With Cgeer......enough first-hand information has come forward to detail some of his "face value." And, it ain't pretty. But in terms of his "edited posthumously" agendas.....it seems fairly evident that he was into a "Promoting of a Patriarch" (wierwille) mode. From bus driver to valet to bodyguard.......Cgeer had carved out his life's work and with the passing of wierwille, he simply shifted gears.
Sky as I have said before I choose not to make judgments on another based on hear say evidence. If you want to fine your choice. But that does not make it truth either.
Every week I see speculation on this board, half-truth, guesses and so forth, some get fixed some do not. We are people, and for a variety of reasons we say and do things that are not always correct and truthful faulty memory , personal dislike of an individual, revenge, personal guesses, unrelated matters, not to mention that some people just enjoy making s*** up and seeing what fly's and these are only a few of them.
No matter how much you may like an individual that does not validate what they say as truth. People do strange things! Look at the number of husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, family who's lives are turned upside down by things that you would never in a million years think that they would say. Personal feelings are not a standard for truth. I just watched the other day a special on HBO about people that have sat in prison for 15 and 20 years because someone believed what someone thought they saw or said. Only to be set free due to DNA testing Sorry I wont do the same! Actually I'm not sorry ,I'm quite happy with my decision after all.
Some years later I still have seen no other reason or gain...." Well, sitting back and collecting monthly franchise checks might be ONE reason.
Again you speak not knowing what you are talking about. It's easy to take shots at things but it works better if you have the facts at least you end up looking smarter in the end anyway. First it is a yearly franchise not monthly. Second the check goes to Word Promotions a company that in turn pays employees, and expenses to produce a product. I think most of us have jobs where we get paid to do work, do you judge yourself with the same standard? Do you just also sit around and collect paychecks? You nor I to some degree have not a clue what he does on a daily basis yet you seem to guess that he sits around doing nothing, collecting checks with no business expenses either by the way.
Is he paid too high a salary? Maybe, but he would not be the first CEO in that position. Take it up with the company if you have a problem with it. Third the franchise checks have nothing to do with the books we were discussing. they are not part of the Word Promotions material. That being the case they could not qualify as I said before, as a reason for undertaking the project. The books having no part or lot in the franchise agreement or terms would not be a reason or as you put it ONE reason for undertaking the book project. Again you look to guess to place motive where none exists. As I said if you don't like the man fine, your right, but at least speak honestly ,truthfully about him, you would expect the same from others about you . And you'll look smarter too, not to mention fresher breath from not having that foot in your mouth.......
Gear followed in the foot steps of his mentor. VP plagiarized and Gear edited posthumously. Neither one could come up with an original thought if it saved their life. Both are trying to benefit from some one else's hard work.
Sky as I have said before I choose not to make judgments on another based on hear say evidence. If you want to fine your choice. But that does not make it truth either.
Every week I see speculation on this board, half-truth, guesses and so forth, some get fixed some do not. We are people, and for a variety of reasons we say and do things that are not always correct and truthful faulty memory , personal dislike of an individual, revenge, personal guesses, unrelated matters, not to mention that some people just enjoy making s*** up and seeing what fly's and these are only a few of them.
No matter how much you may like an individual that does not validate what they say as truth.
WD.....as I've told you several times........I had FIRST-HAND dealings with Cgeer on three separate occasions. Later, he lied to the trustees and attempted some deceitful backstabbing. So, don't tell me about judgements based on hearsay............I had up-close dealings with the guy.
Could it be............that YOUR perception is slanted in view of your choices? And, like you said....."No matter how much YOU may like an individual that does not validate what they say as truth." You just weren't there when I had those unpleasant encounters with the guy, were you?
I think you misunderstood me skyrider I am aware that you and others have had first hand experience with him. to you it may be first hand - to me it is not. It's your word only, and given your expressed comments I'd have to consider that it could be true or not. But either way it is not provable to me it's a coin toss accept your word or not - thus hear say to me . Sorry I won't base decisions on that condition.
As to my perception:
My perception is based on years of observation yours may be different ,I still have seen no other reason or gain other than the one offered to undertake the project. I don't really care one way or another what he does, I do care that truth is being spoken. The facts bear out that books were printed ,books were sold by the Way in Great Britain, not Word Promotions and were not part of a franchise agreement as you implied. Either way the money went into the organizational account not his.. It could have been done other ways had he wanted the profit from the books. It was not, those are the facts. Unless you have some other facts to consider I'll stand by the conclusion. The way the items were marketed show no logical attempt for gain for him despite the fact that he could have easily done it that way. In any case no oops moment here, even giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that all of your experiences were true, they are unrelated to the situation we were discussing. A bad experience with someone in the past does not count as proof that an entirely different situation in the present is true. It is illogical to say I had a bad experience in the past with this person, so in a entirely different matter these past experiences prove that he must have profited from some book sales. That's hardly proof, on the other hand I can show you the facts as to why looking at the history trail there is no connection to gain.
I think you misunderstood me skyrider I am aware that you and others have had first hand experience with him. to you it may be first hand - to me it is not. It's your word only, and given your expressed comments I'd have to consider that it could be true or not. But either way it is not provable to me it's a coin toss accept your word or not - thus hear say to me . Sorry I won't base decisions on that condition.
As to my perception:
My perception is based on years of observation yours may be different ,I still have seen no other reason or gain other than the one offered to undertake the project. I don't really care one way or another what he does, I do care that truth is being spoken.
Well.....at least you're honest in that you do NOT CARE what he does.
In so many ways.....I see the "edited posthumously" cg-ministry much like the plaigarized ministry of victor paul wierwille. Kinda like a house that is built on sand.......and great is the fall of it.
Isn't that kinda like learning at the feet of the debbil himself? Not caring what he does since he tells at least some grain of truth with the rest of his b.s.? :(
Yeah, Belle, as long as you personally benefit from an individual, it really doesn`t matter what they have done to destroy another.
That kind of reasoning completely eliminates the catagory of *false prophet* and *wolf in sheeps clothing* in the bible.
You have to wonder why God so specifically warned us to stay away from these characters if it was no more than simply a personality flaw that we were to over look...simply taking what grains of truth that they intermix with their lies.
I think there was a specific danger associated with men of the *flesh* people who do/did what cgeer and vpw ....else Scriptures wouldn`t warn us to stay away from them.
and following the wolf in sheep's clothing reference, the next verse is so telling:
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
if their words were all that's important, why would Jesus make a big deal of their fruit? I like to think of fruit as everything left in a person's wake.
and then:
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
um. yeah. again, good words are all that count? I think not. Jesus has a directive for what to do with corrupt trees with bad fruit. it is not "sit at their feet and take away only their good words and forgive the rest".
If their *words* weren`t so attractive sounding/looking, they wouldn`t entice folks away from good fruit. :(
One then forever after has to reason endlessly why their putrid fruit is so bitter as opposed to the sweet fruit of adherance to genuinly spiritual sources...even going so far as to even dismiss the importance of fruit
Throw that nasty stuff away and find a source for good wholsome fruit.
My perception is based on years of observation yours may be different ,I still have seen no other reason or gain other than the one offered to undertake the project. I don't really care one way or another what he does,
In the context of the conversation if you had noticed
As to my perception
Which was books being produced and sold and skyriders assumption that was his reason for undertaking the project. And that my view was tainted by my choices
Quote Skyrider:Could it be............that YOUR perception is slanted in view of your choices?
My perception is based on years of observation yours may be different ,I still have seen no other reason or gain other than the one offered to undertake the project. I don't really care one way or another what he does,
My views have nothing to do with it facts do. He can print books /or not sell them /or not it does not change the facts
Of course if you rip it from the rest of the posts here and use it as a stand alone comment it takes on a different meaning. Nice Try...... I expect as much when you have no real facts to offer to back up your point, speaking of the devil himself I think that is his motive adding and changing words out of context.......
So sky do you have any real proof to back up your claim ? Remember this one........
Well, sitting back and collecting monthly franchise checks might be ONE reason.
I 've shown you a few reasons why that would not be possible solid facts to correct your guesses and assumptions.
First it is a yearly franchise not monthly.
Second the check goes to Word Promotions a company that in turn pays employees, and expenses to produce a product.
Third the franchise checks have nothing to do with the books we were discussing. they are not part of the Word Promotions material. That being the case they could not qualify as I said before, as a reason for undertaking the project.
If you have anything other than your guess,opinion,assumptions perhaps you would like to present some facts. If not I'll assume that you do not have a clue as to what you are talking about. That appears to be the case as you seem content to isolate my words out of context and change the subject from any real proof that you have. For the record I've seen none to date only your opinions
Coming so closely after PoP, I suspect the publication of these books was due to a combination of idolatry (VP worship) and ego (to which CG was not a stranger). Coat-tailing, if you like.
I hope I can get in here without getting slimed with somebody's testosterone....
Skyrider, if I'm not mistaken, you were still in twi when these books came out, correct? If I'm right about that, then there's a factor that you might not have been aware of.
In the late 80s many Corps and many others were in a state of panic about not being able to get ahold of PFAL tapes and books, taped teachings of VPW, etc. So there was a huuuuuuuge demand for the posthumously published books coming out of Scotland. I have no idea what Geer's motives were for publishing them, but I can attest to the fact that there was an eager audience, sucking up anything by VPW that they could get their hands on.
People were duplicating VPW's teaching tapes and passing them around in a frenzy. And they (I'll say "we," because I was in that category very briefly) were waiting expectantly for news about CG getting the copyright to PFAL so that we could have access to it.
After that, many of us settled down and realized God was still God and the world hadn't stopped spinning without access to "class materials." I pretty quickly got to the point where I thought I'd have to sock the next person who said, "You gotta hear this!"
Some have continued to try to accumulate anything ever taught by VPW, and that's their privilege. It's not for me to judge; I got plenty of good out of many (not all) of his teachings, but I've just sorta moved on.
I hope I can get in here without getting slimed with somebody's testosterone
Thanks for the belly laugh Linda
After that, many of us settled down and realized God was still God and the world hadn't stopped spinning without access to "class materials." I pretty quickly got to the point where I thought I'd have to sock the next person who said, "You gotta hear this!"
Amen Linda thanks for putting it so eliquently that is exactly what I meant when I said
I still have seen no other reason or gain other than the one offered to undertake the project. I don't really care one way or another what he does. I don't think he personally made a bunch of money from the books, had that been the intent he could have published them and sold them and kept all the money. I do think as you said The Way in Great Britain made some money from the books. There is a big difference between the two. In the end they were boooks and as I said like you I don't really care one way or the other what he does, in relation to publishing materials.
Skyrider, if I'm not mistaken, you were still in twi when these books came out, correct? If I'm right about that, then there's a factor that you might not have been aware of.
In the late 80s many Corps and many others were in a state of panic about not being able to get ahold of PFAL tapes and books, taped teachings of VPW, etc. So there was a huuuuuuuge demand for the posthumously published books coming out of Scotland. I have no idea what Geer's motives were for publishing them, but I can attest to the fact that there was an eager audience, sucking up anything by VPW that they could get their hands on.
People were duplicating VPW's teaching tapes and passing them around in a frenzy. And they (I'll say "we," because I was in that category very briefly) were waiting expectantly for news about CG getting the copyright to PFAL so that we could have access to it.
After that, many of us settled down and realized God was still God and the world hadn't stopped spinning without access to "class materials." I pretty quickly got to the point where I thought I'd have to sock the next person who said, "You gotta hear this!"
Some have continued to try to accumulate anything ever taught by VPW, and that's their privilege. It's not for me to judge; I got plenty of good out of many (not all) of his teachings, but I've just sorta moved on.
Yeah...I see your point. Thanks.
Those were crazy times......when so many were "panting after the works of the mog-wierwille." Sorta shows how that cultish environment fostered hysteria.
And, yeah...............I've sorta moved on, too. Just seems cult-crazy to follow the mog-worship that vpw initiated when, in hindsight, we see all the plaigarism.
And more crazy.......the trend continues in the offshoots.
Were the "edited posthumously" books published by American Christian Press? I recall seeing Take God at His Word and Living Victoriously in my former HFC's house several years ago. They had the familiar two-tone color scheme and in all other manneer looked like another of the "collaterals". But I didn't check to see who published them.
If so, what other books were published by Geer?
On a different note what was that book that Walter Cummins wrote? And were John Lynn's books American Christian Press?
Were the "edited posthumously" books published by American Christian Press? I recall seeing Take God at His Word and Living Victoriously in my former HFC's house several years ago. They had the familiar two-tone color scheme and in all other manneer looked like another of the "collaterals". But I didn't check to see who published them.
If so, what other books were published by Geer?
On a different note what was that book that Walter Cummins wrote? And were John Lynn's books American Christian Press?
The "edited posthumously" books were published by European Christian Press.
(This of course was based on twi's "American" Christian Press,
which in turn copied Leonard's CANADIAN CHRISTIAN PRESS. )
That included "Living Victoriously", "Our Times", "Take God At His Word" and "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus."
Walter's book under the ACP was "Demonstrating God's Power: Studies in Biblical Accuracy Volume 1."
I'm pretty sure JAL's 3 books were also ACP: "Will the Real You Please Stand Up?" "Will the Real You
Please Remain Standing?" and "Living in the Eye of the Storm."
Due to the editing standards of the time, the first of those 3 books had such memorable lines as
"life is fear in the sand of machinery", and "fear is life in the machinery of sand."
Linda Z, you reminded me of how paranoid a lot of people got in the Final Days, the latter half of the 80's. One guy, great guy, I remember he said he went to Costco? Maybe it was Price Club, one of those places, and bought a pallette of cassette tapes and he was dup'ing SNS tapes and teaching tapes of all kinds, by the dozens it sounded like. I guess it had it's value, some of those old SNS tapes have some funny and interesting things on them. I bet you know who I'm thinking of. But yeah, I bet if we had a quarter for everytime somebody shoved a tape in our hand and said "listen to this! it explains everything!!!!" we'd be retired right now and dialing in wireless from Hawaii.
I learned a great lesson through all of the ownership/copyright stuff though. My entire library of books, pamphlets and manuals that I've written are owned solely by me, socks. They're mine. This allows me to publish at will to an ever growing audience of eager buyers.
In fact, I'm even now in the final stages of setting up a distribution network for resellers that will allow for several layers of profit, I mean blessings, to be distributed. For a moderate sum (considering) resellers will have limited rights to resell such perennial fav's as "Will the Real You Please Move - You're Standing In My Spot", "Why I'm Right and How You Can Be Too" (including the workbook!), and minor obscurities like "Adolf's - The Lost Years" and "Millet - Fun Holiday Recipe's". I know this is going to mean a lot to so many peop's. Hey, I owe it 'em. It's only right. They really do explain everything.
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Every week I see speculation on this board, half-truth, guesses and so forth, some get fixed some do not. We are people, and for a variety of reasons we say and do things that are not always correct and truthful faulty memory , personal dislike of an individual, revenge, personal guesses, unrelated matters, not to mention that some people just enjoy making s*** up and seeing what fly's and these are only a few of them.
No matter how much you may like an individual that does not validate what they say as truth. People do strange things! Look at the number of husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, family who's lives are turned upside down by things that you would never in a million years think that they would say. Personal feelings are not a standard for truth. I just watched the other day a special on HBO about people that have sat in prison for 15 and 20 years because someone believed what someone thought they saw or said. Only to be set free due to DNA testing Sorry I wont do the same! Actually I'm not sorry ,I'm quite happy with my decision after all.
Again you speak not knowing what you are talking about. It's easy to take shots at things but it works better if you have the facts at least you end up looking smarter in the end anyway. First it is a yearly franchise not monthly. Second the check goes to Word Promotions a company that in turn pays employees, and expenses to produce a product. I think most of us have jobs where we get paid to do work, do you judge yourself with the same standard? Do you just also sit around and collect paychecks? You nor I to some degree have not a clue what he does on a daily basis yet you seem to guess that he sits around doing nothing, collecting checks with no business expenses either by the way.
Is he paid too high a salary? Maybe, but he would not be the first CEO in that position. Take it up with the company if you have a problem with it. Third the franchise checks have nothing to do with the books we were discussing. they are not part of the Word Promotions material. That being the case they could not qualify as I said before, as a reason for undertaking the project. The books having no part or lot in the franchise agreement or terms would not be a reason or as you put it ONE reason for undertaking the book project. Again you look to guess to place motive where none exists. As I said if you don't like the man fine, your right, but at least speak honestly ,truthfully about him, you would expect the same from others about you . And you'll look smarter too, not to mention fresher breath from not having that foot in your mouth.......
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Gear followed in the foot steps of his mentor. VP plagiarized and Gear edited posthumously. Neither one could come up with an original thought if it saved their life. Both are trying to benefit from some one else's hard work.
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WD.....as I've told you several times........I had FIRST-HAND dealings with Cgeer on three separate occasions. Later, he lied to the trustees and attempted some deceitful backstabbing. So, don't tell me about judgements based on hearsay............I had up-close dealings with the guy.
Could it be............that YOUR perception is slanted in view of your choices? And, like you said....."No matter how much YOU may like an individual that does not validate what they say as truth." You just weren't there when I had those unpleasant encounters with the guy, were you?
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I think you misunderstood me skyrider I am aware that you and others have had first hand experience with him. to you it may be first hand - to me it is not. It's your word only, and given your expressed comments I'd have to consider that it could be true or not. But either way it is not provable to me it's a coin toss accept your word or not - thus hear say to me . Sorry I won't base decisions on that condition.
As to my perception:
My perception is based on years of observation yours may be different ,I still have seen no other reason or gain other than the one offered to undertake the project. I don't really care one way or another what he does, I do care that truth is being spoken. The facts bear out that books were printed ,books were sold by the Way in Great Britain, not Word Promotions and were not part of a franchise agreement as you implied. Either way the money went into the organizational account not his.. It could have been done other ways had he wanted the profit from the books. It was not, those are the facts. Unless you have some other facts to consider I'll stand by the conclusion. The way the items were marketed show no logical attempt for gain for him despite the fact that he could have easily done it that way. In any case no oops moment here, even giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that all of your experiences were true, they are unrelated to the situation we were discussing. A bad experience with someone in the past does not count as proof that an entirely different situation in the present is true. It is illogical to say I had a bad experience in the past with this person, so in a entirely different matter these past experiences prove that he must have profited from some book sales. That's hardly proof, on the other hand I can show you the facts as to why looking at the history trail there is no connection to gain.
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Well.....at least you're honest in that you do NOT CARE what he does.
In so many ways.....I see the "edited posthumously" cg-ministry much like the plaigarized ministry of victor paul wierwille. Kinda like a house that is built on sand.......and great is the fall of it.
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Isn't that kinda like learning at the feet of the debbil himself? Not caring what he does since he tells at least some grain of truth with the rest of his b.s.? :(
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Yeah, Belle, as long as you personally benefit from an individual, it really doesn`t matter what they have done to destroy another.
That kind of reasoning completely eliminates the catagory of *false prophet* and *wolf in sheeps clothing* in the bible.
You have to wonder why God so specifically warned us to stay away from these characters if it was no more than simply a personality flaw that we were to over look...simply taking what grains of truth that they intermix with their lies.
I think there was a specific danger associated with men of the *flesh* people who do/did what cgeer and vpw ....else Scriptures wouldn`t warn us to stay away from them.
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and following the wolf in sheep's clothing reference, the next verse is so telling:
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
if their words were all that's important, why would Jesus make a big deal of their fruit? I like to think of fruit as everything left in a person's wake.
and then:
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
um. yeah. again, good words are all that count? I think not. Jesus has a directive for what to do with corrupt trees with bad fruit. it is not "sit at their feet and take away only their good words and forgive the rest".
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If their *words* weren`t so attractive sounding/looking, they wouldn`t entice folks away from good fruit. :(
One then forever after has to reason endlessly why their putrid fruit is so bitter as opposed to the sweet fruit of adherance to genuinly spiritual sources...even going so far as to even dismiss the importance of fruit
Throw that nasty stuff away and find a source for good wholsome fruit.
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Which was books being produced and sold and skyriders assumption that was his reason for undertaking the project. And that my view was tainted by my choices
Answer;My views have nothing to do with it facts do. He can print books /or not sell them /or not it does not change the facts
Of course if you rip it from the rest of the posts here and use it as a stand alone comment it takes on a different meaning. Nice Try...... I expect as much when you have no real facts to offer to back up your point, speaking of the devil himself I think that is his motive adding and changing words out of context.......
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Huh? :huh:
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So sky do you have any real proof to back up your claim ? Remember this one........
I 've shown you a few reasons why that would not be possible solid facts to correct your guesses and assumptions.
First it is a yearly franchise not monthly.
Second the check goes to Word Promotions a company that in turn pays employees, and expenses to produce a product.
Third the franchise checks have nothing to do with the books we were discussing. they are not part of the Word Promotions material. That being the case they could not qualify as I said before, as a reason for undertaking the project.
If you have anything other than your guess,opinion,assumptions perhaps you would like to present some facts. If not I'll assume that you do not have a clue as to what you are talking about. That appears to be the case as you seem content to isolate my words out of context and change the subject from any real proof that you have. For the record I've seen none to date only your opinions
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Coming so closely after PoP, I suspect the publication of these books was due to a combination of idolatry (VP worship) and ego (to which CG was not a stranger). Coat-tailing, if you like.
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Linda Z
I hope I can get in here without getting slimed with somebody's testosterone....
Skyrider, if I'm not mistaken, you were still in twi when these books came out, correct? If I'm right about that, then there's a factor that you might not have been aware of.
In the late 80s many Corps and many others were in a state of panic about not being able to get ahold of PFAL tapes and books, taped teachings of VPW, etc. So there was a huuuuuuuge demand for the posthumously published books coming out of Scotland. I have no idea what Geer's motives were for publishing them, but I can attest to the fact that there was an eager audience, sucking up anything by VPW that they could get their hands on.
People were duplicating VPW's teaching tapes and passing them around in a frenzy. And they (I'll say "we," because I was in that category very briefly) were waiting expectantly for news about CG getting the copyright to PFAL so that we could have access to it.
After that, many of us settled down and realized God was still God and the world hadn't stopped spinning without access to "class materials." I pretty quickly got to the point where I thought I'd have to sock the next person who said, "You gotta hear this!"
Some have continued to try to accumulate anything ever taught by VPW, and that's their privilege. It's not for me to judge; I got plenty of good out of many (not all) of his teachings, but I've just sorta moved on.
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Amen Linda thanks for putting it so eliquently that is exactly what I meant when I said
I still have seen no other reason or gain other than the one offered to undertake the project. I don't really care one way or another what he does. I don't think he personally made a bunch of money from the books, had that been the intent he could have published them and sold them and kept all the money. I do think as you said The Way in Great Britain made some money from the books. There is a big difference between the two. In the end they were boooks and as I said like you I don't really care one way or the other what he does, in relation to publishing materials.
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Yeah...I see your point. Thanks.
Those were crazy times......when so many were "panting after the works of the mog-wierwille." Sorta shows how that cultish environment fostered hysteria.
And, yeah...............I've sorta moved on, too. Just seems cult-crazy to follow the mog-worship that vpw initiated when, in hindsight, we see all the plaigarism.
And more crazy.......the trend continues in the offshoots.
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Were the "edited posthumously" books published by American Christian Press? I recall seeing Take God at His Word and Living Victoriously in my former HFC's house several years ago. They had the familiar two-tone color scheme and in all other manneer looked like another of the "collaterals". But I didn't check to see who published them.
If so, what other books were published by Geer?
On a different note what was that book that Walter Cummins wrote? And were John Lynn's books American Christian Press?
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The "edited posthumously" books were published by European Christian Press.
(This of course was based on twi's "American" Christian Press,
which in turn copied Leonard's CANADIAN CHRISTIAN PRESS. )
That included "Living Victoriously", "Our Times", "Take God At His Word" and "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus."
Walter's book under the ACP was "Demonstrating God's Power: Studies in Biblical Accuracy Volume 1."
I'm pretty sure JAL's 3 books were also ACP: "Will the Real You Please Stand Up?" "Will the Real You
Please Remain Standing?" and "Living in the Eye of the Storm."
Due to the editing standards of the time, the first of those 3 books had such memorable lines as
"life is fear in the sand of machinery", and "fear is life in the machinery of sand."
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polar bear
It's all about motivation isn't it. He had to right to do it, but that doesn't mean it was right. He did it for the glory, we all know it and saw it.
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One note to WW post
"Take a Stand for God" the fifth book was also published by European Christian Press.
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If I recollect correct -- yes.
I seem to remember hearing him (JAL) say once that his books belonged to twi,
and he couldn't sell them on his own since twi had the copyright, and not him.
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Linda Z
Yes, JAL's books were published by Amer. Christian Press.
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Linda Z, you reminded me
of how paranoid a lot of people got in the Final Days, the latter half of the 80's. One guy, great guy, I remember he said he went to Costco? Maybe it was Price Club, one of those places, and bought a pallette of cassette tapes and he was dup'ing SNS tapes and teaching tapes of all kinds, by the dozens it sounded like. I guess it had it's value, some of those old SNS tapes have some funny and interesting things on them. I bet you know who I'm thinking of.
But yeah, I bet if we had a quarter for everytime somebody shoved a tape in our hand and said "listen to this! it explains everything!!!!" we'd be retired right now and dialing in wireless from Hawaii. 
I learned a great lesson through all of the ownership/copyright stuff though. My entire library of books, pamphlets and manuals that I've written are owned solely by me, socks. They're mine. This allows me to publish at will to an ever growing audience of eager buyers.
In fact, I'm even now in the final stages of setting up a distribution network for resellers that will allow for several layers of profit, I mean blessings, to be distributed. For a moderate sum (considering) resellers will have limited rights to resell such perennial fav's as "Will the Real You Please Move - You're Standing In My Spot", "Why I'm Right and How You Can Be Too" (including the workbook!), and minor obscurities like "Adolf's - The Lost Years" and "Millet - Fun Holiday Recipe's". I know this is going to mean a lot to so many peop's. Hey, I owe it 'em. It's only right. They really do explain everything.
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