I remember LCM's birthdays while I was on Staff. He got quite the hoopla while the rest of us peons had to put on our own birthday party. That's TWI leadership living by example again....
Way Productions used to do songs and skits at lunch time to exalt the mighty forehead. Two particular songs I remember only parts. One went:
Reverend L Craig Martindale
He's a quintsessential male
By the way, quintessential is defined as representing the perfect example of a class or quality.
The other song was done to the tune of the Mexican Hat Dance:
L Craig Martindale
The president of The Way
L Craig Martindale
Felize Cumplianos Today
They would overexaggerate his qualities and really make him feel like a man. :blink:
Birthdays for the Trustee household was a prime example of how leadership is treated better than the regular Joe Believer. They got to pick out a cake they would like for their birthday, and Food Services made it for them. The cake would be brought out for everyone to see and ooohhh and ahhh over. And then we never got any.
Birthdays at TWI HQ for me were hard. I HATED that I had to plan my own birthday party and treat my whole department to treats I made myself. That whole BS about giving on your birthday WASN'T OUR FRIKKIN' CULTURE!!!!!
The only nice thing is if you had enough friends, they would decorate your door in Founders Hall and leave you gifts. If you didn't have friends, then you just had another day of work and living abundantly at Der Veg. Woo Hoo!!!
Nottawayfer: I am so sory that the concept of giving on your birthday was given such an ugly taste to you. That was not why the Lord designed it. Leave it to twi to make a blessing of God become grievous and unbearable
The heart of giving on a birthday was to keep one's focus on the blessings of life and the Lord has given unto us and our responsibility to return in thanks to Him by taking care of others (A response of, "I am my brothers keeper.")
It is really not new thing that, "Here is something that twi made grievous." By their grievous and unbearable interpretations, twi turned many against the very God who so loved them that He gave His only begotten son for us.
I am amazed at the continuing surfacing of evidence to twi's cruelty to the souls of those charged to their care.
(Here it is 10+ years since Waydale first began to publically unveil the wickeness of twi, and I am learning something new today.)
Birthdays at TWI HQ for me were hard. I HATED that I had to plan my own birthday party and treat my whole department to treats I made myself. That whole BS about giving on your birthday WASN'T OUR FRIKKIN' CULTURE.
I also am sorry you were made to do that. As those hypocrites taught us, giving was supposed to be without compunction, not forced but of your own free will - just because you wanted to give.
Yeah, the giving presents on your own birthday thing is not a part of our current culture. Forced to plan your own birthday party? Just absolutely inconsiderate and rude.
But, Mr. Martindale, since it was your birthday, and since you espouse Word in culture and immutible biblical truths and principles, how about you give us a gift for your birthday.
Way Productions used to do songs and skits at lunch time to exalt the mighty forehead. Two particular songs I remember only parts. One went:
Reverend L Craig Martindale
He's a quintsessential male
This is just too bizarre for words. If someone was singing a song like this about you, and they were serious, wouldn't you think something was wrong with them? Wouldn't you try to stop them?
This is just too bizarre for words. If someone was singing a song like this about you, and they were serious, wouldn't you think something was wrong with them? Wouldn't you try to stop them?
Not if you are a narcisstic MOG and think the sun rises and sets on your own arse.
Yes, Exxie, they wrote songs for his birthday ABOUT HIM!! I am not sheeting you. You know most of those who stayed after the POOP was read were Martinfart worshippers. Craig Martindale was TWIs pope.
I remember LCM's birthdays while I was on Staff. He got quite the hoopla while the rest of us peons had to put on our own birthday party. That's TWI leadership living by example again....
Way Productions used to do songs and skits at lunch time to exalt the mighty forehead. Two particular songs I remember only parts. One went:
Reverend L Craig Martindale
He's a quintsessential male
By the way, quintessential is defined as representing the perfect example of a class or quality.
Yeah..........THE CASTE SYSTEM at twi's hq came into glaring view on trustee birthdays. The heaping of adulation and unlimited favortism made for questionable idolatry at twi's root locale.
Just another RED FLAG that showed me twi was missing the mark on living the truth in the Pauline Epistles, namely every believer is an equaled member in particular. Yep.....vpw was "off the word".....craig was "off the word"......and on down the line.
So thankful......that I'm NO LONGER living in the shadows of twi's hypocrisy and sin culture.
Birthdays for the Trustee household was a prime example of how leadership is treated better than the regular Joe Believer. They got to pick out a cake they would like for their birthday, and Food Services made it for them. The cake would be brought out for everyone to see and ooohhh and ahhh over. And then we never got any.
Speaking of trustee birthdays.......won't they be putting 67 candles on rosalie's cake in March '07..??
Doncha think, Ms. Rivenbark......that it's TIME to step aside and let another administrator take the reins of twi's corporation setup..?? Surely, after six years at the helm....you've trained others to oversee the "massive workload" of this multi-tiered outfit..??
Just wouldn't be right.....if you, rosalie, were staying in power simply because it's your last sputter of recognition before you go emeritus and spend out your days in a little swimming pool.
Birthdays for the Trustee household was a prime example of how leadership is treated better than the regular Joe Believer. They got to pick out a cake they would like for their birthday, and Food Services made it for them. The cake would be brought out for everyone to see and ooohhh and ahhh over. And then we never got any.
OMFG!! Get the eff outta here! :o Is this for real?? Holy Kashmoly!! Un-effing-believable! I'm flabbergasted...
And having to plan and bake for your own birthday?? How ridiculous! So much for free will giving along with that growth without compulsion b.s. they claimed to promote. <_<
Geeze, even here at work they go all out for birthdays. Yeppers, these egg-sucking unbelievers are unbelievably caring, loving and giving. They know how to make people feel uber-special and I wouldn't trade them for all the TWIts at HQ.
Neither do I, Hopefull. I would hope that at this point in his life, he realizes there are fewer days ahead than there are behind, and, if he wants to do some good in this world, it has to be now.
Many people were caused shame, hurt and defamation at the hands of this man. His life has caused indelible pain to many.
The least he could do is apologize, regardless of how it is received.
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I remember LCM's birthdays while I was on Staff. He got quite the hoopla while the rest of us peons had to put on our own birthday party. That's TWI leadership living by example again....
Way Productions used to do songs and skits at lunch time to exalt the mighty forehead. Two particular songs I remember only parts. One went:
Reverend L Craig Martindale
He's a quintsessential male
By the way, quintessential is defined as representing the perfect example of a class or quality.
The other song was done to the tune of the Mexican Hat Dance:
L Craig Martindale
The president of The Way
L Craig Martindale
Felize Cumplianos Today
They would overexaggerate his qualities and really make him feel like a man. :blink:
Birthdays for the Trustee household was a prime example of how leadership is treated better than the regular Joe Believer. They got to pick out a cake they would like for their birthday, and Food Services made it for them. The cake would be brought out for everyone to see and ooohhh and ahhh over. And then we never got any.
Birthdays at TWI HQ for me were hard. I HATED that I had to plan my own birthday party and treat my whole department to treats I made myself. That whole BS about giving on your birthday WASN'T OUR FRIKKIN' CULTURE!!!!!
The only nice thing is if you had enough friends, they would decorate your door in Founders Hall and leave you gifts. If you didn't have friends, then you just had another day of work and living abundantly at Der Veg. Woo Hoo!!!
Happy Birthday Craig.
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Kit Sober
Nottawayfer: I am so sory that the concept of giving on your birthday was given such an ugly taste to you. That was not why the Lord designed it. Leave it to twi to make a blessing of God become grievous and unbearable
The heart of giving on a birthday was to keep one's focus on the blessings of life and the Lord has given unto us and our responsibility to return in thanks to Him by taking care of others (A response of, "I am my brothers keeper.")
It is really not new thing that, "Here is something that twi made grievous." By their grievous and unbearable interpretations, twi turned many against the very God who so loved them that He gave His only begotten son for us.
I am amazed at the continuing surfacing of evidence to twi's cruelty to the souls of those charged to their care.
(Here it is 10+ years since Waydale first began to publically unveil the wickeness of twi, and I am learning something new today.)
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I also am sorry you were made to do that. As those hypocrites taught us, giving was supposed to be without compunction, not forced but of your own free will - just because you wanted to give.
Yeah, the giving presents on your own birthday thing is not a part of our current culture. Forced to plan your own birthday party? Just absolutely inconsiderate and rude.
But, Mr. Martindale, since it was your birthday, and since you espouse Word in culture and immutible biblical truths and principles, how about you give us a gift for your birthday.
How's about, oh let's say.....an apology.
Oh, and...happy birthday.
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they wrote songs for his birthday ?
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This is just too bizarre for words. If someone was singing a song like this about you, and they were serious, wouldn't you think something was wrong with them? Wouldn't you try to stop them?
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Not if you are a narcisstic MOG and think the sun rises and sets on your own arse.
Yes, Exxie, they wrote songs for his birthday ABOUT HIM!! I am not sheeting you. You know most of those who stayed after the POOP was read were Martinfart worshippers. Craig Martindale was TWIs pope.
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Yeah..........THE CASTE SYSTEM at twi's hq came into glaring view on trustee birthdays. The heaping of adulation and unlimited favortism made for questionable idolatry at twi's root locale.
Just another RED FLAG that showed me twi was missing the mark on living the truth in the Pauline Epistles, namely every believer is an equaled member in particular. Yep.....vpw was "off the word".....craig was "off the word"......and on down the line.
So thankful......that I'm NO LONGER living in the shadows of twi's hypocrisy and sin culture.
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Speaking of trustee birthdays.......won't they be putting 67 candles on rosalie's cake in March '07..??
Doncha think, Ms. Rivenbark......that it's TIME to step aside and let another administrator take the reins of twi's corporation setup..?? Surely, after six years at the helm....you've trained others to oversee the "massive workload" of this multi-tiered outfit..??
Just wouldn't be right.....if you, rosalie, were staying in power simply because it's your last sputter of recognition before you go emeritus and spend out your days in a little swimming pool.
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Are you sure these songs weren't a subtle send-up?
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sprawled out
Happy, happy birthday
From all of us, "F
ck you!"
Happy, happy birthday
Thank God we're rid of you
If you must have a birthday
Don't forget what's true
Happy, happy birthday
You suck, you know you do!
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ROFL!!! Sprawled, you are too funny. Your dancing avatar makes your little jingle even more funny!
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OMFG!! Get the eff outta here! :o Is this for real?? Holy Kashmoly!! Un-effing-believable!
I'm flabbergasted...
And having to plan and bake for your own birthday?? How ridiculous! So much for free will giving along with that growth without compulsion b.s. they claimed to promote. <_<
Geeze, even here at work they go all out for birthdays. Yeppers, these egg-sucking unbelievers are unbelievably caring, loving and giving.
They know how to make people feel uber-special and I wouldn't trade them for all the TWIts at HQ.
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I don't wish ill upon LCM.
I hope he has learned from his mistakes and is living a life not harming anyone.
(I wish that for myself also)
It just makes me sad to see bitterness still and because my husband died last year at age 57.
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Neither do I, Hopefull. I would hope that at this point in his life, he realizes there are fewer days ahead than there are behind, and, if he wants to do some good in this world, it has to be now.
Many people were caused shame, hurt and defamation at the hands of this man. His life has caused indelible pain to many.
The least he could do is apologize, regardless of how it is received.
The very least.
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Seth R.
...did I hear a pin drop?
Wait now the crickets are chirping...
Oh, look a tumbleweed is rolling by.
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I started reading Watchman Nee lately and I am so enjoying it!
Imagine That!
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Kit Sober
Be careful Imagine. That's when I got kicked out of twi.
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...did I hear a pin drop?
Wait now the crickets are chirping...
Oh, look a tumbleweed is rolling by.
Seth, this deserves a guffaw!

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Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain...
Remember we had to sing that for Him everytime came back from somewhere?
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YOu are kidding me, right? Dooj???
Interesting, I always thought another song from the musical "Oklahoma" could be the theme song for those of us who were once in TWI
"You'll Never Walk Alone"
(music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein)
When you walk through a storm,
hold your head up high
and don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm
there's a golden sky
and the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
walk on through the rain,
though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on,
with hope in your heart,
and you'll never walk alone,
you'll never walk alone!
Walk on, walk on,
with hope in your heart,
and you'll never walk alone,
you'll never walk alone!
Click here for the music
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"GIFTS" DID I HEAR LCM GOT GIFTS? You have to be kidding, it's against the rules!
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The MOG doesn't have to abide by the *rules*.
That's why he's the MOG.
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"You'll Never Walk Alone"
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