I HAD A BLAST!!! It was way more fun than I even expected (and I expected a lot!)
I think I totally shocked some of my friends who never dreamed I'd dress up, much less like I did. I'm going to attach a picture for y'all. Lemmee tell you, though, those fake piercings hurt just as much as the real ones must and I will NEVER pierce my lip. I think a day with a fake one on will be enough to discourage most folks from following through.
I did the Time Warp and, thankfully, our bags of goodies that we bought, had the proper order of the props on the outside of the bag. Two of my friends have been to over 100 showings, so they knew enough to sit us down front so that we didn't get pelted by all the rice, confetti, etc.
They have obviously updated quite a few lines as there were jokes about Madonna, Bush and other more recent personalities. Some local references, including a funny joke about all the gay folks working at Disney.
The cast doing all the acting during the movie was really good and the hecklers were hilarious, but hard to understand some times. We are talking about going back again, though. This time I'm hoping everyone dresses up with me!
Linda, I'm safely still hetero - much to the chagrin of my lesbian friend who came along, but alas, we can't make everyone happy, now can we? The people who backed out or didn't show up are kicking themselves this morning. I think it'll be an even bigger contingent next time we go.
If it's been a while since you've been - I highly recommend the trip down memory lane!
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Tom Strange
well Belle??? ...how was it? ...did you enjoy it?
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Linda Z
Clearly, the more important question is, did it cause you to become gay???
After all, watching a parody that includes a transvestite is bound to alter your sexual orientation, don'tcha know.
I hope it was a blast!
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I want to hear everything! How did everyone like your costume?
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I HAD A BLAST!!! It was way more fun than I even expected (and I expected a lot!)
I think I totally shocked some of my friends who never dreamed I'd dress up, much less like I did. I'm going to attach a picture for y'all. Lemmee tell you, though, those fake piercings hurt just as much as the real ones must and I will NEVER pierce my lip. I think a day with a fake one on will be enough to discourage most folks from following through.
I did the Time Warp and, thankfully, our bags of goodies that we bought, had the proper order of the props on the outside of the bag. Two of my friends have been to over 100 showings, so they knew enough to sit us down front so that we didn't get pelted by all the rice, confetti, etc.
They have obviously updated quite a few lines as there were jokes about Madonna, Bush and other more recent personalities. Some local references, including a funny joke about all the gay folks working at Disney.
The cast doing all the acting during the movie was really good and the hecklers were hilarious, but hard to understand some times. We are talking about going back again, though. This time I'm hoping everyone dresses up with me!
Linda, I'm safely still hetero - much to the chagrin of my lesbian friend who came along, but alas, we can't make everyone happy, now can we?
The people who backed out or didn't show up are kicking themselves this morning. I think it'll be an even bigger contingent next time we go.
If it's been a while since you've been - I highly recommend the trip down memory lane!
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I haven't been since I was in high school.... what fun!
Wish I lived closer!!!!!
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Linda Z
Somehow I knew you would be.
The way some people act, you'd think being gay got passed around like the measles.
Your costume is so cute, and I'm glad you had so much fun!
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