Well, then forget Wierwille if he didn't teach you anything. I wish we could, but you guys are pretty wound up over him. I understand. I'm sure if I walked in your shoes I'd be right where your are now. I can't see your heart like God can, so I don't want to judge you. You're as precious in his sight as any other born again child of God. I know that.
Are my teachings more to your liking?
I can only speak for myself on this point: I've heard more than enough "teachings" to last me a couple lifetimes.
But, anyway, who's wound up? Certainly not me. The simple fact is, all this stuff is inextricably interwoven. If you heard something in, let's say, PFAL, what would be the point in avoiding the name of the class? Likewise, if you heard something that was taught by VPW, what would be the point in avoiding where you heard it? That sounds counterproductive to me. You don't do that with secular subjects, do you? I mean, if you're discussing the inner workings of an aircraft powerplant, it's perfectly fine to cite the source of your information, is it not?
I can only speak for myself on this point: I've heard more than enough "teachings" to last me a couple lifetimes.
But, anyway, who's wound up? Certainly not me. The simple fact is, all this stuff is inextricably interwoven. If you heard something in, let's say, PFAL, what would be the point in avoiding the name of the class? Likewise, if you heard something that was taught by VPW, what would be the point in avoiding where you heard it? That sounds counterproductive to me. You don't do that with secular subjects, do you? I mean, if you're discussing the inner workings of an aircraft powerplant, it's perfectly fine to cite the source of your information, is it not?
All I have for you is the word. If you are fed up with that, then end of discussion.
I'll go ahead and say that means I'm avoiding the real issue because I have no real answers except the ones from VP, blah, blah, blah. There, now you don't have to say it. Save your typing hand.
All I have for you is the word. If you are fed up with that, then end of discussion.
I'll go ahead and say that means I'm avoiding the real issue because I have no real answers except the ones from VP, blah, blah, blah. There, now you don't have to say it. Save your typing hand.
Admitting the problem is 50% of the solution. Awesome Dude.
I prefer my truth with joy and believing, not bitterness and acrimony. It's available you know. God bless... (hope that's no considered wayspeak). If so, then go with whatever GSCspeak is to say the same basic thing. Anyway, that's my sentiment towards you, Grace. You seem like a kind and caring person. Glad to meet you here.
Rob's, how kind of you to say that!! Rob's, I think some of the people here have a right to be bitter; they were used by TWI, and then kicked to the curb. VPW raped many of TWI women; that would make me bitter!! I wonder if these women will be capable of moving forward with their lives. Rob's, I think DWBH told you as nicely as he could about VPW, and TWI. He would know; he was there and saw much of went down in Way World. I wasn't there, and didn't know about a lot of this until I came here. Many, many people had their lives, and marriages ruined by their involment in TWI. I think if that had happened to me, I would be a wee bit upset also. Please continue to read the threads in the GSC, if you want to understand what really happened in TWI. TTFN!!
I guess I have to use a little wayspeak because I don't fully grasp GSC speak yet. I can certainly see it's there though.
Let's just stick with the word and look at 1 Cor 12. If you don't like that one, try John 14:12. With the exception of tongues and interpretation of tongues I would say Jesus did all the things in 1 Cor 12.
I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or the twi because I've said next to nothing about either. Go back and look. My interest is in the word. I started this post by saying I don't care how I got the word, VP, Stiles, Buillinger, or whatever or whoever doesn't matter. I'm pro word and seldom think about VP, twi, or any splinter group. I'm involved with NO group whatsoever. I've not been to one fellowship with the Way or any splinter group. My thoughts are my own. True, some line up with what VP says, but that doesn't mean VP channels through me when I speak.
I guess everybody here is on a short fuse when it comes to VP. I understand. Just glad I'm not, praise God.
Rich.......your answers are all over the place.
In one post, you boast about wierwille teaching you "all nine all the time."
In the next post, you say you don't give a whiff about wierwille, twi, or any splinter groups.
You note I Corinthians 12 and John 14:12......like that's your "teaching" in a nutshell.
Clearly, you don't even have a modicum of compassion or discernment to throw around your judgments.
Gawd......could you be any more juvenile?
You condescend to us.......and expect respect in return? WOW, with your moral/spiritual superiority complex......I'm sure you are a hoot to have around. Respect is earned and you haven't earned any so far. Big deal......you piloted Ambassador One. So what? At this point, you haven't grasped one iota of the posters' lives, professions, or backgrounds on this discussion forum.....yet, you say "everyone here is on a short fuse when it comes to VP." So now.........the concluding summary of your GSC-perusal is that EVERYONE is wound tight.
It must be exhausting to be able to discern such information in such a short period of time.
Rob's, how kind of you to say that!! Rob's, I think some of the people here have a right to be bitter; they were used by TWI, and then kicked to the curb. VPW raped many of TWI women; that would make me bitter!! I wonder if these women will be capable of moving forward with their lives. Rob's, I think DWBH told you as nicely as he could about VPW, and TWI. He would know; he was there and saw much of went down in Way World. I wasn't there, and didn't know about a lot of this until I came here. Many, many people had their lives, and marriages ruined by their involment in TWI. I think if that had happened to me, I would be a wee bit upset also. Please continue to read the threads in the GSC, if you want to understand what really happened in TWI. TTFN!!
You can't find me sticking up for VP or twi anywhere in my posts. I understand there was a lot of hurt.
Eph 4:26,
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
I'm not saying it's easy, but God wouldn't have said that if it weren't possible. I started this thread by saying something about I just want to see the baby (the word), don't care how I got it. VP, Stiles, Bullinger, Graham, whoever. VP does not heal us and never did. The word heals us. It can heal any hurt. It's too bad some can't separate VP from the word. I completely understand why, but it's still a crying shame. A real coup of the devil.
I was very involved with the way. Worked there many years. Bled my heart out for them in many ways. I was one of the first to leave after all the problems because I didn't want to get involved with all the junk. I've never gone back nor have I gone to any splinter groups. I'm me. I'm not that strong willed of a person or particularly disciplined, but, thank God, I was able to put the Way behind me and God's word in front of me. Gods has taught me more than ever since that day. If I can do it, I think there must be others who can do the same also. Maybe even here at GSC. Not everybody can make that distinction between the Way and the word. Some just hurt too bad. Real victory for the devil, but that's just how it is.
Frankly I don't want or need to understand exactly what happened. Wouldn't help a thing. I guess it was pretty bad, but the word is still the word and that's what really matters.
I guess I have to use a little wayspeak because I don't fully grasp GSC speak yet. I can certainly see it's there though.
Let's just stick with the word and look at 1 Cor 12. If you don't like that one, try John 14:12. With the exception of tongues and interpretation of tongues I would say Jesus did all the things in 1 Cor 12.
I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or the twi because I've said next to nothing about either. Go back and look. My interest is in the word. I started this post by saying I don't care how I got the word, VP, Stiles, Buillinger, or whatever or whoever doesn't matter. I'm pro word and seldom think about VP, twi, or any splinter group. I'm involved with NO group whatsoever. I've not been to one fellowship with the Way or any splinter group. My thoughts are my own. True, some line up with what VP says, but that doesn't mean VP channels through me when I speak.
I guess everybody here is on a short fuse when it comes to VP. I understand. Just glad I'm not, praise God.
What does it really mean to be "pro word?" Did you learn your "pro word" theology from anyone other than veepee?
Your use of the expression "pro word" seems to demonstrate a lack of self-awareness.
What does it really mean to be "pro word?" Did you learn your "pro word" theology from anyone other than veepee?
Your use of the expression "pro word" seems to demonstrate a lack of self-awareness.
When someone is "pro" something it means they are for it, they agree with it. It's the opposite of "anti" which means to be against something.
As far as the word "word," I use the word "word" interchangeably with the word "Bible." It's a book that claims to be authored by God. I'm not asking you to believe that it was actually authored by God, but it does say that nonetheless.
Putting the two together then we get something like: "for the Bible." In other I am a real fan of it. I may not understand all of it, or even very much of it, but I do believe it contains all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3), two things I have a real interest in learning.
Not sure how you made the connection between "pro word" and lack of self-awareness.
I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or the twi because I've said next to nothing about either. Go back and look. My interest is in the word. I started this post by saying I don't care how I got the word, VP, Stiles, Buillinger, or whatever or whoever doesn't matter. I'm pro word and seldom think about VP, twi, or any splinter group. I'm involved with NO group whatsoever. I've not been to one fellowship with the Way or any splinter group. My thoughts are my own. True, some line up with what VP says, but that doesn't mean VP channels through me when I speak.
I guess everybody here is on a short fuse when it comes to VP. I understand. Just glad I'm not, praise God.
.......EXCEPT when they're not.
"All nine all the time"......................wierwille
"I just want to see the baby"..........wierwille
"....the word is still the word"..........wierwille
When someone is "pro" something it means they are for it, they agree with it. It's the opposite of "anti" which means to be against something.
As far as the word "word," I use the word "word" interchangeably with the word "Bible." It's a book that claims to be authored by God. I'm not asking you to believe that it was actually authored by God, but it does say that nonetheless.
Putting the two together then we get something like: "for the Bible." In other I am a real fan of it. I may not understand all of it, or even very much of it, but I do believe it contains all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3), two things I have a real interest in learning.
Not sure how you made the connection between "pro word" and lack of self-awarenes.
A book makes claims about the author. In your case The Bible makes claims about God.
1) Jesus said we would do the works he does and then some (John 14:12). Those things are all found in 1 Cor 12 plus speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. Add 'em up and the total 9. It wasn't my idea that I could do those things. Jesus plainly said I could. So the revised phrase would be, "I do the works that Jesus did, plus speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues."
2) Come on now? The phrase, "throw the baby out with the bathwater" has been around for some time. Nothing to do with VP. It's a good phrase that conveys the meaning to anybody who understands the language and culture.
3) The Bible has not changed since it was written.
2) Come on now? The phrase, "throw the baby out with the bathwater" has been around for some time. Nothing to do with VP. It's a good phrase that conveys the meaning to anybody who understands the language and culture.
. . .
I'm not saying this phrase in particular, but not everyone in TWI was from Western Ohio. A lot of phrases he used might be common to that area, but not other parts of the country and world.
It's just another indicator that someone is dependent on what VPW thought.
You can't find me sticking up for VP or twi anywhere in my posts. I understand there was a lot of hurt.
Eph 4:26,
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
I'm not saying it's easy, but God wouldn't have said that if it weren't possible. I started this thread by saying something about I just want to see the baby (the word), don't care how I got it. VP, Stiles, Bullinger, Graham, whoever. VP does not heal us and never did. The word heals us. It can heal any hurt. It's too bad some can't separate VP from the word. I completely understand why, but it's still a crying shame. A real coup of the devil.
I was very involved with the way. Worked there many years. Bled my heart out for them in many ways. I was one of the first to leave after all the problems because I didn't want to get involved with all the junk. I've never gone back nor have I gone to any splinter groups. I'm me. I'm not that strong willed of a person or particularly disciplined, but, thank God, I was able to put the Way behind me and God's word in front of me. Gods has taught me more than ever since that day. If I can do it, I think there must be others who can do the same also. Maybe even here at GSC. Not everybody can make that distinction between the Way and the word. Some just hurt too bad. Real victory for the devil, but that's just how it is.
Frankly I don't want or need to understand exactly what happened. Wouldn't help a thing. I guess it was pretty bad, but the word is still the word and that's what really matters.
Rob's, some can do that, some need professional help to do it. Whatever works!! TTFN!!
It's just another indicator that someone is dependent on what VPW thought.
You're saying that that would be the only possible explanation of why I said something? You really can't imagine any other motivations? Wow! Talk about being stuck in a box!
You're saying that that would be the only possible explanation of why I said something? You really can't imagine any other motivations? Wow! Talk about being stuck in a box!
Hmm, no, I do not make that claim. I said "indicator". Which indicates that there are alternatives to think of but taken in context are quite helpful in directing toward a probable explanation.
Rob's, some can do that, some need professional help to do it. Whatever works!! TTFN!!
Well, I wish everybody could do it also. But my mother always said, "If wishes were horses, beggars would be riding."
But the word does help. Not everybody, but some.
Isa 55:11,
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Sometimes it seems like I'm just wasting my time here, but I'm not God. He says his word is never a waste of time. So I just speak it. It'll help somebody sometime.
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"I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or th
Grace Valerie Claire
Robs, I think you should STFU.
"Truth is most Christians I talk to think I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing". That statement alone rrobs ought to cause you to take stock in what you're communicating. Haven't you seen so far
I can only speak for myself on this point: I've heard more than enough "teachings" to last me a couple lifetimes.
But, anyway, who's wound up? Certainly not me. The simple fact is, all this stuff is inextricably interwoven. If you heard something in, let's say, PFAL, what would be the point in avoiding the name of the class? Likewise, if you heard something that was taught by VPW, what would be the point in avoiding where you heard it? That sounds counterproductive to me. You don't do that with secular subjects, do you? I mean, if you're discussing the inner workings of an aircraft powerplant, it's perfectly fine to cite the source of your information, is it not?
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All I have for you is the word. If you are fed up with that, then end of discussion.
I'll go ahead and say that means I'm avoiding the real issue because I have no real answers except the ones from VP, blah, blah, blah. There, now you don't have to say it. Save your typing hand.
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Admitting the problem is 50% of the solution. Awesome Dude.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rob's, how kind of you to say that!! Rob's, I think some of the people here have a right to be bitter; they were used by TWI, and then kicked to the curb. VPW raped many of TWI women; that would make me bitter!! I wonder if these women will be capable of moving forward with their lives. Rob's, I think DWBH told you as nicely as he could about VPW, and TWI. He would know; he was there and saw much of went down in Way World. I wasn't there, and didn't know about a lot of this until I came here. Many, many people had their lives, and marriages ruined by their involment in TWI. I think if that had happened to me, I would be a wee bit upset also. Please continue to read the threads in the GSC, if you want to understand what really happened in TWI. TTFN!!
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Maybe I'll get my head straighten out yet! Do you see any hope for that?
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Entirely up to the individual in question.
It might feel like skydiving for awhile so who knows!
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Rich.......your answers are all over the place.
You condescend to us.......and expect respect in return? WOW, with your moral/spiritual superiority complex......I'm sure you are a hoot to have around. Respect is earned and you haven't earned any so far. Big deal......you piloted Ambassador One. So what? At this point, you haven't grasped one iota of the posters' lives, professions, or backgrounds on this discussion forum.....yet, you say "everyone here is on a short fuse when it comes to VP." So now.........the concluding summary of your GSC-perusal is that EVERYONE is wound tight.
It must be exhausting to be able to discern such information in such a short period of time.
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You can't find me sticking up for VP or twi anywhere in my posts. I understand there was a lot of hurt.
Eph 4:26,
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
I'm not saying it's easy, but God wouldn't have said that if it weren't possible. I started this thread by saying something about I just want to see the baby (the word), don't care how I got it. VP, Stiles, Bullinger, Graham, whoever. VP does not heal us and never did. The word heals us. It can heal any hurt. It's too bad some can't separate VP from the word. I completely understand why, but it's still a crying shame. A real coup of the devil.
I was very involved with the way. Worked there many years. Bled my heart out for them in many ways. I was one of the first to leave after all the problems because I didn't want to get involved with all the junk. I've never gone back nor have I gone to any splinter groups. I'm me. I'm not that strong willed of a person or particularly disciplined, but, thank God, I was able to put the Way behind me and God's word in front of me. Gods has taught me more than ever since that day. If I can do it, I think there must be others who can do the same also. Maybe even here at GSC. Not everybody can make that distinction between the Way and the word. Some just hurt too bad. Real victory for the devil, but that's just how it is.
Frankly I don't want or need to understand exactly what happened. Wouldn't help a thing. I guess it was pretty bad, but the word is still the word and that's what really matters.
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What does it really mean to be "pro word?" Did you learn your "pro word" theology from anyone other than veepee?
Your use of the expression "pro word" seems to demonstrate a lack of self-awareness.
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When someone is "pro" something it means they are for it, they agree with it. It's the opposite of "anti" which means to be against something.
As far as the word "word," I use the word "word" interchangeably with the word "Bible." It's a book that claims to be authored by God. I'm not asking you to believe that it was actually authored by God, but it does say that nonetheless.
Putting the two together then we get something like: "for the Bible." In other I am a real fan of it. I may not understand all of it, or even very much of it, but I do believe it contains all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3), two things I have a real interest in learning.
Not sure how you made the connection between "pro word" and lack of self-awareness.
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.......EXCEPT when they're not.
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How would you convey the same ideas in GSC speak? Just pretend I said it that way.
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Why not try to convey it in your own words?
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Nice try on the "GSC speak" diversion angle.........splat
You stay in the echo chamber of pfal.........and your wayspeak gives you away.
Edited by skyriderLink to comment
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A book makes claims about the author. In your case The Bible makes claims about God.
I wonder what RHST makes claims about.
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I can do that.
1) Jesus said we would do the works he does and then some (John 14:12). Those things are all found in 1 Cor 12 plus speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. Add 'em up and the total 9. It wasn't my idea that I could do those things. Jesus plainly said I could. So the revised phrase would be, "I do the works that Jesus did, plus speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues."
2) Come on now? The phrase, "throw the baby out with the bathwater" has been around for some time. Nothing to do with VP. It's a good phrase that conveys the meaning to anybody who understands the language and culture.
3) The Bible has not changed since it was written.
Now do you believe I can think for myself?
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I guess it makes the same claims Stiles did in his book.
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I'm not saying this phrase in particular, but not everyone in TWI was from Western Ohio. A lot of phrases he used might be common to that area, but not other parts of the country and world.
It's just another indicator that someone is dependent on what VPW thought.
Edited by Bolshevikspelling
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rob's, some can do that, some need professional help to do it. Whatever works!! TTFN!!
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So why not just market Stiles' book and avoid all the controversy? Wouldn't that make "The Word" more easily received?
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You're saying that that would be the only possible explanation of why I said something? You really can't imagine any other motivations? Wow! Talk about being stuck in a box!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rob's, if you want!! Up to you!
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Hmm, no, I do not make that claim. I said "indicator". Which indicates that there are alternatives to think of but taken in context are quite helpful in directing toward a probable explanation.
Edited by Bolshevikspelling
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Well, I wish everybody could do it also. But my mother always said, "If wishes were horses, beggars would be riding."
But the word does help. Not everybody, but some.
Isa 55:11,
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Sometimes it seems like I'm just wasting my time here, but I'm not God. He says his word is never a waste of time. So I just speak it. It'll help somebody sometime.
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