Relax, have fun, and go with it. I cannot count how many times I've seen Rocky Horror. I still remember the songs and the lines. And when they do the Time Warp, if the theater allows it - get up and dance!!!
Bring some dry toast and sit close to the front. There's a line in the movie where a guy says, "I propose a toast!" and people really do throw toast at the screen. Kinda free form theatre going on. Enjoy.
I have been many times, in several different cities... they are all slightly different, but all silly and outrageous and rowdy and fun.
I started going in college. It seems like a rite of passage for so many kids these days, and I just recently found out they actually have midnight showings even in my not-so-big city... maybe I'll just drop in and see what new lines they've come up with... so near to Halloween would probably be extra-special fun. Wonder if they'll let an old duffer like me in the door?
I'm sure you've been warned that the subject matter is on the wild side, but not nearly as shocking today as it must have been to mainstream audiences in the 70s (*laughs devilishly*
If you really want to be prepared, you can find sites on the internet that not only have the song lyrics but the dialog and the most commonly-used audience lines.
fyi --- Meatloaf (who was working on his Bat Out of Hell album when he shot Rocky Horror) will be performing live on this morning's Today Show.
*********** Be sure to tell us about your experience!!!!!
I think we will have to come to you Cathy, at least part way. It does not appear to be playing anywhere in our state.
However, it plays bi-weekly in Columbus and Cincinnati; weekly in Daton and monthly in Cleveland Heights. It is also shown in a number of other towns around Ohio that I have never heard of.
I saw RHPS on the wow field of all places, so I guess that I cannot claim that the year was an entire waste.
My poor wow bro was absolutely incensed. He was deeply offended and was shocked that the rest of us enjoyed ourselves at such an obviously evil procuction.
I think we will have to come to you Cathy, at least part way. It does not appear to be playing anywhere in our state.
However, it plays bi-weekly in Columbus and Cincinnati; weekly in Daton and monthly in Cleveland Heights. It is also shown in a number of other towns around Ohio that I have never heard of.
Works for me. We will have to get together and make plans but it might be after Thanksgiving for me as we are going to Florida and I'm not sure if I can do it before we return. But I would love, love, love to get together.
I saw RHPS on the wow field of all places, so I guess that I cannot claim that the year was an entire waste.
My poor wow bro was absolutely incensed. He was deeply offended and was shocked that the rest of us enjoyed ourselves at such an obviously evil procuction.
I went to see the show with my WOW family in Houston. We didn't let our branch leader know we were going (although he might have gone with us), and we had a ball. Yes, it was totally wierd, but it was a lot of fun. I think about it everytime I happen to catch the movie on cable. I hope today's audiences maintain the fun and don't get out of control.
And, yes, I do recommend the small umbrella-some of the folks with water got a little out of control.
THANKS, Y'ALL!! I knew I'd be able to count on you for advice and suggestions.
Sudo and Bluzeman, please do post the songs! If I can learn the words before I go maybe I'll shock my buddies. I'm sure everyone else will enjoy the memories associated with them.
I'll deinfitely work on the Time Warp, WW. I want to be able to have fun and not have to concentrate too hard on getting it right. I have absolutely no rhythm, so getting some practice in beforehand is not such a bad idea.
I've also passed along the order of the props and dress suggestion. I think I'll wear the black witch wig I have for Halloween, black t-shirt, black jeans and maybe even some of the fake body piercing jewlery I also have. Not really dressed up like a character, but not just some plain Janet either.
The office is sizzling with electric anticipation as there is a pretty nice contingent from here going. I also have friends from outside work coming to meet us there. I can hardly wait! This is gonna be so much fun!!
I'm a Theatre version virgin, but I have seen this on DVD (with a big screen). I just wish that they would revisit a local theatre for me. Anyway, jealous as I am that you get to have the theatre experience, have a blast Belle.
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Relax, have fun, and go with it. I cannot count how many times I've seen Rocky Horror. I still remember the songs and the lines. And when they do the Time Warp, if the theater allows it - get up and dance!!!
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Can't wait to hear about it afterwards. And on that I can actually say I am a virgin also.
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Linda Z
Dammit Janet, just go and have fun!! And let us know how it was. :D
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Here Ya Go Belle
For Virgin Belle who lives in a cave........
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Bring some dry toast and sit close to the front. There's a line in the movie where a guy says, "I propose a toast!" and people really do throw toast at the screen. Kinda free form theatre going on. Enjoy.
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Ok, dress code for those not in character, first time...
IMHO, it should lean into the comfortable and casual
(there's movement, and you'll probably get some water on you.)
Black is good when deciding between 2 colours.
Thus, black jeans are recommended-wear from me.
For the most part, "virgins" will just follow the action.
(Don't block the aisle, don't block the area in front of a used seat-
since both will be used.)
If you study anything in advance, make it the chorus of the TimeWarp-
and its accompanying steps.
Once the movie starts, you'll be getting up for the TimeWarp, and that's it.
The TimeWarp comes a few minutes after "there's a light..."
The order of your props should be worked out so you don't have to fish
them out.
A) The rice
B) The watergun (with water)
C) the newspaper
D) the lighter-use a FLASHLIGHT, since the lighter is used with the newspaper (IMHO, fire hazard)
E) when using the lighter/flashlight, watch for when to switch it ON and OFF.
F) put them all down, now comes the TimeWarp.
G) Lab. Snap the rubber gloves.
H) Party stuff-noisemakers, whatever. Jingling keys work here.
I) Toilet paper.
J) Toast.
K) Party hats.
L) Cards (for sorrow and pain)
I THINK that's the order.
Keep in mind the props thru the TimeWarp seem to be more important.
Try and follow everything.
You're watching a movie that's a take-off on the old Science Fiction Double Features,
and as such, only makes sense that way.
You'll see mad scientists, and people from another planet, and so on.
And there's a Narrator.
And the audience banters with all of them.
Please note the consistent insults every time the full names for Brad and Janet are said.
or when they're being introduced to characters.
(You'll pick it up early enough.)
The audience callouts change from city to city.
In NYC, you'll ALWAYS hear the ORIGINAL callout ("Buy an umbrella..."),
but in other cities (like Boston), they don't use that one, for example.
Also, people may invent a new one that may just be used now, if it's timely.
Eventually, some become regular use locally.
Mostly, it's silly, and stupid, and a lot of fun. Do NOT take yourself seriously.
Especially at the very beginning, which will be explained at the time.
And varies somewhat from city to city.
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Haven't been to a show myself, but I hear that having a small umbrella wouldn't hurt.
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I have been many times, in several different cities... they are all slightly different, but all silly and outrageous and rowdy and fun.
I started going in college. It seems like a rite of passage for so many kids these days, and I just recently found out they actually have midnight showings even in my not-so-big city... maybe I'll just drop in and see what new lines they've come up with... so near to Halloween would probably be extra-special fun. Wonder if they'll let an old duffer like me in the door?
I'm sure you've been warned that the subject matter is on the wild side, but not nearly as shocking today as it must have been to mainstream audiences in the 70s (*laughs devilishly*
If you really want to be prepared, you can find sites on the internet that not only have the song lyrics but the dialog and the most commonly-used audience lines.
fyi --- Meatloaf (who was working on his Bat Out of Hell album when he shot Rocky Horror) will be performing live on this morning's Today Show.
*********** Be sure to tell us about your experience!!!!!
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I think I need to go with someone that has already gone by reading y'all.
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I'd love to go with you to see Rocky Horror some day, Cathy!
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Meatloaf Again?
One of my favorite scenes! :)
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Let's do it sometimes, I'll come to you okay!
Want to go with me to see Abi and Sushi dude? :)
And I would have replied sooner but we had to leave the building for a fire drill. And it's raining outside.
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I think we will have to come to you Cathy, at least part way. It does not appear to be playing anywhere in our state.
However, it plays bi-weekly in Columbus and Cincinnati; weekly in Daton and monthly in Cleveland Heights. It is also shown in a number of other towns around Ohio that I have never heard of.
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I saw RHPS on the wow field of all places, so I guess that I cannot claim that the year was an entire waste.
My poor wow bro was absolutely incensed. He was deeply offended and was shocked that the rest of us enjoyed ourselves at such an obviously evil procuction.
The poor guy.
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Works for me. We will have to get together and make plans but it might be after Thanksgiving for me as we are going to Florida and I'm not sure if I can do it before we return. But I would love, love, love to get together.
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I have the time warp as a ringtone.
Pink is for girls--Blue is for a$$holes!!
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Anybody want me to post the songs?? :)
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I went to see the show with my WOW family in Houston. We didn't let our branch leader know we were going (although he might have gone with us), and we had a ball. Yes, it was totally wierd, but it was a lot of fun. I think about it everytime I happen to catch the movie on cable. I hope today's audiences maintain the fun and don't get out of control.
And, yes, I do recommend the small umbrella-some of the folks with water got a little out of control.
Have a great time!
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I was wondering the same thing. I'm going to go ahead and post the theme song. She might not want to hear the rest until she sees the movie though.
So Belle, you wanna hear the rest, or wait until you've seen the movie?
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Sudo and Bluzeman, please do post the songs! If I can learn the words before I go maybe I'll shock my buddies.
I'm sure everyone else will enjoy the memories associated with them.
I'll deinfitely work on the Time Warp, WW. I want to be able to have fun and not have to concentrate too hard on getting it right. I have absolutely no rhythm, so getting some practice in beforehand is not such a bad idea.
I've also passed along the order of the props and dress suggestion. I think I'll wear the black witch wig I have for Halloween, black t-shirt, black jeans and maybe even some of the fake body piercing jewlery I also have. Not really dressed up like a character, but not just some plain Janet either.
The office is sizzling with electric anticipation as there is a pretty nice contingent from here going. I also have friends from outside work coming to meet us there. I can hardly wait! This is gonna be so much fun!!
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belle i am also a virgen but have a blast
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Brother Speed
I'm a Theatre version virgin, but I have seen this on DVD (with a big screen). I just wish that they would revisit a local theatre for me. Anyway, jealous as I am that you get to have the theatre experience, have a blast Belle.
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Brother Speed
Belle, you could also Google Video search 'rocky horror' and find video of the dance steps that you are looking for.
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