I just HAD to be the first to respond to this, before all the good jokes were made. :P-->
1. Tankah, Mexico-is this because all the clients are built like tanks?
2."The resort, which formally opens June 15, targets people afraid to go out on the sand with a few extra pounds, or a few extra dozens of pounds. No more enduring cruel jokes on the beach, or wisecracks from the staff."
At least, not to their faces. I'm sure when their shift is over, it's another story.
The 112-room property has plenty of places to eat as part of its $150 per-night double-occupancy rate. The owners expanded from two restaurants to five, each with a different theme: international, Italian, Mexican, a steakhouse, a Hawaiian-style seafood room and a snack bar.
Notice, they didn't say anything about an exercise area, but expanded the RESTAURANTS from two to FIVE. Unless it's an all-you-can-eat deal, I'm sure they'll make a 'ton' of money here.
4. Sabo said that Freedom Paradise ``is talking the talk'' of size-friendliness, but asked, ``Can they walk the walk?''
Wouldn't this be more of a waddle?
5. ``Speaking of walking, that's not as easy for some of us as it is for other people,'' she said. ``Is the place all spread out?''
Just like the clients ?
6."The 112-room property has plenty of places to eat as part of its $150 per-night double-occupancy rate."
Is this for one person or two?
One last thing, if you're a guy who's a chubby chaser, just remember to bring a five pound bag of flour. And, no, you're not going to be baking anything with it.
This is an ad that a guy definitely does **NOT** want to clip n' save for his girlfriend/wife.
I showed it to my wife, but she didn't get mad. I guess it's because she doesn't have reason to think I'd suggest we go there. I think any women that get offended probably would fit in ok there.
How sensitive. I can hardly wait for the follow-up thread, "If you are offended by nigger jokes, don't read this". Ooh, I know! Maybe you can get Rafael to post again with your "All-Time Greatest Spick Jokes", thread, too. Very witty. Or we could have a go at the poor, the retarded, or maybe just the ugly. After all, it's their own damn fault they're fat, foreign, or ******-up, right?
GreaseSpot is really circling the drain now.
The fool hath said in his heart, "PFAL is the Word of God..."
hey zixar, I didn't find it offensive at all. I found it very humorous and interesting. I also read it in the news. So it was very public and not meant to be offensive.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I don't think I was offended by this thread...but I'm not sure because of the turn it took when someone pointed out that other groups could be made fun of, too.
Maybe that's just me. It is uncomfortable to be laughed at, but I know people do laugh at me. Of course, I'd rather be laughed at than taunted, teased, tormented, etc.
I tell you what, though...I'd go to that beach if I could afford it! In a heart beat.
The assumption that fat people would go to a beach just to eat is kinda weird, though. I'd go to that beach so that I would be able to swim without the sniggers, jeers, torments, etc. I am a very good swimmer. Swimming is the absolute best exercise for someone of my size because it is low impact and does not endanger the joints...and even just languid "dog-paddling" or floating is a whole lot more exercise than the quarter block I am able to walk without extreme pain. Swimming is also very relaxing for me...I am a water child and to be wholly in the water is nearly a religious experience for me.
Ever laugh at Eddie Murphy? George Carlin? and lord only knows how many other comedians?
Stereotyping people in a serious way, putting them in a box, is wrong. Most people who know me, know I think this.
However, poking fun at the ridiculousness of stereotypes points out how ridiculous they are.
I have battled my weight since I was a little girl. I have been on the receiving end of cruelty and fat jokes.
There was also a time when I was a size 5. Even then, I was not entirely comfortable wearing a swim suit in public. I think the idea for this beach is wonderful.
However, I found the article about this resort funny. I found the writers style, funny.
wording like "slanted toward the slender" and "daunting for the double-chinned".
I also love the motto, "live large, live free". I've said it before and I'll say it again. Our bodies are not the sum and substance of who we are. As a society, we often take our physical appearance FAR too seriously.
Those who feel they are unattractive, often have serious self-esteem problems. This is because as an individual and as a society, we base too much of our self-esteem on appearance, instead of who we are.
Attractive people can also run into self-esteem problems. They often feel their worth is only in how good they look. If they have a bad hair day, their day is in shambles. They are often unsure if the men/women (though most often this is a female problem) are with them because they look good on the other's arm, or because they value them as a person.
The entire concept, the stereotype, of one's value being wrapped up in one's appearance is ridiculous and sad. Humor can be a way to expose this foolishness.
However, as I have said before, I knew there would be people who would not find it funny, who would be offended, and thus the thread title.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
quote:Reading between the lines, it merely looks as if he's got some anger issues that haven't been dealt with.
Certainly a possibility. BTW, thanks for the armchair analysis. Should I expect a bill for this wonderful service you've provided?
If memory serves, Steve!, you were in the same cult I was? Perhaps you have your own issues to work out.
quote:Maybe you should go find a kitten to kick, and work out those aggressions.
Actually, I prefer bunnies, but wouldn't mind taking a shot at Bambi. :P-->
Mel Brooks once illustrated the difference between comedy and tragedy. He said words to the effect of, "You fall in a manhole, that's a comedy. I get a paper cut, that's a tragedy."
Yes, everyone will laugh at something as long as it's not aimed at their pet peeve.
So, if you've EVER laughed at a joke in your life (which is doubtful) you were being supremely sensitive to the person who was the 'butt' of the joke (however large it may be).
(edited to delete the word anger in reference to issues, since there could be so many more than one) :D-->
So I took a six month vacation. So sue me. :D-->
[This message was edited by TheManOfaThousandScreenNames on June 09, 2003 at 19:09.]
[This message was edited by TheManOfaThousandScreenNames on June 09, 2003 at 19:22.]
I usually do not reply to posts such as this but I feel I have a very strong perspective on traveling since I spent 5 years on the road.
There are many Hotels, Airlines, Car rentals,ect that are very discriminating to people who are not at what is considered average body size. I have felt the brunt of such behavior to the point of excess, no I am not "that big" but I am not skinny either.
I do not find the article funny but defiantly degrading and the author is defiantly NOT pro large people. I believe this is one of the reasons that it OK to still discriminate against large people. I was in a 4 star hotel in NY City and was openly degraded but a few of the staff to the point that I had to call the Corporate Headquarters and had then Fired. This was a very disturbing incident since I had just gotten over being very sick and was put on a drug that not only made me gain 30 ponds but left me swollen in the face and extremities.
Not all large people are that way from being lazy or lack of trying some are for many many medical reasons and such article contribute to the Stereotyping of people.
I also Like the moto but wonder how many really understand it.
Most airlines can (but don't always) charge a person who is... how shall I put this... Too wide for their seat, for two seats.
When I fly, I don't want someone else's...ummmm... "over hang" on my seat. I have asked to be re-seated because of another passanger's butt taking up part of my seat.
But, in fairness. Airline seats and seating is not designed for either large people or tall people (I am 6"5').
1000 Names is also 6'5" and this is one of the reasons he does not like flying either.
I like your handle. Not sure if the spelling is the same, but seems the pronunciation (sp) would be the same as the main character from Clan of the Cave Bears. I loved those stories.
A person has a right to be treated with respect, regardless of size, race, sexual orientation, etc. It is quite possible the people you mentioned at the hotel, were rude to other customers as well and it is good you reported it.
Being over weight is often not simply a matter of over eating or laziness. It can be a medical problem, genetic, psychological or a combination.
I have a neighbor, she is very tall and thin. She lives on junk food, but her body's metabolism is such, it doesn't cause her weight problems.
She has a seven year old daughter who weighs over 100 lbs. This girl did not inherit her mother's metabolism. Her weight problem is not so much an issue of how much she eats, but what she eats.
As a child I was very heavy. As an adult I have bounced back and forth. I tend to be a comfort eater. After leaving TWI, my self-esteem improved greatly. I reached a place where I realized what I looked like did not define who I was. My appearance no longer had so much power over my self-esteem. As I grew more confident and happy, it was easier to take power over my eating habits, instead of them having power over me. This has made it MUCH easier for me to maintain a healthy weight.
I know it is not this simple for everyone, but I thought I would share a bit in case it is helpful to someone.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
I hear that 63% of adults are over weight or something like that. I'm definitely in that 63%. I'm really not that sensitive about it.
In that movie 'Clear and present danger' Harrison Ford's character Jack Ryan gives the president a formula for diffusing a sensitive situation. In the movie a close friend of the pres. was killed while transporting drugs. So Ford (Ryan) says " If they ask you if you were friends, say you were close friends; if they ask if you were close friends, say you were intimate friends. Just don't give them anywhere to go!"
I got to try out this formula at my job a few years back. For a six month period, I worked side by side with this babe...I mean...WOW!!! Wasn't a problem concentrating with loud machinery around and, yes, there was some very time sensitive WORK to do as well.
But in the break room the other guys started giving me the business about it. So I just said I was sure this girl dreamed about fat, bald, forty plus year old 'studs' like me. End of business. I guess there's a point where you just have to be a good sport.
So you guys can roll me in flour and aim for the wet spot any old time, heh heh.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
I just HAD to be the first to respond to this, before all the good jokes were made.
1. Tankah, Mexico-is this because all the clients are built like tanks?
2."The resort, which formally opens June 15, targets people afraid to go out on the sand with a few extra pounds, or a few extra dozens of pounds. No more enduring cruel jokes on the beach, or wisecracks from the staff."
At least, not to their faces. I'm sure when their shift is over, it's another story.
The 112-room property has plenty of places to eat as part of its $150 per-night double-occupancy rate. The owners expanded from two restaurants to five, each with a different theme: international, Italian, Mexican, a steakhouse, a Hawaiian-style seafood room and a snack bar.
Notice, they didn't say anything about an exercise area, but expanded the RESTAURANTS from two to FIVE. Unless it's an all-you-can-eat deal, I'm sure they'll make a 'ton' of money here.
4. Sabo said that Freedom Paradise ``is talking the talk'' of size-friendliness, but asked, ``Can they walk the walk?''
Wouldn't this be more of a waddle?
5. ``Speaking of walking, that's not as easy for some of us as it is for other people,'' she said. ``Is the place all spread out?''
Just like the clients ?
6."The 112-room property has plenty of places to eat as part of its $150 per-night double-occupancy rate."
Is this for one person or two?
One last thing, if you're a guy who's a chubby chaser, just remember to bring a five pound bag of flour. And, no, you're not going to be baking anything with it.
So I took a six month vacation. So sue me.
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This is an ad that a guy definitely does **NOT** want to clip n' save for his girlfriend/wife.
.... Unless he was feeling suicidal, ... and for a painful one at that.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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Mister P-Mosh
I showed it to my wife, but she didn't get mad. I guess it's because she doesn't have reason to think I'd suggest we go there. I think any women that get offended probably would fit in ok there.
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How sensitive. I can hardly wait for the follow-up thread, "If you are offended by nigger jokes, don't read this". Ooh, I know! Maybe you can get Rafael to post again with your "All-Time Greatest Spick Jokes", thread, too. Very witty. Or we could have a go at the poor, the retarded, or maybe just the ugly. After all, it's their own damn fault they're fat, foreign, or ******-up, right?
GreaseSpot is really circling the drain now.
The fool hath said in his heart, "PFAL is the Word of God..."
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hey zixar, I didn't find it offensive at all. I found it very humorous and interesting. I also read it in the news. So it was very public and not meant to be offensive.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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I'm with Zix on this one. We might just as well push the flush button.
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1. I titled the thread as I did, because I knew some were likely to find it offensive.
2. From a business stand point, I think the concept is brilliant and much needed.
3. You have no idea if I have a weight problem or not.
4. As someone who is Russian, Polish, and Jewish, I find humor in jokes which poke fun at the stereotypes in these categories funny as well.
5. I found the author's choice of words in writing this article to be excellent. She wrote a serious article but inserted some tongue in cheek humor.
6. When one can honestly laugh at themselves, one truly has found a sense of inner peace.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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I don't think I was offended by this thread...but I'm not sure because of the turn it took when someone pointed out that other groups could be made fun of, too.
Maybe that's just me. It is uncomfortable to be laughed at, but I know people do laugh at me. Of course, I'd rather be laughed at than taunted, teased, tormented, etc.
I tell you what, though...I'd go to that beach if I could afford it! In a heart beat.
The assumption that fat people would go to a beach just to eat is kinda weird, though. I'd go to that beach so that I would be able to swim without the sniggers, jeers, torments, etc. I am a very good swimmer. Swimming is the absolute best exercise for someone of my size because it is low impact and does not endanger the joints...and even just languid "dog-paddling" or floating is a whole lot more exercise than the quarter block I am able to walk without extreme pain. Swimming is also very relaxing for me...I am a water child and to be wholly in the water is nearly a religious experience for me.
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Ever laugh at Eddie Murphy? George Carlin? and lord only knows how many other comedians?
Stereotyping people in a serious way, putting them in a box, is wrong. Most people who know me, know I think this.
However, poking fun at the ridiculousness of stereotypes points out how ridiculous they are.
I have battled my weight since I was a little girl. I have been on the receiving end of cruelty and fat jokes.
There was also a time when I was a size 5. Even then, I was not entirely comfortable wearing a swim suit in public. I think the idea for this beach is wonderful.
However, I found the article about this resort funny. I found the writers style, funny.
wording like "slanted toward the slender" and "daunting for the double-chinned".
I also love the motto, "live large, live free". I've said it before and I'll say it again. Our bodies are not the sum and substance of who we are. As a society, we often take our physical appearance FAR too seriously.
Those who feel they are unattractive, often have serious self-esteem problems. This is because as an individual and as a society, we base too much of our self-esteem on appearance, instead of who we are.
Attractive people can also run into self-esteem problems. They often feel their worth is only in how good they look. If they have a bad hair day, their day is in shambles. They are often unsure if the men/women (though most often this is a female problem) are with them because they look good on the other's arm, or because they value them as a person.
The entire concept, the stereotype, of one's value being wrapped up in one's appearance is ridiculous and sad. Humor can be a way to expose this foolishness.
However, as I have said before, I knew there would be people who would not find it funny, who would be offended, and thus the thread title.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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"GreaseSpot is really circling the drain now."
Uh ohh, you think the Zixter has a weight problem?
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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There was an article about this place in our paper yesterday. It's a heck of a marketing concept.
Check out their website:
Freedom Paradise
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I am not offended by anything in this thread. Not the concept of the resort, nor the extremely feeble attempts at humor by MOATSN.
I fail to see how anyone could think of any of MOATSN's "wisecracks" are even faintly witty.
Reading between the lines, it merely looks as if he's got some anger issues that haven't been dealt with.
Maybe you should go find a kitten to kick, and work out those aggressions.
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Gee Steve, is it not possible we all simply find different things funny? Must it be a psychological issue?
You can please some of the people some of the time. You can rarely, if ever, please all of the people even some of the time.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Certainly a possibility. BTW, thanks for the armchair analysis. Should I expect a bill for this wonderful service you've provided?
If memory serves, Steve!, you were in the same cult I was? Perhaps you have your own issues to work out.
Actually, I prefer bunnies, but wouldn't mind taking a shot at Bambi.
Mel Brooks once illustrated the difference between comedy and tragedy. He said words to the effect of, "You fall in a manhole, that's a comedy. I get a paper cut, that's a tragedy."
Yes, everyone will laugh at something as long as it's not aimed at their pet peeve.
So, if you've EVER laughed at a joke in your life (which is doubtful) you were being supremely sensitive to the person who was the 'butt' of the joke (however large it may be).
(edited to delete the word anger in reference to issues, since there could be so many more than one)
So I took a six month vacation. So sue me.
[This message was edited by TheManOfaThousandScreenNames on June 09, 2003 at 19:09.]
[This message was edited by TheManOfaThousandScreenNames on June 09, 2003 at 19:22.]
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hey Hey HEY...
Just wanted ta let ya know I am here!!!
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gotta problem with that ?
[This message was edited by excathedra on June 10, 2003 at 10:35.]
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Finally decided that I'm no more offended by this than I am by "dumb blonde" jokes. Just had to think about it for awhile.
However I would like to say that there are many, many jokes/satires/etc. that go beyond funny...and that I don't laugh at those.
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I usually do not reply to posts such as this but I feel I have a very strong perspective on traveling since I spent 5 years on the road.
There are many Hotels, Airlines, Car rentals,ect that are very discriminating to people who are not at what is considered average body size. I have felt the brunt of such behavior to the point of excess, no I am not "that big" but I am not skinny either.
I do not find the article funny but defiantly degrading and the author is defiantly NOT pro large people. I believe this is one of the reasons that it OK to still discriminate against large people. I was in a 4 star hotel in NY City and was openly degraded but a few of the staff to the point that I had to call the Corporate Headquarters and had then Fired. This was a very disturbing incident since I had just gotten over being very sick and was put on a drug that not only made me gain 30 ponds but left me swollen in the face and extremities.
Not all large people are that way from being lazy or lack of trying some are for many many medical reasons and such article contribute to the Stereotyping of people.
I also Like the moto but wonder how many really understand it.
"I always do what my Rice Crispies tell me to."
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Sure, I laugh at jokes. When I hear or read them.
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One more thing (to add fuel to this fire)...
Most airlines can (but don't always) charge a person who is... how shall I put this... Too wide for their seat, for two seats.
When I fly, I don't want someone else's...ummmm... "over hang" on my seat. I have asked to be re-seated because of another passanger's butt taking up part of my seat.
But, in fairness. Airline seats and seating is not designed for either large people or tall people (I am 6"5').
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1000 Names is also 6'5" and this is one of the reasons he does not like flying either.
I like your handle. Not sure if the spelling is the same, but seems the pronunciation (sp) would be the same as the main character from Clan of the Cave Bears. I loved those stories.
A person has a right to be treated with respect, regardless of size, race, sexual orientation, etc. It is quite possible the people you mentioned at the hotel, were rude to other customers as well and it is good you reported it.
Being over weight is often not simply a matter of over eating or laziness. It can be a medical problem, genetic, psychological or a combination.
I have a neighbor, she is very tall and thin. She lives on junk food, but her body's metabolism is such, it doesn't cause her weight problems.
She has a seven year old daughter who weighs over 100 lbs. This girl did not inherit her mother's metabolism. Her weight problem is not so much an issue of how much she eats, but what she eats.
As a child I was very heavy. As an adult I have bounced back and forth. I tend to be a comfort eater. After leaving TWI, my self-esteem improved greatly. I reached a place where I realized what I looked like did not define who I was. My appearance no longer had so much power over my self-esteem. As I grew more confident and happy, it was easier to take power over my eating habits, instead of them having power over me. This has made it MUCH easier for me to maintain a healthy weight.
I know it is not this simple for everyone, but I thought I would share a bit in case it is helpful to someone.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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With the exception of metabolic disorders or thyroid(hormone problems), IT "IS" YOUR FAULT IF YOU ARE FAT!
We all have shortcomings or dysfunctions, some folks have them in the "eating" department.
"Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
[This message was edited by chwester on June 11, 2003 at 12:43.]
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"Being over weight is often not simply a matter of over eating or laziness. It can be a medical problem, genetic, psychological or a combination."
We-l-l-l, we *could* blame it on demons.
But then again, let's not.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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I hear that 63% of adults are over weight or something like that. I'm definitely in that 63%. I'm really not that sensitive about it.
In that movie 'Clear and present danger' Harrison Ford's character Jack Ryan gives the president a formula for diffusing a sensitive situation. In the movie a close friend of the pres. was killed while transporting drugs. So Ford (Ryan) says " If they ask you if you were friends, say you were close friends; if they ask if you were close friends, say you were intimate friends. Just don't give them anywhere to go!"
I got to try out this formula at my job a few years back. For a six month period, I worked side by side with this babe...I mean...WOW!!! Wasn't a problem concentrating with loud machinery around and, yes, there was some very time sensitive WORK to do as well.
But in the break room the other guys started giving me the business about it. So I just said I was sure this girl dreamed about fat, bald, forty plus year old 'studs' like me. End of business. I guess there's a point where you just have to be a good sport.
So you guys can roll me in flour and aim for the wet spot any old time, heh heh.
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