Personally, I have tremendous respect and admiration for Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. There are times, I must admit, when I stand in absolute and utter amazement at what he has written to us and for us in book and magazine form. It truly is the accuracy of God's Word.
Yesterday was his birthday. Were he still living he would be 90 years old. Quess Uncle Harry was right. Life, even at the longest, is short.
Last evening, as I was grilling a steak and nursing a soda pop, I reflected on his life and mine. Thought about how thankful I am to once again be working the Truth of God's Word into my heart and life.
Is Jesus Christ God? OTrumf course not!
Trump, you have the right to post your opinions, as do I. I think VPW was a POS, who should have gone to prison for what he did to some of the women in TWI.
What do you mean, "if I like him?" Should I like him? Have you read everything he said about me? On the other hand I don't particularly not like him.
Rob, I don't think DWBH cares if people like, or don't like him. I think he has great insight into the dark side of TWI, because he used to be the Trunk Leader. I personally find his posts honest, and very witty. TTFN!!!
maybe that's why I started this thread. at one time I respected what I thought was his research although I could barely stand to sit through any of his teachings. I always thought he wrote better than he spoke (now I know why, it's because the written material was pretty much all done by others) but I actually thought the material was his.
now, I understand ideas can't be copyrighted, but there's a huge difference between learning from others and incorporating their ideas, and pretending you came up with something by revelation from God. maybe some people heard him say he learned from others, but that stuff didn't get passed around as part of the culture.
the most useful thread in this discussion has been the academic standard, since vpw passed himself off as a doctor and an academic. as an academic, he fails on all counts in the character department. of less importance is the information about copyright law, although that is also interesting.
if I was at all acedemically pursuaded, I'd right a book quoting large passage of Stile's book and put a copyright on it and see how long it took for twi lawyers to write me a letter. that could be a fun experiment.
Potato, it might be fun, but I think it also might be expensive. Dealing with lawyers isn't cheap!!
Dr. Victor Paul Wiereille is one of the finest men I have ever met.
No brag, just fact.
When the Death Certificate lists the TYPE of cancer that was the cause of death, someone dismissed it with "cancer shmancer", If you got cancer in twi, vpw HIMSELF would have gotten on you for it, since he said it was devils that were responsible for them, and if you were vulnerable to devils, it was a failing on YOUR part. (Job's miserable comforters had nothing on vpw when it came to suffering misfortunes, especially illnesses.) vpw would have reprimanded you for dismissing it so blithely- except you were excusing HIM, and HE gets a free pass from all the condemnation he passed around and judgements he passed.
When plagiarism was discussed, someone dismissed it with "nonsense!" The examples of plagiarism are proven, documented, and extensive. (Not all the plagiarism has been documented, but almost everything vpw taught came from the pen of someone else.)
When someone can dismiss those things so casually, I can't take them seriously. I certainly can't respect them.
Rrobs, presuming everything you posted was serious, you're running into some very elementary and very obvious problems.
1) You do not know where you are. The GSC exists specifically to "tell the other side of the story" with twi, and sometimes with its offspring, the offshoots. That means that, not only is it NOT a vpw admiration society, it is the opposite of that, and people have told about the many felonies for which vpw would have gone to prison if he had been caught, and if he hadn't been as thorough as he had been in covering his @$$ when raping women and making sure they wouldn't tell on him. So, posts extolling his brilliance, or ignorant of the rather fundamental flaws of pfal and twi materials, will reflect poorly in this crowd. (vpw plagiarized and often didn't really understand what he plagiarized, so he reproduced correctable errors entirely, and sometimes quoted incorrectly and contradicted himself, and sometimes added a few things to make himself sound like he was walking around getting revelation when he was using hidden sources for his (often wrong) claims, and occasionally adding a bit of charlatan showmanship to make it look more convincing.)
2) Furthermore, posts which reflect a vocabulary centered around twi-speak that also include claims that the poster examined vpw's work independently and thoroughly expose a rather marked lack of thoroughness in that department.
3) The GSC exists to "tell the other side of the story." It is not a Christian messageboard, nor does it need to be. There's no universal consensus on doctrine among posters that represent a variety of Christian positions, Jewish, atheist, agnostic, wiccan, etc. So, expecting everyone here to agree on the Bible as THE standard is not effective, even if it's not as volatile as trying to get them to agree on twi materials as THE standard.
4) Because there's such a variety of posters, there's no one official consensus. However, you'll notice that nearly all the posters agree about vpw's plagiarism having been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and about his rapes and molestations having been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. That's because they're so well-documented and tracked after the fact that people from greatly-differing perspectives agree on them.
5) If what you're looking for is "the cheerful posts", the GSC is not the best forum for you. It's here to INFORM. Do you look to the evening news for your daily dose of sunshine? Furthermore, there's threads that are fairly cheerful. They're NOT in the forum where we discuss vpw's felonies.
6) Much of the time, we don't need to rehash the same felonies here- except when someone arrives and announces they didn't happen or that they were exaggerated or that it's fine that vpw was a plagiarist and rapist or whatever. THEN we have to get into the same old horse manure all over again.
7) The fact that we've informed people about vpw's felonies and so on does not mean we spend all our free time being depressed, negative people. We all have lives, and they're not on this board. The blithe dismissal of people with fantasies that this is how they spend their off-time is trite, and one defense mechanism of those who desperately want to imagine vpw was half the man he claimed he was.
8) If you really want to get into Doctrine, post in Doctrinal. If you want some light-hearted fun, we have gaming threads. in the Movies/Music forum. If you just want to repeat how wonderful vpw was and twi was without finding out why we disagree so strongly, this is the wrong messageboard for you. There's closed communities online that do little else but that very thing. They welcome another poster parroting the party line and would love to have you. If that's NOT what you want, then pay a little attention and consider changing your approach here. All the wayspeak, posted here, is a lot like someone showing up to a Holocaust Survivor panel in a Nazi uniform and playing the jackboot.
I was one of the first to leave the Way, within a couple of weeks of the Passing of the Patriarch paper I left staff. I was a captain on Ambassador One. I've not returned to the Way since. Still, had better vibes there than here at GSC. I've never experienced so much acrimony and bitterness. At least VP taught me to keep my eyes on the word and not on people. Whatever you condemn VP for, you are condemning yourselves, unless Romans 2:1 is wrong.
I don't know if anybody at GSC knows me personally. I don't think so, but I've never been put down as much as here. Not that I care one bit. My sufficiency is of God, not VP and certainly not of GSC. That is good advice for anybody here.
Rob, perhaps there is some bitterness, and acrimony, but there is also a lot of truth here. I think it's a great Web Site, because most of us are loving, kind, and intelligent. If someone is flinging BS, he/she will be called on it, IMO.
Really? That's what you think? Here's the reality:
I'm more than a conqueror. In no way whatsoever am I a victim. How could anyone be a victim while seated at the right hand of he father? At least I know that much. The heat is fine. Doesn't bother me a bit. No more than it bothered Paul (Phil 1:18). I know who I am in Christ. The judgement of GSC means less than nothing (1 Cor 4:4). It's incredibly ungodly though. You are the one to suffer when you castigate me or any other brother or sister in Christ. You are being mean, you know it, and you are adversely affected by it. You even went so far as to reveal my name, which I think is for the most part verboten. I don't care, but it shows the hate you have in your heart. I wish I could help. I really do.
Rob's, when I post, I use my real name!! I know most people for a variety of reasons, but my real name is: Grace Valerie Claire. I love my name!!
Edited by Grace Valerie Claire I made some mistakes. I meant to say, most people don't, for a variety of reasons
I don't think it's really a matter of honest decent folks disagreeing over the application of Romans 2.
What's really the issue here is the double standard of wierwille's "ministry". He would openly preach and teach how we all should obey the moral dictates of the Bible. But how he conducted his private life is another matter.
Yes - this is one of the greatest secrets in way-world today..... wierwille's double standard. It is the cornerstone of hypocrisy.
By his own words in unguarded moments, by his licentious lifestyle and by his predatory tactics - many of which are documented here and in published books - like "Undertow" and "Losing the Way" - it is wierwille who is in stark disagreement with how the Bible says one should conduct their life as a pastor, a husband, a father, a Christian!
He lived a life by his own "rules" of wanton abandon. He could easily skirt around any biblical commands by saying it's not applicable to him. It's all in the nifty trick of an easily adaptable attitude of "unto the pure all things are pure" - or quote some other goofy pious platitude or "spiritual" reason - so for example he could plagiarize and justify that it was not lying or stealing because God showed him how to piece together everyone else's work - so it all fits like a hand in a glove.
What about wierwille teaching the Bible means what it says and says what it means in PFAL? Doesn't the Bible condemn lying, stealing, adultery, sexually molesting women, raping women? Even most civilized countries have laws against that kind of stuff. But wierwille is above that? Does he have some kind of diplomatic immunity ? Where's the sense of justice if I obey the law and don't commit any of those things but I'm suppose to ignore some joker who's doing all that like it's going out of style? And he's supposedly a man of God? And he's preaching to everyone that we're supposed to obey God and follow his word?!?!?!?!?... ....maybe a tad hypocritical don't you think.
Grease Spot shares the same lot as whistleblowers - in that the truth often pi$$es off certain groups of people - those who spin the web of deception and those who want to remain ensnared in that "comfortable" web.
T-Bone, you have superb writing skills!! I love reading your posts!!
When I think of wayspeak, rrobs .........this is what I mean.
You came into The Café stating this:
On 6/24/2017 at 1:48 PM, rrobs said:
Has anyone learned about holy spirit from Stiles or Bullinger? VP was the one who taught it to me.
I care more about the baby than how I got it. If VP had photocopied the books and wrote his name over the author's name, it's still the truth, and I operate all nine all the time. Will it somehow be "invalid" because VP copied it? And let's face it folks, VP went beyond either of these two men of God. They paved the way for VP, built the bridge, and VP paved the way for us.
So, rrobs.......since you're into teaching "the word" could you expound on this? Could you cite chapter and verse? Did any disciple or apostle, after the day of Pentecost, ever state "this truth" doing ALL nine of them ALL the time?
You's wayspeak that cannot be backed by scripture, and said you operate all nine all the time. That's why I challenge you to expound on it. You say your desire is to teach and help us here at GSC.........okay, do it. Teach me how this "all nine all the time" has a biblical basis. I don't want generic cherry-picking of scripture.....I would like to see you detail it from the scriptures. Can you do that?
I'm the victim? Don't thinks so. It's all you here on GSC that are victims. I've never seen such a group of whining little tots as here on GSC. VP hurt all you poor little babies. Ohhhh...I'm so sorry for you. You can't take the heat. You should have gotten out sooner I guess. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you more.
That's one way to look at things, but it's not very nice and I don't really mean it. Just making a point.
You are so concerned for the hurt that VP and twi caused other people. What about the nasty things you said to me? Are you acting any better than VP? What if your comments put me over the edge? What if they made me cry and doubt my validity as a human being. You said some awful, hurtful things to me. Doesn't my heart matter at all to you? Or is it just the poor helpless victims of VP?
As it turns out none of that actually occurred. I have thicker skin than that. But how could you know it wouldn't have hurt my heart deeply? You didn't know, but you went ahead anyway. You are a hypocrite to the max my friend. Wake up!
Rob's, what nasty things have people said to you??!! I was not hurt by VPW, or TWI. But, many people were; some of the women here were raped by that POS!! If you want to stay, great!! But if you continue to post, people will respond to your posts at times. I personally try to stay out of arguments; many of the people here at the GSC, are far smarter than me!! I am consistently amazed at how intelligent many of the people are here!! I am intelligent enough to know when to respond, and when to STFU. I love coming here, because it makes me think, and also at times it makes me laugh!! Sometimes though it makes me cry!! I feel a sense of peace, and love here, that I rarely felt in TWI. I wish you the best honey!! 178 pages, lots of topics have come up in this About The Way forum. Greasespot Café has many forums and missions......BUT one of the main reasons for this website is "to tell the other side of The Way Ministry." You are posting on a forum that directs its emphasis to ALL THINGS ABOUT TWI. During these 17 years, we've conversed with people who think Jesus will be returning to earth with wierwille's orange book in his hand [the wierwille-worship] well as several women who've told their stories of being groped or raped in wierwille's motor coach. The stories and accounts have run the full continuum.
Clearly, you must realize that coming to a website and preaching wayspeak to those of us who've exited twi's doors is a fool's errand. If we wanted wierwille-doctrine, then we'd still be there, right? Or, in an offshoot, splinter group that espouses the same doctrine.
Many of us went thru wierwille's corps training.........a few of us were ordained. We KNOW whereof we speak. Until you break free from the buzzwords, pfal slogans and one-liners.......imo, you are STILL following wierwille, the man, and all his ilk. Check out this link......Wierwille and the Pauline Epistles.
Rich, just a reminder.........don't paint all GSC-posters with a broad brush. It makes you look petty......and engaging in strife. Surely, your Christian values are higher than that, yes? One of the main reasons I come to this website is to help those who've been bruised, burdened and broken [Luke 4:18].......and, I've come to understand that wierwille skewed and skewered plenty of scriptures along the way to stealthily build a cult with anti-Christian tenets. The Book of Galatians should have been heeded in the early 70s !!!
Stick around..............we've been addressing these things for 17 years.
Sky, 17 years??!! Wow, I wish I had known about this Web Site 17 years ago!!! Oh, I am thankful that I found it at all. Happy posting to everyone!!
When I think of wayspeak, rrobs .........this is what I mean.
You came into The Café stating this:
So, rrobs.......since you're into teaching "the word" could you expound on this? Could you cite chapter and verse? Did any disciple or apostle, after the day of Pentecost, ever state "this truth" doing ALL nine of them ALL the time?
You's wayspeak that cannot be backed by scripture, and said you operate all nine all the time. That's why I challenge you to expound on it. You say your desire is to teach and help us here at GSC.........okay, do it. Teach me how this "all nine all the time" has a biblical basis. I don't want generic cherry-picking of scripture.....I would like to see you detail it from the scriptures. Can you do that?
I had asked a couple times about what was good about RHST. Then there were games.
Maybe off topic,
If you spend a lot of time with someone you tend to start thinking like they do. Same goes for reading.
It's good to have variety to gain broader perspective.
If you're speaking "Wayspeak" it's because you are simply not learning from other sources. (or you're putting on a show, it's year 2017)
If you're learning from other sources the WayBrain thinking gets diluted, confronted, or displaced.
Why only listen one source? Because he's your Father?
When I think of wayspeak, rrobs .........this is what I mean.
You came into The Café stating this:
So, rrobs.......since you're into teaching "the word" could you expound on this? Could you cite chapter and verse? Did any disciple or apostle, after the day of Pentecost, ever state "this truth" doing ALL nine of them ALL the time?
You's wayspeak that cannot be backed by scripture, and said you operate all nine all the time. That's why I challenge you to expound on it. You say your desire is to teach and help us here at GSC.........okay, do it. Teach me how this "all nine all the time" has a biblical basis. I don't want generic cherry-picking of scripture.....I would like to see you detail it from the scriptures. Can you do that?
And, Rich.........just so you know, that "all nine all the time" slick-vic slogan was DROPPED from twi.
From 1990-1998 (when I exited twi).........I never once heard that slogan again. Not from martindale. Not from my region coordinators. Not on a sunday teaching tape. Just like the word "twig" was phased out of existence. Even the twit-cult had to adapt from time to time from slick-vic chicanery.
Funny, that its the sycophants who exited twi but STILL repeat the slogans.....that show up on Facebook and/or troll GSC.
Hey. That's pretty good. It's nine more then VPW operated.
The most I ever saw him do was repeat the old "Lo Shanta La Macka See Tay" shtick.
Does anyone have any evidence VPW operated all nine...or even one?
I'd love to hear about the evidence.
edit: VPW teaching how to operate "all nine all the time" is like a homeless guy teaching how to achieve financial success... except, there really is such a thing as financial success.
And, Rich.........just so you know, that "all nine all the time" slick-vic slogan was DROPPED from twi.
From 1990-1998 (when I exited twi).........I never once heard that slogan again. Not from martindale. Not from my region coordinators. Not on a sunday teaching tape. Just like the word "twig" was phased out of existence. Even the twit-cult had to adapt from time to time from slick-vic chicanery.
Funny, that its the sycophants who exited twi but STILL repeat the slogans.....that show up on Facebook and/or troll GSC.
I guess I have to use a little wayspeak because I don't fully grasp GSC speak yet. I can certainly see it's there though.
Let's just stick with the word and look at 1 Cor 12. If you don't like that one, try John 14:12. With the exception of tongues and interpretation of tongues I would say Jesus did all the things in 1 Cor 12.
I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or the twi because I've said next to nothing about either. Go back and look. My interest is in the word. I started this post by saying I don't care how I got the word, VP, Stiles, Buillinger, or whatever or whoever doesn't matter. I'm pro word and seldom think about VP, twi, or any splinter group. I'm involved with NO group whatsoever. I've not been to one fellowship with the Way or any splinter group. My thoughts are my own. True, some line up with what VP says, but that doesn't mean VP channels through me when I speak.
I guess everybody here is on a short fuse when it comes to VP. I understand. Just glad I'm not, praise God.
Hey. That's pretty good. It's nine more then VPW operated.
The most I ever saw him do was repeat the old "Lo Shanta La Macka See Tay" shtick.
Does anyone have any evidence VPW operated all nine...or even one?
I'd love to hear about the evidence.
edit: VPW teaching how to operate "all nine all the time" is like a homeless guy teaching how to achieve financial success... except, there really is such a thing as financial success.
Let's just stick with the word and look at 1 Cor 12. If you don't like that one, try John 14:12. With the exception of tongues and interpretation of tongues I would say Jesus did all the things in 1 Cor 12. VP never taught that, did he? Do you like it?
Rob, perhaps there is some bitterness, and acrimony, but there is also a lot of truth here. I think it's a great Web Site, because most of us are loving, kind, and intelligent. If someone is flinging BS, he/she will be called on it, IMO.
I prefer my truth with joy and believing, not bitterness and acrimony. It's available you know. God bless... (hope that's no considered wayspeak). If so, then go with whatever GSCspeak is to say the same basic thing. Anyway, that's my sentiment towards you, Grace. You seem like a kind and caring person. Glad to meet you here.
Let's just stick with the word and look at 1 Cor 12. If you don't like that one, try John 14:12. With the exception of tongues and interpretation of tongues I would say Jesus did all the things in 1 Cor 12. VP never taught that, did he? Do you like it?
Truth be told, (it's just an expression.) Wierwille rarely taught ANYTHING about Jesus. The concept of nine manifestation that Wierwille taught was borrowed from another source. Bullinger maybe? I don't remember. I do know, however, all the definitions of the *manifestations*, which can be found in the Advanced Class syllabus, did not originate with Wierwille. He copied those from an uncited source, almost word-for-word.
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"I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or th
Grace Valerie Claire
Robs, I think you should STFU.
"Truth is most Christians I talk to think I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing". That statement alone rrobs ought to cause you to take stock in what you're communicating. Haven't you seen so far
Grace Valerie Claire
David, I thought VPW was born Dec 31, 1917??
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Grace Valerie Claire
Trump, you have the right to post your opinions, as do I. I think VPW was a POS, who should have gone to prison for what he did to some of the women in TWI.
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What do you mean, "if I like him?" Should I like him? Have you read everything he said about me? On the other hand I don't particularly not like him.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rob, I don't think DWBH cares if people like, or don't like him. I think he has great insight into the dark side of TWI, because he used to be the Trunk Leader. I personally find his posts honest, and very witty. TTFN!!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Trump, are you serious????!!!! Please read the various threads about him; the man was EVIL!!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Potato, it might be fun, but I think it also might be expensive. Dealing with lawyers isn't cheap!!
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Whose word? Even if you were to approach a standard that might be considered speaking God's Word, how would anyone know that's what you're doing?
Wherefore by their fruits...? Where's your fruit? [disclaimer: I don't claim to be speaking for God.]
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When the Death Certificate lists the TYPE of cancer that was the cause of death, someone dismissed it with "cancer shmancer", If you got cancer in twi, vpw HIMSELF would have gotten on you for it, since he said it was devils that were responsible for them, and if you were vulnerable to devils, it was a failing on YOUR part. (Job's miserable comforters had nothing on vpw when it came to suffering misfortunes, especially illnesses.) vpw would have reprimanded you for dismissing it so blithely- except you were excusing HIM, and HE gets a free pass from all the condemnation he passed around and judgements he passed.
When plagiarism was discussed, someone dismissed it with "nonsense!" The examples of plagiarism are proven, documented, and extensive. (Not all the plagiarism has been documented, but almost everything vpw taught came from the pen of someone else.)
When someone can dismiss those things so casually, I can't take them seriously. I certainly can't respect them.
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Rrobs, presuming everything you posted was serious, you're running into some very elementary and very obvious problems.
1) You do not know where you are. The GSC exists specifically to "tell the other side of the story" with twi, and sometimes with its offspring, the offshoots. That means that, not only is it NOT a vpw admiration society, it is the opposite of that, and people have told about the many felonies for which vpw would have gone to prison if he had been caught, and if he hadn't been as thorough as he had been in covering his @$$ when raping women and making sure they wouldn't tell on him. So, posts extolling his brilliance, or ignorant of the rather fundamental flaws of pfal and twi materials, will reflect poorly in this crowd. (vpw plagiarized and often didn't really understand what he plagiarized, so he reproduced correctable errors entirely, and sometimes quoted incorrectly and contradicted himself, and sometimes added a few things to make himself sound like he was walking around getting revelation when he was using hidden sources for his (often wrong) claims, and occasionally adding a bit of charlatan showmanship to make it look more convincing.)
2) Furthermore, posts which reflect a vocabulary centered around twi-speak that also include claims that the poster examined vpw's work independently and thoroughly expose a rather marked lack of thoroughness in that department.
3) The GSC exists to "tell the other side of the story." It is not a Christian messageboard, nor does it need to be. There's no universal consensus on doctrine among posters that represent a variety of Christian positions, Jewish, atheist, agnostic, wiccan, etc. So, expecting everyone here to agree on the Bible as THE standard is not effective, even if it's not as volatile as trying to get them to agree on twi materials as THE standard.
4) Because there's such a variety of posters, there's no one official consensus. However, you'll notice that nearly all the posters agree about vpw's plagiarism having been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and about his rapes and molestations having been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. That's because they're so well-documented and tracked after the fact that people from greatly-differing perspectives agree on them.
5) If what you're looking for is "the cheerful posts", the GSC is not the best forum for you. It's here to INFORM. Do you look to the evening news for your daily dose of sunshine? Furthermore, there's threads that are fairly cheerful. They're NOT in the forum where we discuss vpw's felonies.
6) Much of the time, we don't need to rehash the same felonies here- except when someone arrives and announces they didn't happen or that they were exaggerated or that it's fine that vpw was a plagiarist and rapist or whatever. THEN we have to get into the same old horse manure all over again.
7) The fact that we've informed people about vpw's felonies and so on does not mean we spend all our free time being depressed, negative people. We all have lives, and they're not on this board. The blithe dismissal of people with fantasies that this is how they spend their off-time is trite, and one defense mechanism of those who desperately want to imagine vpw was half the man he claimed he was.
8) If you really want to get into Doctrine, post in Doctrinal. If you want some light-hearted fun, we have gaming threads. in the Movies/Music forum. If you just want to repeat how wonderful vpw was and twi was without finding out why we disagree so strongly, this is the wrong messageboard for you. There's closed communities online that do little else but that very thing. They welcome another poster parroting the party line and would love to have you. If that's NOT what you want, then pay a little attention and consider changing your approach here. All the wayspeak, posted here, is a lot like someone showing up to a Holocaust Survivor panel in a Nazi uniform and playing the jackboot.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rob, perhaps there is some bitterness, and acrimony, but there is also a lot of truth here. I think it's a great Web Site, because most of us are loving, kind, and intelligent. If someone is flinging BS, he/she will be called on it, IMO.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rob's, when I post, I use my real name!! I know most people for a variety of reasons, but my real name is: Grace Valerie Claire. I love my name!!
I made some mistakes. I meant to say, most people don't, for a variety of reasons
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Grace Valerie Claire
T-Bone, you have superb writing skills!! I love reading your posts!!
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When I think of wayspeak, rrobs .........this is what I mean.
You came into The Café stating this:
So, rrobs.......since you're into teaching "the word" could you expound on this? Could you cite chapter and verse? Did any disciple or apostle, after the day of Pentecost, ever state "this truth" doing ALL nine of them ALL the time?
You's wayspeak that cannot be backed by scripture, and said you operate all nine all the time. That's why I challenge you to expound on it. You say your desire is to teach and help us here at GSC.........okay, do it. Teach me how this "all nine all the time" has a biblical basis. I don't want generic cherry-picking of scripture.....I would like to see you detail it from the scriptures. Can you do that?
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rob's, what nasty things have people said to you??!! I was not hurt by VPW, or TWI. But, many people were; some of the women here were raped by that POS!! If you want to stay, great!! But if you continue to post, people will respond to your posts at times. I personally try to stay out of arguments; many of the people here at the GSC, are far smarter than me!! I am consistently amazed at how intelligent many of the people are here!! I am intelligent enough to know when to respond, and when to STFU. I love coming here, because it makes me think, and also at times it makes me laugh!! Sometimes though it makes me cry!! I feel a sense of peace, and love here, that I rarely felt in TWI. I wish you the best honey!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sky, 17 years??!! Wow, I wish I had known about this Web Site 17 years ago!!! Oh, I am thankful that I found it at all. Happy posting to everyone!!
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Well, it isn't necessarily good for using as a hammer to beat people up and telling them they are wrong...
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rocky, you are so right!!
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I had asked a couple times about what was good about RHST. Then there were games.
Maybe off topic,
If you spend a lot of time with someone you tend to start thinking like they do. Same goes for reading.
It's good to have variety to gain broader perspective.
If you're speaking "Wayspeak" it's because you are simply not learning from other sources. (or you're putting on a show, it's year 2017)
If you're learning from other sources the WayBrain thinking gets diluted, confronted, or displaced.
Why only listen one source? Because he's your Father?
*Throws stones at Stephen*
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And, Rich.........just so you know, that "all nine all the time" slick-vic slogan was DROPPED from twi.
From 1990-1998 (when I exited twi).........I never once heard that slogan again. Not from martindale. Not from my region coordinators. Not on a sunday teaching tape. Just like the word "twig" was phased out of existence. Even the twit-cult had to adapt from time to time from slick-vic chicanery.
Funny, that its the sycophants who exited twi but STILL repeat the slogans.....that show up on Facebook and/or troll GSC.
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All nine all the time.
Hey. That's pretty good. It's nine more then VPW operated.
The most I ever saw him do was repeat the old "Lo Shanta La Macka See Tay" shtick.
Does anyone have any evidence VPW operated all nine...or even one?
I'd love to hear about the evidence.
edit: VPW teaching how to operate "all nine all the time" is like a homeless guy teaching how to achieve financial success... except, there really is such a thing as financial success.
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I guess I have to use a little wayspeak because I don't fully grasp GSC speak yet. I can certainly see it's there though.
Let's just stick with the word and look at 1 Cor 12. If you don't like that one, try John 14:12. With the exception of tongues and interpretation of tongues I would say Jesus did all the things in 1 Cor 12.
I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or the twi because I've said next to nothing about either. Go back and look. My interest is in the word. I started this post by saying I don't care how I got the word, VP, Stiles, Buillinger, or whatever or whoever doesn't matter. I'm pro word and seldom think about VP, twi, or any splinter group. I'm involved with NO group whatsoever. I've not been to one fellowship with the Way or any splinter group. My thoughts are my own. True, some line up with what VP says, but that doesn't mean VP channels through me when I speak.
I guess everybody here is on a short fuse when it comes to VP. I understand. Just glad I'm not, praise God.
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Let's just stick with the word and look at 1 Cor 12. If you don't like that one, try John 14:12. With the exception of tongues and interpretation of tongues I would say Jesus did all the things in 1 Cor 12. VP never taught that, did he? Do you like it?
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I prefer my truth with joy and believing, not bitterness and acrimony. It's available you know. God bless... (hope that's no considered wayspeak). If so, then go with whatever GSCspeak is to say the same basic thing. Anyway, that's my sentiment towards you, Grace. You seem like a kind and caring person. Glad to meet you here.
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Truth be told, (it's just an expression.) Wierwille rarely taught ANYTHING about Jesus. The concept of nine manifestation that Wierwille taught was borrowed from another source. Bullinger maybe? I don't remember. I do know, however, all the definitions of the *manifestations*, which can be found in the Advanced Class syllabus, did not originate with Wierwille. He copied those from an uncited source, almost word-for-word.
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