Yup! Stupid you, I guess. Poor little victim of speaking the truth in love, aren't you! If you can't take the heat, stop screwing around in the kitchen. Whoops! I'm sorry poor little Richie Robson. I did not mean to castigate you. Poor baby.
I think he was being sarcastic. Since a child knows better, I'll assume you know what was meant.
Maybe start by showing the overall content of the books had any value.
No sarcasm. I understand plagiarism is copying someone else's works or ideas. Hmmm. I wonder where Stiles got his ideas? Did he steal his ideas from God?
Enlighten me. Where are these literary standard found?
Seriously? As a pilot, you almost certainly have a post-secondary level of education. Am I correct in that? How can one possibly advance one's education without a thorough understanding of academic honesty? No matter. You can use the search window here to find several threads where we discussed plagiarism in great detail.
No sarcasm. I understand plagiarism is copying someone else's works or ideas. Hmmm. I wonder where Stiles got his ideas? Did he steal his ideas from God?
I'm not going to argue the plagiarism part.
If his ideas were crap did he steal them from God? If you say so.
No sarcasm. I understand plagiarism is copying someone else's works or ideas. Hmmm. I wonder where Stiles got his ideas? Did he steal his ideas from God?
Well, if he did, he wasn't listening very closely because both books contain academic errors.
Yup! Stupid you, I guess. Poor little victim of speaking the truth in love, aren't you! If you can't take the heat, stop screwing around in the kitchen. Whoops! I'm sorry poor little Richie Robson. I did not mean to castigate you. Poor baby.
Really? That's what you think? Here's the reality:
I'm more than a conqueror. In no way whatsoever am I a victim. How could anyone be a victim while seated at the right hand of he father? At least I know that much. The heat is fine. Doesn't bother me a bit. No more than it bothered Paul (Phil 1:18). I know who I am in Christ. The judgement of GSC means less than nothing (1 Cor 4:4). It's incredibly ungodly though. You are the one to suffer when you castigate me or any other brother or sister in Christ. You are being mean, you know it, and you are adversely affected by it. You even went so far as to reveal my name, which I think is for the most part verboten. I don't care, but it shows the hate you have in your heart. I wish I could help. I really do.
I revealed your name. Whoops! Sorry. I don't blame you for wanting to hide it. My bad.
How old are you now, r? 12? Oh! I'm sorry! I must be being mean again! LOL! I've got to stop that. I am being so adversely affected I'm laughing my ass off! Thanks for helping me LMAO r. I know you really wanted to. Mission accomplished. I think you and reality need to hook-up. Put a hook in yourself and reel yourself back to Earth. LOL.
So are we rotting flesh or are we seated at the Right Hand as Super-conquerors?
In Way World it appear to depend on the context. Are we inflating our egos over another or deflating another's see we look bigger?
God says we are seated at his right hand (Eph 2:6). Not my idea at all. Problem is I still have a body and two eyes. That's why I always like to say, "who are you going to believe? God or your own two eyes?" When we shed the body, we'll see ourselves as we are seen (1 John 3:2). Have you studied the Bible very much? Apart from VP or the Way, you should know these things. Thanks for allowing me to remind you.
God says we are seated at his right hand (Eph 2:6). Not my idea at all. Problem is I still have a body and two eyes. That's why I always like to say, "who are you going to believe? God or your own two eyes?" When we shed the body, we'll see ourselves as we are seen (1 John 3:2). Have you studied the Bible very much? Apart from VP or the Way, you should know these things. Thanks for allowing me to remind you.
TWI does the same thing on their website.
Point to God, it's outside yourself after all. Point at individual for doubting God. Not your act after all. Point at individual for being weak. You didn't do this after all. Point to solution, as it is God's idea. Still outside yourself after all. Insert yourself as God's messenger. You're just here to help. Put yourself in place of God. You win!
I revealed your name. Whoops! Sorry. I don't blame you for wanting to hide it. My bad.
How old are you now, r? 12? Oh! I'm sorry! I must be being mean again! LOL! I've got to stop that. I am being so adversely affected I'm laughing my foot off! Thanks for helping me LMAO r. I know you really wanted to. Mission accomplished. I think you and reality need to hook-up. Put a hook in yourself and reel yourself back to Earth. LOL.
I'm 67. No need for apologies. It's still God in Christ in me! And nope, I don't want to reel myself back to earth. I'll keep my head in heaven (Matt 6:19). I'm sorry you forgot that verse. It's a great one indeed! Give it some thought.
Point to God, it's outside yourself after all. Point at individual for doubting God. Not your act after all. Point at individual for being weak. You didn't do this after all. Point to solution, as it is God's idea. Still outside yourself after all. Insert yourself as God's messenger. You're just here to help. Put yourself in place of God. You win!
Sorry, but not sure what you're saying here either. Is it bad to point to God or something? Am I supposed to leave God out of the discussion? If that's it, no can do. God is all I really have.
I was actually one of the first people to leave the Way. I guess that makes me a non-wafer. Whatever. The point is, I left the Way, not God or his word.
Rich.......the wierwille doctrine, as taught to the way corps, was that those who "left The Way Ministry" were cop-outs and were walking into darkness. So, while you laud your "wierwille associations and captain of Ambassador One"..........you fail to connect the dots of his delusions and hypocrisy.
Although I knew the others....Race, Cardullo and Curtis....I don't remember you. Perhaps, you came onboard while I spent those years in Canada......but I have no memory of your twi-involvement or whether you were corps or not. But, if you were corps......you would have know wierwille's vehement intolerance for those who "left the Way." Wierwille castigated them.....and stated that they "left God."
See, that's the thing.....you hold onto the nostalgia parts, but avoid the wierwille's directness and teachings. Quote the scripture all you want......wierwille abided by a tweaked private interpretation of what he deemed "The Word." I seriously doubt that you've ever taken much time to consider:
Why such a "godly" ministry like twi became toxic overnight?
Why wierwille ran to chris geer rather than handle disagreements with the trustees in a biblical manner?
Why wierwille's passing of the mantle to craig martindale went down in lawsuits and a major thud?
Why wierwille died of cancer.......of which, in his advanced classes he taught as a devil spirit?
Why wierwille's Van Wert Church unanimously agreed to his resignation.....and had his name stricken from the clergy registrar?
Why wierwille's drunkenness and chain-smoking affected his health.....and he lacked any discipline to change?
Why wierwille NEVER cast out any devil spirits.....although he threw the "possessed" label around constantly?
Etc. etc. etc.
Time to take off those rose-colored glasses........
Sorry, but not sure what you're saying here either. Is it bad to point to God or something? Am I supposed to leave God out of the discussion? If that's it, no can do. God is all I really have.
Wasn't really speaking directly to you in that post. Although you are free to respond to it.
I did speak directly to you my previous post. Which you have not responded to.
I am curious to know why the book, Receiving the Holy Spirit Today has any value?
Rich.......the wierwille doctrine, as taught to the way corps, was that those who "left The Way Ministry" were cop-outs and were walking into darkness. So, while you laud your "wierwille associations and captain of Ambassador One"..........you fail to connect the dots of his delusions and hypocrisy.
Although I knew the others....Race, Cardullo and Curtis....I don't remember you. Perhaps, you came onboard while I spent those years in Canada......but I have no memory of your twi-involvement or whether you were corps or not. But, if you were corps......you would have know wierwille's vehement intolerance for those who "left the Way." Wierwille castigated them.....and stated that they "left God."
See, that's the thing.....you hold onto the nostalgia parts, but avoid the wierwille's directness and teachings. Quote the scripture all you want......wierwille abided by a tweaked private interpretation of what he deemed "The Word." I seriously doubt that you've ever taken much time to consider:
Why such a "godly" ministry like twi became toxic overnight?
Why wierwille ran to chris geer rather than handle disagreements with the trustees in a biblical manner?
Why wierwille's passing of the mantle to craig martindale went down in lawsuits and a major thud?
Why wierwille died of cancer.......of which, in his advanced classes he taught as a devil spirit?
Why wierwille's Van Wert Church unanimously agreed to his resignation.....and had his name stricken from the clergy registrar?
Why wierwille's drunkenness and chain-smoking affected his health.....and he lacked any discipline to change?
Why wierwille NEVER cast out any devil spirits.....although he threw the "possessed" label around constantly?
Etc. etc. etc.
Time to take off those rose-colored glasses........
I was captain about 2 years before the Passing of the Patriarch. Never in the corps. I was staff in the early 70s for about 5 years. Left and came back on staff later as captain.
Why can't people at GSC understand my affections lay with the word and not VP or the Way. It's the word that judges VP, LCM, me, you and everybody else. Don't you understand that all of us have been judged and found righteous, as righteous as God himself? What God calls white you are calling black. How could any good come from that?
You should remember what God did for you in Romans. He did the same thing for all of us. What a coup of the devil that a people who actually know both who Jesus is and what holy spirit is should be divided. VP or the way doesn't live and abide forever, just he word. You are corps. You should know that and walk on it. The very least you should do is stop running people down for believing God. I'm not laughing. I'm not crying either although it does hurt to see the body divided. I can't deny that. If it were possible, I'd do anything to bring it back together. It's not about nostalgia or anything else. I would just like to see the word dominate in people's minds like it did in the first century. It would be a better world to be in until the return. That's all I want. The way got close. Maybe VP messed it up. I don't know nor care who did the messing. I'm just interested in seen the word prevail again. It is burning in my heart like nothings ever burned before. I don't take the criticism personally or care about it other than it shows how far we've sunk as a body.
I was captain about 2 years before the Passing of the Patriarch. Never in the corps. I was staff in the early 70s for about 5 years. Left and came back on staff later as captain.
Why can't people at GSC understand my affections lay with the word and not VP or the Way. It's the word that judges VP, LCM, me, you and everybody else. Don't you understand that all of us have been judged and found righteous, as righteous as God himself? What God calls white you are calling black. How could any good come from that?
You should remember what God did for you in Romans. He did the same thing for all of us. What a coup of the devil that a people who actually know both who Jesus is and what holy spirit is should be divided. VP or the way doesn't live and abide forever, just he word. You are corps. You should know that and walk on it. The very least you should do is stop running people down for believing God. I'm not laughing. I'm not crying either although it does hurt to see the body divided. I can't deny that. If it were possible, I'd do anything to bring it back together. It's not about nostalgia or anything else. I would just like to see the word dominate in people's minds like it did in the first century. It would be a better world to be in until the return. That's all I want. The way got close. Maybe VP messed it up. I don't know nor care who did the messing. I'm just interested in seen the word prevail again. It is burning in my heart like nothings ever burned before. I don't take the criticism personally or care about it other than it shows how far we've sunk as a body.
Rich.......you still have the wayspeak-buzzwords down pat.
One of the most generic concepts was "The Word"........when chris geer wrote his patriarch paper, it was filled with psycho-babble and how he was delivering wierwille's "last will and testament." It was loaded with buzzspeak that the corps were "off The Word".......yet, no specifics. Nothing. Nada.
When you talk about "the body divided"........do you NOT realize that wierwille taught division, us versus them, twi vs denominations? Family versus Household? Household versus The True Remnant? Corps versus Non-corps? I don't know what way ministry you are referring to........when I was inresidence in 1978, I was reproved for spending time with a College Division girl during self-structured time? Twi implemented and taught a caste system. Twi divided people by class, nametags and allegiance.
Very, very few teachings expanded on making Jesus lord of our lives, allowing him to be mediator between God and man. All those accounts in the gospels where Jesus went out early in the morning to pray...........in wierwille's corps training, we had to have our butt in a seat at 5:20am so that "they could teach us the word." You see, Rich......much of what you yearn for, I see as FALSE TEACHING.
In so many areas, we were taught by a FALSE TEACHER. Here at GSC, some posters who've attended REAL seminaries.......expound on the scriptures in whole new vistas of light. You might learn some things if you stick around.
I was one of the first to leave the Way, within a couple of weeks of the Passing of the Patriarch paper I left staff. I was a captain on Ambassador One. I've not returned to the Way since. Still, had better vibes there than here at GSC. I've never experienced so much acrimony and bitterness. At least VP taught me to keep my eyes on the word and not on people. Whatever you condemn VP for, you are condemning yourselves, unless Romans 2:1 is wrong.
I don't know if anybody at GSC knows me personally. I don't think so, but I've never been put down as much as here. Not that I care one bit. My sufficiency is of God, not VP and certainly not of GSC. That is good advice for anybody here.
4 hours ago, rrobs said:
It's not you and I who disagree. You disagree with God (Romans 2:1). But I don't know if people here still believe in the word, so maybe that doesn't mean much.
No more flying for me. Retired a few years ago. Just spend most of my time in the word. I still love it.
Hi again rrobs,
I don't think it's really a matter of honest decent folks disagreeing over the application of Romans 2.
What's really the issue here is the double standard of wierwille's "ministry". He would openly preach and teach how we all should obey the moral dictates of the Bible. But how he conducted his private life is another matter.
Yes - this is one of the greatest secrets in way-world today..... wierwille's double standard. It is the cornerstone of hypocrisy.
By his own words in unguarded moments, by his licentious lifestyle and by his predatory tactics - many of which are documented here and in published books - like "Undertow" and "Losing the Way" - it is wierwille who is in stark disagreement with how the Bible says one should conduct their life as a pastor, a husband, a father, a Christian!
He lived a life by his own "rules" of wanton abandon. He could easily skirt around any biblical commands by saying it's not applicable to him. It's all in the nifty trick of an easily adaptable attitude of "unto the pure all things are pure" - or quote some other goofy pious platitude or "spiritual" reason - so for example he could plagiarize and justify that it was not lying or stealing because God showed him how to piece together everyone else's work - so it all fits like a hand in a glove.
What about wierwille teaching the Bible means what it says and says what it means in PFAL? Doesn't the Bible condemn lying, stealing, adultery, sexually molesting women, raping women? Even most civilized countries have laws against that kind of stuff. But wierwille is above that? Does he have some kind of diplomatic immunity ? Where's the sense of justice if I obey the law and don't commit any of those things but I'm suppose to ignore some joker who's doing all that like it's going out of style? And he's supposedly a man of God? And he's preaching to everyone that we're supposed to obey God and follow his word?!?!?!?!?... ....maybe a tad hypocritical don't you think.
Grease Spot shares the same lot as whistleblowers - in that the truth often pi$$es off certain groups of people - those who spin the web of deception and those who want to remain ensnared in that "comfortable" web.
Why can't people at GSC understand my affections lay with the word and not VP or the Way. It's the word that judges VP, LCM, me, you and everybody else.
Now you've hit on something important! People here really do understand that aspect of it all. You see, its all interwoven... the word, The Way, VP, LCM, etc. What makes you think what you call *the word* isn't really just what VP wanted you to think it is? The PFAL Class, the Intermediate Class, the Advanced Class, for that matter, all the peripheral classes, as well, are jam packed with documentable errors. Geeze, I mean even VP's system for separating truth from error is filled with error. You're using a broken ruler to check the accuracy of another ruler...What could possibly go wrong? (/s)... I can tell you from experience, simply throwing scriptures at a problem is no remedy for the curve balls life throws at us.Don't even get me started on *the law of believing*. We'll be here until Happy Ho Ho.
On a side note: If you have a specific doctrinal issue you wish to discuss, we have a forum for that toward the bottom of the page. Yep, you guessed it, it's called the doctrinal forum. You are more than welcome to start a new thread or reopen an existing thread that addressed one of the doctrinal points you raised. Just be civil and all will be cool.
Meanwhile, the topic at hand here is discussing the similarities of Stile's book with Wierwille's, as well as the differences..
Rich.......you still have the wayspeak-buzzwords down pat.
One of the most generic concepts was "The Word"........when chris geer wrote his patriarch paper, it was filled with psycho-babble and how he was delivering wierwille's "last will and testament." It was loaded with buzzspeak that the corps were "off The Word".......yet, no specifics. Nothing. Nada.
When you talk about "the body divided"........do you NOT realize that wierwille taught division, us versus them, twi vs denominations? Family versus Household? Household versus The True Remnant? Corps versus Non-corps? I don't know what way ministry you are referring to........when I was inresidence in 1978, I was reproved for spending time with a College Division girl during self-structured time? Twi implemented and taught a caste system. Twi divided people by class, nametags and allegiance.
Very, very few teachings expanded on making Jesus lord of our lives, allowing him to be mediator between God and man. All those accounts in the gospels where Jesus went out early in the morning to pray...........in wierwille's corps training, we had to have our butt in a seat at 5:20am so that "they could teach us the word." You see, Rich......much of what you yearn for, I see as FALSE TEACHING.
In so many areas, we were taught by a FALSE TEACHER. Here at GSC, some posters who've attended REAL seminaries.......expound on the scriptures in whole new vistas of light. You might learn some things if you stick around.
To be clear, what I yearn for is the word, the Bible, the scriptures, the whatever is the correct term for the word. If I find some here I'll be blessed. Perhaps I'll post a few of the things I've learned from my own study. I will leave VP and twi, completely out of future posts. I really didn't realize how intense the sentiment is at GSC. Besides, VP, twi, GSC are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to the word. By that I simply means it's God's word whether anybody believes it or not. That's what the word says. It doesn't matter what certain unmentionable people said. That's not why it's true. It's true because the word says it. No brainwashing involved. I choose by my own study and my own mind to believe the obvious, that which the word clearly says about itself.
So from now on, I only want to talk about the word. If this isn't the right forum I'll bow out.
PS: You'll notice I never capitalized the word in any post. I kinda rebelled I guess. No?
Now you've hit on something important! People here really do understand that aspect of it all. You see, its all interwoven... the word, The Way, VP, LCM, etc. What makes you think what you call *the word* isn't really just what VP wanted you to think it is? The PFAL Class, the Intermediate Class, the Advanced Class, for that matter, all the peripheral classes, as well, are jam packed with documentable errors. Geeze, I mean even VP's system for separating truth from error is filled with error. You're using a broken ruler to check the accuracy of another ruler...What could possibly go wrong? (/s)... I can tell you from experience, simply throwing scriptures at a problem is no remedy for the curve balls life throws at us.Don't even get me started on *the law of believing*. We'll be here until Happy Ho Ho.
On a side note: If you have a specific doctrinal issue you wish to discuss, we have a forum for that toward the bottom of the page. Yep, you guessed it, it's called the doctrinal forum. You are more than welcome to start a new thread or reopen an existing thread that addressed one of the doctrinal points you raised. Just be civil and all will be cool.
Meanwhile, the topic at hand here is discussing the similarities of Stile's book with Wierwille's, as well as the differences..
How about not using a ruler. Personally, I can read the book without a ruler. I think the doctrinal forum will be a better venue for that. Thanks for the tip.
It's not you and I who disagree. You disagree with God (Romans 2:1). But I don't know if people here still believe in the word, so maybe that doesn't mean much.
No more flying for me. Retired a few years ago. Just spend most of my time in the word. I still love it.
So, now if you speak it or write it, it's God speaking? Hubris much?
I don't think it's really a matter of honest decent folks disagreeing over the application of Romans 2.
What's really the issue here is the double standard of wierwille's "ministry". He would openly preach and teach how we all should obey the moral dictates of the Bible. But how he conducted his private life is another matter.
Yes - this is one of the greatest secrets in way-world today..... wierwille's double standard. It is the cornerstone of hypocrisy.
By his own words in unguarded moments, by his licentious lifestyle and by his predatory tactics - many of which are documented here and in published books - like "Undertow" and "Losing the Way" - it is wierwille who is in stark disagreement with how the Bible says one should conduct their life as a pastor, a husband, a father, a Christian!
He lived a life by his own "rules" of wanton abandon. He could easily skirt around any biblical commands by saying it's not applicable to him. It's all in the nifty trick of an easily adaptable attitude of "unto the pure all things are pure" - or quote some other goofy pious platitude or "spiritual" reason - so for example he could plagiarize and justify that it was not lying or stealing because God showed him how to piece together everyone else's work - so it all fits like a hand in a glove.
What about wierwille teaching the Bible means what it says and says what it means in PFAL? Doesn't the Bible condemn lying, stealing, adultery, sexually molesting women, raping women? Even most civilized countries have laws against that kind of stuff. But wierwille is above that? Does he have some kind of diplomatic immunity ? Where's the sense of justice if I obey the law and don't commit any of those things but I'm suppose to ignore some joker who's doing all that like it's going out of style? And he's supposedly a man of God? And he's preaching to everyone that we're supposed to obey God and follow his word?!?!?!?!?... ....maybe a tad hypocritical don't you think.
Grease Spot shares the same lot as whistleblowers - in that the truth often pi$$es off certain groups of people - those who spin the web of deception and those who want to remain ensnared in that "comfortable" web.
I just found out about a doctrinal forum here at GSC. I'm going to check it out....
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"I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or th
Grace Valerie Claire
Robs, I think you should STFU.
"Truth is most Christians I talk to think I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing". That statement alone rrobs ought to cause you to take stock in what you're communicating. Haven't you seen so far
Yup! Stupid you, I guess. Poor little victim of speaking the truth in love, aren't you! If you can't take the heat, stop screwing around in the kitchen. Whoops! I'm sorry poor little Richie Robson. I did not mean to castigate you. Poor baby.
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No sarcasm. I understand plagiarism is copying someone else's works or ideas. Hmmm. I wonder where Stiles got his ideas? Did he steal his ideas from God?
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Seriously? As a pilot, you almost certainly have a post-secondary level of education. Am I correct in that? How can one possibly advance one's education without a thorough understanding of academic honesty? No matter. You can use the search window here to find several threads where we discussed plagiarism in great detail.
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I'm not going to argue the plagiarism part.
If his ideas were crap did he steal them from God? If you say so.
How were Stiles ideas not crap?
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Well, if he did, he wasn't listening very closely because both books contain academic errors.
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Really? That's what you think? Here's the reality:
I'm more than a conqueror. In no way whatsoever am I a victim. How could anyone be a victim while seated at the right hand of he father? At least I know that much. The heat is fine. Doesn't bother me a bit. No more than it bothered Paul (Phil 1:18). I know who I am in Christ. The judgement of GSC means less than nothing (1 Cor 4:4). It's incredibly ungodly though. You are the one to suffer when you castigate me or any other brother or sister in Christ. You are being mean, you know it, and you are adversely affected by it. You even went so far as to reveal my name, which I think is for the most part verboten. I don't care, but it shows the hate you have in your heart. I wish I could help. I really do.
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I revealed your name. Whoops! Sorry. I don't blame you for wanting to hide it. My bad.
How old are you now, r? 12? Oh! I'm sorry! I must be being mean again! LOL! I've got to stop that. I am being so adversely affected I'm laughing my ass off! Thanks for helping me LMAO r. I know you really wanted to. Mission accomplished. I think you and reality need to hook-up. Put a hook in yourself and reel yourself back to Earth. LOL.
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Not sure anybody's ideas were "crap" so I don't know what you are saying there. No matter.
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I'm Batman. Gotham needs me.
So are we rotting flesh or are we seated at the Right Hand as Super-conquerors?
In Way World it appear to depend on the context. Are we inflating our egos over another or deflating another's see we look bigger?
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I'll try to clarify.
The works VPW plagiarized weren't practical. It's like plagiarizing Mein Kampf. You're not being original AND it's a bad idea.
It's "crap" because, like crap, you don't eat it. And by eat I mean make it part of your being.
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God says we are seated at his right hand (Eph 2:6). Not my idea at all. Problem is I still have a body and two eyes. That's why I always like to say, "who are you going to believe? God or your own two eyes?" When we shed the body, we'll see ourselves as we are seen (1 John 3:2). Have you studied the Bible very much? Apart from VP or the Way, you should know these things. Thanks for allowing me to remind you.
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TWI does the same thing on their website.
Point to God, it's outside yourself after all. Point at individual for doubting God. Not your act after all. Point at individual for being weak. You didn't do this after all. Point to solution, as it is God's idea. Still outside yourself after all. Insert yourself as God's messenger. You're just here to help. Put yourself in place of God. You win!
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I'm 67. No need for apologies. It's still God in Christ in me! And nope, I don't want to reel myself back to earth. I'll keep my head in heaven (Matt 6:19). I'm sorry you forgot that verse. It's a great one indeed! Give it some thought.
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Sorry, but not sure what you're saying here either. Is it bad to point to God or something? Am I supposed to leave God out of the discussion? If that's it, no can do. God is all I really have.
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Rich.......the wierwille doctrine, as taught to the way corps, was that those who "left The Way Ministry" were cop-outs and were walking into darkness. So, while you laud your "wierwille associations and captain of Ambassador One"..........you fail to connect the dots of his delusions and hypocrisy.
Although I knew the others....Race, Cardullo and Curtis....I don't remember you. Perhaps, you came onboard while I spent those years in Canada......but I have no memory of your twi-involvement or whether you were corps or not. But, if you were corps......you would have know wierwille's vehement intolerance for those who "left the Way." Wierwille castigated them.....and stated that they "left God."
See, that's the thing.....you hold onto the nostalgia parts, but avoid the wierwille's directness and teachings. Quote the scripture all you want......wierwille abided by a tweaked private interpretation of what he deemed "The Word." I seriously doubt that you've ever taken much time to consider:
Time to take off those rose-colored glasses........
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Wasn't really speaking directly to you in that post. Although you are free to respond to it.
I did speak directly to you my previous post. Which you have not responded to.
I am curious to know why the book, Receiving the Holy Spirit Today has any value?
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I was captain about 2 years before the Passing of the Patriarch. Never in the corps. I was staff in the early 70s for about 5 years. Left and came back on staff later as captain.
Why can't people at GSC understand my affections lay with the word and not VP or the Way. It's the word that judges VP, LCM, me, you and everybody else. Don't you understand that all of us have been judged and found righteous, as righteous as God himself? What God calls white you are calling black. How could any good come from that?
You should remember what God did for you in Romans. He did the same thing for all of us. What a coup of the devil that a people who actually know both who Jesus is and what holy spirit is should be divided. VP or the way doesn't live and abide forever, just he word. You are corps. You should know that and walk on it. The very least you should do is stop running people down for believing God. I'm not laughing. I'm not crying either although it does hurt to see the body divided. I can't deny that. If it were possible, I'd do anything to bring it back together. It's not about nostalgia or anything else. I would just like to see the word dominate in people's minds like it did in the first century. It would be a better world to be in until the return. That's all I want. The way got close. Maybe VP messed it up. I don't know nor care who did the messing. I'm just interested in seen the word prevail again. It is burning in my heart like nothings ever burned before. I don't take the criticism personally or care about it other than it shows how far we've sunk as a body.
Edited by rrobsspelling
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Rich.......you still have the wayspeak-buzzwords down pat.
One of the most generic concepts was "The Word"........when chris geer wrote his patriarch paper, it was filled with psycho-babble and how he was delivering wierwille's "last will and testament." It was loaded with buzzspeak that the corps were "off The Word".......yet, no specifics. Nothing. Nada.
When you talk about "the body divided"........do you NOT realize that wierwille taught division, us versus them, twi vs denominations? Family versus Household? Household versus The True Remnant? Corps versus Non-corps? I don't know what way ministry you are referring to........when I was inresidence in 1978, I was reproved for spending time with a College Division girl during self-structured time? Twi implemented and taught a caste system. Twi divided people by class, nametags and allegiance.
Very, very few teachings expanded on making Jesus lord of our lives, allowing him to be mediator between God and man. All those accounts in the gospels where Jesus went out early in the morning to pray...........in wierwille's corps training, we had to have our butt in a seat at 5:20am so that "they could teach us the word." You see, Rich......much of what you yearn for, I see as FALSE TEACHING.
In so many areas, we were taught by a FALSE TEACHER. Here at GSC, some posters who've attended REAL seminaries.......expound on the scriptures in whole new vistas of light. You might learn some things if you stick around.
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Hi again rrobs,
I don't think it's really a matter of honest decent folks disagreeing over the application of Romans 2.
What's really the issue here is the double standard of wierwille's "ministry". He would openly preach and teach how we all should obey the moral dictates of the Bible. But how he conducted his private life is another matter.
Yes - this is one of the greatest secrets in way-world today..... wierwille's double standard. It is the cornerstone of hypocrisy.
By his own words in unguarded moments, by his licentious lifestyle and by his predatory tactics - many of which are documented here and in published books - like "Undertow" and "Losing the Way" - it is wierwille who is in stark disagreement with how the Bible says one should conduct their life as a pastor, a husband, a father, a Christian!
He lived a life by his own "rules" of wanton abandon. He could easily skirt around any biblical commands by saying it's not applicable to him. It's all in the nifty trick of an easily adaptable attitude of "unto the pure all things are pure" - or quote some other goofy pious platitude or "spiritual" reason - so for example he could plagiarize and justify that it was not lying or stealing because God showed him how to piece together everyone else's work - so it all fits like a hand in a glove.
What about wierwille teaching the Bible means what it says and says what it means in PFAL? Doesn't the Bible condemn lying, stealing, adultery, sexually molesting women, raping women? Even most civilized countries have laws against that kind of stuff. But wierwille is above that? Does he have some kind of diplomatic immunity ? Where's the sense of justice if I obey the law and don't commit any of those things but I'm suppose to ignore some joker who's doing all that like it's going out of style? And he's supposedly a man of God? And he's preaching to everyone that we're supposed to obey God and follow his word?!?!?!?!?... ....maybe a tad hypocritical don't you think.
Grease Spot shares the same lot as whistleblowers - in that the truth often pi$$es off certain groups of people - those who spin the web of deception and those who want to remain ensnared in that "comfortable" web.
Clarity and typos
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Now you've hit on something important! People here really do understand that aspect of it all. You see, its all interwoven... the word, The Way, VP, LCM, etc. What makes you think what you call *the word* isn't really just what VP wanted you to think it is? The PFAL Class, the Intermediate Class, the Advanced Class, for that matter, all the peripheral classes, as well, are jam packed with documentable errors. Geeze, I mean even VP's system for separating truth from error is filled with error. You're using a broken ruler to check the accuracy of another ruler...What could possibly go wrong? (/s)... I can tell you from experience, simply throwing scriptures at a problem is no remedy for the curve balls life throws at us.Don't even get me started on *the law of believing*. We'll be here until Happy Ho Ho.
On a side note: If you have a specific doctrinal issue you wish to discuss, we have a forum for that toward the bottom of the page. Yep, you guessed it, it's called the doctrinal forum. You are more than welcome to start a new thread or reopen an existing thread that addressed one of the doctrinal points you raised. Just be civil and all will be cool.
Meanwhile, the topic at hand here is discussing the similarities of Stile's book with Wierwille's, as well as the differences..
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To be clear, what I yearn for is the word, the Bible, the scriptures, the whatever is the correct term for the word. If I find some here I'll be blessed. Perhaps I'll post a few of the things I've learned from my own study. I will leave VP and twi, completely out of future posts. I really didn't realize how intense the sentiment is at GSC. Besides, VP, twi, GSC are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to the word. By that I simply means it's God's word whether anybody believes it or not. That's what the word says. It doesn't matter what certain unmentionable people said. That's not why it's true. It's true because the word says it. No brainwashing involved. I choose by my own study and my own mind to believe the obvious, that which the word clearly says about itself.
So from now on, I only want to talk about the word. If this isn't the right forum I'll bow out.
PS: You'll notice I never capitalized the word in any post. I kinda rebelled I guess. No?
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How about not using a ruler. Personally, I can read the book without a ruler. I think the doctrinal forum will be a better venue for that. Thanks for the tip.
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So, now if you speak it or write it, it's God speaking? Hubris much?
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I just found out about a doctrinal forum here at GSC. I'm going to check it out....
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