIS- Banded
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skyrider, forgive me for using this thread for what must surely appear like shameless self-promotion. It wasn't my intent. My heart was right but I may have misjudged the overwhelming outpouring of interest. I will do my best, humbly, to bring the light of knowledge and insight to these many hungry souls, be assured! Help is on the way!
And as always, it will be absolutely and unequivocally free! and of no cost at all to anyone, ever! I am in fact even now in negotiations with a courier service that will help me bring the blessings of discounted shipping to those with the vision to read and mailboxes to receive! This incredible opportunity will allow me to lower the already low shipping and handling fees to even lower cost! If all goes to plan I will be able to set a one-cost-ships-any price for publications. For the Unheard of yet true! price of just 45.95 USD any book or pamphlet of same size or smaller will be packaged, addressed and shipped directly to you, the recipient!
Yes! No charge of any kind for the material itself will be attached, ever! This is my promise and guarantee!
Knowing the abundance of blessings that will surely result from this influx of light into our culture I've set up in advance a "Free Will Love Consideration" account for the many who will want to show their love.
All such responses can be sent to me, socks, at ... cash only please, as I prefer currency that says "in God we trust"! and I know you feel the same.
Thanking you in advance that we can move this thing pre-posthumously!
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regarding White Dove's comments about Geer's franchise. He does get paid once a year, from each of his franchise partners. Also he gets a cut of all the Abs, however he does not have a huge staff he pays. I got a letter from him stating he cannot counsel people because he lacks a staff. He only counsels,so to speak and get involved in situations only to protect his impire as he did in my family's case. HE protects his own.
He has been promising the advanced class for how many years now? Where does all of his money go? In his pocket I would say, not to mention all the checks he gets in his po box from people who think he is The MOG.
I would say he is most likely a millionare by now. What has he done to help those in need? Widow's, single mothers, the poor and needy? What has he done to help the believers?!!! When you don't have time to counsel and help people then knowlege and ego are more important and we know that God looks at how much you love Him and others.
Edited by pinkladyLink to comment
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