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Doctrines of The Way Ministry that do not line up with truth


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God first

Doctrines of The Way Ministry that do not line up with truth


God loves us all my dear friends. The first doctrine of the Way Ministry a well known cult I would like yo cover is “Once Saved Always Saved.”

For this we go to the very verse they used to prove their point and we divide the truth of their understanding from the lie they saw because they only looked at it with fleshly eyes.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

First all they saw confession as just saying it with believing but it is more than that, the confession is a life style you begin to live.

Others wise I could confess Jesus Christ Lord on 10-30-2006 but my life is more than just one day it’s a span of many days.

So we are talking about making Jesus Christ Lord in our life’s and not just one day but a life style you have de-sided to do your best to live.

But yes if you confess Jesus Lord in what remains in your life we will be saved because Jesus Christ was planted in a good heart.

Now if you confess Jesus Lord in your life but your heart has too many rocks like greed, covetous, filthy lucre, selfishness, and many other things that could be called rocks the seed of Christ will never grow and the seed of Christ will die the second death.

And if you let the weeds grow like hate, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and many other weeds alone with the good plants of love, joy, peace, and a few other good plants the good plants will be choked out by the weeds and the good plant will die the second death

Other wise when the seed of Christ is planted in you, you need to walk alone your heart throwing out the rocks while pulling the weeds so the good plants can grow tall and give good fruit.

But lets not forget plants need watering, tilling, and sun light to grow and bear fruit. So while once save always saved the saving is not complete until birth as come but when does the birth come at the return of Christ when we put on immortality.

The next thing we going to look at is the doctrine of the Way Ministry that deals with birth and prof of being saved were they say “speaking in tongues is prof of new birth and being saved”.

But the only thing speaking in tongues is prof of that you have open the gift of Christ in you.

Matthew 7:22 “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?"

If that (speaking in tongues being prof of being save ) was true we would not have the above verse that we have just read but all that done these works were not saved.

What happen here is the seed of Christ was planted but because of the rocks the plants of Christ had bad root system or the birds took the seed away. Then it could of been because of the weeds choking the out the plant of Christ.

Now about new birth every kind of seed has a period of time to grow in the seed, egg, or womb before birth comes either by breaking out of the seed, egg, or the womb.

So there is a period of time from when the seed is planted to the day of birth and for new birth, it’s the day we put on new bodies of immortality.

So the only thing speaking in tongues is prof of is the seed has begin to grow, so till your seed with truth, water your seed with the living waters, remove all rocks and weeds out of your heart, and reach for the sunlight of love.

Now these is only two but there are many more my dear friends. Thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.

Edited by year2027
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God first

Beloved Jerry or DrtyDzn

God loves you my dear friend

the seed would not incorruptible but what the seed should grow into

the new body the seed becomes at birth

at fleshly birth we either become a living child or a dead child either the breath of flesh is breath or there is no breath

in new birth either the breath of spiritual light is breath or not breath at all

and yes immortality and incorruptible are the same words

this mortal is either born into being immortality or this moral dies a mortal

or this corrupible is either born into being incorruptible or this corrupible contines to decay

or its not what the seed or ideal is but what it can become in due time

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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TWI always taught that homosexuality was wrong. In fact TWI says if you are gay, you are possesed with the worse devil spirit of them all! Horrors!

When I look at passages that TWI used to defend their position, it either talked about strange flesh which I feel is about sleeping with angels, or about idolitry. I never saw where it was wrong for two adult men or two adult women to form a loving and committed relationship.

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When I look at passages that TWI used to defend their position, it either talked about strange flesh which I feel is about sleeping with angels, or about idolitry. I never saw where it was wrong for two adult men or two adult women to form a loving and committed relationship.

I'm gonna try really hard,

to keep my mouth shut on this one.

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In my opinion, we are in a bit of a pickle on the wording here because we have to define:

1.)Doctrine that is in question

2.)"The Truth"

OK -------for the sake of simplicity, let's just say "the Truth" refers to what most of us believe to be somewhat accurate according to what we have been taught. To this we add those things we have sought out ourselves to either confirm or refute those teachings.

So here goes:

"The more one speaks in tongues,the more revelation is given"

Total rubbish. There are people who spoke in tongues until they were blue in the face who wouldn't know God's voice if He shouted in both ears at the same time. Likewise there are people who have never even heard of speaking in tongues who have clearly heard the "voice" of God and have responded.

Doctrine of TWI: SIT much or God won't talk to you.

The Truth : God "talks" to whoever He knows will listen.(and that's no SIT!)

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God first

Beloved DrtyDzn

God loves you my dear friend

Oops! I was going to say your the best but you left the Way Ministry so you are better than the best

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved VeganXTC

God loves you my dear friend

I like to asked them how one devil spirit can be worse than another

but I do not know if homosexuality is wrong but I know its not for me

and its not natural but I do know the love is not wrong but the sex is not best but this is just me

I just believe it against natural the act but not the friendship they have

but this is just me and I am not here to judge but I am here to love all people the same no matter what they do in private

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved dmiller

God loves you my dear friend

its not for me either to judge but we are not here to judge but love each other as brothers and sisters

man and woman are design to be together but who am I do judge another one's love

I personally believe sex is only to make children but friendship is another thing

but who am I but a man after God's heart

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved waysider

God loves you my dear friend

what if there are many layers of truth

let me throw this in

what if there is tongues of touch, tongues of smells, tongues of feeling, tongues of tasted, tongues of breathing, and the list goes on

I believe that there are layers of truth on top of layers of truth

there is a fleshly view of doctrines that have sound, tasted, touch, smell, hear, and dream and there spiritual view of doctrines that have sound, tasted, touch, smell, hear, and dream

there speaking in togues, hearing in tongues, smelling in tongues, tasting in tongues, touching in tongues, feeling in tongues and dreaming in tongues

I see so many layers of truth in the doctrines of truth

we only have part truth because we walk like children but one day we will walk like gods when we put on our new bodies

I am reaching to believe to not just to speak in tongues but smell in tongues, hear in tongues, tasted in tongues, touch in tongues, and dream in tongues

if we just take the truth we received and add it to the truth our brother or sister received we have a clearer picture but still only in part

the more one reaches to received truths the more layers of truth one receives

God talks to us as long as we are willing to talk to him

yes talking to God is like talking to any person and listening to God is like listing to any one

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Roy-------This is a bit off topic. I think I may know where you are going with the idea of "smelling in tongues,tasting in tongues,etc.". I won't throw in a bunch of scriptures because that would be more appropriately done in the doctrinal section.

If it truly is "Christ in you" is it possible he can communicate with us through our 5 senses?

I'll use smell and taste as an example. Suppose something I was about to eat was dangerously unfit for consumption. The Christ in you has a much keener sense of smell and taste and therefore may alert you to danger than was hidden from you otherwise.

Back to topic now : TWI doctrine is that the more you SIT the more receptive you are. Sort of like some kind of reward. I'm not questioning SIT, merely posing this question:

Does God only speak to those who SIT? If that is the case He would have to be playing favorites. I don't think God does that.

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DMiller, You're an Indiana boy, and you went out of your way to help Drty Dnz's mother-in-law, who is my mother. In my eyes you can do no wrong. While I do appreciate that you do not want to say anything that will hurt or offend anyone, please don't feel like you need to repress your voice. Especially if it leads to a greater truth.

Roy, homosexuality is not for me either. But one of my best friends is a gay man. You should see all that he has to go through just because he loves a man instead of a woman. And the people who treat him the worst are the people who claim to love Christ the most. It makes me ashamed.

But that leads me to another "doctrine" of TWI. That any two believers (as long as they're male and female, lol!) can make a marriage work. If you were married to me, when you got home from work, I might say, "Sorry honey! I'm too busy singing Kum Ba Ya with my friends the PETA activists, and the Gay Rights squad to fix dinner. But there's a tofu bowl in the fridge!" Now, Drty Dzn would be happy there was a party happening, and would fix food for everyone. But I would guess 75% of the guys that post here would not be happy! And that's ok. Since when was it sinful to be yourself?

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God first

Beloved waysider

God loves you my dear friend

I have a topic in Doctrine called "Smelling in tongues" and I been thinking alot about it these last few days

join us give scripture as to why or why not we would be blessed to have your imput

SIT is only a small part of the gifts God gave by way of his son to help us alone the way of life

I believe answer prayer is either prophecy, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, or any of the others

The Way Ministry overplayed SIT when its a team work of all the nine players = gifts

gift whether overshowering gifts or gifts within they are all still gifts of love

God helps people were and how they can received it so I say holy spirit upon may still be done today too

I see all nine used in the OT and the greater thing is from upon to in

thanks for the holy hugs

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved VeganXTC

God loves loves you my dear friend

keep this quite I have a few friends that are gay man and bi woman too while its not for me they are good people

while I see nothing wrong with their love I do with the s-x but this is my hang up and I am not God so I just love them as brothers and sisters

I do see a cause and outcome for using the body parts other then they were meant to be just for but that not love but its a form of pleasure I do not understand

I tried to love all people the same and I guess that one reason I try not to judge because a sin is a sin

but love can never be called a sin in my eyes while the missused of the body can

I miss used my body by over eating and eating the wrong foods so what a gay man or woman does in private I do not care

-- some straight man and woman do odd things in the name of s-x too for pleasure

I have been lable names like that because while I lived with many woman I never got married but that not because not asking

many so called church people judge others when they need to look at their own house and fix it

Yes there are many woman I loved but because of some of my habits or their habits it would not work

thanks for adding another Way Doctrine to the list of Way Doctrines that are only part true

While any two people can get married and stray happy if they do not have to live together

but one needs to married a person they can deal with

like you have my friend with Drty Dzn

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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DMiller, You're an Indiana boy, and you went out of your way to help Drty Dnz's mother-in-law, who is my mother. In my eyes you can do no wrong. While I do appreciate that you do not want to say anything that will hurt or offend anyone, please don't feel like you need to repress your voice. Especially if it leads to a greater truth.

I did what???????? Uh-oh!! Memory lapse. What did I say/ do?

While I have no recollection of that encounter --

I do know that I am *quick to speak*, as concerns homosexuality.

I've learned to *shut up* about that particular topic (here on GSC),

because I am a staunch opponent of it, in all forms.

Now -- suffice it to say -- others here hold the exact opposite view.

I've learned to think what I wish, speak occasionally about my thoughts,

and allow others to do the same, without being confrotational.

Trouble is -- that topic is *hot button* for me,

so I've learned that silence (on my part),

serves GSC the best, when discussing homosexuality.

The thread would turn into an accusatory, name-calling fiasco in no time flat.

So -- I *repress my voice*, on that topic.

My choice. :)

Edited by dmiller
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God first

Beloved David Miller

God loves you my dear friend

I understand what you are saying a few years ago I had to work harder to not say the wrong things but over time I got better

But I too have got a long way to go in this area

While to me the s-x is wrong but the friendship is not and it took me a long time to see the differ between the two

but we all got our hang ups

some right and some wrong but I like to say all hang ups are part right and part wrong

the part I see now right is the love of friendship and the part I see wrong is the s-x

but this is me and maybe this will help

but if not its ok to keep our mouth shut on this one I do most of the time

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved GrouchoMarxJr

God loves you my dear friend

good to see you

so Rosie or Donna are gay men

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now, Drty Dzn would be happy there was a party happening, and would fix food for everyone. But I would guess 75% of the guys that post here would not be happy! And that's ok. Since when was it sinful to be yourself?

Oh, I dunno Vegan. You might be surprised! I think the men on this board are mostly macho enough to throw things into the frying pan and cook up dinner all on their own!! AND< AND< AND be happy doing it, imho.

Am I wrong guys?

Edited by waterbuffalo
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The Truth : God "talks" to whoever He knows will listen.(and that's no SIT!)

I would say that THE TRUTH is closer to : God "talks" to ALL (that's without exception, folks :) ) his children (ie the entire human race) whether they listen, listen and respond, tune out all together or any of countless other permutations.

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God first

Beloved waterbuffalo, templelady, and waysider

God loves you all my dear friends

I love this truth


I would say that THE TRUTH is closer to : God "talks" to ALL (that's without exception, folks smile.gif ) his children (ie the entire human race) whether they listen, listen and respond, tune out all together or any of countless other permutations.


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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I want to first of allrespond to the first post concerning Romans 10:9. Confessing Jesus as Lord and believing at the time is really all that is needed from what I can see...But believing it means really doing it. If Jesus is Lord in my life, I do what he says, resulting in a change of lifestyle. If your lifestyle isn't changing, you don't really belive it.

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God first

Beloved Keith

God loves you my dear friend

yes "believing it means really doing it" or at least taking action the best we can

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved Belle

God loves you my dear friend

yes we all see way-ish at times

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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I guess that depends how you are thinking about what I say. If I confess Jesus as Lord and mean it with all my heart (which I believe is at lest the heart behind this verse), then I do what he says. If He says, don't lie, and I lie, I stop - Because He is my Lord and I do what he says, resulting in a change in my behavior. If I do not make him lord in that area I don't change if I do.. I change or at least try to.

Notice that I said what he (Jesus) says, not a minister. It is not ever law, it is supposed to be an act of the heart.

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So, someone who confesses Romans 10:9-10 and really and truly believes it, but doesn't change anything about their behavior isn't really saved? :unsure:

Is it not possible to believe something but still act contrary to what one believes?

Where is your definition of "believe" coming from? I looked it up on dictionary.com and several other places and, for the life of me, can't see where you're getting that definition.

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