Linda,they call those 'teardrop' campers....They're a retro style...They were originally very popular in the '40's and '50's....I belong to a website dedicated to old Ford trucks and one of the members did a whole picture tutorial on one he built from a kit...It seems like it would be a good idea if the front hitch had a removeable little piece so it couldn't be towed away by a thief...I mean,it would be terrible if you went to sleep in it in Ohio and somebody hitched it up to their rig and you woke up in Kansas or some place..
DMiller, those are the ugliest campers I've ever seen. Roomy, though!
T-Bone, eek, no Rock. Unless we could time warp it back to before the suits started popping up and call it something else. Hmmm, I know! Let's call it a Love-In!
Thank you, my dear exsie, for your offer of lottery assistance. St. Bingo hasn't been all that good to me lately, so I may have to start praying to someone else. Who's that saint of lost causes? St. Ant'ny? Or is he for lost car keys?
Krys, I may sound adventurous but in reality I'm about as brave as a kid who pitches a tent in his back yard. Hitting the road solo sounds like a good idea, then I picture myself camped in the woods and hearing a loud roar and suddenly wanting my mommy. I would have to address my fear of bugs and large mammals--not to mention vagabond axe murderers who hang out at campgrounds--before the adventure could begin. Or maybe just park it in my driveway. Or hire a bodyguard.
...I mean,it would be terrible if you went to sleep in it in Ohio and somebody hitched it up to their rig and you woke up in Kansas or some place..
I'm glad I'm not drinking anything, or it would be squirting out of my nose about now. Oh, Lord, not Kansas!!!
I do remember campers shaped like this, but these are really lightweight and much cuter. 'Course one drawback is I'd always have to camp somewhere with showers. You can get a Porta-Potty for it, but no shower.
I might have to rethink this whole living-on-the-road thing.
Funny you should mention chiggers, WD. That's one of the memories I have of Kansas that stands out the most!
In my youth, when I used to hop back and forth between Calif. and Ohio by train, Kansas was one of those states that just went on and on and on forever. Flat and boring until you got to the western end of it.
I'm sure if I ever lived there I'd find a reason to like it. I've liked something about almost every place I've ever lived.
That's my problem Linda - - more courage than brains. In my younger daze - I'd do that in a heart beat (if I didn't have papers to grade). But then - -mebbe I'd toss 'em all in there and take off for the mountains or the beach and get them done in half the time with no interruptions......
The Pensy-Dutch have a saying "We grow too soon olt - and too late schmartt" - ain't it the truth.
Romantic restlessness and wanderlust I understand, but living in a tiny compartment and getting to know the bacteria of various public showers doesn't have any appeal for me.
Thanks, Cynic. The small spaces don't bother me, but you're right about the public showers. They usually leave a lot to be desired. NLL's idea of a solar shower might work, though.
David, those photos have stirred the hippie girl of long ago who still lurks somewhere in my soul. I could so see myself "semi-retiring on the road" in one of those. Of course, gas prices being what they are (and what they could be in the future), I don't think I'd be on the road so much as parked most of the time. :D
And by the way, is that your mandolin lying on the bench in one of those shots? Do you have an autographed copy of Jane Lidz's book because.....hmmmmm!
I have used 5 gal solar showers both at sea and in the woods - or desert as it was.
Once you learn how to do it, one can take a perfectly satisfying shower with it and have water left over.that included hair washing)
I couldn't see myself in something that small, but I could easily see myself in a modest sized self contained RV just travelling along. If I find someplace I really like, I'd stay a while. I really could do that.
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That does look kind of cute. I admire your venturous spirit.
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let us pray
excie is buying a lottery ticket
and buying linzee an adorable little motorcoach
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I'd really rather have one of these!!
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Well, if either of you get out to norcal, Linda can park in my driveway, but dmiller can't :)
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we watched a program featuring these little daughter is in love with these..they are perfect for towing and for the young....
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I really think I want need have to have one.
Then Linzee dear - you'll need to get your wants, needs, have to haves, parallel.
I gotta go wash my mouth out with 3 different kinds of soap now........
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It would be really handy to have if they start having the Rock again.
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Linda,they call those 'teardrop' campers....They're a retro style...They were originally very popular in the '40's and '50's....I belong to a website dedicated to old Ford trucks and one of the members did a whole picture tutorial on one he built from a kit...It seems like it would be a good idea if the front hitch had a removeable little piece so it couldn't be towed away by a thief...I mean,it would be terrible if you went to sleep in it in Ohio and somebody hitched it up to their rig and you woke up in Kansas or some place..
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Linda Z
Hahahahahaha Jim!
DMiller, those are the ugliest campers I've ever seen. Roomy, though!
T-Bone, eek, no Rock. Unless we could time warp it back to before the suits started popping up and call it something else. Hmmm, I know! Let's call it a Love-In!
Thank you, my dear exsie, for your offer of lottery assistance. St. Bingo hasn't been all that good to me lately, so I may have to start praying to someone else. Who's that saint of lost causes? St. Ant'ny? Or is he for lost car keys?
Krys, I may sound adventurous but in reality I'm about as brave as a kid who pitches a tent in his back yard. Hitting the road solo sounds like a good idea, then I picture myself camped in the woods and hearing a loud roar and suddenly wanting my mommy. I would have to address my fear of bugs and large mammals--not to mention vagabond axe murderers who hang out at campgrounds--before the adventure could begin. Or maybe just park it in my driveway. Or hire a bodyguard.
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Linda Z
Simon sez:
I'm glad I'm not drinking anything, or it would be squirting out of my nose about now. Oh, Lord, not Kansas!!!
I do remember campers shaped like this, but these are really lightweight and much cuter. 'Course one drawback is I'd always have to camp somewhere with showers. You can get a Porta-Potty for it, but no shower.
I might have to rethink this whole living-on-the-road thing.
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TAP,TAP,TAP you were saying Linda........
Now how do you like your cute little Kansas trailer?
Oh yea and the bed comes complete with complimentary chiggars.
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Linda Z all you need now is VW Bug! Then we'd have to call you Bugsy!
It's really cute. I love it. :)
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Ok Linz, now you have GOT to post some pics of the inside of this puppy. My curiosity is definitely peaked.
By the way, if you happen to be a single gal, I'm sure you could find a hunky body guard for the road trip...
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Linda Z
NLL, here's a link to some interior shots of various floor plans.
And I'm not sure a hunk would be able to stand up in this little thing. :D
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Linda Z
Funny you should mention chiggers, WD. That's one of the memories I have of Kansas that stands out the most!
In my youth, when I used to hop back and forth between Calif. and Ohio by train, Kansas was one of those states that just went on and on and on forever. Flat and boring until you got to the western end of it.
I'm sure if I ever lived there I'd find a reason to like it. I've liked something about almost every place I've ever lived.
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That's my problem Linda - - more courage than brains. In my younger daze - I'd do that in a heart beat (if I didn't have papers to grade). But then - -mebbe I'd toss 'em all in there and take off for the mountains or the beach and get them done in half the time with no interruptions......
The Pensy-Dutch have a saying "We grow too soon olt - and too late schmartt" - ain't it the truth.
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Romantic restlessness and wanderlust I understand, but living in a tiny compartment and getting to know the bacteria of various public showers doesn't have any appeal for me.
A belated Happy Birthday, by the way.
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Yea -- they may not be much to look at on the outside ---
but they look a little nicer on the inside. :)
Back of the truck ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Front of the truck
Inside facing the back of the truck
Inside facing the front of the truck
Sleeping loft, over the driver's cab.
Featured in the book Rolling Homes, by Jane Lidz.
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We have a solar shower for the sailboat and it works good. This little trailer would be a good application for it as well.
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Linda Z
Thanks, Cynic. The small spaces don't bother me, but you're right about the public showers. They usually leave a lot to be desired. NLL's idea of a solar shower might work, though.
David, those photos have stirred the hippie girl of long ago who still lurks somewhere in my soul. I could so see myself "semi-retiring on the road" in one of those. Of course, gas prices being what they are (and what they could be in the future), I don't think I'd be on the road so much as parked most of the time. :D
And by the way, is that your mandolin lying on the bench in one of those shots? Do you have an autographed copy of Jane Lidz's book because.....hmmmmm!
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dmiller, that camper looks soooo cozy on the inside, makes you want to stay awhile. Anywhere. Just getting there would be a hoot!
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Linda -or you could just get one of these, I have one ,a smaller unit they work great.
Hot Shower
add one of these and you are ready to go
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I have used 5 gal solar showers both at sea and in the woods - or desert as it was.
Once you learn how to do it, one can take a perfectly satisfying shower with it and have water left over.that included hair washing)
I couldn't see myself in something that small, but I could easily see myself in a modest sized self contained RV just travelling along. If I find someplace I really like, I'd stay a while. I really could do that.
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