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you know god works in mysterious ways dah dah dah.... he can work in the middle of a satanic circle.... dah dah dah....

i'm thinking maybe this is right

which means he could work in the way and with wierwille

i mean, i know how much he hurt me, but i'm thinking.....

not that it really matters so much, but it has confused me

as life does.....

and death.....

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Yes, excathy, that is right. The truth of the word never goes out "void" is how they put it. Some folks like you, just wanted to love God and His people - and some others wanted to know more so they could manipulate more. I believe that some folks filtered what they heard through their pre-determined adjendas [if they had one]

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It's always good to gain perpective - IMHO.

Just because a bunch of fools don't see the value in a person - doesn't mean that person isn't precious to God. Never allow yourself to not believe how wonderful you are.

I'm learning that the hard way....

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Exsie, I so understand.

Many moons ago, pre-twi for me, I cried out to God for help one day, and God sent someone knocking at my door--like within minutes. This guy, a hippie Christian neighbor, helped...a lot. Then, a couple years later, he helped himself to my heart and stomped all over it. Years later when I spoke to him on the phone, he didn't even believe in God anymore.

I believe that God sent someone who was nearby and willing and able to help me. I believe the guy was listening and did the right thing at that particular time. I believe God was at work within him. Then, later, I think he got sidetracked by the lusts and cares of this world and ceased to be listening to God or working for Him.

I'm thankful for what the guy did for me--I can't deny that he helped. And I figure he'll have to answer to God for the crappy stuff he did to me...not my problem to deal with it.

I feel exactly the same way about twi. It "came along" just at the right time in my life. It was the right thing at that time for me. Then it wasn't what I needed anymore and, in fact, had become hurtful/detrimental, so I left.

I don't know what's next on my spiritual journey. Maybe nothing new. Maybe just processing what's happened so far and doing my best to be loving and kind.

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