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CFF going down the tubes


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from socks:

But Christian churches are suckers for stuff like this. I file them under "Humor - Tips and Tricks to a Better Walk with Jesus".

Would you mind sharing that file - sounds useful and entertaining to boot!

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It's the same Ken. Seems nice enough.

Not sure about all your "boinking" allegations and other stuff. Maybe, could be a pattern.

But trust me, he is NOT interested in boinking Ann. If you saw her you would know why.

Maybe others in the group, what few are left now. I wouldn't want Helen's wrath if it were me. Talk about getting smacked!

Socks, comment? You funny axssx Califorian :biglaugh::biglaugh: .

Edited by igotout
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  igotout said:
It's the same Ken. Seems nice enough.

Not sure about all your boinking allegations and other stuff. Maybe, could be a pattern.

But trust me, he is NOT interested in boinking Ann. If you saw her you would know why.

Maybe others in the group. I wouldn't want Helen's wrath if it were me. Talk about getting smacked!

Igotout - dear H*l*n is in deep denial - K*n allegedly had to ORDAIN the last woman he boinked here because she threatened to out him completely and there were already so many rumors running around that he knew that he would lose whatever respect he had left from people here.

Bad news! - I'm sure he's not boinking Ann - but he'll "boink" her by talking her out of money.

Boy, I wish I could post a big billboard out there.... I have so many stories of destruction - he treated folks well until he was done with them. PM me if you think you need more info.

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I'm feeling a strong urge to tell the story of what happened in Texas. I'm sure there are similiar stories from AZ- are there any folks here who witnessed the destruction in the early '80's in Arizona? Wanna share?

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Send the PDF's to igotout or to me and we will get them up and running.

I am not a promoter of any groups. I did go to a CFF thing way back when. John knew who I was in relation to GS and we spent considerable time together talking that weekend. I don't subscribe to their teachings, but I found John to be pretty straight forward. I've called him and asked questions. He answers them. Maybe someone wants to take the time and hear it from someone that was there!

I think it is easy to put a couple of "hearsays" together; create a posse and go for a lynching. At GS, we are always faced with airing opinion that is hearsay or just a flat out lie. We do tend to "let it ride". Sometimes it is good to let some steam off. Just make sure that you weigh in with facts, not just 3rd or 4th generation info that can't be verified.

Anyway, I've opened it back up, Engage.

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For the record--I have to say, in J0hn Shr0yer's defense, that he left well before Craig and his tallywhacker got caught!

And so, I stand corrected, sorry bout that. I guess I thought that he (Shroyer) had gotten out after alla that and then started his gig. But I guess I thought this, because (and I believe this is accurate) many of the people who witnessed Craig's demise because he got caught red "handed" went very quickly over to Shroyers gig and began fellowshipping there. And so, I got the details mixed up. My respect for Mr Shroyer just grew some!

Anyway, thanks for the heads up MStar...


Edited by Jonny Lingo
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I believe all people have changed to some degree after leaving twi.

Also that many were good people in twi.

John I have talked to but have not gone to any of cff's fellowships.

I know of some teachings that have changed and that's about it.

I'm with Danny on why they didn't just talk on the phone or face to face.

Such is one of the many problems of organizations I suppose.

And perhaps there was a good reason to be sneeaky like that.

I don't know.

I can't judge a person by the organization they are or were involved in.

I do have the right and resposibility to judge people but to also give them

the benefit of a doubt

room to grow

consider my own mistakes on judging.

And I judge people because I need to know what I can say,

what I can do,

my association with them

and also to learn from them.

I like people who are honest, and don't we all?

As far as judging on the timing of when a person left twi.

That has no bearing on the person in my mind.

Whether they knew of the bad and ugly or not.

For those who saw all good in twi, I'd call it a mistake.

I've made quite afew and I'm sure we all have.

I know people that go to cff and involved in different aspects of it.

This also does not affect my judgement of the individual.

Ministries and churches and organizations serve purposes.

That's all.

They are not the God of Gods nor the people running them.

If they help someone I'm all for it.

If they hurt people I'm against it.

Some do both so what to do about that?

I will never be committed to any organization ever.

That is a mistake because they are run by people.

A cause I can commit myself to and also change.

So I hope that this action that really has not been clearly set forth.

Does not affect your own judgement of the individual,

and stay that way the rest of your lives.

I have judged vpw as one to stay away from.

Of course I made that judgement after he has passed on.

Yet his words are still taught and believed by many.

But they can change too.

The funny thing is, we will all change, yeah...from the inside out and the the outside in.

Looking at what is part is not seeing the whole in this case.

As well as the greater 'case' of what is really real.

So there I go preaching again..lol...

Some don't like my words....

I wonder how they judge me.

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It seems a weird compulsion with ex-way groups:

X-Leader-1: Hey man, too the bad the old group broke up.

X-Leader_2: Any chance we'll be getting back together someday?

X-Leader_3: No way man.

X-Leader-7: Hey, I know! Let's start a new band!

X-Leader_4: get outta here? What are we going to do without our old singer?

X-Leader_2: Earle over there can carry a tune!

X-Leader_3: And we still got the original drummer.

X-Leader_4: Yeah but, we'll get sued if we sing the old songs!!!

( momentary silence)

X-Leader_7: Hey! I know! We can write new songs that sound kind of like the old ones!

X-Leader_2: Wow. Great idea.

(Next month in the studio)

X-Leader-4: Okay, "Wierwille Died for my Sins", take six...

X-Leader-9 (the drummer): thump-thump-thump!

X-Leader-2 playing milk carton-rubber-band thing: plunkity-plunk-plunk-plunk!

X-Leader Xylophonist: klinkity-klinkity-klink!

X-Leader Tambourine Player: shakity-shakity-shake!

X-Leader guitarist: Whockity,Whockity- wha-wha- waka-waka.

X-Leader Earle: "Out in Ohio, a man, -yeah! Word of God, yeah-yeah-yeah!

(later, fans in the mosh pit at one of their concerts):

Fan1: Wow! sounds just like the old stuff!

Fan2: Feel that old magic!

Fan3: whoo-hoo!


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  igotout said:
Oh, and one more thing, Heartman. CFF has not gone down the tubes at all. In fact from what I hear they have more "members" than ever before. And with Gigou's having moved there starting to run things it looks to be a success in the making. Interesting Sara will be on board. They have a lot of ability.

I look for TWI to make a modest comeback too after certain people die off (hurry, hurry :biglaugh::biglaugh: ). They have more money than Jesus. They ain't goin nowhere either.

Ironic.......isn't it?

TWI.............is "standing on the Word" and holding fast to Dr. Wierwille's plagiarist work.

Geerites.......are "standing on the Word" and holding fast to Dr. Wierwille's plagiarist work.

CFF..............is "standing on the Word" and holding fast to Dr. Wierwille's plagiarist work. And, with Kevin and Sara Wierwille G. coming on board.......will the wierwille adulation be notched up a bit??

Will the cycle repeat itself?


Edited by skyrider
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I want to thank John R for his posting on the events in Tampa, he has shed some great light on this and with his first hand account I believe the information was factual. I am saddened that I could not get the same information from CFF when I asked for it and leads to the point I was making about why they have to send out letters and tapes on this. If it were me I would have come down and met with everyone and settled it quietly. The method they chose is incorrect in my opinion.

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  heartman said:
I want to thank John R for his posting on the events in Tampa, he has shed some great light on this and with his first hand account I believe the information was factual. I am saddened that I could not get the same information from CFF when I asked for it and leads to the point I was making about why they have to send out letters and tapes on this. If it were me I would have come down and met with everyone and settled it quietly. The method they chose is incorrect in my opinion.

Dancer you and I think alike!

  dancing said:
yeah...that is a consideration

on the integrity of those involved

a letter sent to all associates of cff

sounds lazy to me

Sorry I hit the wrong quote button--- Dancer you are right--it was lazy and smacks of TWI.

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I don't know why you don't speak up for yourself.

The negatives will come if you do, but so what.

From what I gathered from when we talked,

You are honest. As far as I have seen.

And here hundreds of people are listening.

Do what you think is best.

I'm sure you are not recruiting.

But here is some facts.

If you would like you could fill in the blanks.

Or not.

No explainining is needed.

But your Heart on the matter.

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  heartman said:
Dancer you and I think alike!

Sorry I hit the wrong quote button--- Dancer you are right--it was lazy and smacks of TWI.

The other comment on the taped announcement by John was that it was NOT annouced at the Fellowship meeting on sunday at CFF---his comments were cleverly edited in later in the sound room---why was that?

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Heartman and Dancing

I not understand what you are saying.

Speak in coherent sentences please. Can ya'll be more vague?

"I don't know why you don't speak up for yourself.

The negatives will come if you do, but so what."

Huh? I don't know why I don't either. Maybe cuz I don't understand what the heck you are talking about.

"The other comment on the taped announcement by John was that it was NOT annouced at the Fellowship meeting on sunday at CFF---his comments were cleverly edited in later in the sound room---why was that?"


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"The other comment on the taped announcement by John was that it was NOT annouced at the Fellowship meeting on sunday at CFF---his comments were cleverly edited in later in the sound room---why was that?"


I cant speak to what dancer is saying--I am afraid I missed that one as well--- However the announcement of the seperation for the Tampa Fellowship was not made at the Sunday Morning fellowship with the ususal annoucments, it was recorded later and edited in to the message with all the others giving the apprerance that it was done with the other announcements. I find that disturbing since that really should be done properly. I imagine that JS probably worried long and hard about his decision to do this espcially since several of the BOT may not be on board with this, but with the letters and the tape announcement CFFM has definitly shifted the policy from loose association to exclusive.

Tom I know that you said that your group was confused by the BLENDING of teachings that were going on and perhaps the leader of the fellowship did not explain to you that he was a independant fellowship as most of the fellowships are independant. CFFM has really only been there to offer teaching tapes and support materials and not really a part of the day to day operation of the fellowhships or offer support, unless you are a favorite of them---LOL. In fact just trying to get answers to scriptual problems and advise is almost impossible. I can not tell you the amount of unanswered emails and phone calls that I have. So you learn very quickly to handle things for yourself and let GOD tell the best course of action. In our fellowship we have housed many ministers from many other fellowships and when a minister friend of mine came in from Seattle we had to rent the auditorium because we had over 1500 people show up!!! None of that ever got reported to CFF becuase we are indepeindant and eveyone in our fellowship knows that.

I believe that you seperated and started your own associated fellowship with CFF and that is as it should be. The rest of us kinda got a slap in the face and a real WTF? :asdf: :blink:

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I was up at CFF yesterday......saw Kevin and Sarah G.,........all is well great talking to them........we go up there every now and then and yes I enjoy their tapes very much.......so we send them money........also Johnny T. and Walter C. are in my area.......we talk and I see them some.......just not as into their stuff...........

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So, Googoo is still preachin it eh? Interesting. And now involved with CFF. Well, that probably will give CFF credibility with those who need to have it to prove to themselves that they are in the right place...

But that has been said before here already I guess...

And by the way Bozz, is Jonny T and Walter involved with Chris Geer? I haven't read this entire thread, and it may have been said already, but anyway, last I heard, they were involved with CG and the Walking in God's Power class. Is true? Or, have things changed?


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Not sure what Walter is up to these days except that he has his own subscription journal you can purchase "Scripture Consulting" and also pay for his services to review your research, etc. I know the times I've heard of him traveling around the country to local gatherings have all been Geer affiliated groups, but have no idea if he visits non-Geer groups or not.

Johnny T. is (or was at the last I heard fairly recently) the only licensed instructor in Ohio of Walking in God's Power classes and other Geer taught classes/seminars. And, typical of many in Geer groups, does not have very many nice things to say about bible fellowships not affiliated with Geer - - including the large groups in Columbus and Cleveland lead by other former-twi leaders.


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  jardinero said:
Not sure what Walter is up to these days except that he has his own subscription journal you can purchase "Scripture Consulting" and also pay for his services to review your research, etc. I know the times I've heard of him traveling around the country to local gatherings have all been Geer affiliated groups, but have no idea if he visits non-Geer groups or not.


Walter does teach at other than Geer fellowships and has taught at mine----but dont tell CFF I might a nasty letter! OH NO!

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