My brother, born Joseph Anthony Leap April 1953(?) grew up in Indiana and is the oldest of six children. We believe he is still part of TWI. Everything we know about him is pretty foggy because he did not communicate with us much after he joined TWI. I do know that he worked at Luca Pizza in Indianapolis about 20 years ago, he then moved to North Dakota and then to Maine. We actually went to visit him in Maine around 1990 or so. At that time he was seeing a gal by the name of Wendy and she had two kids but I can't remember their names. I know they were names with initials, like B.J. or K.C.
We just want to let Joey know that we miss him and love him. Our parents aren't getting any younger and I know that their one and only wish is to see their first born son again. I really don't know how TWI works and I'd hate to get him into any trouble because his family is asking about him. At this point, any information about him would bring us closer to an understanding as to why he just up and left a great family.
I would call The Way International and ask for the Limb or Regional Area Coordinators phone number for the Maine area...and take it from there..Be honest and tell them you are looking for your brother who lost contact with your family..Someone knows where he is..It's so sad he ignored your family..
Thank you for all of your help and suggestions. I'm a little nervous about contacting TWI but I need to do this for my family and myself. Maybe this Christmas will behold a miracle for us :)
Thanks for the phone number. I actually got up enough nerve to finally call yesterday, Nov. 14th, and was transferred to the permanent records department. After leaving a message for someone to call me back I was sure I wasn't going to hear from anyone, but I was wrong the gal called me back! The information she gave to me was very vague though. She had my brothers birthdate in her system and I verified that it was the correct Joseph I was looking for then she told me that the last known address they had was in NY from 1988. I asked if she could give me the address and she said that it was during the time of computer upgrades and that she could not see the full address. I thought it sounded pretty fishy! But I thanked her and got off the phone as soon as I could. We visited Joe in ME in 1989 and he didn't mention anything about being out of TWI but I guess anything is possible. Am at my wits end now. I've searched every people search site I can and it looks like the last address available is in ME so I'll have to dig further from there.
I still may put his name up in the NY forum here and see if anyone has any ideas.
We just want to let Joey know that we miss him and love him. Our parents aren't getting any younger and I know that their one and only wish is to see their first born son again. I really don't know how TWI works and I'd hate to get him into any trouble because his family is asking about him. At this point, any information about him would bring us closer to an understanding as to why he just up and left a great family.
Good luck on getting in touch with him... maybe, just maybe, by calling TWI it'll shake up some things for him and might spur him to get out (if he's still in)...
I did some searching and I am finding only one Joseph A Leap in the US aged 53:
Try calling information in Portland and see if they have a listed phone number for him. I'm thinking this is your brother you are searching for. Good luck. :)
A lot of those pay for info places are ripoffs, be careful before using one. I would probably go to one that gives you neighborhood info and find a number on one of the neighbors who do have a listed number, call them and ask them to deliver a message to the Joe Leap. Then he can call you back if he's the one you are looking for.
I would ask them to please get back to you after giving him the message though, to make sure he got it first off and to find out if he told them if he intends to return your call. That way you aren't sitting around a long time stressing about it. If they don't have free long distance, then arrange a time to call them back to find out if they touched base with him.
If you don't know how to find a site online that does that, let me know and I'll look around and let you know the URL. It's been awhile since I used one, but can easily do some research and find it again for you.
You all are awesome!! Thanks BB for all of your input ~ I actually did see the Joe Leap in Portland ME and called information to see if they had a number and they didn't. I'm sceptical about paying money to an unknown site ~ the least expensive one I saw was actually $10 to just get an address. I never thought about looking up neighbors close to the address and asking for their help... worth a try!
Thanks again to all of you ~ I hope and pray to have my brother found before the end of the year :o)
Angie, I sent you a private message. I hope it pops up for you. If not, you have to click up on the righthand corner of the forums page (right under the word Calendar) where it says you have a new message.
I did a little more looking and also found Joe's name in the city of Scarborough, Me. I did an area code check and that city is in the same area code as Portland is. Try information again and see if they have a phone number listed for Joe in Scarborough.
A lot of the public info sites online will bring up phone numbers a person has had over many, many years. I found a number for an ex and myself that came up looking present, but in reality we lived there 15 or more years ago. The same hits I got on the Joe in Portland came up for Scarborough too, so I'm pretty sure it's your brother still. He's probably lived in that area awhile and when he moved to a new place, he got a new phone number. That accounts for the multi hits on his name. Now you just have to narrow it down to where he last lived in order to connect with him.
I wish you luck. I know the stress a search can cause from years ago when I searched and found my birth family. I was on pins and needles for some time until I finally heard my birth mom's voice on the phone. Hang in there and you will find him. Let me know if you need any more help.
BB ~ I really appreciate your help! I mailed a three page letter to the address in Portland just last Friday and left a message with someone who lived on the same street as was listed for Joe. So at this point, I feel as if the ball is starting to roll. You're right though about what address may be recent. I will get a letter out to the Scarborough address tomorrow and see where that might lead me.
At this point all I want to know is if he's okay! I'm still so confused as to why he would not come into contact with any of our family for this amount of time (about 17 years). In the letter I sent out on Friday, I gave my email address and this website so that if he wanted to, he could contact me through here.
Thanks for the phone number. I actually got up enough nerve to finally call yesterday, Nov. 14th, and was transferred to the permanent records department. After leaving a message for someone to call me back I was sure I wasn't going to hear from anyone, but I was wrong the gal called me back! The information she gave to me was very vague though. She had my brothers birthdate in her system and I verified that it was the correct Joseph I was looking for then she told me that the last known address they had was in NY from 1988. I asked if she could give me the address and she said that it was during the time of computer upgrades and that she could not see the full address. I thought it sounded pretty fishy! But I thanked her and got off the phone as soon as I could. We visited Joe in ME in 1989 and he didn't mention anything about being out of TWI but I guess anything is possible. Am at my wits end now. I've searched every people search site I can and it looks like the last address available is in ME so I'll have to dig further from there.
I still may put his name up in the NY forum here and see if anyone has any ideas.
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I dont know your brother,but you may want to post more info on him..was he with the TWI? WHere was he the last time you had contact with him.?
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My brother, born Joseph Anthony Leap April 1953(?) grew up in Indiana and is the oldest of six children. We believe he is still part of TWI. Everything we know about him is pretty foggy because he did not communicate with us much after he joined TWI. I do know that he worked at Luca Pizza in Indianapolis about 20 years ago, he then moved to North Dakota and then to Maine. We actually went to visit him in Maine around 1990 or so. At that time he was seeing a gal by the name of Wendy and she had two kids but I can't remember their names. I know they were names with initials, like B.J. or K.C.
We just want to let Joey know that we miss him and love him. Our parents aren't getting any younger and I know that their one and only wish is to see their first born son again. I really don't know how TWI works and I'd hate to get him into any trouble because his family is asking about him. At this point, any information about him would bring us closer to an understanding as to why he just up and left a great family.
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I would call The Way International and ask for the Limb or Regional Area Coordinators phone number for the Maine area...and take it from there..Be honest and tell them you are looking for your brother who lost contact with your family..Someone knows where he is..It's so sad he ignored your family..
Can someone post TWI's Ph number?
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(419) 753-2523
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Thanks Dave!
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Thank you for all of your help and suggestions. I'm a little nervous about contacting TWI but I need to do this for my family and myself. Maybe this Christmas will behold a miracle for us :)
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Lookingforjoey --- I'll tell you what.
I called headquarters (about) a year ago, looking for info about twi in my area.
I was simply interested if there was a current fellowship running in the area,
and what the current *following* of twi was here, in this region.
Not only would they NOT answer, I was asked for personal data
by the person answering the phone, and since I have nothing to hide --
I gave it to them.
Despite TWI'S love/hate relationship with the internet,
whomever I spoke with -- had all my personal data (from years past),
on their computer screen, and said --- "quote"
"We'll send your info to your *area leaders*, and they will get in contact with you*.
Lookingforjoey -- this is NOT a ministry that cooperates,
by any stretch of the imagination.
They don't even have their telephone number on their web-site (such as it is).
You can ONLY contact them via *snail-mail*.
While trying on the *trappings* of cyber-space ----
TWI is sadly mired in the out-dated fashions, that they think are so *current*.
I looked through old way mags and books for that phone number,
but I finally came across it, from a Way International Bookstore Catalog,
printed in 1987.
For an *Out Reach Ministry* ---
They certainly leave very few trails to their doorstep.
Good luck in finding info. Meebe you'll catch the operater on a good day.
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dmiller ~
Thanks for the phone number. I actually got up enough nerve to finally call yesterday, Nov. 14th, and was transferred to the permanent records department. After leaving a message for someone to call me back I was sure I wasn't going to hear from anyone, but I was wrong the gal called me back! The information she gave to me was very vague though. She had my brothers birthdate in her system and I verified that it was the correct Joseph I was looking for then she told me that the last known address they had was in NY from 1988. I asked if she could give me the address and she said that it was during the time of computer upgrades and that she could not see the full address. I thought it sounded pretty fishy! But I thanked her and got off the phone as soon as I could. We visited Joe in ME in 1989 and he didn't mention anything about being out of TWI but I guess anything is possible. Am at my wits end now. I've searched every people search site I can and it looks like the last address available is in ME so I'll have to dig further from there.
I still may put his name up in the NY forum here and see if anyone has any ideas.
Thank you again for the number!
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there are six JL's in yahoo people search in the US
4 have no middle initial
The other 2, "F" and "R"
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Tom Strange
Good luck on getting in touch with him... maybe, just maybe, by calling TWI it'll shake up some things for him and might spur him to get out (if he's still in)...
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I did some searching and I am finding only one Joseph A Leap in the US aged 53:
Try calling information in Portland and see if they have a listed phone number for him. I'm thinking this is your brother you are searching for. Good luck. :)
Edited by BikerBabeLink to comment
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BB, that would be so cool..I hope it is him!!
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and if he's not listed, places online like intelius will give his phone for a fee, i don't know, 30 bucks or something
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A lot of those pay for info places are ripoffs, be careful before using one. I would probably go to one that gives you neighborhood info and find a number on one of the neighbors who do have a listed number, call them and ask them to deliver a message to the Joe Leap. Then he can call you back if he's the one you are looking for.
I would ask them to please get back to you after giving him the message though, to make sure he got it first off and to find out if he told them if he intends to return your call. That way you aren't sitting around a long time stressing about it. If they don't have free long distance, then arrange a time to call them back to find out if they touched base with him.
If you don't know how to find a site online that does that, let me know and I'll look around and let you know the URL. It's been awhile since I used one, but can easily do some research and find it again for you.
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Tom Strange
Good work BB!!! If you can find an address, you can use a reverse lookup directory like she says... let us know!
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You all are awesome!! Thanks BB for all of your input ~ I actually did see the Joe Leap in Portland ME and called information to see if they had a number and they didn't. I'm sceptical about paying money to an unknown site ~ the least expensive one I saw was actually $10 to just get an address. I never thought about looking up neighbors close to the address and asking for their help... worth a try!
Thanks again to all of you ~ I hope and pray to have my brother found before the end of the year :o)
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Angie, I sent you a private message. I hope it pops up for you. If not, you have to click up on the righthand corner of the forums page (right under the word Calendar) where it says you have a new message.
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I did a little more looking and also found Joe's name in the city of Scarborough, Me. I did an area code check and that city is in the same area code as Portland is. Try information again and see if they have a phone number listed for Joe in Scarborough.
A lot of the public info sites online will bring up phone numbers a person has had over many, many years. I found a number for an ex and myself that came up looking present, but in reality we lived there 15 or more years ago. The same hits I got on the Joe in Portland came up for Scarborough too, so I'm pretty sure it's your brother still. He's probably lived in that area awhile and when he moved to a new place, he got a new phone number. That accounts for the multi hits on his name. Now you just have to narrow it down to where he last lived in order to connect with him.
I wish you luck. I know the stress a search can cause from years ago when I searched and found my birth family. I was on pins and needles for some time until I finally heard my birth mom's voice on the phone. Hang in there and you will find him. Let me know if you need any more help.
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BB ~ I really appreciate your help! I mailed a three page letter to the address in Portland just last Friday and left a message with someone who lived on the same street as was listed for Joe. So at this point, I feel as if the ball is starting to roll. You're right though about what address may be recent. I will get a letter out to the Scarborough address tomorrow and see where that might lead me.
At this point all I want to know is if he's okay! I'm still so confused as to why he would not come into contact with any of our family for this amount of time (about 17 years). In the letter I sent out on Friday, I gave my email address and this website so that if he wanted to, he could contact me through here.
I'm hoping for the best!
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Tom Strange
Angie, have you asked any of those folks down on the Maine thread? ...just wondering...
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Skyrider found this thread. It would be nice if Angie had found her brother. Does anyone have an update?
I bet dmiller never got a response from the "area coordinators" to his enquiry, either.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Vince Finnegan is in the Albany, NY area. Look him up on the Internet.
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