Bumpy wishes to report rodent “body” parts (sorry Ham!) have been discovered under the family Jaguar in Western, New York…that’s Buffalo Bills Country for the uneducated!
Hey, it's just "the circle of life".. who am I to argue with nature..
In the States, CG supports himself by selling his classes via his network of those who worship & adore him. In order to deemed worthy and get selected to represent him and his stuff, you have to jump through some hoops and promise to send him money and not give it to anyone else, when you run his classes (and to really "be" with him, you have to take all his classes yourself), don't expect any real communication from him, he only accepts faxes and if you question anything, you'll be deemed unworthy and can't run his classes anymore. His followers are lock, stock and barrel Geer-heads. If you aren't with him then you've turned your back on THE Word of God as given by the MOG (VP) and later entrusted to CG. It's the Way all over again. Some folks never learn. He's still promising he'll get that Advanced Class done, but it hasn't happened and annually, he whines about those that have "hurt" him or his ministry and "turned their backs" on him. Want some cheese with that whine (wine)?
On the other hand, you can pray for his wife, she's been dealing with multiple sclorosis for years now.
soo.. does anybody know? What is der gearo "fellowship" like?
Are the "leadership" meetings like a scene out of an "old codgers's" home, or "grumpy old men", where the residents take to beating each other with canes, and for the life of them, they can't remember who started the argument?
"eeeeeehhh, you traitorous, treacherous, possessed.. um. Ummmm... uhh.. "
Another thing.. how do the gear followers really feel about gears tainted past, as far as his association with herr vicmeister?
Do they feel that:
1. He is a *reformed* enabler of a sex, power, and drambuie crazed madman..
2. Despite vic's glowing errors, somehow, he has managed to find a few good things to hold up as vic's "legacy"..
3. or.. that he is der man o gawd to da world, the true succesor to vic's "throne"..
4. Or..
and the BIG question..
what kind of response does one get, putting these kind of questions to der supposed man o gawd..
"do we have to go over this AGAIN (as if *we* did, even once to begin with..)???!!! That was OVER TWENTY YEARS AGO!!!! What POSSIBLE RELEVANCE (I can think of some) can this POSSIBLY have with gawd's TRUTH that you oughter stand with ME???!!!"
Hey Hamm! Really good to see you again too! Did you have a good New Year's 2008 Paaarty with lots of furry friends?? I wonder where your buddy CG spent his New Year's party...? What do you think??
I'm not so sure those who support or follow CG know about the vicsters bad habits.
Whether the "leadership" knows of the dark side of der vey is questionable too.
They sure have continued to swallow the Kool-aid, so either it's working for them to collect the ABS and continue to do bidnass as usual, or they are loyalist and won't hear of any disparaging remarks against their supreme poobah, the cornfield huckster.
Maybe Alfakat can weigh in on this particular query, perhaps he has/had the ear of CG leadership and is more intimately informed?
I would really like to see if CG is up to his old tricks still, I have friends that are still a part of CG's fellowships and I would love to give them a reason to rethink their lockstep allegiance.
He goes to Scotland once a month or so (has apt. in Glascow), others fly in from Scotland to Maine.
I can't see the justification for the price of a plane ticket from Scotland to the U.S. to come hear pfal or some other equally ridiculous "verd as it hath not been known since the first century" warmed over nonsense..
maybe that's not it at all. Maybe they come to "enjoy" his *wonderful* personality..
I think that you ought to have to have endured some of the horrors personally at his hands that others here have before you decide what is apropriate and when for another.
In addition to his actions being moraly and spiritually bankrupt, in some cases, they were criminal as well. But go ahead, feel free to forgive him for the evil that he committed to others in the name of God.
I know that if he ever repents and asks, that God will probably forgive him. Maybe if he repents and asks those he has grievously wronged, seeks to apologize and make restitution as the God in the scriptures says is required, maybe some of us will consider forgiving him then as well. But UNTILL then he has not met the criteria required for forgivness to be granted.
I would think anyone would be wise to familiarize themselves with the spiritual darkness and putridity of his walk of the flesh before granting the man, his writings or his organization any credibility or credence.
I think that you ought to have to have endured some of the horrors personally at his hands that others here have before you decide what is apropriate and when for another.
I don't know what part of my post gave you the impression I was deciding what was appropriate for anyone else.
Please ignore that part of my post, because my intention was to only say what goes for me.
In addition to his actions being moraly and spiritually bankrupt, in some cases, they were criminal as well. But go ahead, feel free to forgive him for the evil that he committed to others in the name of God.
I don't know how I can forgive someone for evil they may have done to others. It seems that is not my business, when it comes to whom I forgive.
For me, when it comes to forgiving others, I'm pretty much occupied with those who have done me wrong, and that's pretty much a full-time job.
As far as alleged criminal activity, I would suggest you take your evidence to the authorities and have him thrown in the slammer.
We have an entire system in this country devoted to dealing with criminals, and there are also civil suits available to pursue one's case.
I know that if he ever repents and asks, that God will probably forgive him.
Yeah, I remember that "probably" part from PFAL.
Unlike you, I am not aware of what Mr. Geer has repented of, he never bothered to tell me.
It didn't seem to be my place to ask, either.
Guess I should have grilled him, eh?
If he has done people wrong, I hope he has done something about it.
If it were me, and I had done someone wrong, and that person decided to not only tell the whole world about it but also stalked me and carried a grudge for years and organized people against me and conducted investigations and kangaroo courts and declared my guilt without giving me a chance to defend myself, it might take me longer to reconcile.
Especially when they put on a pretense of having overwhelming evidence of bloodcurdling crimes, but never bother to pursue their case in the courts.
Lately I have been reading on how justice was administerd a thousand years ago and I think you would find encouragement on how to proceed, being free of the accused having troublesome "rights" and all.
Too bad we can't go back to the good old days of making convicts look at their guts cut from their bodies before they were drawn and quartered, burned at the stake or otherwise tortured to death.
Western civilization sure has gone soft, hasn't it?
Ever thought of maybe forming a Torquemada fan club?
In the presidential race going on, there is an aspect of John McCain that may be helpful to look at.
(And I'll say up front I don't plan to vote for him, but I have a lot of respect and admiration for the man).
John McCain, as you know, was captured by the North Vietnamese and horribly tortured during the 5-1/2 years he was held prisoner.
Some, perhaps much of what was done to him is known, but none of us can know experientially, and I am sure other horrible things took place that are not known to the public.
When he came back, he had a lot to deal with in terms of recovery. His body healed to a cetain extent, but he also had extrordinary trauma to deal with. There was not only the physical acts of violence committed on his body, but also some serious mental injuries, if you will, from being kept in a tiny cell in his own filth, having little communication with others, knowing little of what was going on in his country and much less with the wife and children he left behind.
Broken by torture, he gave the enemy information beyond name, rank and serial number, and he had to wallow in the shame, disgrace and humiliation of having done so, compounded by the knowledge the enemy would use it in ways he was unaware of, and he had no chance to even offer an explanation to his country or to his family for why he did it.
Weakened by torture and swill for food, the mental trauma inflicted on him was magnified further.
It would be understandable if he went through life hating the Vietnamese, or at least his captors.
He dealt with it differently.
He found a way to forgive, and without his torturers expressing contrition, either.
In fact they deny it, but that didn't hold him back.
Not only did he manage to jetison the bitterness, but in Congress, McCain led the effort to normalize relations with the commies in Vietnam, and made many trips back there.
I think the way he handled it kept the rage he otherwise would have kept within him from eating him up from the inside out.
There is a lot we can learn from John McCain, even if we disagree about politics.
Chris Geer was always nice to me so I can't club him.
In my personal dealings with him (which were not many) he was a good guy.
When Gartmore opened, lots of us went up. We were all excited. The place was a horrible mess , there were no proper facilities, and it was all rather "home spun". And people loved it.
What had been the school hall became a dormitory overnight, lots of little cot beds laid out and people slept as best they could. In the morning the cots were removed and chairs appeared and the hall reinvented itself as a meeting room/auditorium, with a dais at the front.
The meeting started. A few songs. Then CG came bouncing out onto the dais. He was beaming and looked really "freshly scrubbed". People stood and applauded, whistled and cheered. This is SUCH an unBrit thing that it was embarrassing. It didn't seem like a "love" welcome but a sort of political fanaticism. (Brits will applaud in welcome but not noisily or vigorous, they don't stand, and they don't whistle or shout. A standing ovation may happen at the end - but not at the end of a church service!) CG beamed and beamed and beamed. The shock wave of ego that had entered with him got bigger and bigger. It felt suffocating.
In this meeting, he announced, seemingly humbly, "If there is anything you need to know, or have a question about, you are always welcome to speak with me. My door is always open to you."
Later, I happened to bump into him in the bookstore, just him and me there. Being a recent PFAL grad, I had a question about something, can't remember what but it was something very simple, so asked him. He looked at me like I was a turd, didn't bother to answer, and walked away. I felt despised and humiliated.
It never got any better and friends of mine who had entered the European Corps were ill-treated or ceased to be friends. Legalism crept in, in a big way. Love and compassion, kindness and caring, disappeared. People were actively dissuaded from being kind to each other and made into a sort of "one size fits all."
So it was easy for me to choose, when the split up occurred. And when the Leadership tapes were presented and I was invited to listen, it was easy to see all the things that LCM pointed out. People at HQ had been very kind to me at that point and I felt that I was "at home" there. Not a thing I ever felt on my visits to Gartmore.
Later, I happened to bump into him in the bookstore, just him and me there. Being a recent PFAL grad, I had a question about something, can't remember what but it was something very simple, so asked him. He looked at me like I was a turd, didn't bother to answer, and walked away. I felt despised and humiliated.
I have found that in any place of life, being ignored can hurt more than a reaming. I say can because of course words can hurt too, especially if the wrong ones come from someone you have trusted. But, frankly, there are at least some times I would rather be called a #%@!&?%*#! than be totally ignored; that is, with respect to George Orwell, be considered an unperson.
But, frankly, there are at least some times I would rather be called a #%@!&?%*#! than be totally ignored; that is, with respect to George Orwell, be considered an unperson.
Later, I happened to bump into him in the bookstore, just him and me there. Being a recent PFAL grad, I had a question about something, can't remember what but it was something very simple, so asked him. He looked at me like I was a turd, didn't bother to answer, and walked away. I felt despised and humiliated.
Tom Mous*ff used to do that to me, you'd say something to him and he'd complety ignore you and not answer you. What a tool. All those guys trained by cornfield vic who partook in the dark side that vic taught them were real weanies, to say the least, the acts they committed under the cloak as men of the cloth were outright criminal, they took advantage of people, especially the women, they have a lot to answer for.
The ones that give them a free pass have never been through anything close to what twi's insider's club inflicted, they simply have no clue of the horrors others endured. They show the same disconnect from others suffering as was/is so prevalent in the twi hierarchy.
So we talk about the vile actions, the crimes committed against us by this man and others and you see it as holding a grudge?
Maybe you ought to be asking why it bothers you for us to talk about what this man did.
Beat him with a club?? He is going to get worse than a mill stone hanged around his neck if what Jesus said has any credence. Jesus talked about the evil of the pharacees, the evil leaders in his day that commtitted crimes in God`s name. Dunno, he never preached to forgive them.
This man is a villain, but because he perpetrated his crimes under the banner of God...he gets a free pass? Nope cid, I don`t think so. He is still taking that which isn`t his, still masquerading as a Man of the spirit, still seperating people from the love of God.
As far as John McCain? The little bastards that tortured him didn`t claim to be doing it in the name of God did they?
It would be understandable if he went through life hating the Vietnamese, or at least his captors.
He dealt with it differently.
He found a way to forgive, and without his torturers expressing contrition, either.
In fact they deny it, but that didn't hold him back.
Not only did he manage to jetison the bitterness, but in Congress, McCain led the effort to normalize relations with the commies in Vietnam, and made many trips back there.
I think the way he handled it kept the rage he otherwise would have kept within him from eating him up from the inside out.
There is a lot we can learn from John McCain, even if we disagree about politics.
I agree with your last sentence that there can be learning despite political views. However there is evidence that McCain did not heal as well as your sources have indicated. People who served with him in the war and even were imprisoned with him have said that he still has problems with rage and impulsiveness. Some of those military people have said that his temper is the reason they won't vote for him because they don't want his hand on "the button".
There is also evidence that he stood in the way of families of other soldiers getting details or remains of their loved ones who died in the Vietnam war and that some of his trips over there were in part to keep some information out of the hands of other Americans.
There are also reports of his rage against members of his staff and members of the Senate and also heavy gambling addiction. You can google these and determine for yourself if the sources are credible, but some are nationally recognized media sources.
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What was he like as a person? (I don't know about now, so I will go with what he WAS like, and proceed from there.) He wasn't terribly imposing physically. However, it was not beneath him to co
At the time, I didn't know much about what was going on. These issues were not talked about as it was considered unedifying. As far as I was aware, the Way in Great Br1tain was subservient to the Way
In the States, CG supports himself by selling his classes via his network of those who worship & adore him. In order to deemed worthy and get selected to represent him and his stuff, you have to
Hey, it's just "the circle of life".. who am I to argue with nature..
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In the States, CG supports himself by selling his classes via his network of those who worship & adore him. In order to deemed worthy and get selected to represent him and his stuff, you have to jump through some hoops and promise to send him money and not give it to anyone else, when you run his classes (and to really "be" with him, you have to take all his classes yourself), don't expect any real communication from him, he only accepts faxes and if you question anything, you'll be deemed unworthy and can't run his classes anymore. His followers are lock, stock and barrel Geer-heads. If you aren't with him then you've turned your back on THE Word of God as given by the MOG (VP) and later entrusted to CG. It's the Way all over again. Some folks never learn. He's still promising he'll get that Advanced Class done, but it hasn't happened and annually, he whines about those that have "hurt" him or his ministry and "turned their backs" on him. Want some cheese with that whine (wine)?
On the other hand, you can pray for his wife, she's been dealing with multiple sclorosis for years now.
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What I wonder though.. does it look like a retirement community, like der vey, where the average follower looks like they're over sixty?
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I knew Buffalo Bill travelled around, but I didn't know he had a part of the country designated especially for the uneducated :o
But that would explain a lot about that New York attitude ;)
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soo.. does anybody know? What is der gearo "fellowship" like?
Are the "leadership" meetings like a scene out of an "old codgers's" home, or "grumpy old men", where the residents take to beating each other with canes, and for the life of them, they can't remember who started the argument?
"eeeeeehhh, you traitorous, treacherous, possessed.. um. Ummmm... uhh.. "
"aww, forget it.."
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Another thing.. how do the gear followers really feel about gears tainted past, as far as his association with herr vicmeister?
Do they feel that:
1. He is a *reformed* enabler of a sex, power, and drambuie crazed madman..
2. Despite vic's glowing errors, somehow, he has managed to find a few good things to hold up as vic's "legacy"..
3. or.. that he is der man o gawd to da world, the true succesor to vic's "throne"..
4. Or..
and the BIG question..
what kind of response does one get, putting these kind of questions to der supposed man o gawd..
"do we have to go over this AGAIN (as if *we* did, even once to begin with..)???!!! That was OVER TWENTY YEARS AGO!!!! What POSSIBLE RELEVANCE (I can think of some) can this POSSIBLY have with gawd's TRUTH that you oughter stand with ME???!!!"
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Hey Hamm! Really good to see you again too!
Did you have a good New Year's 2008 Paaarty with lots of furry friends?? I wonder where your buddy CG spent his New Year's party...? What do you think?? 
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Thanks friend..
well, I hope he didn't find the new year in the bottom of a bottle of Drambuie..
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now I see
Mr Ham,
I'm not so sure those who support or follow CG know about the vicsters bad habits.
Whether the "leadership" knows of the dark side of der vey is questionable too.
They sure have continued to swallow the Kool-aid, so either it's working for them to collect the ABS and continue to do bidnass as usual, or they are loyalist and won't hear of any disparaging remarks against their supreme poobah, the cornfield huckster.
Maybe Alfakat can weigh in on this particular query, perhaps he has/had the ear of CG leadership and is more intimately informed?
I would really like to see if CG is up to his old tricks still, I have friends that are still a part of CG's fellowships and I would love to give them a reason to rethink their lockstep allegiance.
Edited by but now I seeLink to comment
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speaking of the dark side, don't they know CG ? which also means they would know VP ?
ohmy that's "something" hilarious sad i-don't-know-what
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I prefer the description of "pathetic"..
ya know.. when the crapola REALLY hits the fan.. he'll be like..
maybe the Himmler and Goering types might sit with him in his bunker.. until they find something else better to do..
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I can't see the justification for the price of a plane ticket from Scotland to the U.S. to come hear pfal or some other equally ridiculous "verd as it hath not been known since the first century" warmed over nonsense..
maybe that's not it at all. Maybe they come to "enjoy" his *wonderful* personality..
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hannibal lecter comes to mind
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Chris Geer was always nice to me so I can't club him.
In my personal dealings with him (which were not many) he was a good guy.
I am glad I have all the back copies of Future Considerations.
I'm sorry others feel differently, especially if they still carry around anger and resentment.
In my own life, when someone does me wrong, it takes time to get to where I forgive them.
Sometimes when I was done really dirty, it took longer.
It has never taken me as long as 20 years or so to forgive anyone, and my own life is unburdened by wrongs that took place that long ago.
That's just me.
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I think that you ought to have to have endured some of the horrors personally at his hands that others here have before you decide what is apropriate and when for another.
In addition to his actions being moraly and spiritually bankrupt, in some cases, they were criminal as well. But go ahead, feel free to forgive him for the evil that he committed to others in the name of God.
I know that if he ever repents and asks, that God will probably forgive him. Maybe if he repents and asks those he has grievously wronged, seeks to apologize and make restitution as the God in the scriptures says is required, maybe some of us will consider forgiving him then as well. But UNTILL then he has not met the criteria required for forgivness to be granted.
I would think anyone would be wise to familiarize themselves with the spiritual darkness and putridity of his walk of the flesh before granting the man, his writings or his organization any credibility or credence.
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I don't know what part of my post gave you the impression I was deciding what was appropriate for anyone else.
Please ignore that part of my post, because my intention was to only say what goes for me.
I don't know how I can forgive someone for evil they may have done to others. It seems that is not my business, when it comes to whom I forgive.
For me, when it comes to forgiving others, I'm pretty much occupied with those who have done me wrong, and that's pretty much a full-time job.
As far as alleged criminal activity, I would suggest you take your evidence to the authorities and have him thrown in the slammer.
We have an entire system in this country devoted to dealing with criminals, and there are also civil suits available to pursue one's case.
Yeah, I remember that "probably" part from PFAL.
Unlike you, I am not aware of what Mr. Geer has repented of, he never bothered to tell me.
It didn't seem to be my place to ask, either.
Guess I should have grilled him, eh?
If he has done people wrong, I hope he has done something about it.
If it were me, and I had done someone wrong, and that person decided to not only tell the whole world about it but also stalked me and carried a grudge for years and organized people against me and conducted investigations and kangaroo courts and declared my guilt without giving me a chance to defend myself, it might take me longer to reconcile.
Especially when they put on a pretense of having overwhelming evidence of bloodcurdling crimes, but never bother to pursue their case in the courts.
Lately I have been reading on how justice was administerd a thousand years ago and I think you would find encouragement on how to proceed, being free of the accused having troublesome "rights" and all.
Too bad we can't go back to the good old days of making convicts look at their guts cut from their bodies before they were drawn and quartered, burned at the stake or otherwise tortured to death.
Western civilization sure has gone soft, hasn't it?
Ever thought of maybe forming a Torquemada fan club?
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In the presidential race going on, there is an aspect of John McCain that may be helpful to look at.
(And I'll say up front I don't plan to vote for him, but I have a lot of respect and admiration for the man).
John McCain, as you know, was captured by the North Vietnamese and horribly tortured during the 5-1/2 years he was held prisoner.
Some, perhaps much of what was done to him is known, but none of us can know experientially, and I am sure other horrible things took place that are not known to the public.
When he came back, he had a lot to deal with in terms of recovery. His body healed to a cetain extent, but he also had extrordinary trauma to deal with. There was not only the physical acts of violence committed on his body, but also some serious mental injuries, if you will, from being kept in a tiny cell in his own filth, having little communication with others, knowing little of what was going on in his country and much less with the wife and children he left behind.
Broken by torture, he gave the enemy information beyond name, rank and serial number, and he had to wallow in the shame, disgrace and humiliation of having done so, compounded by the knowledge the enemy would use it in ways he was unaware of, and he had no chance to even offer an explanation to his country or to his family for why he did it.
Weakened by torture and swill for food, the mental trauma inflicted on him was magnified further.
It would be understandable if he went through life hating the Vietnamese, or at least his captors.
He dealt with it differently.
He found a way to forgive, and without his torturers expressing contrition, either.
In fact they deny it, but that didn't hold him back.
Not only did he manage to jetison the bitterness, but in Congress, McCain led the effort to normalize relations with the commies in Vietnam, and made many trips back there.
I think the way he handled it kept the rage he otherwise would have kept within him from eating him up from the inside out.
There is a lot we can learn from John McCain, even if we disagree about politics.
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When Gartmore opened, lots of us went up. We were all excited. The place was a horrible mess , there were no proper facilities, and it was all rather "home spun". And people loved it.
What had been the school hall became a dormitory overnight, lots of little cot beds laid out and people slept as best they could. In the morning the cots were removed and chairs appeared and the hall reinvented itself as a meeting room/auditorium, with a dais at the front.
The meeting started. A few songs. Then CG came bouncing out onto the dais. He was beaming and looked really "freshly scrubbed". People stood and applauded, whistled and cheered. This is SUCH an unBrit thing that it was embarrassing. It didn't seem like a "love" welcome but a sort of political fanaticism. (Brits will applaud in welcome but not noisily or vigorous, they don't stand, and they don't whistle or shout. A standing ovation may happen at the end - but not at the end of a church service!) CG beamed and beamed and beamed. The shock wave of ego that had entered with him got bigger and bigger. It felt suffocating.
In this meeting, he announced, seemingly humbly, "If there is anything you need to know, or have a question about, you are always welcome to speak with me. My door is always open to you."
Later, I happened to bump into him in the bookstore, just him and me there. Being a recent PFAL grad, I had a question about something, can't remember what but it was something very simple, so asked him. He looked at me like I was a turd, didn't bother to answer, and walked away. I felt despised and humiliated.
It never got any better and friends of mine who had entered the European Corps were ill-treated or ceased to be friends. Legalism crept in, in a big way. Love and compassion, kindness and caring, disappeared. People were actively dissuaded from being kind to each other and made into a sort of "one size fits all."
So it was easy for me to choose, when the split up occurred. And when the Leadership tapes were presented and I was invited to listen, it was easy to see all the things that LCM pointed out. People at HQ had been very kind to me at that point and I felt that I was "at home" there. Not a thing I ever felt on my visits to Gartmore.
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Lifted Up
I have found that in any place of life, being ignored can hurt more than a reaming. I say can because of course words can hurt too, especially if the wrong ones come from someone you have trusted. But, frankly, there are at least some times I would rather be called a #%@!&?%*#! than be totally ignored; that is, with respect to George Orwell, be considered an unperson.
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LOL, it wasn't long after 1984 anyway!!
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now I see
Tom Mous*ff used to do that to me, you'd say something to him and he'd complety ignore you and not answer you. What a tool. All those guys trained by cornfield vic who partook in the dark side that vic taught them were real weanies, to say the least, the acts they committed under the cloak as men of the cloth were outright criminal, they took advantage of people, especially the women, they have a lot to answer for.
The ones that give them a free pass have never been through anything close to what twi's insider's club inflicted, they simply have no clue of the horrors others endured. They show the same disconnect from others suffering as was/is so prevalent in the twi hierarchy.
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So we talk about the vile actions, the crimes committed against us by this man and others and you see it as holding a grudge?
Maybe you ought to be asking why it bothers you for us to talk about what this man did.
Beat him with a club?? He is going to get worse than a mill stone hanged around his neck if what Jesus said has any credence. Jesus talked about the evil of the pharacees, the evil leaders in his day that commtitted crimes in God`s name. Dunno, he never preached to forgive them.
This man is a villain, but because he perpetrated his crimes under the banner of God...he gets a free pass? Nope cid, I don`t think so. He is still taking that which isn`t his, still masquerading as a Man of the spirit, still seperating people from the love of God.
As far as John McCain? The little bastards that tortured him didn`t claim to be doing it in the name of God did they?
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I agree with your last sentence that there can be learning despite political views. However there is evidence that McCain did not heal as well as your sources have indicated. People who served with him in the war and even were imprisoned with him have said that he still has problems with rage and impulsiveness. Some of those military people have said that his temper is the reason they won't vote for him because they don't want his hand on "the button".
There is also evidence that he stood in the way of families of other soldiers getting details or remains of their loved ones who died in the Vietnam war and that some of his trips over there were in part to keep some information out of the hands of other Americans.
There are also reports of his rage against members of his staff and members of the Senate and also heavy gambling addiction. You can google these and determine for yourself if the sources are credible, but some are nationally recognized media sources.
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