Thanks for the update, Cindy! You all will be in my prayers for God's will to be done in your lives. That is how I pray nowadays, and things go so much better, 'cause HE is in control and HE knows our future and what we need more than we do.
Kat is still home and has a homebound tutor through her school. Her Dr. appt. is Friday.
One of my professors hooked me up with a job that pay $$$ per hour and I can work from home....TOO COOL!!!!
It's GREAT to spend so much time with Kat and our other kids...and I'm enjoying being a housewife again!!! I get to get up in the morning and make breakfast for my family, pack all their lunches and then send them into the's way sweet!
Then I get to organize and clean our new house....some boxes that might never be unpacked have been!
God is doin a great job for our family, and we know it's mostly due to our and your prayers! :)
Kat is doing very well and I go back to work tomorrow!
God did some amazing stuff....we received enough money to cover all of our bills and expenses AND give the kids a very nice Christmas!!! (in one day we received from unexpected sources over three thousand dollars!!!!)
If you should ever need to take off for medical reasons, the Family Medical Leave Act is a wonderful law that makes it illegal for an employer to let you go and they HAVE to give you up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Check it our HERE!
Unexpected sources, I'd like to introduce you to dmiller.......dmiller, may I please present unexpected sources. Unexpected sources is from no one Steve! or I know (ok, one person we know did send some of it).....dmiller is a wonderful person who always takes the time to make sure people have a positive word in their day.
(there, I made introductions just as I was taught in charm really, i went to charm & modeling school when I was a can't tell???? well, UP YOURS!!!!! :) )
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I said a little prayer for you(plural).
I hope you don't mind.
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Don't mind???
We LOVE prayers and the folks that pray!!!!
Thanks Waysider!!!!!
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Thanks for sharing....I will keep your family in my prayers....
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please be assured i am praying
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Cindy!, and Steve!, and all the other !!!!'s ----
Prayers, from me to all you !!!!'s
Take care, eh????
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You're all in my prayers, too!
It may be "Waybrain," but I believe that you and God make a majority!
Keep up the fight.
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Thanks for the update, Cindy! You all will be in my prayers for God's will to be done in your lives. That is how I pray nowadays, and things go so much better, 'cause HE is in control and HE knows our future and what we need more than we do.
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Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
Kat is still home and has a homebound tutor through her school. Her Dr. appt. is Friday.
One of my professors hooked me up with a job that pay $$$ per hour and I can work from home....TOO COOL!!!!
It's GREAT to spend so much time with Kat and our other kids...and I'm enjoying being a housewife again!!! I get to get up in the morning and make breakfast for my family, pack all their lunches and then send them into the's way sweet!
Then I get to organize and clean our new house....some boxes that might never be unpacked have been!
God is doin a great job for our family, and we know it's mostly due to our and your prayers!
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so very happy for you!

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I Love Bagpipes
:) :) :) :) :)
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Kat is doing very well and I go back to work tomorrow!
God did some amazing stuff....we received enough money to cover all of our bills and expenses AND give the kids a very nice Christmas!!! (in one day we received from unexpected sources over three thousand dollars!!!!)
If you should ever need to take off for medical reasons, the Family Medical Leave Act is a wonderful law that makes it illegal for an employer to let you go and they HAVE to give you up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Check it our HERE!
Edited by Cindy!Link to comment
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Great to hear! :)
(Hey -- can you introduce me to your *unexpected sources*?? ;)
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polar bear
Dear Cindy-We will certainly keep you and your family in our prayers. Please keep us informed on your progress. God is all loving and all powerful.
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Unexpected sources, I'd like to introduce you to dmiller.......dmiller, may I please present unexpected sources. Unexpected sources is from no one Steve! or I know (ok, one person we know did send some of it).....dmiller is a wonderful person who always takes the time to make sure people have a positive word in their day.
(there, I made introductions just as I was taught in charm really, i went to charm & modeling school when I was a can't tell???? well, UP YOURS!!!!! :) )
Edited by Cindy!Link to comment
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