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Language of Life

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God first

Language of Life

wrote 11-01-2006

Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God our spiritual father the knowledge that all things came from in the beginning of the first building block dust was designed by and made living from living proteins and amino acids .

After I watched a show called “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” were you can learn about on the web site “ http://www.nwcreation.net/videos/unlocking_mystery_life.html .” I learned about how proteins and amino acids are put together in pattern to make up each DNA’s string.

But with God’s help I will try to put this in words that one can easier understand. The life of dust is made up of proteins and amino acids which has its own DNA makeup as does water and all other things that were build from the basic building blocks in the beginning.

As God taught each building block that was made from the first building block coming together as one family of a female building block mix together with a male building block as one to become one family of building blocks.

One of the most common building block is dust. After time this building block dust divide into many breeds of dust family kind. Some families like oxygen family and hydrogen family have come together to form a greater family one called the family of water.

Every family as birth, growing, and death and rebirth just like the water family is born in liquid form, grows into solid form ice, and dies and rebirth as a gas form. All life moves alone in stages until all things become changed from flesh to spiritual.

It was God that each building block to make so many differ kinds and after a kind has grown by the directions given by God they come together in pairs to make more of their kind. A law was wrote everything must follower its directions wrote in its personal pattern of proteins and amino acids which we call DNA makeup.

Even the family of water and the family of dust team up together as a new family called animal life or soul life. These animal life’s or soul life’s male and female came together and made every kind that has soul life.

But because of each DNA makeup they can only mix within their family, otherwise a dog DNA makeup can never become a cat and so on.

But within the breeds of one family mixing can be done, like a red dog can mix with a black dog and so on. But one of the family of dogs can not mix with one of the family of cats, no matter how hard they try because of the way DNA was design was work.

So everything is just like two becoming a family by coming together as one and moving backward from that, by taking all the many parts of each kind and dividing them into kinds and each kind dividing until they came from nothing.

Like the DNA of our heart is just a little differ makeup of the DNA of our skin but each part differ is so small science can not see it yet but if given time they will be able to see the differ.

This is were I am going to leave this for now my dear friends. Thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy aka year2027

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Hi Roy!

My daughter is a biology major, with an emphasis on zoology. I'm going to recomend that she watch that show too!

Have you heard about GMO foods? Scientists have found a way to take the DNA of one species, say a fish, and insert it into another species, like corn. In order for the corn to accept the fish DNA, scientists have to alter it, and attach viruses,and e-coli. Ewww! And what's so scary, is that in the US, GMO food doesn't have to be labeled. There's a really good movie called, "The Future of Food" that tells all about it. And its not a vegetarian issue, rather a human issue, so, there's no hidden agenda.

Anyway, do you remember in PFAL how VPW taught that angels and humans couldn't bring forth children together because the species couldn't mix? Well, now science is able to mix species, with GMO corn able to produce seed. And if science knows how to mix species now, wouldn't God know it was available back then? And wouldn't the devil and his minion? So, isn't it possible that the sons of God were angels, and the daughters of men were human, and they did have children together?

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God first

Beloved VeganXTC

God loves you my dear friend

Your daughter will love that show

I have to watch for "The Future of Food" because I heard some about that

but about everything after its kind I am sure God was talking about the natural way of getting offspring

and what science are doing would be against naural

but this is just me and the other way could be right

As for me I believe the sons of God were children of Seth, and the daughters of men were children of Cain

but this is just me

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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