I was thinking from their view, something more dogmatic, like WC9 Repugnant, he who has returned to his own vomit ...
which is not true, I do drink beer now, but I find that is nothing compared to the honored drambuie guzzler. It is not clear to me what is required to be honored in twi. Being a rapist, alcoholic, adulterer, scammer .... these all seem to be smiled on at twi. Anyway, I prefer being on their dishonored list, considering the values they hold dear. Their values are pukey to me!
LOL! Have you read the "rules" thread on there? Apparently the moderator wanted to allow non-TWIts to come on and ask questions, but she naively thought that would be the end of it - that people, hands down, will accept their answers without thinking about the answers themselves and asking more questions. :blink:
We are unified in our believing and are like-minded in the truth the way we have been taught it. It's not a huge deal, either you are meek and humble to receive answers or you are posting information trying to sway people every which way. I will have to ban people that are doing this, plain and simple. No hardening of hearts, please understand if people are really seeking the truth it is better to receive it in person - GO to a fellowship!!!
I think the more accurate thing would have been "....either you are meek and humble to believe what we tell you and to accept the kool-aid we're selling or you are posting information that makes us think and question whether what we have been taught is really the "rightly divided truth". I will have to ban people that are doing this, plain and simple. Please understand that if people are really seeking the truth, they will swallow our doctrine hook, line and sinker to the end that they go to a fellowship in person so we can 'love bomb' them into paying to take our classes where, then, hopefully we'll have them right where we want them - under our thumb"
This is going to be a final warning, anyone who does not adhere to the "NO DEBATING" policy will be banned.
If we wanted a debate we could go talk to any person in the world who perceives God's Word to be foolish, or just talk to people of other denominations. This is NOT profitable, I love a good biblical discussion - we all do. But this is not the place for it, we are here to enjoy the Word of God as it has been rightly divided to the best of our knowledge.
Would adapting these rules make GS a ... happier place?
I'd forgotten all about that board! I think it would help, Paw. A lot.
Like on the thread where someone says something about having a cup of coffee and a person responds that may not be inappropriate. (I think that is what they actually wrote).
The Board Boss showed up and did a homie-like get-down and approved the topic for future discussion, thus allowing free, approved discussion to take place.
That kind of action would do a lot of good here. When difficult controversial topics come up, like having a cup of coffee, other posters can circle and wait for your Approval Stamp. Once stamped, everyone can proceed. If Unstamped, everyone will know to tell the person to stop and if they don't, to go away and find a board that allows such things to be discussed.
The funnniest part of that board is when the moderator implies some level of comptency in biblical research as a means of qualifying what they're taught and then has to admit that what she meant was that she knows how to open a Concordance and find a word alphabetically to see if it matches with what the Way's taught.
Seriously, I think they've stated why they have the board and who it's for. Give 'em a break. It's a perfect place to go whenever you wonder if you're better off "OUT" VS "IN".
There are sooooo many things rising to the surface and fomenting in my mind....and all of them are making me giggle. But I will retain my decorum lest my levity should distract any from the faith. I shall keep the salted committment of my burgeoning lock box that the Ministry be not blamed.
"If we wanted a debate we could go talk to any person in the world who perceives God's Word to be foolish, or just talk to people of other denominations. This is NOT profitable. I love a good biblical discussion - we all do. But this is not the place for it..."
"Now, the Way does not tell us to believe everything they teach blindly. They tell us to go work the scriptures ourselves, delve into the Hebrew and Greek ourselves, and that is what we do! Don't you think that if we found tons of errors and private interpretation in the Way's teachings that we wouldn't be involved in the first place?"
And a little while later she writes:
"I'm still a little unclear on tithing too, once I have a steady income I would like to abundantly share on a regular basis, but not until I understand it fully."
"... no of course I do not KNOW Greek and Hebrew... My Professor thought I was 'fluent' in Greek during an "Understanding the Bible" lecture because I did know so many biblically important Greek words - thanks to all that I have learned through the ministry."
TRANSLATION -- I accept everything twi tells me as gospel truth. I memorize the words they tell me are important and I spout them back out in order to sound intelligent. The fact I have not researched them myself, nor do I really understand the deeper meanings of most of them is unimportant. If twi tells me it is a greek word, and I can find it in a concordance, then Twi is right. Everyone else is just mis-informed or willfully ignorant. Drink the koolaid!!!!!!
I would suppose TWI would think those on GS are "swine." On the contrary, it was a battle between grace and legalism, service versus abuse, the Word of God versus twisted scripture, and good guys versus bad guys.
As Pawtucket has stated, it is WAY past midnight. You all have gone on with your lives and contributed a valuable service here. We can't tell how many we have rescued from even going there. We live in a battleground. Experience is always the most valuable weapon in the arsenal of life.
I have seen Greasespotters and I know I was looking at the good guys.
TWI will do anything to sell themself. "TWI", What a glorious place for people to be. Wonder how long they have been planning this little scheme so everybody could really catch up on what each other was doing? It would not surprise me if they already see each other at fellowship. Sorry guys, I just don't put anything past them.
I would like to see TWI on E-Bay to see just how much they would bring at auction Wonder if it would be as much as they think they are worth?
We are unified in our believing and are like-minded in the truth the way we have been taught it. It's not a huge deal, either you are meek and humble to receive answers or you are posting information trying to sway people every which way. I will have to ban people that are doing this, plain and simple. No hardening of hearts, please understand if people are really seeking the truth it is better to receive it in person - GO to a fellowship!!!
Agh, those horror words that they beat us with, "meek" and "humble". Aagh, my head hurts!!
Yeah, let's ban people from asking questions. Let's ban them from using their God-given brains. Not a huge deal??? Seeking the truth??? If people are really seeking the truth they'd be better at the Cafe. Can Paw stick a pointer to the Cafe on their page (he, he)?
Ban people??? LOL. Not legalistic, then.
(Sorry, thought I was over this red rag stuff but clearly not)
To say the least, these kids are in for a huge let-down.
Their arrogance reminds me of what a lot of us were like when we were in our teens and early 20's and thought we had all the answers. No one could convince us otherwise at the time.
I hope and pray they get far away from their TWI comfort zone and learn what other people believe. Their world is so narrow.
If I allow debate, whether it is a worthwhile and has some respectable points or not, it will only open a floodgate of other debates, which leads us all down a dark hole of endless debate!
This is going to be a final warning, anyone who does not adhere to the "NO DEBATING" policy will be banned.
Christ-on-a-crutch!! Talk about Nazis on the make!! :blink: What's next? Passing out swastikas for everyone??
They have several groups now I noticed - I read though one and there was a young way girl complaining how the mediator of the group wasn't really listening to someone sharing there questions and concerning, but instead called it debating... she was like I know some of the history and I think this type of thing has hurt people in the past.
I find this so interesting...
I was also on ebay and noticed under Wierwille Books
someone selling all new books like a bookstore with a BRC seal and It is Written....just wondering
if HQ was getting in on the sale of books.
Perhaps the people your saw our the Way Disciples program going on... it seems like the time of the year this might happen.
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You can be Way Corps 6 Emeritus?
I wonder what my corresponding unhonorary title might be?
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I crown you WC # Exodus Emeritus Valiant For The Truth! heehee..just havin some fun:)
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I was thinking from their view, something more dogmatic, like WC9 Repugnant, he who has returned to his own vomit ...
which is not true, I do drink beer now, but I find that is nothing compared to the honored drambuie guzzler. It is not clear to me what is required to be honored in twi. Being a rapist, alcoholic, adulterer, scammer .... these all seem to be smiled on at twi. Anyway, I prefer being on their dishonored list, considering the values they hold dear. Their values are pukey to me!
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rhino your status is dropped !!!!! DFAC sorta like DOA or MIA
we are swine. greasespots. what did i call us on that thread ?
now i remember ..... scum ;)
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Rhino- I agree. Honorary is seeing how many labels can you achieve and how you get them,eh. Its a good thing Gods label is My Dear One...
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LOL! Have you read the "rules" thread on there? Apparently the moderator wanted to allow non-TWIts to come on and ask questions, but she naively thought that would be the end of it - that people, hands down, will accept their answers without thinking about the answers themselves and asking more questions. :blink:
I think the more accurate thing would have been "....either you are meek and humble to believe what we tell you and to accept the kool-aid we're selling or you are posting information that makes us think and question whether what we have been taught is really the "rightly divided truth". I will have to ban people that are doing this, plain and simple. Please understand that if people are really seeking the truth, they will swallow our doctrine hook, line and sinker to the end that they go to a fellowship in person so we can 'love bomb' them into paying to take our classes where, then, hopefully we'll have them right where we want them - under our thumb"
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Would adapting these rules make GS a ... happier place?
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Happier-but then who would come visit?
You're so funny sometimes.
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Could we really BE any happier?
Sounds dangerous to me.
And probably illegal, with MY luck.
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I'd forgotten all about that board! I think it would help, Paw. A lot.
Like on the thread where someone says something about having a cup of coffee and a person responds that may not be inappropriate. (I think that is what they actually wrote).
The Board Boss showed up and did a homie-like get-down and approved the topic for future discussion, thus allowing free, approved discussion to take place.
That kind of action would do a lot of good here. When difficult controversial topics come up, like having a cup of coffee, other posters can circle and wait for your Approval Stamp. Once stamped, everyone can proceed. If Unstamped, everyone will know to tell the person to stop and if they don't, to go away and find a board that allows such things to be discussed.
The funnniest part of that board is when the moderator implies some level of comptency in biblical research as a means of qualifying what they're taught and then has to admit that what she meant was that she knows how to open a Concordance and find a word alphabetically to see if it matches with what the Way's taught.
Seriously, I think they've stated why they have the board and who it's for. Give 'em a break. It's a perfect place to go whenever you wonder if you're better off "OUT" VS "IN".
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I guess the past is what you want to make it to be
My daughter says she is glad I never forced her to witness to her friends.Pretty much let
her read what she wanted.She is thankful to her parents who are not twiified two!!
While I am glad for the bible I learnt alot of crap was learnttoo.
Thanks Pawtucket for this site We get to put forth our side without being told we are wrong all the time.
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George Aar
Gawd, what a great site to launch an MLM business.
Lots of young, unemployed marks-er-associates to do your bidding, no questions asked!
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there is something strangely holy about the view from the bottom
tho, i prefer 'scoundrels,' myself
or something like 'silly grubby little angel monkeys'
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oh lordy--i read it....can you say koolaid....I am so glad my kids did NOT grow up with that oh so unholy priveldged few jerks
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There are sooooo many things rising to the surface and fomenting in my mind....and all of them are making me giggle. But I will retain my decorum lest my levity should distract any from the faith. I shall keep the salted committment of my burgeoning lock box that the Ministry be not blamed.
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Here's my favorite part of her whole diatribe:
"If we wanted a debate we could go talk to any person in the world who perceives God's Word to be foolish, or just talk to people of other denominations. This is NOT profitable. I love a good biblical discussion - we all do. But this is not the place for it..."
Holy Crap!!! and pass the Koolaid please.
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Oh man, on one post she writes:
"Now, the Way does not tell us to believe everything they teach blindly. They tell us to go work the scriptures ourselves, delve into the Hebrew and Greek ourselves, and that is what we do! Don't you think that if we found tons of errors and private interpretation in the Way's teachings that we wouldn't be involved in the first place?"
And a little while later she writes:
"I'm still a little unclear on tithing too, once I have a steady income I would like to abundantly share on a regular basis, but not until I understand it fully."
"... no of course I do not KNOW Greek and Hebrew... My Professor thought I was 'fluent' in Greek during an "Understanding the Bible" lecture because I did know so many biblically important Greek words - thanks to all that I have learned through the ministry."
TRANSLATION -- I accept everything twi tells me as gospel truth. I memorize the words they tell me are important and I spout them back out in order to sound intelligent. The fact I have not researched them myself, nor do I really understand the deeper meanings of most of them is unimportant. If twi tells me it is a greek word, and I can find it in a concordance, then Twi is right. Everyone else is just mis-informed or willfully ignorant. Drink the koolaid!!!!!!
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I would suppose TWI would think those on GS are "swine." On the contrary, it was a battle between grace and legalism, service versus abuse, the Word of God versus twisted scripture, and good guys versus bad guys.
As Pawtucket has stated, it is WAY past midnight. You all have gone on with your lives and contributed a valuable service here. We can't tell how many we have rescued from even going there. We live in a battleground. Experience is always the most valuable weapon in the arsenal of life.
I have seen Greasespotters and I know I was looking at the good guys.
The good guys won.
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TWI will do anything to sell themself. "TWI", What a glorious place for people to be. Wonder how long they have been planning this little scheme so everybody could really catch up on what each other was doing? It would not surprise me if they already see each other at fellowship. Sorry guys, I just don't put anything past them.
I would like to see TWI on E-Bay to see just how much they would bring at auction
Wonder if it would be as much as they think they are worth?
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Agh, those horror words that they beat us with, "meek" and "humble". Aagh, my head hurts!!
Yeah, let's ban people from asking questions. Let's ban them from using their God-given brains. Not a huge deal??? Seeking the truth??? If people are really seeking the truth they'd be better at the Cafe. Can Paw stick a pointer to the Cafe on their page (he, he)?
Ban people??? LOL. Not legalistic, then.
(Sorry, thought I was over this red rag stuff but clearly not)
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Hope R.
This makes me so sad.
To say the least, these kids are in for a huge let-down.
Their arrogance reminds me of what a lot of us were like when we were in our teens and early 20's and thought we had all the answers. No one could convince us otherwise at the time.
I hope and pray they get far away from their TWI comfort zone and learn what other people believe. Their world is so narrow.
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A la prochaine
Jacquie Horney is writing books??
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Christ-on-a-crutch!! Talk about Nazis on the make!! :blink: What's next? Passing out swastikas for everyone??
goosestep ... goosestep ... goosestep ... goosestepgoosestepgoosestepgoosestepgoosestepgoosestepgoosestep
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detour on route 29
They have several groups now I noticed - I read though one and there was a young way girl complaining how the mediator of the group wasn't really listening to someone sharing there questions and concerning, but instead called it debating... she was like I know some of the history and I think this type of thing has hurt people in the past.
I find this so interesting...
I was also on ebay and noticed under Wierwille Books
someone selling all new books like a bookstore with a BRC seal and It is Written....just wondering
if HQ was getting in on the sale of books.
Perhaps the people your saw our the Way Disciples program going on... it seems like the time of the year this might happen.
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