I love you, you know, but this is a controversial topic. On the one hand people could get outraged that civilized society has sunk as low as the criminal and taken the life of a human being. On the other hand people could get outraged that it took the state 17.2 years too long to carry out a just sentence. Personally? I err on the side of caution. I don't know the particulars about this case but there are too many people freed by DNA evidence who were on death row.
Musta been a good day to die, Linda. We put our own for killing five innocent college students in Gainesville.
All had been killed with a hunting knife. Some had been mutilated, sexually assaulted and put in shocking poses. One girl's severed head had been placed on a shelf, her body posed as if seated.
Then this perv had the gall to prolong his life by going all the way to the US Supreme court claiming that lethal injection was "cruel and unusual punishment". Hello??? WTF?? What about the horrible, awful, unspeakable things he did to those young children and the scars those who found them, worked the scenes and hunted for him have to live with?
For Sudo: This guy pleaded guilty and confessed to other murders in LA.
Another devilish jerk-wad who killed 3 deputies, a K-9 "D-O-G" (pronounced "Dee Oh Gee") and wounded two other deputies was sentenced to the death penalty this week, too. The Deputy witnesses have no doubt as to who killed their comrades as they were there with the fortunate Deputies who weren't wounded cuffed his a$$.
Sudo, I err on the side of caution when it comes to the death penalty, too, but this guy ultimately admitted his crimes, and there were beaucoup witnesses. He did all this in the name of God--if I remember correctly, it was because he didn't think this family was "spiritual enough."
Belle, funny you mention the "cruel and unusual punishment" thing, because that's what Lundgren claimed earlier this week, too. It must be going around.
Oh, and he said something about it wasn't fair to execute him because he was too fat. Go figure.
In his request to join the lawsuit, Lundgren, 56, said he is at even greater risk of experiencing pain and suffering during the procedure than other inmates because he is overweight and diabetic.
Pain and suffering??? Ok -- let him face a firing squad then.
Let him face that which he himself meted out.
A bullet is quick, merciless - and I bet his skull isn't too thick for one to penetrate.
Pain and suffering my @**!! What does he think he caused?? Hmmm?
Guess he IS INSANE, if after causing it all in the first place --
and feeling like he should be exempt from the same for himself now.
I'm sorry it took this long for **JUSTICE** to *grease the skids* under him,
and finally send him to his *long home*, just like he sent those others,
When we lived in WA the method of execution was death by hanging. This one fella deliberately gained 200+ lb, getting up to well over 300 lb, then played the "cruel and unusual" card because the chances were pretty good his head would get snapped off his neck like a melon off a vine from the weight of his body.
However, WA about the time his date with the devil was drawing nigh, instituted lethal injection. So they nailed him anyway.
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Linda Z,
I love you, you know, but this is a controversial topic. On the one hand people could get outraged that civilized society has sunk as low as the criminal and taken the life of a human being. On the other hand people could get outraged that it took the state 17.2 years too long to carry out a just sentence. Personally? I err on the side of caution. I don't know the particulars about this case but there are too many people freed by DNA evidence who were on death row.
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Musta been a good day to die, Linda. We put our own for killing five innocent college students in Gainesville.
All had been killed with a hunting knife. Some had been mutilated, sexually assaulted and put in shocking poses. One girl's severed head had been placed on a shelf, her body posed as if seated.
Then this perv had the gall to prolong his life by going all the way to the US Supreme court claiming that lethal injection was "cruel and unusual punishment". Hello??? WTF?? What about the horrible, awful, unspeakable things he did to those young children and the scars those who found them, worked the scenes and hunted for him have to live with?
Gainsville Serial Killer Killed
For Sudo:
This guy pleaded guilty and confessed to other murders in LA.
Another devilish jerk-wad who killed 3 deputies, a K-9 "D-O-G" (pronounced "Dee Oh Gee") and wounded two other deputies was sentenced to the death penalty this week, too.
The Deputy witnesses have no doubt as to who killed their comrades as they were there with the fortunate Deputies who weren't wounded cuffed his a$$.
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Linda Z
Sudo, I err on the side of caution when it comes to the death penalty, too, but this guy ultimately admitted his crimes, and there were beaucoup witnesses. He did all this in the name of God--if I remember correctly, it was because he didn't think this family was "spiritual enough."
Belle, funny you mention the "cruel and unusual punishment" thing, because that's what Lundgren claimed earlier this week, too. It must be going around.
Oh, and he said something about it wasn't fair to execute him because he was too fat. Go figure.
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LINDA Z-------It probably played bigger in the media near you because of the geographic proximity.
It was quite a buzz at my workplace also because our corporate HQ is located not far from the crime scene.
I work with someone who was once associated with a splinter of "Young Life" so events like this make for some interesting dialog and comparisons.
And to think he believed he was doing God's will.--------It baffles me!
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they just executed a fellow here in florida tonight. he killed 5 young people
he was on death row for years at tax payer expense
i do agree with sudo on due caution before anyone is put to death
find out all info prior to the execution and the make the choice
yet if the evidence is clear and stands up to scrutiny, fry the a@# who stole life from another human being
an eye for an eye is good enough for me
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Pain and suffering??? Ok -- let him face a firing squad then.
Let him face that which he himself meted out.
A bullet is quick, merciless - and I bet his skull isn't too thick for one to penetrate.
Pain and suffering my @**!! What does he think he caused?? Hmmm?
Guess he IS INSANE, if after causing it all in the first place --
and feeling like he should be exempt from the same for himself now.
I'm sorry it took this long for **JUSTICE** to *grease the skids* under him,
and finally send him to his *long home*, just like he sent those others,
many years ago.
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Watered Garden
When we lived in WA the method of execution was death by hanging. This one fella deliberately gained 200+ lb, getting up to well over 300 lb, then played the "cruel and unusual" card because the chances were pretty good his head would get snapped off his neck like a melon off a vine from the weight of his body.
However, WA about the time his date with the devil was drawing nigh, instituted lethal injection. So they nailed him anyway.
Forget what he did, but it was pretty awful.
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