Why can't people at GSC understand my affections lay with the word and not VP or the Way. It's the word that judges
Two possible (likely) factors: 1) you don't seem to have grasped the essence of your audience; 2) you aren't clearly communicating your message.
I get your frustration. Online message forums are very limited in their ability to communicate nuances that often are a part of nonverbal communication.
Really? That's what you think? Here's the "reality":
You even went so far as to reveal my name, which I think is for the most part verboten. I don't care, but it shows the hate you have in your heart. I wish I could help. I really do.
There. You revealed the essence of what's going on with you. You declared that you speak for God. But that's just not true. You don't know what's in DWBH's heart.
To be clear, what I yearn for is the word, the Bible, the scriptures, the whatever is the correct term for the word. If I find some here I'll be blessed.
Perhaps a valid longing. But how will you "know" if you find some? How do you know that it always blesses the hearer?
Yup! Stupid you, I guess. Poor little victim of speaking the truth in love, aren't you! If you can't take the heat, stop screwing around in the kitchen. Whoops! I'm sorry poor little Richie Robson. I did not mean to castigate you. Poor baby.
I'm the victim? Don't thinks so. It's all you here on GSC that are victims. I've never seen such a group of whining little tots as here on GSC. VP hurt all you poor little babies. Ohhhh...I'm so sorry for you. You can't take the heat. You should have gotten out sooner I guess. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you more.
That's one way to look at things, but it's not very nice and I don't really mean it. Just making a point.
You are so concerned for the hurt that VP and twi caused other people. What about the nasty things you said to me? Are you acting any better than VP? What if your comments put me over the edge? What if they made me cry and doubt my validity as a human being. You said some awful, hurtful things to me. Doesn't my heart matter at all to you? Or is it just the poor helpless victims of VP?
As it turns out none of that actually occurred. I have thicker skin than that. But how could you know it wouldn't have hurt my heart deeply? You didn't know, but you went ahead anyway. You are a hypocrite to the max my friend. Wake up!
How about not using a ruler. Personally, I can read the book without a ruler. I think the doctrinal forum will be a better venue for that. Thanks for the tip.
On 7/2/2017 at 7:40 PM, rrobs said:
I just found out about a doctrinal forum here at GSC. I'm going to check it out....
Discussions in About the Way forum do sometimes get into doctrine - especially how it relates to consequences (I'm using the word "consequences" in a general sense - and don't mean to make it sound negative - a consequence may be good or bad, depending on the action or actions that precede it).
Another thing - it's really only when a doctrine is put into practice that an interpretation becomes apparent or fleshed out - something you can see - a visual aide of an idea perhaps - it is a 3 dimensional how-to of a given directive- - that's not to say the interpretation (i.e. practice, or maybe "implementation" would work too) is correct or that only one interpretation is possible....so the ramifications are important to consider - that's asking "what impact will this action have?"
I'm sure I'm not telling you anything new here - but let's consider that in regards to the way international - -
On a grand scale - Bible doctrine is put into practice by their policies and procedures that are set up; doctrine is also "implemented" or fleshed out in the way any programs are set up and operated. Perhaps even the attitudes and slogans that are encouraged may be considered an interpretation of doctrine as well as citing someone's specific action, behavior or lifestyle as exemplary of the Christian life or of what a man of God is truly like.
That brings me back to a line of thought in my previous post - wierwille's double standard; he taught one way publicly - - usually along the lines of the Bible means what it says and says what it means, "it's the word, the word and nothing but the word, " rah, rah, rah!... (Addressing certain subjects that wierwille taught - in print or at the podium and his gross incompetency with biblical Greek, logic, and textual criticism is a whole other can of worms and is not my concern here; Although in light of Matthew 7 that speaks of knowing false prophets by their fruit - I guess one could consider how false prophets implement their erroneous doctrine as the fruit of their labor – by introducing erroneous practices..so it's not a case of good doctrine but poor application - - rather it's a lot of twisted, perverted doctrine put into practice.)
But he lived another life when he was "off the stage". As I mentioned in previous post he would bend any moral demands of the Bible around what he wanted to do anyway by claiming he so renewed his mind, he's doing whatever (fill in the blank) in the love of God so it's ok and numerous other demented bits of "logic".
Think about the consequences of such actions; especially being looked up to as "the man of God", "the teacher", who's every action...and practically every word we're looked upon with great admiration by the general body of TWI...and think of what this also TEACHES those in the various programs and private settings where he let his guard down and could speak more freely. Wierwille's doctrinal malpractice may become a special contingency in the mind of an observant and admiring follower of HOW to "best" interpret the Bible, or decide on what's truly applicable in a given situation.
For example - as a former follower and admirer of wierwille I was very keen on observing his every move and how he handled situations (I've told the story many times on Grease Spot about how wierwille showed his favorite porn video to our family corps - adults AND TEENS and the things he said to justify such inappropriateness) so let's make a hypothetical situation that puts me in a moral dilemma - let's see how a person who has studied intently under wierwille and then when put to the test innocently tries to mimic wierwille's way of handling things:
"Well, lets see - the Bible means what it says and says what it means - but what about this temptation to commit adultery - or is it really an opportunity to meet a need....it might be ok if I do it in the love of God - it will bless her after all since she confided in me her husband is no longer standing on the word and has not been very loving to her lately. We both have been studying the word a lot - and been talking a lot about what God has showed us....Well, unto the pure all things are pure...Besides I think her and I are spiritually strong enough to handle it."
please don't be naive in thinking wierwille's insidious modeling of the Christian life is no big deal - there are tons of stories here and in published works that testify to how his style of "leadership" and "shining" example have influenced how followers have responded in many moral dilemmas! By that I don’t just mean how someone may choose the wrong path because their moral compass was sabotaged – it also is about the incongruous sideshow incidents that followers…and victims are exposed to – that may be so shocking or upsetting as to leave them in a state of apoplexy – they are not sure how to respond – on this, please see an older thread that was revived recently "I should have bolted when" thread
== == == ==
Anyway - just saying if it involves doctrine and practice of the way international- it's appropriate for this forum...
...of course keeping in mind the practical impact a doctrine might have is a good idea even in the doctrinal forum - so it's not just all theory....and here's something sort of related to keep things real - I've heard a few different versions of it - and think it originated with a general over battle plans - no plan ever survives first contact with reality...which I take it to mean you have to be attentive and flexible when implementing a doctrine - solicit feedback, etc. maybe something needs to change, look at how it affects those involved.
..I think that's where wierwille and top leadership fell short - wierwille's pronouncements, Bible interpretations, program setups , etc. were all set in stone - - and that's what makes for a lot of "holy-crap-how-could-those-bozos-get-away-with-such-madness-for-so-long" reading on Grease Spot.
No. I wish we could do all of this face to face. I bet it'd be a lot different if we came out from behind our keyboards. People wouldn't say so many unkind words to each other. They'd be too afraid.
There. You revealed the essence of what's going on with you. You declared that you speak for God. But that's just not true. You don't know what's in DWBH's heart.
Who is DWBH? Is there anybody that can speak for God? Who might that be? How can you say I'm not speaking for God? Would you have said that to Paul? Where do you get your information to make those decisions?
A lot of questions, I guess, but I really don't understand where you are coming from.
No. I wish we could do all of this face to face. I bet it'd be a lot different if we came out from behind our keyboards. People wouldn't say so many unkind words to each other. They'd be too afraid.
I wasn't asking you "Are you mad?" I doubt you are mad.
These statements in your post seem to contradict themselves. As has been a pattern in your posts. Folks are too afraid to face each other but are unkind online? Have you seen the violent nature of the real world? People face each other.
Take a position and defend it.
Or don't. It speaks just as clearly where you stand. As an agent of chaos.
The teachings of Victor Paul Wierwille are all about breaking down form in conversation. Destroying meaning. Then arbitrarily using people whenever possible. Twisting words and manipulating when convenient. Or not, when convenient.
I'm the victim? Don't thinks so. It's all you here on GSC that are victims. I've never seen such a group of whining little tots as here on GSC. VP hurt all you poor little babies. Ohhhh...I'm so sorry for you. You can't take the heat. You should have gotten out sooner I guess. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you more.
That's one way to look at things, but it's not very nice and I don't really mean it. Just making a point.
You are so concerned for the hurt that VP and twi caused other people. What about the nasty things you said to me? Are you acting any better than VP? What if your comments put me over the edge? What if they made me cry and doubt my validity as a human being. You said some awful, hurtful things to me. Doesn't my heart matter at all to you? Or is it just the poor helpless victims of VP?
As it turns out none of that actually occurred. I have thicker skin than that. But how could you know it wouldn't have hurt my heart deeply? You didn't know, but you went ahead anyway. You are a hypocrite to the max my friend. Wake up!
Hello rrobs. Nice to meet you. Haven't seen you around the GSC before.
Have a cup of coffee on the house and stick around a while. As human beings go we aren't so bad. But yes the tongue can injure as you know. The more chill people are the better off IMO.
To be clear, what I yearn for is the word, the Bible, the scriptures, the whatever is the correct term for the word. If I find some here I'll be blessed. Perhaps I'll post a few of the things I've learned from my own study. I will leave VP and twi, completely out of future posts. I really didn't realize how intense the sentiment is at GSC. Besides, VP, twi, GSC are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to the word. By that I simply means it's God's word whether anybody believes it or not. That's what the word says. It doesn't matter what certain unmentionable people said. That's not why it's true. It's true because the word says it. No brainwashing involved. I choose by my own study and my own mind to believe the obvious, that which the word clearly says about itself.
So from now on, I only want to talk about the word. If this isn't the right forum I'll bow out.
Rich........in 178 pages, lots of topics have come up in this About The Way forum. Greasespot Café has many forums and missions......BUT one of the main reasons for this website is "to tell the other side of The Way Ministry." You are posting on a forum that directs its emphasis to ALL THINGS ABOUT TWI. During these 17 years, we've conversed with people who think Jesus will be returning to earth with wierwille's orange book in his hand [the wierwille-worship]........as well as several women who've told their stories of being groped or raped in wierwille's motor coach. The stories and accounts have run the full continuum.
Clearly, you must realize that coming to a website and preaching wayspeak to those of us who've exited twi's doors is a fool's errand. If we wanted wierwille-doctrine, then we'd still be there, right? Or, in an offshoot, splinter group that espouses the same doctrine.
Many of us went thru wierwille's corps training.........a few of us were ordained. We KNOW whereof we speak. Until you break free from the buzzwords, pfal slogans and one-liners.......imo, you are STILL following wierwille, the man, and all his ilk. Check out this link......Wierwille and the Pauline Epistles.
Rich, just a reminder.........don't paint all GSC-posters with a broad brush. It makes you look petty......and engaging in strife. Surely, your Christian values are higher than that, yes? One of the main reasons I come to this website is to help those who've been bruised, burdened and broken [Luke 4:18].......and, I've come to understand that wierwille skewed and skewered plenty of scriptures along the way to stealthily build a cult with anti-Christian tenets. The Book of Galatians should have been heeded in the early 70s !!!
Stick around..............we've been addressing these things for 17 years.
Who is DWBH? Is there anybody that can speak for God? Who might that be? How can you say I'm not speaking for God? Would you have said that to Paul? Where do you get your information to make those decisions?
A lot of questions, I guess, but I really don't understand where you are coming from.
Not my place to disclose DWBH's identity. How can I say you're not speaking for God? That's easy. Your proclamations run counter to the bible. You can't know what's in someone's heart. Where do I get my information? Sunesis... (not the person who used that handle here). and common sense.
"... I really don't understand where you are coming from." Clearly.
Why not troll TLTF, STFI, GEER, LTFI, and the 3000 other TWIt offshoots? Agree with them too much, I guess? You and JulianBible are just another TWIt wannabe worshipping a drunk, Nazi, malignant, paranoid narcissist with the accompanying compulsive pathological lying, a serial sexual batterer and rapist, misogynist, racist, bigoted fraud. That's your great MOG, and idol. Be ye imitators of Vic is what your interpretation of Vic's interpretation of B.G.'s, and Bullinger's, and Stiles', and E.Stanley Jones, Rosalind Rinker, Glenn Clark, Rufus Mosley, Oswald Chambers Starr Daly, Kenyon, Welch, F.F. Bruce's, interpretations of whatever version of the Bible translated from whatever Greek or Hebrew, or Latin, or Aramaic critical texts, compiled from hundreds of MSS, copied from other MSS written by who knows because "there are no originals"! LOL! Go for it dude! It's failed for every other offshoot just like it will for your's. Do you know Mike O'Neil?
Just like every other self-righteous and self-important offshoot TWIt has spewn forth. Good luck & Godspeed! Talk about a whiner. "What if this, what if that, well not really but, well that never really happened but, how many people have you hurt with your words, what if, what if, what if....." That's your rap Rich. We here at the GSC don't live or think in "what if"! We all prefer to live in and think of WHAT IS, not what ifs! It's played here 31 years now. You like self-serving, smarmy, condescending, hypothetical bible interpretations? FINE. Your problen! But, I refuse to feed you empty-headed trolls. Seen you scores of times here before. The only way to communicate with cultists like you is to ignore you. I'm happy to do that henceforth. Have fun whining and bullshitting your new cult to income-producing status for your retirement. God bless and may your tribe decease. TTFG!
Why not troll TLTF, STFI, GEER, LTFI, and the 3000 other TWIt offshoots? Agree with them too much, I guess? You and JulianBible are just another TWIt wannabe worshipping a drunk, Nazi, malignant, paranoid narcissist with the accompanying compulsive pathological lying, a serial sexual batterer and rapist, misogynist, racist, bigoted fraud. That's your great MOG, and idol. Be ye imitators of Vic is what your interpretation of Vic's interpretation of B.G.'s, and Bullinger's, and Stiles', and E.Stanley Jones, Rosalind Rinker, Glenn Clark, Rufus Mosley, Oswald Chambers Starr Daly, Kenyon, Welch, F.F. Bruce's, interpretations of whatever version of the Bible translated from whatever Greek or Hebrew, or Latin, or Aramaic critical texts, compiled from hundreds of MSS, copied from other MSS written by who knows because "there are no originals"! LOL! Go for it dude! It's failed for every other offshoot just like it will for your's. Do you know Mike O'Neil?
Just like every other self-righteous and self-important offshoot TWIt has spewn forth. Good luck & Godspeed! Talk about a whiner. "What if this, what if that, well not really but, well that never really happened but, how many people have you hurt with your words, what if, what if, what if....." That's your rap Rich. We here at the GSC don't live or think in "what if"! We all prefer to live in and think of WHAT IS, not what ifs! It's played here 31 years now. You like self-serving, smarmy, condescending, hypothetical bible interpretations? FINE. Your problen! But, I refuse to feed you empty-headed trolls. Seen you scores of times here before. The only way to communicate with cultists like you is to ignore you. I'm happy to do that henceforth. Have fun whining and bulldangting your new cult to income-producing status for your retirement. God bless and may your tribe decease. TTFG!
Wow, but there is a lot of truth in DWBH's post!! He does not Bullsheet anyone!!
A lot of truth?. You're kidding, aren't you? DWBH vs. the word, and Worry/Unhappy wins!
The way I see things, if his truth actually prevailed we'd all be in trouble. And I mean major problems. I'll stick with John 17:17. It couldn't possibly be worse than going to dwbh as a fountain of truth. But hey, maybe he's really a good guy. He must have been at one time. He said he flew with me on Ambassador One. I would have remembered a guy that acted like he's acting here.
Are you comparing yourself to Paul? I'm sure you probably didn't mean it like that, but that's how it sounds. Anyway, Paul's not here, so it's a non-issue.
BTW, for anyone still interested in the original topic, it's important to note that Are The Dead Alive Now? is also a product of plagiarism. For this one, Wierwille combined Bullinger's The Rich Man and Lazarus: An Intermediate State? and King Saul and the Witch of Endor, which is currently out of print
And, of course, if you combine Bullinger's How To Enjoy The Bible, Figures of Speech in The Bible, along with portions of BG Leonard's class (which Wierwille absconded after forcing his way into it when it was offered in Canada.) and Stile's book, being discussed here, you have almost the entire PFAL class, as well as large portions of the Intermediate and Advanced classes..
"The Word, like it hasn't been known since the first century!"...VPW
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"I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or th
Grace Valerie Claire
Robs, I think you should STFU.
"Truth is most Christians I talk to think I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing". That statement alone rrobs ought to cause you to take stock in what you're communicating. Haven't you seen so far
Just mistaken.
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Two possible (likely) factors: 1) you don't seem to have grasped the essence of your audience; 2) you aren't clearly communicating your message.
I get your frustration. Online message forums are very limited in their ability to communicate nuances that often are a part of nonverbal communication.
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There. You revealed the essence of what's going on with you. You declared that you speak for God. But that's just not true. You don't know what's in DWBH's heart.
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Perhaps a valid longing. But how will you "know" if you find some? How do you know that it always blesses the hearer?
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Even Satan can recite scriptures, no?
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So what good is the Bible? Should we just get rid of it? Tell me something positive.
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Thou shalt not surely die.
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I'm the victim? Don't thinks so. It's all you here on GSC that are victims. I've never seen such a group of whining little tots as here on GSC. VP hurt all you poor little babies. Ohhhh...I'm so sorry for you. You can't take the heat. You should have gotten out sooner I guess. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you more.
That's one way to look at things, but it's not very nice and I don't really mean it. Just making a point.
You are so concerned for the hurt that VP and twi caused other people. What about the nasty things you said to me? Are you acting any better than VP? What if your comments put me over the edge? What if they made me cry and doubt my validity as a human being. You said some awful, hurtful things to me. Doesn't my heart matter at all to you? Or is it just the poor helpless victims of VP?
As it turns out none of that actually occurred. I have thicker skin than that. But how could you know it wouldn't have hurt my heart deeply? You didn't know, but you went ahead anyway. You are a hypocrite to the max my friend. Wake up!
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Jesus wept.
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Discussions in About the Way forum do sometimes get into doctrine - especially how it relates to consequences (I'm using the word "consequences" in a general sense - and don't mean to make it sound negative - a consequence may be good or bad, depending on the action or actions that precede it).
Another thing - it's really only when a doctrine is put into practice that an interpretation becomes apparent or fleshed out - something you can see - a visual aide of an idea perhaps - it is a 3 dimensional how-to of a given directive- - that's not to say the interpretation (i.e. practice, or maybe "implementation" would work too) is correct or that only one interpretation is possible....so the ramifications are important to consider - that's asking "what impact will this action have?"
I'm sure I'm not telling you anything new here - but let's consider that in regards to the way international - -
On a grand scale - Bible doctrine is put into practice by their policies and procedures that are set up; doctrine is also "implemented" or fleshed out in the way any programs are set up and operated. Perhaps even the attitudes and slogans that are encouraged may be considered an interpretation of doctrine as well as citing someone's specific action, behavior or lifestyle as exemplary of the Christian life or of what a man of God is truly like.
That brings me back to a line of thought in my previous post - wierwille's double standard; he taught one way publicly - - usually along the lines of the Bible means what it says and says what it means, "it's the word, the word and nothing but the word, " rah, rah, rah!... (Addressing certain subjects that wierwille taught - in print or at the podium and his gross incompetency with biblical Greek, logic, and textual criticism is a whole other can of worms and is not my concern here; Although in light of Matthew 7 that speaks of knowing false prophets by their fruit - I guess one could consider how false prophets implement their erroneous doctrine as the fruit of their labor – by introducing erroneous practices..so it's not a case of good doctrine but poor application - - rather it's a lot of twisted, perverted doctrine put into practice.)
But he lived another life when he was "off the stage". As I mentioned in previous post he would bend any moral demands of the Bible around what he wanted to do anyway by claiming he so renewed his mind, he's doing whatever (fill in the blank) in the love of God so it's ok and numerous other demented bits of "logic".
Think about the consequences of such actions; especially being looked up to as "the man of God", "the teacher", who's every action...and practically every word we're looked upon with great admiration by the general body of TWI...and think of what this also TEACHES those in the various programs and private settings where he let his guard down and could speak more freely. Wierwille's doctrinal malpractice may become a special contingency in the mind of an observant and admiring follower of HOW to "best" interpret the Bible, or decide on what's truly applicable in a given situation.
For example - as a former follower and admirer of wierwille I was very keen on observing his every move and how he handled situations (I've told the story many times on Grease Spot about how wierwille showed his favorite porn video to our family corps - adults AND TEENS and the things he said to justify such inappropriateness) so let's make a hypothetical situation that puts me in a moral dilemma - let's see how a person who has studied intently under wierwille and then when put to the test innocently tries to mimic wierwille's way of handling things:
"Well, lets see - the Bible means what it says and says what it means - but what about this temptation to commit adultery - or is it really an opportunity to meet a need....it might be ok if I do it in the love of God - it will bless her after all since she confided in me her husband is no longer standing on the word and has not been very loving to her lately. We both have been studying the word a lot - and been talking a lot about what God has showed us....Well, unto the pure all things are pure...Besides I think her and I are spiritually strong enough to handle it."
please don't be naive in thinking wierwille's insidious modeling of the Christian life is no big deal - there are tons of stories here and in published works that testify to how his style of "leadership" and "shining" example have influenced how followers have responded in many moral dilemmas! By that I don’t just mean how someone may choose the wrong path because their moral compass was sabotaged – it also is about the incongruous sideshow incidents that followers…and victims are exposed to – that may be so shocking or upsetting as to leave them in a state of apoplexy – they are not sure how to respond – on this, please see an older thread that was revived recently "I should have bolted when" thread
== == == ==
Anyway - just saying if it involves doctrine and practice of the way international- it's appropriate for this forum...
...of course keeping in mind the practical impact a doctrine might have is a good idea even in the doctrinal forum - so it's not just all theory....and here's something sort of related to keep things real - I've heard a few different versions of it - and think it originated with a general over battle plans - no plan ever survives first contact with reality...which I take it to mean you have to be attentive and flexible when implementing a doctrine - solicit feedback, etc. maybe something needs to change, look at how it affects those involved.
..I think that's where wierwille and top leadership fell short - wierwille's pronouncements, Bible interpretations, program setups , etc. were all set in stone - - and that's what makes for a lot of "holy-crap-how-could-those-bozos-get-away-with-such-madness-for-so-long" reading on Grease Spot.
Edited by T-BoneTypos and expanded for clarity
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No. I wish we could do all of this face to face. I bet it'd be a lot different if we came out from behind our keyboards. People wouldn't say so many unkind words to each other. They'd be too afraid.
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Who is DWBH? Is there anybody that can speak for God? Who might that be? How can you say I'm not speaking for God? Would you have said that to Paul? Where do you get your information to make those decisions?
A lot of questions, I guess, but I really don't understand where you are coming from.
Edited by rrobstypo
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I wasn't asking you "Are you mad?" I doubt you are mad.
These statements in your post seem to contradict themselves. As has been a pattern in your posts. Folks are too afraid to face each other but are unkind online? Have you seen the violent nature of the real world? People face each other.
Take a position and defend it.
Or don't. It speaks just as clearly where you stand. As an agent of chaos.
The teachings of Victor Paul Wierwille are all about breaking down form in conversation. Destroying meaning. Then arbitrarily using people whenever possible. Twisting words and manipulating when convenient. Or not, when convenient.
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Hello rrobs. Nice to meet you. Haven't seen you around the GSC before.
Have a cup of coffee on the house and stick around a while. As human beings go we aren't so bad. But yes the tongue can injure as you know. The more chill people are the better off IMO.
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Rich........in 178 pages, lots of topics have come up in this About The Way forum. Greasespot Café has many forums and missions......BUT one of the main reasons for this website is "to tell the other side of The Way Ministry." You are posting on a forum that directs its emphasis to ALL THINGS ABOUT TWI. During these 17 years, we've conversed with people who think Jesus will be returning to earth with wierwille's orange book in his hand [the wierwille-worship]........as well as several women who've told their stories of being groped or raped in wierwille's motor coach. The stories and accounts have run the full continuum.
Clearly, you must realize that coming to a website and preaching wayspeak to those of us who've exited twi's doors is a fool's errand. If we wanted wierwille-doctrine, then we'd still be there, right? Or, in an offshoot, splinter group that espouses the same doctrine.
Many of us went thru wierwille's corps training.........a few of us were ordained. We KNOW whereof we speak. Until you break free from the buzzwords, pfal slogans and one-liners.......imo, you are STILL following wierwille, the man, and all his ilk. Check out this link......Wierwille and the Pauline Epistles.
Rich, just a reminder.........don't paint all GSC-posters with a broad brush. It makes you look petty......and engaging in strife. Surely, your Christian values are higher than that, yes? One of the main reasons I come to this website is to help those who've been bruised, burdened and broken [Luke 4:18].......and, I've come to understand that wierwille skewed and skewered plenty of scriptures along the way to stealthily build a cult with anti-Christian tenets. The Book of Galatians should have been heeded in the early 70s !!!
Stick around..............we've been addressing these things for 17 years.
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Not my place to disclose DWBH's identity. How can I say you're not speaking for God? That's easy. Your proclamations run counter to the bible. You can't know what's in someone's heart. Where do I get my information? Sunesis... (not the person who used that handle here). and common sense.
"... I really don't understand where you are coming from." Clearly.
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Hey Rich!
Why not troll TLTF, STFI, GEER, LTFI, and the 3000 other TWIt offshoots? Agree with them too much, I guess? You and JulianBible are just another TWIt wannabe worshipping a drunk, Nazi, malignant, paranoid narcissist with the accompanying compulsive pathological lying, a serial sexual batterer and rapist, misogynist, racist, bigoted fraud. That's your great MOG, and idol. Be ye imitators of Vic is what your interpretation of Vic's interpretation of B.G.'s, and Bullinger's, and Stiles', and E.Stanley Jones, Rosalind Rinker, Glenn Clark, Rufus Mosley, Oswald Chambers Starr Daly, Kenyon, Welch, F.F. Bruce's, interpretations of whatever version of the Bible translated from whatever Greek or Hebrew, or Latin, or Aramaic critical texts, compiled from hundreds of MSS, copied from other MSS written by who knows because "there are no originals"! LOL! Go for it dude! It's failed for every other offshoot just like it will for your's. Do you know Mike O'Neil?
Just like every other self-righteous and self-important offshoot TWIt has spewn forth. Good luck & Godspeed! Talk about a whiner. "What if this, what if that, well not really but, well that never really happened but, how many people have you hurt with your words, what if, what if, what if....." That's your rap Rich. We here at the GSC don't live or think in "what if"! We all prefer to live in and think of WHAT IS, not what ifs! It's played here 31 years now. You like self-serving, smarmy, condescending, hypothetical bible interpretations? FINE. Your problen! But, I refuse to feed you empty-headed trolls. Seen you scores of times here before. The only way to communicate with cultists like you is to ignore you. I'm happy to do that henceforth. Have fun whining and bullshitting your new cult to income-producing status for your retirement. God bless and may your tribe decease. TTFG!
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Tell us all what you think, DWBH!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Twinky, DWBH does have interesting posts; no doubt about it!!
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Well, I can't top that!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Wow, but there is a lot of truth in DWBH's post!! He does not Bullsheet anyone!!
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A lot of truth?. You're kidding, aren't you? DWBH vs. the word, and Worry/Unhappy wins!
The way I see things, if his truth actually prevailed we'd all be in trouble. And I mean major problems. I'll stick with John 17:17. It couldn't possibly be worse than going to dwbh as a fountain of truth. But hey, maybe he's really a good guy. He must have been at one time. He said he flew with me on Ambassador One. I would have remembered a guy that acted like he's acting here.
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Are you comparing yourself to Paul? I'm sure you probably didn't mean it like that, but that's how it sounds. Anyway, Paul's not here, so it's a non-issue.
BTW, for anyone still interested in the original topic, it's important to note that Are The Dead Alive Now? is also a product of plagiarism. For this one, Wierwille combined Bullinger's The Rich Man and Lazarus: An Intermediate State? and King Saul and the Witch of Endor, which is currently out of print
HERE is a discussion we had some time ago..
And, of course, if you combine Bullinger's How To Enjoy The Bible, Figures of Speech in The Bible, along with portions of BG Leonard's class (which Wierwille absconded after forcing his way into it when it was offered in Canada.) and Stile's book, being discussed here, you have almost the entire PFAL class, as well as large portions of the Intermediate and Advanced classes..
"The Word, like it hasn't been known since the first century!"...VPW
(My mommy told me it's not nice to lie.)
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