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CFF going down the tubes


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Well it really grieves me to have to inform everyone that CFF (Christian Family Fellowship) has gone down the tubes. Today I heard of my 3rd instance of CFF sending spies into fellowships to see what was being taught. In one case they actually went into the back bed room so that Wayne and John could listen in on the phone as the teaching went on! The end result is a bunch of letters going out to the local fellowships saying that such and such is not longer with CFF. I guess Pharaseeism is alive and well! As for me, I have removed myself from the CFF roster---good bye!

If you are with CFF watch out---you might be next!

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I will say I love John, and really feel like he has a heart to love and help people, however I only went to a few CFF meetings and couldn't handle them because they were so reminiscent of the Way.

Also when my ex and I split he called Wayne. At one point I ended up talking to Wayne, I think I needed some spiritual advice. He had already spoken with my ex and was so cold to me. But my divorce was necessary. He never took the time to find out why I felt I needed to get the divorce.

I needed to see a doctor and the ex said I would be disobeying him if I went to another doctor. I would have died had I not left him. (I had tumor in the right ventricle of my heart.) All healed up now, but I would be dead if I had stayed married. It hurt me that Wayne would have been so cold to me and dismiss me without any thought. At that point CFF was more than history for me.

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Well I guess it is all about this healing ministry stuff that they have discovered recently and renewing the mind stuff and arguing how to implement it. Some ministers will ask questions about your past and see if you have any hurt buried there that might be causing problems----well now in CFF that is called psycology and not THE WORD ( love that catch phrase dont you!) Some other ministers like to call out the devil spirits and argue with them and then cast them out! Well I guess they all have their techniques but there has been a lot of argument about it. As for me I never waste my time talking to devil spirits anyway--they are all liars so whats the point. I just speak right to the problem as Jesus did and heal them up---no Big deal! But it has come under a lot of intense arument lately. You know its THE WORD, THE WORD AND NOTHING BUT THE WORD dont you--to hell with the person that needed the healing---we must protect THE WORD----man those CFF bunch are like flies stuck in molasses!

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I think Ex is right about lining up ---the thing that started to p*%& us off down here in the south east is how they got you in their fellowships network... they call up and ask---hey John want to know if want to be aligined with CFF? I ask why-----they say--its just so if people want to find a fellowship like ours we have somewhere to send them.... ok easy enough. well now they have a Doctrine! And anyone who is with them must teach their DOCTRINE! I wrote them a letter and told them to explain their Doctrine so I can find out if I am qualified to teach that or not---they wrote back and only said ITS THE WORD! Now that creaped me out!

I have been running a successful fellowship down here with out them for years, and then they call up and want to partner up, then they want to restrict me to their doctrine!!! And if they dont hear from me they send in the spies!!No thanks I am doing just fine thank you!

Recently someone called me and asked if they could fellowship with us, I asked how he got my name and he said thriough CFF---I have to tell you I told the guy I would not take him-----I didnt want spies in my mist!

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  heartman said:
DMiller you are a funny guy!

Thankee. I try. ;)

Both humor, and music soothe the heart of any savage beast.

That being said -- (if what you say is true), I comiserate.

While I support CES/STFI with a small monetary donation monthly for their websites --

I'm not sure I like the direction they are taking either.

They are now a full-fledged ministry, and moving further from their *roots*.

But -- I'm gonna give them some time, and see where this whole thing goes.

As far as I know -- CES/STFI doesn't send *spies* into affiliated fellowships,

to see if they are teaching CES doctrine or not.

Were that to happen -- you could *color me* GONE.

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I know they both stayed too long at twi...a little leaven leaventh the whole lump.

Shroyer is the same as he always was, I've seen his dark side before when he was with the ministry and after with CFF. Like a leopard, he hasn't changed his spots.

Buyer beware.

Edited by but now I see
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How is it that in the last 10 years I just happen to meet some of the top men high up in the old twi food chain, real top, top men, and they're are all screwed up.

They are shells of the men they once were, or they are so lost in their own reflection that they'll never get their heads out of their a*s? The shell men are all past miracle workers, healing the blind kind, and now they are utterley lost.

And Weirwille did this to them.

We all must have had spiritual blinders on not to see it, slumber, asleep, or talked ourselves out of it, argued with God. I F'n hate that this happened to these people, they were once productive for God.

F**k the devil and the horse he rode in on.

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I'm going to have to change my name to Naive Vegan, because I'm sorry to say, this news does surprise, and sadden me. I've never been involved in any way with CFF, but most of my family is. Wow! J0hn and W4yn3 aren't the men I thought they were. Couldn't they just ask what they wanted to know? Are spys really necessary? Do CFF leadership consider their own people the enemy?

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Some ministers will ask questions about your past and see if you have any hurt buried there that might be causing problems----well now in CFF that is called psycology and not THE WORD ( love that catch phrase dont you!) Some other ministers like to call out the devil spirits and argue with them and then cast them out!


is this still the dark ages?

We Were Forewarned about BS like this a long time ago :wink2:

"When you believe in things that you dont understand , then you suffer-----

Superstition aint the way"

Stevie Wonder

Edited by mstar1
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  VeganXTC said:
I'm going to have to change my name to Naive Vegan, because I'm sorry to say, this news does surprise, and sadden me. I've never been involved in any way with CFF, but most of my family is. Wow! J0hn and W4yn3 aren't the men I thought they were. Couldn't they just ask what they wanted to know? Are spys really necessary? Do CFF leadership consider their own people the enemy?

Dont be sad; they are who they are---flesh creatures. Neither John nor Wayne really ever talk to anyone or go directly there to see what is going on. They just sit in their offices and get information from believers they trust and then make their own assumptions. When I lived there I saw that happen a bunch of times. You just have to be aware that they are people like any other and dont put them on a pedistal---that is what lead VPW down to the fall. EGO IS THE DEVILS AMIGO!

I know that John and Wayne think they are doing the WORD but I have always been a good fruit checker---if the fruit stinks dont buy into it! I see other ministers producing great fruit that are not associated with CFF and they (CFF) trash them...................it is all so sad really becuase God is the BIG LOSER here. Can't anyone see that God is so much bigger than all this petty garbage!

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