Dot -------Don't let one persons' stupid behaviour trick you into hardening your heart. The world is full of numbskulls of every shape,color and creed. ( but there are some good hearted folks out there too)
Part of what I do is called customer service. I teach customers how to do huge things to them on the computer but to us here :) it would be small stuff. Educating them so they can access their accounts and do things like the big people out there do. I am very good to the customers that I work with, I stopped counting the letters that have made my bosses desk some time back from these satisfied folks.
I know what you mean - I just had a horrible experience with lack of customer service this weekend.
I had bought a 2004 Taurus a couple years ago at a Ford dealership. They explained the extended warranty and I decided I didn't want it. About every 6 months since I got the car I get a postcard from Ford inviting me to fix my mistake and get the extended warranty for a higher price, of course. I don't mind them. I just toss them out.
Saturday morning around 9:00 I got a call from a female that identified herself as calling from Ford Motor Company, Extended Warranty Division. She started to talk about a million miles an hour about engine and transmission and other car stuff. I asked her to slow down and yes, I did interrupt her. I thought I was sparing us both. I told her that I was offerred the warranty two years ago and declined it, each time I get a postcard reminding me I never bought the extended warranty I throw them out too. Mot only that, this was the 4th call I'd gotten from them on the subject and really, if I wanted to buy it I know how to get ahold of them.
She sighed real loudly and said that someone should have just deleted me out of their system. I asked her if she was capable of removing me from the system and I had some sarcasm in my tone. I was sick of them continuing to disrespect me by pestering me about something I'd decided against a couple years ago.
Her answer to my question was "Oh S H * T, lady," and she hung up on me.
Of course the caller ID showed Unknown Number so I called the dealership where I got the car and spoke with the sales manager, who told me not to vent at him, he hadn't called me and cussed at me. I said maybe not, but I gave my personal info to your company when I bought the car, which I did outright, I didn't get a loan so why they would need my personal info is beyond me as I look back.
Today I called the dealership back and asked for the General Manager. He was just as snippy, said maybe they sold my personal info to some other outfit and maybe it was a division of Ford, but he surely couldn't even muster up an "I'm sorry that happened to you." He did give me a number to call Ford's supposed customer service line, but I had to wait on hold 40 minutes to speak to someone. All the while I was on hold, a bossy sounding recorded message kept telling me I could reach them faster if I went online.
By the time I got someone to speak with I had about fallen asleep. I was allowed to tell my story. She didn't apologize or even sound like she understood why I was upset. Like I told each one of them that I spoke with, my next car is going to be a Saturn, so I hope they enjoyed their last opportunity to refuse me customer service. This lady said she took notes on my complaint and would send it to the proper Ford people who will investigate it and take appropriate action. (Gee, I sure felt better after that - NOT, I felt like she probably deleted the screen after she hung up with me.)
Each time I call in to my home office for work I am struck by the wonderful way the receptionist answers the phones and passes calls. She makes it sound like she enjoys routing calls and I just know she's smiling while she's working.
I'm done with Ford. I bet Saturn will treat me like a customer.
Oh no, that line from the class about the drunkard on the street having more spirit than the burdened down Christian. Well you could get better service from a guy selling wares out of his coat downtown.
Maybe that is why I really want to do others good, because I've been on the other end also.
Remember when stores used to special order for you? One of the maddening things about today is, if you want something that isn't on the shelf, you're pretty much SOL. I understand stores can't stock everything, but isn't that what warehouses used to be for?
When I was a little girl, I would go to the grocery store with my mother. The employees seemed to happy. If we went down an aisle were a man was stocking, he would smile, excuse himself, and make room so we could pass. The butcher would come right away if my mother rang the little bell, and cut her meat the way she wanted. The cashier would make small talk with my mom, and give me a lollipop. :)
Now, I'm made to feel like I'm in the way when I'm shopping. Store employees are inconvenienced if I need any help. Cashiers barely look at me, unless I ask, "How are you?" Then they look like I'm a serial killer.
I do have a friend who had the produce mangager ask if she needed any help when she was wandering around his department. She was looking for sprouts, which the supermarket didn't carry, so he special ordered some for her. She's 23, drop dead gorgeous, and has legs up to her chin. But I don't think that had anything to do with the help she got.
My mom felt very bad one night. It turned out it was only indigestion, but she thought she was having a heart attack. We called our family doctor at his house in the middle of the night.
Forget calling the doctor now. In an emergency, I would call 911. But I can't ever call my doctor. I have to call my insurance provider, and they tell me what to do. It takes a half an hour with all the button I have to press, to finally get to the person who can answer my question.
So, yeah, I noticed customer service is gone.
BowTwi, I drive a Saturn! I love it, and their service department.
I've got to admit, I was struck by how much better people are about customer service here in Maine. Most people tend to be friendlier in general. So the nasty ones stick out like a sore thumb. This one happened to me just yesterday.
I had had a minor accident at work which required getting an x-ray of my hand. Since it was a worker's comp thing, I had no doctor overseeing it, I went right to the ER. X-rays turned out fine, and I'm fine, but I decided to get a copy of those x-rays. I have arthritis and thought that there might be a benefit to comparing them with earlier x-rays taken 5 years ago. And besides, I've learned it's a good idea to keep a copy of my records.
So I called Radiology. A lady asks if they are for my doctor, and I say no, they are for my own records. Then she starts trying to tell me that I can't have them, they have to go to a doctor. :blink: Then she asks me what I want them for. :blink: :blink: (That's got to be a violation of HIPAA.) Then she tells me I can have copies, not the originals, but I have to pay for them. :blink: :blink: :blink: (That is a violation of HIPAA -- the patient has a right to copies of her records.) She's also just wrong, as I'd gotten x-rays from them 6 months ago, free.
So rather than argue, I just agree to pay, and when can I pick them up? Long story short (and one more call to this gal, who began the same spiel all over again), I got my x-rays from the lab -- showed them some ID, signed here and there, no charge.
And don't even get me started on the crappy ER doc...!
God forbid I need an ER again, I will go to their competitor.
Interesting thread, but I'll have to say I beg to differ. I have to say I still think good customer service is alive and well today for the most part. Just a few weeks ago I was in at "MIDAS" getting my van looked at, and the mechanics found a leak with the power steering fluid, they told me I would have to replace this huge piece which would run me close to $600, they showed me right where it was happening and said I would need to get it taken care of pretty soon as my steering would start to go (safety issue). I told them I didn't have that kind of money to fork out and the manager who was there took me aside and said "Don't even worry about paying for it, we'll take care of it for you, I want you to drive out of here in a safe vehicle and that's what's important, so we'll fix it all up for you and you don't have to worry about paying us." Well I was totally floored to say the least!!!
I have to say that for the most part, people in the service department have gone out of their way for me, sure I have run into a few nasty ones, I don't know what it is but I get treated pretty decently and I'm so thankful, so take heart Dot, there are some real good ones left!
Shaz -- Not to derail things, but I can add some light to your encounter with the medical imaging secretary or technician you spoke with:
1. If you had asked for the originals to be sent to you, then no, they should only be sent to a doctor.
2. A copy can be given to you - usually they do this on CDs. Sometimes they can charge a fee, but it is minimal. The fee is generally less than $3.00, and it not a HIPAA violation to charge a fee. If the hospital you were dealing with is a non-profit, that may explain the fee. You most certainly have the right to have your records, but some hospitals will charge for a copy of a particurly large medical record or several films, etc.
3. Although I agree she didn't use great judgement when she asked, "What do you want them for?" I think she was trying to figure out how best to meet your needs. She could have phrased her question better - she may have also been sniffing for a pending lawsuit, considering you had a worker's comp case. That's not uncommon. Since many hospitals are short-staffed and have a big work load, especially in rural areas, I consider sometimes that the staff person may not have time for a lot of 'niceities' - that doesn't excuse rudeness - but I have the impression she wasn't being difficult, but perhaps was just trying to find out your specific need.
TIP: Ask for the Quality Review or Healthcare Quality department next time and file a complaint. Ask what their policy is for the records and what they do when someone may have a hardship - would they waive the fee? You will get your request free, and usually sooner than you would have otherwise.
Don't even worry about paying for it, we'll take care of it for you, I want you to drive out of here in a safe vehicle and that's what's important, so we'll fix it all up for you and you don't have to worry about paying us.
If you could please pass their phone number to me I would appreciate it, so I can drive across the border and get the same satisfying customer service.
In Joisey - customer service comes to you............over the phone.........and the telemarketers aren't always real people. I get at least one call a day from a pre-recorded message that you can't talk back to. Some companies don't want us to be nasty with their telemarketers - so what they do - - is ring up our phones...and unless you have your caller ID screen projected on your eyeglasses, you run to the phone because when people call here it's usually (well at least it used to be) somebody "important" like family. So you stop what you're doing and pick up the phone and the customer services the company this way.
Now - I know I brought this all on myself because a few places on the Internet required my phone number, or, I deemed it wise to provide it in a few places and I have no control over who sells it to whom.
I understand one can now rent phone lists! Isn't that convenient.
And, yes, in case you're wondering - I did call that number to have my phone removed from the list. But I get these calls anyway, because it doesn't matter anymore who breaks the law - when you get a recorded call you can't complain because you don't know who called you.
Businesses are polite for the most part here, trying to serve the customer and keep them happy.
The only place we've found irritating is Wal-Mart, where the employees don't get enough hours, the lines are long, the store is dirty, and customers get mad.
'Customer Service' for most companies call centers seem to be in INDIA... where the employee is difficult to understand... so, I guess Customer Service has 'left America' in that sense...
Thanks, Chas. No I didn't specify "originals." But she may have taken it that way. She quoted me $6 per film (there were 2), but the lab never even mentioned a cost, and were very courteous. And yes, it crossed my mind that she may have seen "worker's comp" on her screen, and she sounded suspicious of my motives, but even if I'd wanted to sue the hospital (which I didn't), I don't think that should be her business to ask.
And yeah, this is the 2nd-largest city in Maine, but it still acts like a small town most times, sometimes to the good, sometimes not-so-good.
Cowgirl I have some car work that I need done since for some reason you seem to get yours for free would you mind taking mine in for me? Or do I just drop your name when I arrive. Personal friend of cowgirl.......
I've had good and bad customer service before and I am certain that I will get more of each. But by far the most memorable incident was when my tire started going flat. I couldn't keep air in it. Seems that a screw was imbedded in the tire. I took the car to Les Schwab's tire center and just like the commercial, they came running. Treated me like I owned the place. And then, when the car was ready to go, I asked how much I owed them. The answer was "It's on us, just come back and see us again sometime." I said thank you and left with a smile on my face.
I try to help these kids out, many who haven't had the benefit of what we had - extended families and great neighborly mentors around to learn from, hope for a working job, (HP has moved their factory to China -- where can an American kid hope to get an advancement kind of job?)
These kids have my deep sympathy, and I just try to help them out of that prison they see of life.
These kids are taught in school that suicide is an alternative to solving problems of life.
They have thousand dollar a year car insurance policies they need to carry just to drive (My first car, a pink VW bug, was a big $150 investment, and my folks put it on their insurance policy for a $50 add-on.)
When a kid (anyone under 50) is mean to me, I am reminded of the infant who p#ees all over you when you take his diaper off. It's really nothing personal; it's a reaction to the cold; he doesn't know what he's doing.
We have a small home equity loan thru Key Bank. There are no Key Banks in NH, they do not have an on-line portal to pay, and when I've paid via snail mail it has taken 12-14 business days for the check to clear. Therefore, I pay the bill IN PERSON, at a Key Bank location in Maine, which is 60 miles round-trip from my front door. I use the trip to visit some relatives, etc., who are in the area, so it's not that bad.
Last month, due to some time constraints, I had to pay over the phone. The customer service rep., although very sweet, keyed my payment amount in wrong and that resulted in my incurring a late fee. She keyed the amount in at $29.xx below what my usual payment amount would be, as she put a decimal point in the wrong spot. When I was contacted by collections, I had them correct it, review my account information - which was consistant up until that one error - and they waived the late fee. All was well.
Or so I thought.
I received a call from Key Bank on 10/15 - someone said I had asked for a reminder call that the October bill was due. I had not asked for a call, but said, "Thank you," and hung up.
On 10/17 and 10/18 I received calls about the account being in collections - I refered them to the $29.xx payment I had made the previous week, "Oh, yeah. Sorry for the call," they said. Okay, fine.
On 10/21 I received a call from collections - this time, they are saying my October bill is overdue. It is not because there is a 10 day grace period. Since I pay the bill in person, I use that time to pick the best day to make the trip. I assured them they would have their payment soon - yaddy, yaddy, yaddy.
On 10/23 I received another call from another collections company - same account. Same issue. I gave them the same answer. I also told them this is getting crazy - did they ever check to see what my response was with their calls? Good grief!
On - you guessed it - 10/24 I was left a voice mail from collections. I called them back and said, "ENOUGH ALREADY!" The account was not 10 days late - it has never been late - and I explained AGAIN that I make the payment IN PERSON because no other method is that reliable. (What freaking century is this, anyhow?) The chick was beyond rude about it - "You were LATE LAST MONTH!" No, I wasn't. I explained the situation and what happened - even disclosed the manager's name I spoke with, the confirmation number I received when the fee was waived - you name it. I had all that info.
As I was getting off the phone with Miss Priss, she says, "I need to verify your information. Where does your husband work?" I replied nothing had changed since we got the loan and that she had all of our infomation. About that same time, the baby started crying - I really needed to tend to him, and said, "excuse me, but do you hear that in the background? I have better things to do, sorry." She persisted on about getting his work info - I said, "We have the loan already, don't play these games with me." She stated they did not have access to our information and wanted me to give her more information. I responded, "If you don't have the information there must be a good reason for it. I've had enough of this and will not engage in this conversation with you anymore. GOOD BYE!" And hung up on her.
Then, I found the phone number to the Key Bank executive office.
I called them - kept my cool when I really wanted to blow my top - and explained the whole mess. The contact is beyond excessive and the rudeness I encountered from collections is not acceptable. I've been a customer of their's for over 20 years but said that if their policy did not change, I would find another local bank who would buy the loan because of their horrible interoffice communications in customer service.
The person I spoke to seemed really responsive... she said she would call me back...
For many years I was on SSI because of my multiple sclerosis
Now I pay all my own medical
Because I am on blood thinners I have to have routine blood tests
and every time I go to the lab they ask if I am still on Medicaid and I tell them no
This last time the woman said "how long have you been off Medicaid'
"since Last November"Ii replied,"why don't you take it out of the database that I am on Medicaid"
You would have thought I demanded the sacrifice of her unborn children with the look she gave me.
I love(NOT) going to stores while a knot of clerks stand and chitchat when I am looking for something--I am terribly rude I guess because I routinely break up these mini gab sessions to ask for assistance-only to be met with exasperated sighs that anyone should think that they as empl;oyees of the store should actually do the job they are paid for.
And Pet peeve number one--cashiers who with their new fangled cash registers know how much cash to give back--but instead of counting it back ---shove the whole thing in your hand with the bills askew and the change sliding of the top of the heap. So you end up holding up the line while you count it back to yourself---
This is a big change from the 80s. I was a shift mgr for a fast food chain then. Customer service was a BIG DEAL. The company had an 800 number for customers to call if there was a problem. One store got 4 800 number complaints during the same lunch shift. That store mgr was history. Today I still see that kind of customer service on occasion, but it's the exception, not the rule.
OK I gotta add this. Back in June we spent 10 days in Fla. We had $250.00 in traveler's checks left when we got back, so my wife goes to a BP (Amoco) station and tries to use one. The lady in charge (black) says no. During the 10 days we were in Fla. we went to several BP stations without incident. The only place that wouldn't let us use a traveler's check was a local chain in Tennessee.
So my wife points out to the lady that traveler's checks are the same as cash. The lady (I use the term loosely) tells my wife to get her GDFA out of her gas station. My wife used the check at a QT station without incident and then traded them for cash at our bank. Not acceptable.
When I found out what happened I drove back there with my wife and the lady's supervisor was there. I raised holy hell. I screamed at those people. I was careful though; I didn't swear, vandalize, or threaten, other than taking the supervisor's name and telling him I would most definitely complain to his supervisors. There were other customers in the store hearing all this. He called the police so I drove across the street to a Shell station and waited for my wife to get done telling her side of it to the lady's boss.
The cops came and did nothing to me. My wife says the lady tried to interrupt her several times when finally her boss told her to shut up and that he'd deal with her later. I tried to call every Amoco and BP phone number I could and never got a number to call for customer complaints. But I made them pay. If you make a scene in front of other customers you WILL get their attention.
Amoco/ BP is not the only game in town. We haven't been back to THAT BP station. I don't know that lady personally and I don't know her work history, but I wasn't born yesterday, either. I feel very confident in concluding that the lady wouldn't have told my wife to get her GDFA out of there if my wife were not white. Like I said, we made them pay. Feels good.
Ok yesterday I took my car to the Midas shop here and told them to fix it because I was a personal friend of Cowgirl. They just looked at me with a funny look, :blink: and then I remembered that I had forgotten to give them the secret password, so I looked them right in the eye and said SMARTY PANTS. :unsure: And boy you are right they started scrambling to get me help. They got on the phone to their home office and within minutes two people showed up in white coats to help me. They said they were special customer helpers and they took me to a very nice hotel room where I can stay while they are fixing my car. This place must cost a bundle not only do they have the nice carpet padding on the floor but they spent the money to have it on the walls too! They are serving me meals on them till I get my car back. Boy this custor service thing really works once you get the secret code. This afternoon they are sending in a special lady they said to help me personally with my car problem. This place is great ! I hope that they don't hurry to get my car finished too soon. The only thing is that the room doors don't have knobs to get out so you have to wait for the staff to let you in and out , they said the builder forgot to instal them and would be by soon to fix that. Thanks for the tip Cowgirl!!!! I'll keep you updated on my repair progress.
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dot i don't think its a black vs white thing,
my thought here is the clerk was young
and its that simple
Hell cs went out in the late 80's
now everything seems to be linked to an I pod
whatever its worth, i can't stand the "computer cs voices that give"
foot isstance
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Dot -------Don't let one persons' stupid behaviour trick you into hardening your heart. The world is full of numbskulls of every shape,color and creed. ( but there are some good hearted folks out there too)
I'm not gonna tell ya where I fall in the mix!
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Part of what I do is called customer service. I teach customers how to do huge things to them on the computer but to us here :) it would be small stuff. Educating them so they can access their accounts and do things like the big people out there do. I am very good to the customers that I work with, I stopped counting the letters that have made my bosses desk some time back from these satisfied folks.
There aren't many of us but there are a few.
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I know what you mean - I just had a horrible experience with lack of customer service this weekend.
I had bought a 2004 Taurus a couple years ago at a Ford dealership. They explained the extended warranty and I decided I didn't want it. About every 6 months since I got the car I get a postcard from Ford inviting me to fix my mistake and get the extended warranty for a higher price, of course. I don't mind them. I just toss them out.
Saturday morning around 9:00 I got a call from a female that identified herself as calling from Ford Motor Company, Extended Warranty Division. She started to talk about a million miles an hour about engine and transmission and other car stuff. I asked her to slow down and yes, I did interrupt her. I thought I was sparing us both. I told her that I was offerred the warranty two years ago and declined it, each time I get a postcard reminding me I never bought the extended warranty I throw them out too. Mot only that, this was the 4th call I'd gotten from them on the subject and really, if I wanted to buy it I know how to get ahold of them.
She sighed real loudly and said that someone should have just deleted me out of their system. I asked her if she was capable of removing me from the system and I had some sarcasm in my tone. I was sick of them continuing to disrespect me by pestering me about something I'd decided against a couple years ago.
Her answer to my question was "Oh S H * T, lady," and she hung up on me.
Of course the caller ID showed Unknown Number so I called the dealership where I got the car and spoke with the sales manager, who told me not to vent at him, he hadn't called me and cussed at me. I said maybe not, but I gave my personal info to your company when I bought the car, which I did outright, I didn't get a loan so why they would need my personal info is beyond me as I look back.
Today I called the dealership back and asked for the General Manager. He was just as snippy, said maybe they sold my personal info to some other outfit and maybe it was a division of Ford, but he surely couldn't even muster up an "I'm sorry that happened to you." He did give me a number to call Ford's supposed customer service line, but I had to wait on hold 40 minutes to speak to someone. All the while I was on hold, a bossy sounding recorded message kept telling me I could reach them faster if I went online.
By the time I got someone to speak with I had about fallen asleep. I was allowed to tell my story. She didn't apologize or even sound like she understood why I was upset. Like I told each one of them that I spoke with, my next car is going to be a Saturn, so I hope they enjoyed their last opportunity to refuse me customer service. This lady said she took notes on my complaint and would send it to the proper Ford people who will investigate it and take appropriate action. (Gee, I sure felt better after that - NOT, I felt like she probably deleted the screen after she hung up with me.)
Each time I call in to my home office for work I am struck by the wonderful way the receptionist answers the phones and passes calls. She makes it sound like she enjoys routing calls and I just know she's smiling while she's working.
I'm done with Ford. I bet Saturn will treat me like a customer.
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Oh no, that line from the class about the drunkard on the street having more spirit than the burdened down Christian. Well you could get better service from a guy selling wares out of his coat downtown.
Maybe that is why I really want to do others good, because I've been on the other end also.
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Remember when stores used to special order for you? One of the maddening things about today is, if you want something that isn't on the shelf, you're pretty much SOL. I understand stores can't stock everything, but isn't that what warehouses used to be for?
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When I was a little girl, I would go to the grocery store with my mother. The employees seemed to happy. If we went down an aisle were a man was stocking, he would smile, excuse himself, and make room so we could pass. The butcher would come right away if my mother rang the little bell, and cut her meat the way she wanted. The cashier would make small talk with my mom, and give me a lollipop. :)
Now, I'm made to feel like I'm in the way when I'm shopping. Store employees are inconvenienced if I need any help. Cashiers barely look at me, unless I ask, "How are you?" Then they look like I'm a serial killer.
I do have a friend who had the produce mangager ask if she needed any help when she was wandering around his department. She was looking for sprouts, which the supermarket didn't carry, so he special ordered some for her. She's 23, drop dead gorgeous, and has legs up to her chin. But I don't think that had anything to do with the help she got.
My mom felt very bad one night. It turned out it was only indigestion, but she thought she was having a heart attack. We called our family doctor at his house in the middle of the night.
Forget calling the doctor now. In an emergency, I would call 911. But I can't ever call my doctor. I have to call my insurance provider, and they tell me what to do. It takes a half an hour with all the button I have to press, to finally get to the person who can answer my question.
So, yeah, I noticed customer service is gone.
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I've got to admit, I was struck by how much better people are about customer service here in Maine. Most people tend to be friendlier in general. So the nasty ones stick out like a sore thumb. This one happened to me just yesterday.
I had had a minor accident at work which required getting an x-ray of my hand. Since it was a worker's comp thing, I had no doctor overseeing it, I went right to the ER. X-rays turned out fine, and I'm fine, but I decided to get a copy of those x-rays. I have arthritis and thought that there might be a benefit to comparing them with earlier x-rays taken 5 years ago. And besides, I've learned it's a good idea to keep a copy of my records.
So I called Radiology. A lady asks if they are for my doctor, and I say no, they are for my own records. Then she starts trying to tell me that I can't have them, they have to go to a doctor. :blink: Then she asks me what I want them for. :blink: :blink: (That's got to be a violation of HIPAA.) Then she tells me I can have copies, not the originals, but I have to pay for them. :blink: :blink: :blink: (That is a violation of HIPAA -- the patient has a right to copies of her records.) She's also just wrong, as I'd gotten x-rays from them 6 months ago, free.
So rather than argue, I just agree to pay, and when can I pick them up? Long story short (and one more call to this gal, who began the same spiel all over again), I got my x-rays from the lab -- showed them some ID, signed here and there, no charge.
And don't even get me started on the crappy ER doc...!
God forbid I need an ER again, I will go to their competitor.
-- Shaz
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Interesting thread, but I'll have to say I beg to differ. I have to say I still think good customer service is alive and well today for the most part. Just a few weeks ago I was in at "MIDAS" getting my van looked at, and the mechanics found a leak with the power steering fluid, they told me I would have to replace this huge piece which would run me close to $600, they showed me right where it was happening and said I would need to get it taken care of pretty soon as my steering would start to go (safety issue). I told them I didn't have that kind of money to fork out and the manager who was there took me aside and said "Don't even worry about paying for it, we'll take care of it for you, I want you to drive out of here in a safe vehicle and that's what's important, so we'll fix it all up for you and you don't have to worry about paying us." Well I was totally floored to say the least!!!
I have to say that for the most part, people in the service department have gone out of their way for me, sure I have run into a few nasty ones, I don't know what it is but I get treated pretty decently and I'm so thankful, so take heart Dot, there are some real good ones left!
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Shaz -- Not to derail things, but I can add some light to your encounter with the medical imaging secretary or technician you spoke with:
1. If you had asked for the originals to be sent to you, then no, they should only be sent to a doctor.
2. A copy can be given to you - usually they do this on CDs. Sometimes they can charge a fee, but it is minimal. The fee is generally less than $3.00, and it not a HIPAA violation to charge a fee. If the hospital you were dealing with is a non-profit, that may explain the fee. You most certainly have the right to have your records, but some hospitals will charge for a copy of a particurly large medical record or several films, etc.
3. Although I agree she didn't use great judgement when she asked, "What do you want them for?" I think she was trying to figure out how best to meet your needs. She could have phrased her question better - she may have also been sniffing for a pending lawsuit, considering you had a worker's comp case. That's not uncommon. Since many hospitals are short-staffed and have a big work load, especially in rural areas, I consider sometimes that the staff person may not have time for a lot of 'niceities' - that doesn't excuse rudeness - but I have the impression she wasn't being difficult, but perhaps was just trying to find out your specific need.
TIP: Ask for the Quality Review or Healthcare Quality department next time and file a complaint. Ask what their policy is for the records and what they do when someone may have a hardship - would they waive the fee? You will get your request free, and usually sooner than you would have otherwise.
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Stayed Too Long
If you could please pass their phone number to me I would appreciate it, so I can drive across the border and get the same satisfying customer service.
Always did love my neighbors to the North!
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In Joisey - customer service comes to you............over the phone.........and the telemarketers aren't always real people. I get at least one call a day from a pre-recorded message that you can't talk back to. Some companies don't want us to be nasty with their telemarketers - so what they do - - is ring up our phones...and unless you have your caller ID screen projected on your eyeglasses, you run to the phone because when people call here it's usually (well at least it used to be) somebody "important" like family. So you stop what you're doing and pick up the phone and the customer services the company this way.
Now - I know I brought this all on myself because a few places on the Internet required my phone number, or, I deemed it wise to provide it in a few places and I have no control over who sells it to whom.
I understand one can now rent phone lists! Isn't that convenient.
And, yes, in case you're wondering - I did call that number to have my phone removed from the list. But I get these calls anyway, because it doesn't matter anymore who breaks the law - when you get a recorded call you can't complain because you don't know who called you.
It's just the way we live today - - in Joisey.
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Businesses are polite for the most part here, trying to serve the customer and keep them happy.
The only place we've found irritating is Wal-Mart, where the employees don't get enough hours, the lines are long, the store is dirty, and customers get mad.
'Customer Service' for most companies call centers seem to be in INDIA... where the employee is difficult to understand... so, I guess Customer Service has 'left America' in that sense...
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Thanks, Chas. No I didn't specify "originals." But she may have taken it that way. She quoted me $6 per film (there were 2), but the lab never even mentioned a cost, and were very courteous. And yes, it crossed my mind that she may have seen "worker's comp" on her screen, and she sounded suspicious of my motives, but even if I'd wanted to sue the hospital (which I didn't), I don't think that should be her business to ask.
And yeah, this is the 2nd-largest city in Maine, but it still acts like a small town most times, sometimes to the good, sometimes not-so-good.
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Cowgirl I have some car work that I need done since for some reason you seem to get yours for free would you mind taking mine in for me? Or do I just drop your name when I arrive. Personal friend of cowgirl.......
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Brother Speed
I've had good and bad customer service before and I am certain that I will get more of each. But by far the most memorable incident was when my tire started going flat. I couldn't keep air in it. Seems that a screw was imbedded in the tire. I took the car to Les Schwab's tire center and just like the commercial, they came running. Treated me like I owned the place. And then, when the car was ready to go, I asked how much I owed them. The answer was "It's on us, just come back and see us again sometime." I said thank you and left with a smile on my face.
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Kit Sober
I try to help these kids out, many who haven't had the benefit of what we had - extended families and great neighborly mentors around to learn from, hope for a working job, (HP has moved their factory to China -- where can an American kid hope to get an advancement kind of job?)
These kids have my deep sympathy, and I just try to help them out of that prison they see of life.
These kids are taught in school that suicide is an alternative to solving problems of life.
They have thousand dollar a year car insurance policies they need to carry just to drive (My first car, a pink VW bug, was a big $150 investment, and my folks put it on their insurance policy for a $50 add-on.)
When a kid (anyone under 50) is mean to me, I am reminded of the infant who p#ees all over you when you take his diaper off. It's really nothing personal; it's a reaction to the cold; he doesn't know what he's doing.
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Kit, I wish I had your patience right now.
We have a small home equity loan thru Key Bank. There are no Key Banks in NH, they do not have an on-line portal to pay, and when I've paid via snail mail it has taken 12-14 business days for the check to clear. Therefore, I pay the bill IN PERSON, at a Key Bank location in Maine, which is 60 miles round-trip from my front door. I use the trip to visit some relatives, etc., who are in the area, so it's not that bad.
Last month, due to some time constraints, I had to pay over the phone. The customer service rep., although very sweet, keyed my payment amount in wrong and that resulted in my incurring a late fee. She keyed the amount in at $29.xx below what my usual payment amount would be, as she put a decimal point in the wrong spot. When I was contacted by collections, I had them correct it, review my account information - which was consistant up until that one error - and they waived the late fee. All was well.
Or so I thought.
I received a call from Key Bank on 10/15 - someone said I had asked for a reminder call that the October bill was due. I had not asked for a call, but said, "Thank you," and hung up.
On 10/17 and 10/18 I received calls about the account being in collections - I refered them to the $29.xx payment I had made the previous week, "Oh, yeah. Sorry for the call," they said. Okay, fine.
On 10/21 I received a call from collections - this time, they are saying my October bill is overdue. It is not because there is a 10 day grace period. Since I pay the bill in person, I use that time to pick the best day to make the trip. I assured them they would have their payment soon - yaddy, yaddy, yaddy.
On 10/23 I received another call from another collections company - same account. Same issue. I gave them the same answer. I also told them this is getting crazy - did they ever check to see what my response was with their calls? Good grief!
On - you guessed it - 10/24 I was left a voice mail from collections. I called them back and said, "ENOUGH ALREADY!" The account was not 10 days late - it has never been late - and I explained AGAIN that I make the payment IN PERSON because no other method is that reliable. (What freaking century is this, anyhow?) The chick was beyond rude about it - "You were LATE LAST MONTH!" No, I wasn't. I explained the situation and what happened - even disclosed the manager's name I spoke with, the confirmation number I received when the fee was waived - you name it. I had all that info.
As I was getting off the phone with Miss Priss, she says, "I need to verify your information. Where does your husband work?" I replied nothing had changed since we got the loan and that she had all of our infomation. About that same time, the baby started crying - I really needed to tend to him, and said, "excuse me, but do you hear that in the background? I have better things to do, sorry." She persisted on about getting his work info - I said, "We have the loan already, don't play these games with me." She stated they did not have access to our information and wanted me to give her more information. I responded, "If you don't have the information there must be a good reason for it. I've had enough of this and will not engage in this conversation with you anymore. GOOD BYE!" And hung up on her.
Then, I found the phone number to the Key Bank executive office.
I called them - kept my cool when I really wanted to blow my top - and explained the whole mess. The contact is beyond excessive and the rudeness I encountered from collections is not acceptable. I've been a customer of their's for over 20 years but said that if their policy did not change, I would find another local bank who would buy the loan because of their horrible interoffice communications in customer service.
The person I spoke to seemed really responsive... she said she would call me back...
What's a day without a call from this bank?
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Well what do ya know... I'm still a kid!?!?!?!
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For many years I was on SSI because of my multiple sclerosis
Now I pay all my own medical
Because I am on blood thinners I have to have routine blood tests
and every time I go to the lab they ask if I am still on Medicaid and I tell them no
This last time the woman said "how long have you been off Medicaid'
"since Last November"Ii replied,"why don't you take it out of the database that I am on Medicaid"
You would have thought I demanded the sacrifice of her unborn children with the look she gave me.
I love(NOT) going to stores while a knot of clerks stand and chitchat when I am looking for something--I am terribly rude I guess because I routinely break up these mini gab sessions to ask for assistance-only to be met with exasperated sighs that anyone should think that they as empl;oyees of the store should actually do the job they are paid for.
And Pet peeve number one--cashiers who with their new fangled cash registers know how much cash to give back--but instead of counting it back ---shove the whole thing in your hand with the bills askew and the change sliding of the top of the heap. So you end up holding up the line while you count it back to yourself---
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This is a big change from the 80s. I was a shift mgr for a fast food chain then. Customer service was a BIG DEAL. The company had an 800 number for customers to call if there was a problem. One store got 4 800 number complaints during the same lunch shift. That store mgr was history. Today I still see that kind of customer service on occasion, but it's the exception, not the rule.
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OK I gotta add this. Back in June we spent 10 days in Fla. We had $250.00 in traveler's checks left when we got back, so my wife goes to a BP (Amoco) station and tries to use one. The lady in charge (black) says no. During the 10 days we were in Fla. we went to several BP stations without incident. The only place that wouldn't let us use a traveler's check was a local chain in Tennessee.
So my wife points out to the lady that traveler's checks are the same as cash. The lady (I use the term loosely) tells my wife to get her GDFA out of her gas station. My wife used the check at a QT station without incident and then traded them for cash at our bank. Not acceptable.
When I found out what happened I drove back there with my wife and the lady's supervisor was there. I raised holy hell. I screamed at those people. I was careful though; I didn't swear, vandalize, or threaten, other than taking the supervisor's name and telling him I would most definitely complain to his supervisors. There were other customers in the store hearing all this. He called the police so I drove across the street to a Shell station and waited for my wife to get done telling her side of it to the lady's boss.
The cops came and did nothing to me. My wife says the lady tried to interrupt her several times when finally her boss told her to shut up and that he'd deal with her later. I tried to call every Amoco and BP phone number I could and never got a number to call for customer complaints. But I made them pay. If you make a scene in front of other customers you WILL get their attention.
Amoco/ BP is not the only game in town. We haven't been back to THAT BP station. I don't know that lady personally and I don't know her work history, but I wasn't born yesterday, either. I feel very confident in concluding that the lady wouldn't have told my wife to get her GDFA out of there if my wife were not white. Like I said, we made them pay. Feels good.
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Ok yesterday I took my car to the Midas shop here and told them to fix it because I was a personal friend of Cowgirl. They just looked at me with a funny look, :blink: and then I remembered that I had forgotten to give them the secret password, so I looked them right in the eye and said SMARTY PANTS. :unsure: And boy you are right they started scrambling to get me help. They got on the phone to their home office and within minutes two people showed up in white coats to help me. They said they were special customer helpers and they took me to a very nice hotel room where I can stay while they are fixing my car. This place must cost a bundle not only do they have the nice carpet padding on the floor but they spent the money to have it on the walls too! They are serving me meals on them till I get my car back. Boy this custor service thing really works once you get the secret code. This afternoon they are sending in a special lady they said to help me personally with my car problem. This place is great ! I hope that they don't hurry to get my car finished too soon. The only thing is that the room doors don't have knobs to get out so you have to wait for the staff to let you in and out , they said the builder forgot to instal them and would be by soon to fix that. Thanks for the tip Cowgirl!!!! I'll keep you updated on my repair progress.
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