Howie Mandell: Welcome to our next contestant, Thomas Bumgarner! Thomas let's meet the models. Ladies please.(Models include VPW, RR, LCM, CG, etc. strutting with briefcases down the steps all wearing dresses).
Models say "Hi Howie"(not to be confused with Howard Stern). HM: Thomas, there are 26 cases of various amounts of money to bribe, I mean payoff for any court cases ranging from one penny up to $1 million dollars to any and all victims, I mean clients who were abused, screamed at, and physically/sexually raped by some of these lovely models(including HA). So choose a case. TLB: I choose #9. HM: and that's Imojean A11en. Now Thomas, let's see if you have the $1million case. To determine that , you need to open 5 cases.
TLB: Case number 8 (omnious music). HM: that's Victor Paul Wierdsvillage. VP show us the case. It' one penny. excellent. TLB: #7. HM: That's Okey fornoke Craig. It's $1. You are doing well and very lucky, oops I mean your believing and revelation knowledge is doing miracles and wonders. TLB: #1. HM: That's Vincent the loan shark Mickey Faggott, ah Mc Fanny. It's $100. Audience applauds loudly. Ohh it's commercial break. We will be back after these messages. Now for you folks at home who want in this, check out which of these 5 cases has the $10 thousand. just email to GSC and which case has the loot. At the end of this thread, we will annouce the winner. Theme music fades out. Tonight on GSC, see Heroes such as Wordwolf, Groucho, and others like GreasyTech, who will save the cheerleader, oops I mean Wayfer still in TWI. To be continued.
I known which case has the $10 thousand it is the case that has nothing in it because one of the models has open it and took the money behind the stage
but the question is which model has it in their pocket book
Now back to Deal or No Deal. HM: Our contestant is Thomas Bumgarner from Hickory, North Carolina and is a church musician. So far, he has found the penny, one dollar and $100. You are making our banker squirm.
2 more cases, please. TLB: #2. HM: That's lovely Rosalie the fox. Open the case. $5. Oh fantastic. One more case Thomas. TLB: #11. HM: That's Howlward A11en who always welcomes strangers with his hugs and french kisses. Let's see the case. $500. (Audience goes wild). Phone rings. HM: That's our banker, Uncle Hairy and he's trying to get you to leave with as little as much from TWI's coffers. OK. I think this is a good 1st offer. $32 thousand dollars. So Thomas, Deal or No Deal? (Thomas slams the lid of the box down). TLB: NO DEAL! Audience applauds. Howie Mandell: 4 more cases to open. TLB: #3. HM: That's Donna Lesbos. Open the case. $750. Oh wow, and I don't mean Word over the World. I don't think we have ever had this in all the past 11 months. 3 more cases to pick. TLB: #21. HM: That's the Earl of Berton. Open the case. (Omnious music). $5k. Fantastic. You are keeping the top 5 amounts. TLB: #23. HM: That's Lou DADAGOOGOO. Open the case. $300. Fantastic. This is mind blowing or is that renewed mind? one more case before we talk to the banker. TLB: # 25. HM: That's John Rupptured Appendix. John, open the case. $25 k. No bad . you will need to knock off some of these amounts. So Thomas, do you believe you have 1 miilion dollars in your case? TLB: yes, absolutely totally completely complete in that belief, Howie. (phone rings). HM: Hello. all right. I'll tell him. A new offer of !00 thousand dollars to just shut you up as hush money. Don't do this alone. Introduce your friends. And you are? Pawtuckett, owner and moderator of this chat board. Hi, I'm Belle and will be your waitress for this evening. I'm Rafeal from Florida and journalist. HM: Thomas, talk to your friends while we take this commercial break. Audience moans and appauds. Annoucer: Still time for you to partake in our 20 thousand take home game. Just email us here at Greasespot cafe, choose 1,2,3,4, or 5 to see which case has the $20k. Stay tune next to Law and Order.
HM: And we are back. So, Thomas, Deal or No Deal? TLB: NO DEAL! HM: YOU just turned down 100 thousand dollars. 3 cases to pick. #26. HM: That's Chrissy Gear, an oil slick and grease spot. Open the case. CG: No I won't. It's mine, all mine. HM: Chris, don't argue. You are required to open the case or face jail time for rape and being an accessory. (music) 5 cents. I don't remember that as an amount. Uncle hairy, did you rearrange the amounts we normally have? Anyway, Thomas congratulations. 2 more cases. TLB:#24.
HM: That's lovely Alike, because we are running out of TWI villians and now are using our regular models. Alike, open the case and keep it low. 10 cents? a dime? Boy, these are new amounts. Thomas, you are making our banker squirm and sweat. This is a perfect board. You are keeping the top amounts. One more case. TLB:#19. HM:That's Tanya. Open the case. 25cents? a quarter? NBC must have had a coporate meeting and not notified me. Well, Thomas. This must be a dream fantasy. No one has ever done this well.(phone rings). Uncle Hairy our banker just said ouch and cried Uncle! He surrenders. he knows you have the 1 million dollar case because he just set it up. So models open your cases. (the rest open up showing up to 500 thousand). Thomas, open up your case and show what a great deal you made. Audience gives standing applause. Bob Saget: Now that Thomas has won $1 million, it's time to play 1 vs. 100 ex-Twi members who were raped or fired for questioning Der Weg's dictatorship. This includes, Brambles, Roy aka Year 2027, Wordwolf, DM, Ralphel, Belle, ExCathedra, Cool Chief, and many more. They all want Thomas' winnings to be split up among themselves. So thomas, you want the money or our mob? Thomas suddenly wakes up from this dream, sweating and saying"I've got to stop eating those large beef pizzas so late at night" He falls back asleep and thinks He is the 12 th Doctor from the British Sci-F- series Doctor Who with his Tardis, fighting against Daleks, Cybermen, Autons, Sontarians, and dead and living TWI leaders. Or is that Cylons from Battle Star Gallatica?
Funny- I just gotta ask ya- have you ever been involved with TWI and if so, were you ever involved in building the organization or simply a participant? I don't necessarily need to know the details of why you no longer function with them of that's the case. I'm just curious if you know if the current participants circulate funnies in their publications using YOU as the example to roast, and if so, what you think about that.
I personally have always found it in the poorest of taste to bite backs of people/organization not present to defend themselves. I WAS surprised to read the letter to JPW a while back from the then- vice pres- highlighted on the homepage here. HAve you also read the letter?
I was a participant off and on for over 20 years and was minded to build with them when possible. Naturally the fallout of 2000 and shortly following shook a lot of folks up- me too- I would have never seen that coming. For the 6 months that followed the initial announcement in April I was of the mind that the focus should, for me, STILL be upon the Word of God and not the men and women in positions of leadership. During my painful separation from my family- due in part to the ability of certain people to capitolize on the confusion of the court case involving TWI and other things, I fought with all I had to keep my focus on building the Word as the foundation of thought and purpose FOR my participation with them. But what I observed was many people couldn't focus on anything BUT the leadership and their issues, and the purpose OF my participation became confused and confounded, having my personal focus lead in other directions because of my separation.
I noticed in your posts that you used quite a few names- proper names and abbreviations- and I see that your post remains here to be read by all. Congrats on that I suppose. I have not been as fortunate in that, depending upon who I have MY beef with, my posts may or may not stay. I suppose that depends upon who's politics you subscribe to.
I have little to say about TWI OR the unfortunate events that lead to the foundation of this site. I DO feel very sorry for all the families involved and further for the many, MANY people who now have no fellowship to call 'home' because they have left the fellowship of TWI coincident to these events. If I could actually DO something to correct those issues I'd like you to know that I would expend every ounce of strength to do so, as I believed at one time in the purpose of TWI for the sake of learning about God's heart for me alone, if for no other reason.
Some peole are like teapots with no whistle to let off steam.
twi, generally for those who congregate at the Greasespot Cafe, kept the whistle capped and allowed no one to speak out regarding injustices experienced and witnessed.
Some of us need a release to vent the pent up hurt and grief from our twi years.
Hope it never happens to you. But please don't criticize others who wear shoes that you have never walked in.
Superciliousness is a horrible disease that takes years to come out of once you want to be kind and tenderhearted (which is what Jesus was and is). Prevention of this disease is to refrain from judging others, even when you think you have the right to do so.
The Greasespot Cafe may give you a place to be judgmental of people here, but your soul and spirit will later ache in grief when you realize that twi (and not people like Tom here) are the perpetrators of the most grievous crimes of the heart.
Thanks for the reply, and please don't take my posts as criticisms- they are not. I also hope that no one here has taken anything I've ever posted as criticisms. I am not perfect in any way, and I too have experienced the sensation of the internal pressures building with no appropriate place to vent that pressure.
I was a brand-new student of the first PFAL series in late '82 and after graduating that class in early August, went to my first ROA and then immediately to the WOW field. AS you can imagine, if you have any experience with either of those things, I was in a place where I had to grow up pretty darned fast.
When I was first on the field I heard through the grapevine that there was gossip regarding TWI that involved paramilitary training in Gunnison, CO. I later was exposed to the actual root of that gossip and how the media perverted the truth of the matter. Since that time I listen intently to anyone with anything to say, but I have also learned to explore the OTHER side of the argument. Any court of law would allow a cross-examination, right?
Yes, my friend, I have had what I consider to be WAY more than my fair share of heartache- either directly resulting from or in a tangenial way, my relationship with TWI- and most of that stemmed from the very topic I was just speaking of- people spouting off without really knowing what they are saying, NOR the consequences of those things.
My assumption is that most of the participants of this board do NOT fellowship with TWI- myself included now. However there were accusations against TWI that were presented in a court of law HERE where I live, in an effort to prove that I myself was not worthy to be a parent to my own sons. Now can you imagine the hurt I have been made to suffer? Perhaps not. I cannot elaborate too much more nor name specific names as my post would not be allowed to remain here. I may well have already said too much- what an irony too- early in my browsing of this board I read post after post of people claiming to be afraid someone from TWI might be monitoring these posts to ascertain who, still being "innies" might be cohabitating with the enemy here! LOL I find that funny. I have little desire to read what others have said about TWI but a real desire to know IF any resolutions have ever been made, and if any plans are in the works to seek to heal some of the hearts of people who, otherwise were prospering and blessed, who left only because of the debauchery of TWI leadership and the "that's none of your business" policy that left so many in the dark. In other words, what is being done to make things right, if anything, and in contrast, what are THESE people doing to do THEIR part of a greater whole to be team players- not much that I can see. I'm again not being critical- I'm not doing much either toward that end. But I HAD until it was proven that some people just don't want the public humiliation that comes with admission of wrong doing. There lies my most current struggle in life. People who represent ONE thing as the root of a completely different cause and scenario. That's my story. I can be more specific if you wish to email me at: Maybe we can come up with a solution that is proactive, and not gossip based. I abhor gossip and always have. As a repair technician I don't remember a time when I cared who's fault it was the furnace was broke- only what was wrong and HOW I could restore proper function. SO it is in real life. If the organization one is in does not make that provision one should perhaps renegotiate their belonging and function there.
Stub, in other posts I have said I was a former member of The Way International but was never in leadership role. Presently I am a Lutheran Church Musician and this category is about being just silly and nutty, not the regular About The Way forum. Check out forum about Who I am.
William Shatner is hosting a new game show on ABC called "Show Me The Money" with scantily clad models dancing. Very Appropriate and should have been hosted by either VPW or LCM. :blink:
I guess I have been watching too many game shows, and also too much SciFi channel. I thought that using that type of media, i could poke fun at TWI and stub, you will notice that I altered well known names without fear of reprisal and being sued for defamation of character(snort hehehe as if any dead or living TWI nut would have the courage"the cowardly dog" or any godly character). :blink: :unsure:
Penn Jillette(of Penn and Teller magician fame) is hosting a mew game show called Identity. Mr. Bumgarner, you say that you are a church musician. Is that your identity? No, I am a timelord known as the Doctor, traveling in a Tardis. Penn: Oh contestant, too bad . You lost 500 thousand dollars and you couldn't use your 1 chance mistaken indentity, and you refused the help of our panel of experts-Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp, and Joe. :unsure:
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Howie Mandell: Welcome to our next contestant, Thomas Bumgarner! Thomas let's meet the models. Ladies please.(Models include VPW, RR, LCM, CG, etc. strutting with briefcases down the steps all wearing dresses).
Models say "Hi Howie"(not to be confused with Howard Stern). HM: Thomas, there are 26 cases of various amounts of money to bribe, I mean payoff for any court cases ranging from one penny up to $1 million dollars to any and all victims, I mean clients who were abused, screamed at, and physically/sexually raped by some of these lovely models(including HA). So choose a case. TLB: I choose #9. HM: and that's Imojean A11en. Now Thomas, let's see if you have the $1million case. To determine that , you need to open 5 cases.
TLB: Case number 8 (omnious music). HM: that's Victor Paul Wierdsvillage. VP show us the case. It' one penny. excellent. TLB: #7. HM: That's Okey fornoke Craig. It's $1. You are doing well and very lucky, oops I mean your believing and revelation knowledge is doing miracles and wonders. TLB: #1. HM: That's Vincent the loan shark Mickey Faggott, ah Mc Fanny. It's $100. Audience applauds loudly. Ohh it's commercial break. We will be back after these messages. Now for you folks at home who want in this, check out which of these 5 cases has the $10 thousand. just email to GSC and which case has the loot. At the end of this thread, we will annouce the winner. Theme music fades out. Tonight on GSC, see Heroes such as Wordwolf, Groucho, and others like GreasyTech, who will save the cheerleader, oops I mean Wayfer still in TWI. To be continued.
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God first
Beloved Thomas Loy Bumgarner and others
God loves you my dear friends
I known which case has the $10 thousand it is the case that has nothing in it because one of the models has open it and took the money behind the stage
but the question is which model has it in their pocket book
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Now back to Deal or No Deal. HM: Our contestant is Thomas Bumgarner from Hickory, North Carolina and is a church musician. So far, he has found the penny, one dollar and $100. You are making our banker squirm.
2 more cases, please. TLB: #2. HM: That's lovely Rosalie the fox. Open the case. $5. Oh fantastic. One more case Thomas. TLB: #11. HM: That's Howlward A11en who always welcomes strangers with his hugs and french kisses. Let's see the case. $500. (Audience goes wild). Phone rings. HM: That's our banker, Uncle Hairy and he's trying to get you to leave with as little as much from TWI's coffers. OK. I think this is a good 1st offer. $32 thousand dollars. So Thomas, Deal or No Deal? (Thomas slams the lid of the box down). TLB: NO DEAL! Audience applauds. Howie Mandell: 4 more cases to open. TLB: #3. HM: That's Donna Lesbos. Open the case. $750. Oh wow, and I don't mean Word over the World. I don't think we have ever had this in all the past 11 months. 3 more cases to pick. TLB: #21. HM: That's the Earl of Berton. Open the case. (Omnious music). $5k. Fantastic. You are keeping the top 5 amounts. TLB: #23. HM: That's Lou DADAGOOGOO. Open the case. $300. Fantastic. This is mind blowing or is that renewed mind? one more case before we talk to the banker. TLB: # 25. HM: That's John Rupptured Appendix. John, open the case. $25 k. No bad . you will need to knock off some of these amounts. So Thomas, do you believe you have 1 miilion dollars in your case? TLB: yes, absolutely totally completely complete in that belief, Howie. (phone rings). HM: Hello. all right. I'll tell him. A new offer of !00 thousand dollars to just shut you up as hush money. Don't do this alone. Introduce your friends. And you are? Pawtuckett, owner and moderator of this chat board. Hi, I'm Belle and will be your waitress for this evening. I'm Rafeal from Florida and journalist. HM: Thomas, talk to your friends while we take this commercial break. Audience moans and appauds. Annoucer: Still time for you to partake in our 20 thousand take home game. Just email us here at Greasespot cafe, choose 1,2,3,4, or 5 to see which case has the $20k. Stay tune next to Law and Order.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
HM: And we are back. So, Thomas, Deal or No Deal? TLB: NO DEAL! HM: YOU just turned down 100 thousand dollars. 3 cases to pick. #26. HM: That's Chrissy Gear, an oil slick and grease spot. Open the case. CG: No I won't. It's mine, all mine. HM: Chris, don't argue. You are required to open the case or face jail time for rape and being an accessory. (music) 5 cents. I don't remember that as an amount. Uncle hairy, did you rearrange the amounts we normally have? Anyway, Thomas congratulations. 2 more cases. TLB:#24.
HM: That's lovely Alike, because we are running out of TWI villians and now are using our regular models. Alike, open the case and keep it low. 10 cents? a dime? Boy, these are new amounts. Thomas, you are making our banker squirm and sweat. This is a perfect board. You are keeping the top amounts. One more case. TLB:#19. HM:That's Tanya. Open the case. 25cents? a quarter? NBC must have had a coporate meeting and not notified me. Well, Thomas. This must be a dream fantasy. No one has ever done this well.(phone rings). Uncle Hairy our banker just said ouch and cried Uncle! He surrenders. he knows you have the 1 million dollar case because he just set it up. So models open your cases. (the rest open up showing up to 500 thousand). Thomas, open up your case and show what a great deal you made. Audience gives standing applause. Bob Saget: Now that Thomas has won $1 million, it's time to play 1 vs. 100 ex-Twi members who were raped or fired for questioning Der Weg's dictatorship. This includes, Brambles, Roy aka Year 2027, Wordwolf, DM, Ralphel, Belle, ExCathedra, Cool Chief, and many more. They all want Thomas' winnings to be split up among themselves. So thomas, you want the money or our mob? Thomas suddenly wakes up from this dream, sweating and saying"I've got to stop eating those large beef pizzas so late at night" He falls back asleep and thinks He is the 12 th Doctor from the British Sci-F- series Doctor Who with his Tardis, fighting against Daleks, Cybermen, Autons, Sontarians, and dead and living TWI leaders. Or is that Cylons from Battle Star Gallatica?
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Dear Thomas Loy Bumgarner-
Funny- I just gotta ask ya- have you ever been involved with TWI and if so, were you ever involved in building the organization or simply a participant? I don't necessarily need to know the details of why you no longer function with them of that's the case. I'm just curious if you know if the current participants circulate funnies in their publications using YOU as the example to roast, and if so, what you think about that.
I personally have always found it in the poorest of taste to bite backs of people/organization not present to defend themselves. I WAS surprised to read the letter to JPW a while back from the then- vice pres- highlighted on the homepage here. HAve you also read the letter?
I was a participant off and on for over 20 years and was minded to build with them when possible. Naturally the fallout of 2000 and shortly following shook a lot of folks up- me too- I would have never seen that coming. For the 6 months that followed the initial announcement in April I was of the mind that the focus should, for me, STILL be upon the Word of God and not the men and women in positions of leadership. During my painful separation from my family- due in part to the ability of certain people to capitolize on the confusion of the court case involving TWI and other things, I fought with all I had to keep my focus on building the Word as the foundation of thought and purpose FOR my participation with them. But what I observed was many people couldn't focus on anything BUT the leadership and their issues, and the purpose OF my participation became confused and confounded, having my personal focus lead in other directions because of my separation.
I noticed in your posts that you used quite a few names- proper names and abbreviations- and I see that your post remains here to be read by all. Congrats on that I suppose. I have not been as fortunate in that, depending upon who I have MY beef with, my posts may or may not stay. I suppose that depends upon who's politics you subscribe to.
I have little to say about TWI OR the unfortunate events that lead to the foundation of this site. I DO feel very sorry for all the families involved and further for the many, MANY people who now have no fellowship to call 'home' because they have left the fellowship of TWI coincident to these events. If I could actually DO something to correct those issues I'd like you to know that I would expend every ounce of strength to do so, as I believed at one time in the purpose of TWI for the sake of learning about God's heart for me alone, if for no other reason.
Good luck in your future endeavors,
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Kit Sober
Stub 1,
Some peole are like teapots with no whistle to let off steam.
twi, generally for those who congregate at the Greasespot Cafe, kept the whistle capped and allowed no one to speak out regarding injustices experienced and witnessed.
Some of us need a release to vent the pent up hurt and grief from our twi years.
Hope it never happens to you. But please don't criticize others who wear shoes that you have never walked in.
Superciliousness is a horrible disease that takes years to come out of once you want to be kind and tenderhearted (which is what Jesus was and is). Prevention of this disease is to refrain from judging others, even when you think you have the right to do so.
The Greasespot Cafe may give you a place to be judgmental of people here, but your soul and spirit will later ache in grief when you realize that twi (and not people like Tom here) are the perpetrators of the most grievous crimes of the heart.
In hope,
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Dear Kit-
Thanks for the reply, and please don't take my posts as criticisms- they are not. I also hope that no one here has taken anything I've ever posted as criticisms. I am not perfect in any way, and I too have experienced the sensation of the internal pressures building with no appropriate place to vent that pressure.
I was a brand-new student of the first PFAL series in late '82 and after graduating that class in early August, went to my first ROA and then immediately to the WOW field. AS you can imagine, if you have any experience with either of those things, I was in a place where I had to grow up pretty darned fast.
When I was first on the field I heard through the grapevine that there was gossip regarding TWI that involved paramilitary training in Gunnison, CO. I later was exposed to the actual root of that gossip and how the media perverted the truth of the matter. Since that time I listen intently to anyone with anything to say, but I have also learned to explore the OTHER side of the argument. Any court of law would allow a cross-examination, right?
Yes, my friend, I have had what I consider to be WAY more than my fair share of heartache- either directly resulting from or in a tangenial way, my relationship with TWI- and most of that stemmed from the very topic I was just speaking of- people spouting off without really knowing what they are saying, NOR the consequences of those things.
My assumption is that most of the participants of this board do NOT fellowship with TWI- myself included now. However there were accusations against TWI that were presented in a court of law HERE where I live, in an effort to prove that I myself was not worthy to be a parent to my own sons. Now can you imagine the hurt I have been made to suffer? Perhaps not. I cannot elaborate too much more nor name specific names as my post would not be allowed to remain here. I may well have already said too much- what an irony too- early in my browsing of this board I read post after post of people claiming to be afraid someone from TWI might be monitoring these posts to ascertain who, still being "innies" might be cohabitating with the enemy here! LOL I find that funny. I have little desire to read what others have said about TWI but a real desire to know IF any resolutions have ever been made, and if any plans are in the works to seek to heal some of the hearts of people who, otherwise were prospering and blessed, who left only because of the debauchery of TWI leadership and the "that's none of your business" policy that left so many in the dark. In other words, what is being done to make things right, if anything, and in contrast, what are THESE people doing to do THEIR part of a greater whole to be team players- not much that I can see. I'm again not being critical- I'm not doing much either toward that end. But I HAD until it was proven that some people just don't want the public humiliation that comes with admission of wrong doing. There lies my most current struggle in life. People who represent ONE thing as the root of a completely different cause and scenario. That's my story. I can be more specific if you wish to email me at: Maybe we can come up with a solution that is proactive, and not gossip based. I abhor gossip and always have. As a repair technician I don't remember a time when I cared who's fault it was the furnace was broke- only what was wrong and HOW I could restore proper function. SO it is in real life. If the organization one is in does not make that provision one should perhaps renegotiate their belonging and function there.
Much love,
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Stub, in other posts I have said I was a former member of The Way International but was never in leadership role. Presently I am a Lutheran Church Musician and this category is about being just silly and nutty, not the regular About The Way forum. Check out forum about Who I am.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
William Shatner is hosting a new game show on ABC called "Show Me The Money" with scantily clad models dancing. Very Appropriate and should have been hosted by either VPW or LCM.

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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
I guess I have been watching too many game shows, and also too much SciFi channel. I thought that using that type of media, i could poke fun at TWI and stub, you will notice that I altered well known names without fear of reprisal and being sued for defamation of character(snort hehehe as if any dead or living TWI nut would have the courage"the cowardly dog" or any godly character).

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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Penn Jillette(of Penn and Teller magician fame) is hosting a mew game show called Identity. Mr. Bumgarner, you say that you are a church musician. Is that your identity? No, I am a timelord known as the Doctor, traveling in a Tardis. Penn: Oh contestant, too bad . You lost 500 thousand dollars and you couldn't use your 1 chance mistaken indentity, and you refused the help of our panel of experts-Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp, and Joe.

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