JBI is for my own private use. I can access the info from anywhere. Never was meant to be public. In fact, I'm the only one who can get into it now. Check it out: http://www.julianbibleinstitute.com
Rich...........sounds like you made moves to stay ahead of twi's lawyers and copyright infringements.
You say you created the website for your own private use while you are on the road. What kind of person creates a website to be used exclusively by themself? I ain't buying it.
But, wait, there's more. I see the site now encourages the visitor to refer to GSC. What's up with that? Will you need to remind yourself, next time you're on the road?
Geeez...talk about word nazis (I mean "word" as in English words. Not the Bible).
Change "Final judgement" into "I will not make a final decision as to if what you said is true or not until I fully understand what you meant."
I just happen to be the kind of person who would create a website for my exclusive use. JBI is for Bible stuff. I also have http://www.blindstatistics.com
That website is for my programming stuff. It sound like you might think I'm really weird because I have private websites. You accused me of being a liar ("I ain't buying it") . Interesting conclusion without a shred of evidence. You're reading too much into insignificant things.
The truth of the matter is that hits on JBI have probably quadrupled many times over since gsc-ers discovered it. If I wanted lot's of people to go there, I would thank gsc for upping me in Goodgle. But I don't care. Thanks anyway though.
Almost everything you say is dead wrong. I can say that because I can compare the things you say about me with what I know about me. On the other hand you have no idea who or what I am, so you can't. If I were to share your post with people who do know me, believe me, it'd be LOL to the max. But I won't show it to anybody just in case you come to your senses some day and become terribly ashamed of your behaviour.
Where do I meet with my "followers?" How many followers do I have? What makes you think I even want followers? I could go on, but your posts are so full of error, I wouldn't know where to start, so I won't.
You sure come to some wild conclusions with very little info. You make most of it up. It's all fantasy. I don't even want to talk to you any more until you grow up a bit.
Exactly what gave you the idea that I was referring to you? I’m not asking that to be coy or act innocent – because I was referring to you.
As master of the obvious I would venture to say the reason for your vehement reply was due to the fact that I referred to other folks’ posts with links to your Julian Bible Institute site * packed with wierwille’s stuff AND to posts that YOU have made in which you tried to divert, side-step, ignore, defend, deny, change the subject or counterattack when anyone asks you about your glaringly obvious wierwille-influence.
I would also like to say your vicious attack on my character leads me to believe any challenges to your “biblical” façade must really touch a nerve with you. That is sad…I do hope you stick around though – but do drop the pretense, loosen your grip on wierwille-dogmatics, and consider what folks are saying about life outside the mental prison built by wierwille.
You say I have no idea who or what you are? Au contraire ! It’s quite obvious to me you are a two-faced liar....but there's hope! i do believe people can change.
*note: interesting to see that when I go to Julian Bible Institute site now, I find this:
Rich...........sounds like you made moves to stay ahead of twi's lawyers and copyright infringements.
Not really. If you post copyrighted material on the web the owner of the original material may demand you take it down. As long as you do that, no problems. If the lawyers did "catch" me, I'd take it down and be done with it. No big deal. Not worried about that at all.
The real reason I protected it from the public was to not get gsc overly excited. I mean they thought they had nabbed public enemy number one when they found that website. Pretty interesting to me. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Exactly what gave you the idea that I was referring to you? I’m not asking that to be coy or act innocent – because I was referring to you.
As master of the obvious I would venture to say the reason for your vehement reply was due to the fact that I referred to other folks’ posts with links to your Julian Bible Institute site * packed with wierwille’s stuff AND to posts that YOU have made in which you tried to divert, side-step, ignore, defend, deny, change the subject or counterattack when anyone asks you about your glaringly obvious wierwille-influence.
I would also like to say your vicious attack on my character leads me to believe any challenges to your “biblical” façade must really touch a nerve with you. That is sad…I do hope you stick around though – but do drop the pretense, loosen your grip on wierwille-dogmatics, and consider what folks are saying about life outside the mental prison built by wierwille.
You say I have no idea who or what you are? Au contraire ! It’s quite obvious to me you are a two-faced liar....but there's hope! i do believe people can change.
*note: interesting to see that when I go to Julian Bible Institute site now, I find this:
It's soooooo obvious that VP affects you waaaaaaaaaaay more than he affects me. You are positively obsessed with him. Admit it. You can't get VP out of your mind. Too bad.
It'll be interesting to learn what people think are my motives for blocking JBI. Already got one, and it wasn't even close.
Not really. If you post copyrighted material on the web the owner of the original material may demand you take it down. As long as you do that, no problems. If the lawyers did "catch" me, I'd take it down and be done with it. No big deal. Not worried about that at all.
The real reason I protected it from the public was to not get gsc overly excited. I mean they thought they had nabbed public enemy number one when they found that website. Pretty interesting to me. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill.
3 minutes ago, rrobs said:
The real reason I protected it from the public was to not get gsc overly excited.
Awww. How sweet. Thank you for being so worried about us.
Looked everywhere for those fidget spinners now they're everywhere and nobody wants them.
Are you suggesting this is all a ruse to get people to my website? You can't think of any other possibility? Especially after I so graciously explained why I had it?
It's all on you pal. I'm not trying to persuade anybody about anything. I think I made it clear that I speak the word and it's God that gives the increase. I don't worry about who believes and who doesn't. Truth is most Christians I talk to think I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing. But then most Jews didn't believe Jesus. That last statement should give you some good fodder. I can see it now, "rrobs thinks he's Jesus." LOL
"Truth is most Christians I talk to think I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing".
That statement alone rrobs ought to cause you to take stock in what you're communicating.
Haven't you seen so far that you're in the extreme minority here regarding veepee and his putrid "theology"? He was a liar, and a thief, and a coward, and a serial rapist, and anti-Christ. An uncovicted felon who misappropriated our money.
WHY would anyone want to continue any sort of association with his dead ministry? Why?
Exactly what gave you the idea that I was referring to you? I’m not asking that to be coy or act innocent – because I was referring to you.
As master of the obvious I would venture to say the reason for your vehement reply was due to the fact that I referred to other folks’ posts with links to your Julian Bible Institute site * packed with wierwille’s stuff AND to posts that YOU have made in which you tried to divert, side-step, ignore, defend, deny, change the subject or counterattack when anyone asks you about your glaringly obvious wierwille-influence.
I would also like to say your vicious attack on my character leads me to believe any challenges to your “biblical” façade must really touch a nerve with you. That is sad…I do hope you stick around though – but do drop the pretense, loosen your grip on wierwille-dogmatics, and consider what folks are saying about life outside the mental prison built by wierwille.
You say I have no idea who or what you are? Au contraire ! It’s quite obvious to me you are a two-faced liar....but there's hope! i do believe people can change.
*note: interesting to see that when I go to Julian Bible Institute site now, I find this:
Are you suggesting this is all a ruse to get people to my website? You can't think of any other possibility? Especially after I so graciously explained why I had it?
The thread topic is about the Holy Spirit and Stiles.
I just assumed we're not talking about him so that later everyone will want to talk about him and the HS.
JBI is for my own private use. I can access the info from anywhere. Never was meant to be public. In fact, I'm the only one who can get into it now. Check it out: http://www.julianbibleinstitute.com
Actually, I'm sure somebody could hack into it and discover all my deep dark secrets, get the "goods" on me. I just did the barest of security measures. Maybe make a contest to see who can hack into it first. Better hurry though. If I get motivated I might make it unhackable to all but the best hackers. Good luck!
It's better. The deep hyperlinks still work but the front page is secured. That's enough to ensure it is a private use website - intended as such there is nothing wrong with copyrighted material.
Actually as a private study website, you have a lot of good links and material, including research tools. And with a profession as a pilot, I can see why you would like to have a resource like that on a website. It is pretty ingenious and a little better to access than a Dropbox folder or something. Good work on getting a resource up there like that as a repository for pdf's.
You do have pretty much all Way International related publications up there, or materials approved and used by the Way including EW Bullinger's material. In that, you are kind of a 1 person splinter group or splinter ministry. There is not a lot of other input from mainstream Christianity groups, authors, ministers. In that I find that research is myopic. I find the same limitations in one of the splinter group leaders who produced a NT translation / commentary. Because of the ongoing fruit of the Way ministry, which has been using people through 3 generations of Presidents and on to a 4th, if you trace that back with common logic, it is a combination of what they are teaching and what they are modeling. If that is your main source of scriptural guidance in Christianity, then it is severely flawed and limited. The rest of the body of Christ is discounted.
True doctrine taught and modeled does not produce the kind of devastation in people's lives that long-term exposure to the Way does. If it is taught, but something else entirely is modeled, then it is hypocrisy. It is like engineering in the construction of airplanes. You can trust the math involved in the aerodynamics all day long, but if you are going to get in a flying machine to test it for the first time you want to make sure that bird has been off the ground before.
And that doesn't mean that someone "lifted" airplane parts from 15 different functioning airplanes to piece a new one together with duct tape and baling wire. That new plane would have about as much of a chance of flying as well, as the Way ministry does of working.
"Truth is most Christians I talk to think I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing".
That statement alone rrobs ought to cause you to take stock in what you're communicating.
Haven't you seen so far that you're in the extreme minority here regarding veepee and his putrid "theology"? He was a liar, and a thief, and a coward, and a serial rapist, and anti-Christ. An uncovicted felon who misappropriated our money.
WHY would anyone want to continue any sort of association with his dead ministry? Why?
Not suggesting they do. If I did I'd be a hypocrite because I walked away more than 30 years ago. Never been to a fellowship since then. It's up to each individual.
I have noticed I'm in the minority here. Hard to miss. But hey, so was Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, Paul and a few others. To be clear, I'm not saying I'm Jesus. I just feel as though I'm in good company, that's all.
The Pharisees wished Jesus would have STFU. Wow, I'm like Jesus! That makes me feel special. Thanks!
Rob's, JC was a kind, and thoughtful man. I personally don't think you are at all like JC; I think JC would have ripped into you, and let you know that you are a hypocrite.
Not suggesting they do. If I did I'd be a hypocrite because I walked away more than 30 years ago. Never been to a fellowship since then. It's up to each individual.
I have noticed I'm in the minority here. Hard to miss. But hey, so was Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, Paul and a few others. To be clear, I'm not saying I'm Jesus. I just feel as though I'm in good company, that's all.
I support people being individualists. I mean the contrary isn't something we would want around here, where people are peer pressured to conform to certain viewpoints or leave. In your criticism of me you said I was anti-way. I think that is accurate currently. I took issue with you thinking I would bristle at God being greater than any man.
Everyone here has to figure out what is baby and what is bathwater. Or how to separate truth from error. Or how to fulfill the verse that exhorts us to prove all things and hold fast that which is good I Th5:21
It's better. The deep hyperlinks still work but the front page is secured. That's enough to ensure it is a private use website - intended as such there is nothing wrong with copyrighted material.
Actually as a private study website, you have a lot of good links and material, including research tools. And with a profession as a pilot, I can see why you would like to have a resource like that on a website. It is pretty ingenious and a little better to access than a Dropbox folder or something. Good work on getting a resource up there like that as a repository for pdf's.
You do have pretty much all Way International related publications up there, or materials approved and used by the Way including EW Bullinger's material. In that, you are kind of a 1 person splinter group or splinter ministry. There is not a lot of other input from mainstream Christianity groups, authors, ministers. In that I find that research is myopic. I find the same limitations in one of the splinter group leaders who produced a NT translation / commentary. Because of the ongoing fruit of the Way ministry, which has been using people through 3 generations of Presidents and on to a 4th, if you trace that back with common logic, it is a combination of what they are teaching and what they are modeling. If that is your main source of scriptural guidance in Christianity, then it is severely flawed and limited. The rest of the body of Christ is discounted.
True doctrine taught and modeled does not produce the kind of devastation in people's lives that long-term exposure to the Way does. If it is taught, but something else entirely is modeled, then it is hypocrisy. It is like engineering in the construction of airplanes. You can trust the math involved in the aerodynamics all day long, but if you are going to get in a flying machine to test it for the first time you want to make sure that bird has been off the ground before.
And that doesn't mean that someone "lifted" airplane parts from 15 different functioning airplanes to piece a new one together with duct tape and baling wire. That new plane would have about as much of a chance of flying as well, as the Way ministry does of working.
I believe Jesus is NOT God, he's God's son. I also believe that God gave us the gift of holy spirit that we can manifest. To me, both points are crystal clear in the Bible.
Now there are some who believe like me that Jesus is not God. But as far as I've found, none of them believe in the manifestation of holy spirit. Likewise, there are some churches and denominations who do manifest (that's a Bible term,not wayspeak) HS, but I've not found one of them that believe Jesus is the son of God. They want to make him God the son. So the best I see is one out of two. Two out of two is rare. I'm not saying that there is not a church or denomination that adheres to both of these two truths. Maybe there is, I just haven't found it.
So some do one and some the other, but I've not found any that do both. Those are pretty major doctrinal matters. If Jesus is mistaken for God, then I just don't believe any of the book could make any sense. It'd be like mixing up the two main characters in any story. Won't make any sense. That is why I don't have as much material as you might like to see from other sources. However, I do in fact have more stuff from other people than from VP. Much more that VP. Maybe you missed it. Take off your "anti-vp" glasses and have another look. Can you get to all the links? If not, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. But only if you want to.
I have noticed I'm in the minority here. Hard to miss. But hey, so was Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, Paul and a few others. To be clear, I'm not saying I'm Jesus. I just feel as though I'm in good company, that's all.
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"I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or th
Grace Valerie Claire
Robs, I think you should STFU.
"Truth is most Christians I talk to think I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing". That statement alone rrobs ought to cause you to take stock in what you're communicating. Haven't you seen so far
Rich...........sounds like you made moves to stay ahead of twi's lawyers and copyright infringements.
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Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.................damn flies!
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When you reduce supply don't you create demand?
Looked everywhere for those fidget spinners now they're everywhere and nobody wants them.
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Geeez...talk about word nazis (I mean "word" as in English words. Not the Bible).
Change "Final judgement" into "I will not make a final decision as to if what you said is true or not until I fully understand what you meant."
I just happen to be the kind of person who would create a website for my exclusive use. JBI is for Bible stuff. I also have http://www.blindstatistics.com
That website is for my programming stuff. It sound like you might think I'm really weird because I have private websites. You accused me of being a liar ("I ain't buying it") . Interesting conclusion without a shred of evidence. You're reading too much into insignificant things.
The truth of the matter is that hits on JBI have probably quadrupled many times over since gsc-ers discovered it. If I wanted lot's of people to go there, I would thank gsc for upping me in Goodgle. But I don't care. Thanks anyway though.
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Exactly what gave you the idea that I was referring to you? I’m not asking that to be coy or act innocent – because I was referring to you.
As master of the obvious
I would venture to say the reason for your vehement reply was due to the fact that I referred to other folks’ posts with links to your Julian Bible Institute site * packed with wierwille’s stuff AND to posts that YOU have made in which you tried to divert, side-step, ignore, defend, deny, change the subject or counterattack when anyone asks you about your glaringly obvious wierwille-influence.
I would also like to say your vicious attack on my character leads me to believe any challenges to your “biblical” façade must really touch a nerve with you. That is sad…I do hope you stick around though – but do drop the pretense, loosen your grip on wierwille-dogmatics, and consider what folks are saying about life outside the mental prison built by wierwille.
You say I have no idea who or what you are? Au contraire ! It’s quite obvious to me you are a two-faced liar....but there's hope! i do believe people can change.
*note: interesting to see that when I go to Julian Bible Institute site now, I find this:
Hello World.
I can be found at GSC.
link to Julian Bible Institute
expanded translation
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If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, there's a pretty good chance it's a duck.
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Not really. If you post copyrighted material on the web the owner of the original material may demand you take it down. As long as you do that, no problems. If the lawyers did "catch" me, I'd take it down and be done with it. No big deal. Not worried about that at all.
The real reason I protected it from the public was to not get gsc overly excited. I mean they thought they had nabbed public enemy number one when they found that website. Pretty interesting to me. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill.
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It's soooooo obvious that VP affects you waaaaaaaaaaay more than he affects me. You are positively obsessed with him. Admit it. You can't get VP out of your mind. Too bad.
It'll be interesting to learn what people think are my motives for blocking JBI. Already got one, and it wasn't even close.
Edited by rrobscontent
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Awww. How sweet. Thank you for being so worried about us.
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Good chance maybe, but in this case, no. Keep looking.
Edited by rrobstype
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List of People VPW does not affect:
Donald Trump
Subjects of the Sassanid Empire
Most people in Zimbabwe
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Are you suggesting this is all a ruse to get people to my website? You can't think of any other possibility? Especially after I so graciously explained why I had it?
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"Truth is most Christians I talk to think I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing".
That statement alone rrobs ought to cause you to take stock in what you're communicating.
Haven't you seen so far that you're in the extreme minority here regarding veepee and his putrid "theology"? He was a liar, and a thief, and a coward, and a serial rapist, and anti-Christ. An uncovicted felon who misappropriated our money.
WHY would anyone want to continue any sort of association with his dead ministry? Why?
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What must I do to be saved?
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The thread topic is about the Holy Spirit and Stiles.
I just assumed we're not talking about him so that later everyone will want to talk about him and the HS.
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It's better. The deep hyperlinks still work but the front page is secured. That's enough to ensure it is a private use website - intended as such there is nothing wrong with copyrighted material.
Actually as a private study website, you have a lot of good links and material, including research tools. And with a profession as a pilot, I can see why you would like to have a resource like that on a website. It is pretty ingenious and a little better to access than a Dropbox folder or something. Good work on getting a resource up there like that as a repository for pdf's.
You do have pretty much all Way International related publications up there, or materials approved and used by the Way including EW Bullinger's material. In that, you are kind of a 1 person splinter group or splinter ministry. There is not a lot of other input from mainstream Christianity groups, authors, ministers. In that I find that research is myopic. I find the same limitations in one of the splinter group leaders who produced a NT translation / commentary. Because of the ongoing fruit of the Way ministry, which has been using people through 3 generations of Presidents and on to a 4th, if you trace that back with common logic, it is a combination of what they are teaching and what they are modeling. If that is your main source of scriptural guidance in Christianity, then it is severely flawed and limited. The rest of the body of Christ is discounted.
True doctrine taught and modeled does not produce the kind of devastation in people's lives that long-term exposure to the Way does. If it is taught, but something else entirely is modeled, then it is hypocrisy. It is like engineering in the construction of airplanes. You can trust the math involved in the aerodynamics all day long, but if you are going to get in a flying machine to test it for the first time you want to make sure that bird has been off the ground before.
And that doesn't mean that someone "lifted" airplane parts from 15 different functioning airplanes to piece a new one together with duct tape and baling wire. That new plane would have about as much of a chance of flying as well, as the Way ministry does of working.
Edited by chockfullLink to comment
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I clicked on your website. It now presents the following message:
Hello World.
I can be found at GSC.
Are you the world? More importantly why do you need to remind yourself where you are?
Please tell me you're not one of those lizard people. Those dudes can be scary.
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Not suggesting they do. If I did I'd be a hypocrite because I walked away more than 30 years ago. Never been to a fellowship since then. It's up to each individual.
I have noticed I'm in the minority here. Hard to miss. But hey, so was Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, Paul and a few others. To be clear, I'm not saying I'm Jesus. I just feel as though I'm in good company, that's all.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rob's, you keep saying the same things over, and over. I think you sound like a broken record.
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If we're talking Solipsism?
Maybe Twitter is like the Holy Spirit. Websites are the Logos. And the Mind is . . . . Nevermind
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rob's, JC was a kind, and thoughtful man. I personally don't think you are at all like JC; I think JC would have ripped into you, and let you know that you are a hypocrite.
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I support people being individualists. I mean the contrary isn't something we would want around here, where people are peer pressured to conform to certain viewpoints or leave. In your criticism of me you said I was anti-way. I think that is accurate currently. I took issue with you thinking I would bristle at God being greater than any man.
Everyone here has to figure out what is baby and what is bathwater. Or how to separate truth from error. Or how to fulfill the verse that exhorts us to prove all things and hold fast that which is good I Th5:21
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I believe Jesus is NOT God, he's God's son. I also believe that God gave us the gift of holy spirit that we can manifest. To me, both points are crystal clear in the Bible.
Now there are some who believe like me that Jesus is not God. But as far as I've found, none of them believe in the manifestation of holy spirit. Likewise, there are some churches and denominations who do manifest (that's a Bible term,not wayspeak) HS, but I've not found one of them that believe Jesus is the son of God. They want to make him God the son. So the best I see is one out of two. Two out of two is rare. I'm not saying that there is not a church or denomination that adheres to both of these two truths. Maybe there is, I just haven't found it.
So some do one and some the other, but I've not found any that do both. Those are pretty major doctrinal matters. If Jesus is mistaken for God, then I just don't believe any of the book could make any sense. It'd be like mixing up the two main characters in any story. Won't make any sense. That is why I don't have as much material as you might like to see from other sources. However, I do in fact have more stuff from other people than from VP. Much more that VP. Maybe you missed it. Take off your "anti-vp" glasses and have another look. Can you get to all the links? If not, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. But only if you want to.
Edited by rrobstypo
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So was.......Judas.
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