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Here's to the Fathers

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Here's to the fathers, who always begin,

on the outside of children, but looking in.

Such curious men snapping cameras like mad,

recording the moment, they turn into "Dad."

Here's to the fathers, who put in their time,

who don't say to mother's that's your job, not mine.

Who wipe chins and noses and never say "won't"

who do with the diapers, what some fathers don't.

Here's to the fathers who manage to stay

when so many fathers are turning away.

When so many run, leaving families to rot,

here, then, a cheer, for those who do not.

Here's to the fathers whose big money dreams,

die in the corner while their baby screams.

And yet without anger, dread or regrets,

they comfort the child, hold it close to their chests.

And as the child grows, they grow with it too,

learning a depth, that they never knew.

And soon they are older, their hair slightly gone,

chasing two children around the front lawn.

Or carpooling teams to Little League games,

buying them hamburgers after it rains.

They mend broken dolls and fix broken wheels,

they cringe when their daughters, try their first pair of heels.

They reach in their pockets, but never keep count,

they pay dear for parenthood awful amounts

They postpone their plans to sail across seas,

instead they sing "Barney" and bandage skinned knees.

Here's to the fathers who miss on promotions,

who forego the bonus for birthday commotions.

Who come home from work and a boss they don't like

pull in the drive.... and run over a bike.

Here's to the fathers who get off the phone,

to hear their sons practice their new saxophone

Who leave work to see their daughter's recital

Here's to the heroes who work without title.

For this is a world now full of neglect,

with everyday stories of lives that are wrecked.

Of fatherless children who take up with guns

to kill other children of fatherless sons.

Divorce shattered families, childhoods derailed,

mothers still waiting for checks still unmailed

You wonder what wrongs these souls ever did

to make a grown man turn away from his kids.

So here's to the fathers who won't compromise

who see a light shining in their children's eyes

And feel a rare glow as if from a gem

and know that once someone saw this glow in them.

For all the good boys they have raised in the world

for all the examples they set for their girls

For all the loved children whose stories they'll tell

Here's to the father's that taught them so well.

Happy Father's Day, Dad.

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That was beautiful, Pirate!

But that poem left out the step-dads...the men who come in after major damage has been done and somehow work a miracle.

So....it's very rough...but here's my addition to that poem...

Heres to fathers who enter where the 'real' father left

who bandage the scrapes that go beyond knees

who does all the things noone ever sees,

who mend little hearts while theirs break on behalf

heres to the fathers who stand in the gap

Heres to the men who are true men indeed

who make sure that those fatherless kids...

with all of their hearts are loved and directed

and that chores, school work, concerts,

laundry, and unmade beds aren't neglected.

This real man also heals the women waiting for checks

and waiting to see that they are worth all this mess

and during each day, if one looks in his eyes, one can see

that this all means more to him than one sees...

Heres to the men who are true men indeed.

[This message was edited by chinson on June 15, 2003 at 20:10.]

[This message was edited by chinson on June 15, 2003 at 20:10.]

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While I don't think Pirate's post was excluding stepdads, many of us probably need a reminder that they are just as real as "real" dads.

One thing that bothers me about the story of Cinderella is how she lived with her "evil stepmother". I guess they figured it would be bad PR to have her living with an evil mother...but that seems to say that stepmothers (and by implication stepfathers) can not have the heart that "real" mothers (fathers) do.

One thing, perhaps instead of describing it as a situation in which the "real" father left, it could be described as one in which the "real" or "first" father is gone, to account for those who take over in the difficult situation in which a previous loving father has died.

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That assumes, Liffy...that the previous father was loving. Some people really have no clue how to be loving, unfortunately this includes fathers at times...and even some stepfathers. Though in this, I have been extremely lucky to find a man whom my children love, and who is the finest man I have ever met.

Stepfathers can sometimes be so much better than real fathers....

But thanks for not criticizing my poetic attempt!

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Actually, I wasn't assuming anything; I just know of such a case, and whether such cases are a medium or small or microscopic percentage of fathers, such should be honored in any all inclusive honoring such as Fathers day.

Of course, not everybody makes the honoring all inclusive, and some of the assumption that stepmothers and stepfathers are not as honorable as biological fathers stems from old ideas and stereotypes...this my cinderella example.

Of course, the parent/stepparent should also be just as loving to his/her children whether or not they are "biological". I would suggest that this becomes especially obvious, if not critical, to those who are at the same time parents and stepparents, that such distinctions disappear in the home. I know of more than one such case here, although my own is naturally the one I think of.

criticize your poetry? No way. Not when your poetic tribute comes from a wonderful personal experience.

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Very nice poem, very nice.

As a foster dad to 3, an adoptive dad to 1, and a biological dad to 1; I thank you.

Someone mentioned the 'major damage' done by devorces. I would comment that children in state custody, often have much more significant problems. We dont have any with significant medical problems; though I know other foster families that specialize in children using G-tubes, or wheelchairs. It is very common to deal with children who have physcological issues (FAS, ADHD, RAD, inappropriate sexual behaviors, arsonists), as well as the sexual predators (in the past month, I have read about 3 SPs in my local newspaper, all under 10 years old). To my limited understanding, anytime the police are involved and have to remove children from a home, there tend to be 'major damage' done to those children. These damages are significantly worse than the results of devorce.

Thank you.


ET1 SS - USN Retired,

Knight of the Rose Croix,

Knight of the order of St Andrew,

Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine.

Bless you

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