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W.O.W. Handbook 1975-76


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Hi Keeds! T-Bone and I were cleaning out files and found his old W.O.W. Handbook. There's twelve pages of these drawings in it. And this provided our WOW family hours of free entertainment! Does anyone know who drew these Casper-like creatures?

Edited by tonto
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those amoebic wow creatures disturbed me during wow training in '76.

The weird drawings, the 'gee golly, God is blessing us as we live with no furniture, and rationing food, and working at the local fast food joint.'

Of course it was too late by then, and I managed to find excitement in the idea of being sent somewhere I'd never been, and in the mystery of who the heck I'd be living with.

I could have given a hoot about moving the word over the the city.

But those happy little wow creatures-they still give me cgills.

I mean chills

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I agree, more! They're like the Leave it to Beaver gang - gone WOW! I've never seen these rascals or if I did it was burned from my memory by too many WOW burgers!

Tom Strange will surely be interested in your language faux pas hiway............

or was it?

Deeply innate and waiting to spring forth life is the knowledge that these little critters, chilling though they be - are really trying to give you.....


Oh yeah....that's the stuff

Edited by socks
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I like how the cartoon wows were sent to Offshoot, Idaho. Maybe it was revelation!

I'm going to try one of the wowisms with my son.

Me: Son, try some tofu.

Son: Ugh! No way! I'm off to McDonalds.

Me: Just renew your tastebuds to this good physical food.

Yeah, I think it'll work.

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I'm having severe WOW flashbacks looking at this! :biglaugh:

We were supposed to make posters illustrating the WOW principles for a Limb or Branch meeting. We chose "Keep your marital status the same throughout the year" (or however it was phrased).

My family co-ordinator (God rest his soul) drew one of these amorphous blob-like WOWsers sitting on a block of ice with a $**t-eating grin on his face.

It was not well-received. :wink2:

Edited by Kevlar2000
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….And now a brief intermission…

While everyone else has gone out to the concession stand for some snacks – you can play Guess-what-the-heck-are-those-WOW blobs-anyway. If you’re right – you could win an all-expenses-paid [by you] trip to the city of our choice with three other total strangers. And if you expect to mooch some popcorn off your friends when they get back from the concession stand – you really are the type of person we’re looking for! Are you ready?!?! Okay, here goes – the possibilities are but not limited to:

1. Sack of Sugar: WOWs sure are sweet but tend to promote truth decay.

2. Prophylactic: WOWs do have divine protection. Gives new meaning to the familiar phrase “Ladies and Gentleman, here come our W.O.W.s!”

3. Thumb: Sure, WOWs are a bunch of spiritual hitchhikers – how else do you think they get around town?

4. Eraser: Good for clearing out bad things in your head – like thinking. “Behold the lame of God that taketh away the brains of the world.”

5. Hooded Klan member: They’re coming to your area to dispel the darkness!

6. Paper Bag over the Head: a.k.a. the Unknown Evangelist.

7. 4 Sheets to the Wind: WOWs are told to do some ridiculous things - outsiders often think they’re drunk.

8. Upside Down Grocery Bag: WOWs are resourceful at shaking out every precious morsel from their meager food budget. Paper Bag is also a good base for soup.

9. Lump of Coal: That’s all they can afford to give at Christmas – due to their believing being bad.

10. Holy Ghost People: They do speak in tongues and snakes don’t seem to bother them.

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A big thanks from me to T-Bone for scanning and loading the wow handbook "art"... I don't have the knowledge or patience to do it. (And thanks for the :biglaugh: 's on the WOW blobs).

Toppy that car is a riot...I was looking for the green bumper sticker that holds it together.

And Kevlar, :biglaugh::biglaugh:

My family co-ordinator (God rest his soul) drew one of these amorphous blob-like WOWsers sitting on a block of ice with a $**t-eating grin on his face.
That reminds me of when VP came to Baltimore to visit all the area wows in January of that year, each family was told to make posters to bless the mog. The night before the meeting, the family coordinator and I got slap-happy from staying up so late working on them. We made one that said "Bless Your Friggin' Heart", but we didn't have the nerve to show it.We sure laughed our a$$es off though.
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  tonto said:
And Kevlar, :biglaugh::biglaugh: That reminds me of when VP came to Baltimore to visit all the area wows in January of that year, each family was told to make posters to bless the mog. The night before the meeting, the family coordinator and I got slap-happy from staying up so late working on them. We made one that said "Bless Your Friggin' Heart", but we didn't have the nerve to show it.We sure laughed our a$$es off though.

Tonto, I sent you a PM; I think we may know each other. :)

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Hey K2000, I pm'd you back. I wasn't a wow in Baltimore, but in DC. We weren't allowed to cross the borders of DC without special permission, and this was one of three times that year that I remember we were allowed to leave.

More on that later...gotta get back to work.

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I have to tell you the truth..... I never went WOW in the 25 yrs I was in the ministry. Not in the sense that most of you did. I was military WOW in '76-'77 and I was on the WOW field for the 1st four months of the 10th Corps interim year (that's when the wife said she'd had it. We left the Corps and I left with her to try and save our marriage. When it failed, I worked to get back into the Corps to finish, like a good Wayfer.

My interim year in the 14th Corps they sent me as Twig Area Coordinator to Bismark, ND. Worked 40 hours a week, partied on the weekends and ran fellowships on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays.

I loved it. Quite honestly, the longer I was in, the harder I think it would have been to go WOW. I think I would have gone to prison for beating the shxt out of the religious guy in the group. I would never have washed windows, either.

The last time I went L.E.A.D. the hitchhiking program was still in place. I came close to leaving my partner in Oklahoma City, when we hadn't had a ride in hours and she was breaking down into the "you don't like me and that's why I'm not believing" thing. She was right.... but it had nothing to do with her believing. Face it, I didn't really like her in the way she was hoping.

Going WOW would have been a nightmare in my 30's. I remember the last few years of the program, I noticed that all the WOW's were much older. I was freaked out to think that someone was 40 yrs old and going WOW. All I could think of was the people that went WOW in the '70's because the law was after them. Now in the '90's they can't stand their job and they have nothing to lose........bring the kids. (Another criminal charge in the making....I would have strung most of them up to a tree in the back yard or at the park.)

I did enjoy the reminder of our innocense in those days.

By the way, in my military WOW year, it was a great year, I accomplished my goals (within the parameters of the program) and reached some personal goals.

Just was incredibly thrilled I got to do that program in a major city with a strong branch and no interference from a bunch of others around me watching my every move or telling me the only thing for lunch was popcorn and peanut butter.

I have no idea how I avoided getting talked into going WOW for my apprentice or interim years. I don't believe in luck, so maybe God did interfere.

Thank you God! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Edited by YIdon'tgotochurch
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Hey, I think I was at that big doo with VP in Baltimore when we had to make posters. I wasn't a WOW that year, but a new "Fruit". (Yikes!) BUt I remember that the WOW family I was witnessed to had us all spend the night in the living room and we made posters. However, the date will tell if it was the same get together. Was it the WOW year 75/76?

I remember taking my Mom and Dad, and my Dad saying that VP was certainly the "huckster/charleton". Boy he just didn't get it, did he? Haha!!

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You did, Sog?? Wow!

You know, we can look at it 30 years later and laugh about it, but at the time it was kinda cool and a nice little guide on how we should act. I remember my WOW family studying it and trying to behave the way it suggested we behave, and if it wasn't for a psycopathic branch leader, we'd had a decent year.

We were just kids, wanting to do a good job and make it count. At the end of the day, that's all that mattered-what we felt-not what was going on above us or what started it in the first place.

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