Very interesting, Dooj! This is the kind of thing I really dig and have been looking into more and more lately. I'm definitely right brained and I can certainly see how TWI taught left brained. That certainly fits with their obsession with scripture, minutae and all the friggin formulas:
Believing = Receiving
IF Romans 10:9-10 THEN born again
IF give all your money to us THEN you have bought protection from God
IF you obey leadership THEN you get to stay in TWI
Everything had to fit like a hand in a glove
I wonder if that's why so many of us developed serious mental issues, depression, substance abuse, PTSD, physical illness, etc. while in TWI. We're right brained and it was against our nature to have to live in a left brained environment.
BTW, I took an entry level art class in college and, despite my best efforts, I only got a C in the class. I think my professor was truly embarrased for me. Usually C students just don't put forth any effort.
If I recall correctly, men are more likely to be left brain oriented, while women tend toward the opposite.
I do know that there are more neurons between the hemispheres in women than in men...and if you want to second guess me - - ask yourself a question. When you were a kid...if both parents were busy, which parent could more easily adapt to your or dad?
I studied this book when I was in art class in school - I remember some of the exercises to this day - one was turning a picture upside down and then drawing it - that was hard to do, but when you turned your drawing right-side up, it was just fine, if not good work (at least, in my case.)
As a lefty, this was always an interesting subject to me. I had to learn to adapt with things like scissors, can openers, etc., as a kid - I'm now seeing this with my boys - Kristopher is certainly lefty and we highly suspect Andreas is, too! But leftys are known for certain traits - the ones you mention for the RIGHT side of the brain - usually they're the creative, artistic-type, with a loose concept of time, sorta moody, often into the arts or music.
I know that many teachers aren't really subscribing to this theory anymore - some feel it's passe - but there is certianly some truth to it - it's who we are and how we think... and how we process information.
Hmm. I always thought that each person has a dominant hemisphere which handles language functions and a non dominant hemisphere which handles intuition and perception. Most people are "right brain dominant" but some are "left brain dominant".
I can't remember much specifics, but this was supposed to explain why people were left handed or whatever. I write left handed with my hand curved. My 5th grade teacher thought that was wrong and tried to force me to write the other way. Idiot! Because of people like her I'm middle finger brain dominant to this day with some authority figures.
I write, throw, bat, and bowl left handed, but I golf, play guitar, and throw a frisbee right handed. I have no idea why.
Hmm. I always thought that each person has a dominant hemisphere which handles language functions and a non dominant hemisphere which handles intuition and perception. Most people are "right brain dominant" but some are "left brain dominant".
I can't remember much specifics, but this was supposed to explain why people were left handed or whatever. I write left handed with my hand curved. My 5th grade teacher thought that was wrong and tried to force me to write the other way. Idiot! Because of people like her I'm middle finger brain dominant to this day with some authority figures.
I write, throw, bat, and bowl left handed, but I golf, play guitar, and throw a frisbee right handed. I have no idea why.
Actually, left-handers and ambidextrous people have more connections between the hemispheres.
(Scans have shown more activity in the corpus collosum.)
There's 4 types of side dominance:
right-handed dominance (uses right hand for most things)
left-handed dominance (uses left hand for most things)
ambidextrous (uses either or both just as often)
cross-dominance (leads with the left for some things, leads with the right for some things.)
One guess as to why cross-dominance exists is that some left-handers were born
left-handers, but learned to use the right-hand more,
whether by being FORCED to or through acculturation.
So, your story is not an uncommon one.
As for the things of God,
it is good to have an intellectual understanding of what you CAN understand.
the IMPORTANT parts are the things you know in your heart.
That's what has meaning, and keeps you alive. That's what motivates ACTION,
and what people will remember with more depth than
"he really knew those Greek words".
That's why one person said "In the end, only kindness matters."
This thread is so funny and timely. Just this week, I had to attend a staff meeting, and explain what I do. So...........boss said, will you pleeze make a flow chart explaining the processes you handle.
I said, "uh, pleeze give me a blank canvas, and a new box of oil patels, and I will gladly draw what I do."
"You knew when you hired me I was right brained."
His response, "uh, ok, well, just keep doing what you are doing, and let me in on it, sometimes.....we'll move on."
I realize that it is easy to oversimplify anything having to do with the brain or matters of God, for that matter. But – doesn't it strike you as odd that we learned about spiritual matters from such a left brain perspective? I'm not saying that logic has no place in the things of God – just that it is possible to think something to death.
Fascinating thread, Dooj – I’m always intrigued about how our minds work. Interesting to consider this left/right brain stuff in matters of faith. Like Belle I think I was more of a “right brain” person before getting in TWI. In light of this topic I think I’ve been slowly migrating back to my old territory – or I don’t know if that’s even a good way to describe it – perhaps I’m trying to integrate the two. For example – when it comes to Bible study I look at what is written, I take in the ideas, symbols, thoughts of the language, observe what is obvious and simple, maybe spend only a certain amount of time on it
- then throughout the day think about it, how does it tie into the rest of Scripture, how do I feel about it, does it seem to fit with the attributes of God or His plan or what I know of spiritual things
The formulas and simple, fast answers of TWI were appealing. But after I left the “law of believing” was one of the first things I found suspect as my right brain processes were coming back online. I think it was even intuition that helped me penetrate through TWI’s bs. I just knew the idea of reducing God Almighty to a genie-in-a-bottle-servant-at-my-beck-and-call, or that I could manipulate reality with God-like powers was way out of line for a mere mortal. Certainly, the more complex thinking and analysis I applied to TWI doctrines and practices the more I found wrong. And then - - as I learned of their moral depravity – and my emotions engaged – you know, how I feel about their behavior, about the victims - - – I see why TWI doesn’t want a bunch of right brain people around.
Thanks everyone - now before we get off on a weird tangent - don't get me wrong..... I'm not saying that the Left-brain is evil or anything. I test as being Left-brain dominant - I'm just very accustomed to slipping into right-brain mode - or "Alpha-mode" as some call it.
I'll post some more later - I'll have to describe things in terms of the visual arts - but I'm sure that many out there will help me out.
Again - I'm NOT saying that to receive revelation you must be right-brained - I am saying that a lot of emphasis is placed on only the left half of the brain - in lots of areas of thought.
Perzackly, Dooj. :) There has to be a balance. We can't suppress one or the other and we certainly shouldn't be 100% one or the other.
My work is extremely left brained - Ha! I'm an analyst, so I have to be. And I absolutely LOVE it. But, I also love it when I get to leave work and can play with my dog, write, read, garden... just about anything else but budget my finances and shop for big ticket items.
I think I learn through right brained processes, though. Interesting that there are differences in the sexes that way. But, of course, it all makes sense that us gals would have more neurons between the hemispheres.
The way that I understand that "more neurons" (not MORONS - RumRunner) is that women think more "simultaneously" than men. Guys still use both halves - but the impulses dont communicate as much.
Once again - not sure I said this right....Is there a geek in the house?
I realize that it is easy to oversimplify anything having to do with the brain or matters of God, for that matter. But – doesn't it strike you as odd that we learned about spiritual matters from such a left brain perspective?
TWI took a corporate, almost "military-style" approach in teaching the Word. It was a lot of memorization, charts, scripts, list, and facts. Even the art and music was very pasturized - no room for improv. Remember how cold and simpleton those charts were in the class? Good grief - it was as if an ounce of color would have killed them.
I believe we all communicate or assimulate information in whatever we know best. TWI didn't give us any choice - if you didn't get the teaching it was never because of the teacher or how the teaching was presented to the student. But God doesn't work that way, does he? He knows how we learn best and how to best get a point across to us. I believe he's "talked" to me more since I've been out than when I was "in" TWI, but that could also be because I loosened up a good bit...
But God doesn't work that way, does he? He knows how we learn best and how to best get a point across to us. I believe he's "talked" to me more since I've been out than when I was "in" TWI, but that could also be because I loosened up a good bit...
Well said, well said...
I'm gonna gather my thoughts and add some of what I've seen as a teacher. If nothing else - you will get a kick out of these pictures..
where's that verse that says "there a 3 things which I know not, yea 4"something like that anyway...was that in Psalms?
Proverbs 30:18-19.(KJV)
"18There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:
19The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid."
Well, in your initial post you said:
I realize that it is easy to oversimplify anything having to do with the brain or matters of God, for that matter. But – doesn't it strike you as odd that we learned about spiritual matters from such a left brain perspective?
TWI took a corporate, almost "military-style" approach in teaching the Word. It was a lot of memorization, charts, scripts, list, and facts. Even the art and music was very pasturized - no room for improv. Remember how cold and simpleton those charts were in the class? Good grief - it was as if an ounce of color would have killed them.
Colour charts cost more. Spending a penny more on people WOULD have killed vpw.
When it came to expenditures for others, he could pinch a penny until it howled for
mercy, and left fingerprint indentations on every nickel.
I believe we all communicate or assimulate information in whatever we know best. TWI didn't give us any choice - if you didn't get the teaching it was never because of the teacher or how the teaching was presented to the student. But God doesn't work that way, does he? He knows how we learn best and how to best get a point across to us. I believe he's "talked" to me more since I've been out than when I was "in" TWI, but that could also be because I loosened up a good bit...
There's more than 1 type of Christian, and more than 1 type of learning.
Plus, there's more than 1 type of LESSON.
Lectures and classrooms are great for some types, and dismal for other types.
That's one reason a lot of people learn computers faster if they're allowed to to go through a
Nice topic, I would have to say I am a left brain thinker and had no problem in school. Nor with teachings , I like things cut and dry. My daughter is much like me. My husband and sons are right brain thinkers, It make for a unique household to say the least. For my boys it is a struggle to conform to the way things are taught at school. Thank God my husband understands and can help them. They just don't see things the way I do. Over the years I come to realize there are many ways to problem solve or get an answer. None are wrong, getting there is different for everyone. I remember teaching the children in kindergarten about art. I was called the picture lady. I would talk about art and show them pictures and have them draw or color what they heard or saw. Some were very concerned that they couldn't do it the way the artist did. Or afraid that theirs wasn't good enough. I kept reminding them that with art, no one is wrong. We all see things different and always will. As you get older your skills will get better. Are we not all a unique bunch of people?
The way that I understand that "more neurons" (not MORONS - RumRunner) is that women think more "simultaneously" than men. Guys still use both halves - but the impulses dont communicate as much.
Once again - not sure I said this right....Is there a geek in the house?
I'm the closest thing to "geek" in these matters who posts here so I will try to explain myself better.
There are more neurons aka nerves between the 2 parts of the brains in women because that's the way they are built. They come from the "factory" like that - they don't learn it. Because there is more communication women are much better able to moderate and facilitate serious multitasking.
No bragging - what follows is an example (which now after proof reading, I find humorous):
While in the kitchen with my 11 month old on my hip(whose favorite thing was playing with the collar on my shirt with one hand and reaching for whatever he saw that looked interesting with the other) I would hear the phone ring. As I was in those days almost a perpetual motion machine, I was able to pick it up before the 4th ring while pouring juice into his TommyTippy (lid was already off - pour stuff in and screw lid on tightly), turn off faucet and close the refrigerator door while loosely supervising our daughter (not quite 4) who was playing house under the sink (slamming cabinet doors and clanging pots in there) and hearing AND registering the dryer (which was in the cellar) buzz the end of it's cycle. Pick up the phone (usually before the 4th ring) and find sweet husband calling to tell me he missed the train, please pick him up at the later time - - acknowledge same with civil tongue in my head and blow kiss into phone and hang it up on the way to place 11 month old with his juice cup in hand in his high chair for his supper. Did I tell you that our meal was well underway in the cooking stage?
If I recall correctly, men are more likely to be left brain oriented, while women tend toward the opposite.
I do know that there are more neurons between the hemispheres in women than in men...and if you want to second guess me - - ask yourself a question. When you were a kid...if both parents were busy, which parent could more easily adapt to your or dad?
Ok so let me explain some of this from the original post...
Intuition - self explanatory - but not language ( a left brain preference)
Slow - DOING things slowly is "preferred" by the right brain
Complex - Complex is preferred over simple and quick (as opposed to the quick symbols the left brain prefers)
Real - As opposed to symbolic - Symbols are valuable - we use them in the alphabet, music notation, etc.
Emotions as opposed to logic and reasoning
Listens and Sees- as opposed to ears and looks
Ok so now what? Well once again I am fully aware that we need both halves to process information. I just think that its possible that too much emphasis was placed on left brain stuff.
In my classes I teach kids how to draw by reaching into their right brain abilities. According to studies, drawing what one sees is the only purely right-brained activity. Music is about half and half. While the written music is a language, and there is a lot of logic in music in general, there is an awful lot of emotion and intuition in music. Any person that can improvise, or tell you a note just by the sound - thats's right brain work.
So, I teach kids to draw using techniques that get them away from their built in symbols. Just ask any 5 year old to draw a picture of their family - the whole family will look the same with the exception of hair length, color and height. This is normal and natural for this age - because children have to develop language through symbols.
Symbols - geez that's a whole other post - I'll get back to you. carry on and banter.
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Very interesting, Dooj! This is the kind of thing I really dig and have been looking into more and more lately. I'm definitely right brained and I can certainly see how TWI taught left brained. That certainly fits with their obsession with scripture, minutae and all the friggin formulas:
Believing = Receiving
IF Romans 10:9-10 THEN born again
IF give all your money to us THEN you have bought protection from God
IF you obey leadership THEN you get to stay in TWI
Everything had to fit like a hand in a glove
I wonder if that's why so many of us developed serious mental issues, depression, substance abuse, PTSD, physical illness, etc. while in TWI. We're right brained and it was against our nature to have to live in a left brained environment.
BTW, I took an entry level art class in college and, despite my best efforts, I only got a C in the class. I think my professor was truly embarrased for me. Usually C students just don't put forth any effort.
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If I recall correctly, men are more likely to be left brain oriented, while women tend toward the opposite.
I do know that there are more neurons between the hemispheres in women than in men...and if you want to second guess me - - ask yourself a question. When you were a kid...if both parents were busy, which parent could more easily adapt to your or dad?
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Krys??? Women have neuro..... naw nevr mind - hjad to take the shot at ya though
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in fact the educational system in the USA is mostly geared towards left-brained learning
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You guys know I taught HS and I taught in several schools.
Now I know - I just figured it out - why I consider my greatest successes to have been at an all girl's Catholic school!
The Honors Classes soaked up everything I laid out (almost) as fast as I laid it out there.
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I studied this book when I was in art class in school - I remember some of the exercises to this day - one was turning a picture upside down and then drawing it - that was hard to do, but when you turned your drawing right-side up, it was just fine, if not good work (at least, in my case.)
As a lefty, this was always an interesting subject to me. I had to learn to adapt with things like scissors, can openers, etc., as a kid - I'm now seeing this with my boys - Kristopher is certainly lefty and we highly suspect Andreas is, too! But leftys are known for certain traits - the ones you mention for the RIGHT side of the brain - usually they're the creative, artistic-type, with a loose concept of time, sorta moody, often into the arts or music.
I know that many teachers aren't really subscribing to this theory anymore - some feel it's passe - but there is certianly some truth to it - it's who we are and how we think... and how we process information.
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Hmm. I always thought that each person has a dominant hemisphere which handles language functions and a non dominant hemisphere which handles intuition and perception. Most people are "right brain dominant" but some are "left brain dominant".
I can't remember much specifics, but this was supposed to explain why people were left handed or whatever. I write left handed with my hand curved. My 5th grade teacher thought that was wrong and tried to force me to write the other way. Idiot! Because of people like her I'm middle finger brain dominant to this day with some authority figures.
I write, throw, bat, and bowl left handed, but I golf, play guitar, and throw a frisbee right handed. I have no idea why.
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Actually, left-handers and ambidextrous people have more connections between the hemispheres.
(Scans have shown more activity in the corpus collosum.)
There's 4 types of side dominance:
right-handed dominance (uses right hand for most things)
left-handed dominance (uses left hand for most things)
ambidextrous (uses either or both just as often)
cross-dominance (leads with the left for some things, leads with the right for some things.)
One guess as to why cross-dominance exists is that some left-handers were born
left-handers, but learned to use the right-hand more,
whether by being FORCED to or through acculturation.
So, your story is not an uncommon one.
As for the things of God,
it is good to have an intellectual understanding of what you CAN understand.
the IMPORTANT parts are the things you know in your heart.
That's what has meaning, and keeps you alive. That's what motivates ACTION,
and what people will remember with more depth than
"he really knew those Greek words".
That's why one person said "In the end, only kindness matters."
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I agree WW
there's a road for me getting here
perhaps i need to spell it out better
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This thread is so funny and timely. Just this week, I had to attend a staff meeting, and explain what I do. So...........boss said, will you pleeze make a flow chart explaining the processes you handle.
I said, "uh, pleeze give me a blank canvas, and a new box of oil patels, and I will gladly draw what I do."
"You knew when you hired me I was right brained."
His response, "uh, ok, well, just keep doing what you are doing, and let me in on it, sometimes.....we'll move on."
I love him for that.
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Fascinating thread, Dooj – I’m always intrigued about how our minds work. Interesting to consider this left/right brain stuff in matters of faith. Like Belle I think I was more of a “right brain” person before getting in TWI. In light of this topic I think I’ve been slowly migrating back to my old territory – or I don’t know if that’s even a good way to describe it – perhaps I’m trying to integrate the two. For example – when it comes to Bible study I look at what is written, I take in the ideas, symbols, thoughts of the language, observe what is obvious and simple, maybe spend only a certain amount of time on it
- then throughout the day think about it, how does it tie into the rest of Scripture, how do I feel about it, does it seem to fit with the attributes of God or His plan or what I know of spiritual things
The formulas and simple, fast answers of TWI were appealing. But after I left the “law of believing” was one of the first things I found suspect as my right brain processes were coming back online. I think it was even intuition that helped me penetrate through TWI’s bs. I just knew the idea of reducing God Almighty to a genie-in-a-bottle-servant-at-my-beck-and-call, or that I could manipulate reality with God-like powers was way out of line for a mere mortal. Certainly, the more complex thinking and analysis I applied to TWI doctrines and practices the more I found wrong. And then - - as I learned of their moral depravity – and my emotions engaged – you know, how I feel about their behavior, about the victims - - – I see why TWI doesn’t want a bunch of right brain people around.
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Thanks everyone - now before we get off on a weird tangent - don't get me wrong..... I'm not saying that the Left-brain is evil or anything. I test as being Left-brain dominant - I'm just very accustomed to slipping into right-brain mode - or "Alpha-mode" as some call it.
I'll post some more later - I'll have to describe things in terms of the visual arts - but I'm sure that many out there will help me out.
Again - I'm NOT saying that to receive revelation you must be right-brained - I am saying that a lot of emphasis is placed on only the left half of the brain - in lots of areas of thought.
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Perzackly, Dooj. :) There has to be a balance. We can't suppress one or the other and we certainly shouldn't be 100% one or the other.
My work is extremely left brained - Ha! I'm an analyst, so I have to be.
And I absolutely LOVE it. But, I also love it when I get to leave work and can play with my dog, write, read, garden... just about anything else but budget my finances and shop for big ticket items.
I think I learn through right brained processes, though. Interesting that there are differences in the sexes that way. But, of course, it all makes sense that us gals would have more neurons between the hemispheres.
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The way that I understand that "more neurons" (not MORONS - RumRunner) is that women think more "simultaneously" than men. Guys still use both halves - but the impulses dont communicate as much.
Once again - not sure I said this right....Is there a geek in the house?
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Well, in your initial post you said:
I realize that it is easy to oversimplify anything having to do with the brain or matters of God, for that matter. But – doesn't it strike you as odd that we learned about spiritual matters from such a left brain perspective?
TWI took a corporate, almost "military-style" approach in teaching the Word. It was a lot of memorization, charts, scripts, list, and facts. Even the art and music was very pasturized - no room for improv. Remember how cold and simpleton those charts were in the class? Good grief - it was as if an ounce of color would have killed them.
I believe we all communicate or assimulate information in whatever we know best. TWI didn't give us any choice - if you didn't get the teaching it was never because of the teacher or how the teaching was presented to the student. But God doesn't work that way, does he? He knows how we learn best and how to best get a point across to us. I believe he's "talked" to me more since I've been out than when I was "in" TWI, but that could also be because I loosened up a good bit...
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Well said, well said...
I'm gonna gather my thoughts and add some of what I've seen as a teacher. If nothing else - you will get a kick out of these pictures..
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where's that verse that says "there a 3 things which I know not, yea 4"something like that anyway...was that in Psalms?
Anyway that settles it for me...
I'll never understand...especially my right-brained-electrical engineer- wife....did I ever tell you about the time?
Don't start anything medic...just don't start!
Hey Chas...I used to be so arrogant with it all...Ugghhh, makes me shiver when I think about it
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Proverbs 30:18-19.(KJV)
"18There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:
19The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid."
Colour charts cost more. Spending a penny more on people WOULD have killed vpw.
When it came to expenditures for others, he could pinch a penny until it howled for
mercy, and left fingerprint indentations on every nickel.
There's more than 1 type of Christian, and more than 1 type of learning.
Plus, there's more than 1 type of LESSON.
Lectures and classrooms are great for some types, and dismal for other types.
That's one reason a lot of people learn computers faster if they're allowed to to go through a
"what does this button do" phase.
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Thanks Wolf...that's don't ask me folks
just when I think I've figured it out...BLAMMO!
Hey coolchef, if you read this, send me an email, will ya?
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Nice topic, I would have to say I am a left brain thinker and had no problem in school. Nor with teachings , I like things cut and dry. My daughter is much like me. My husband and sons are right brain thinkers, It make for a unique household to say the least. For my boys it is a struggle to conform to the way things are taught at school. Thank God my husband understands and can help them. They just don't see things the way I do. Over the years I come to realize there are many ways to problem solve or get an answer. None are wrong, getting there is different for everyone. I remember teaching the children in kindergarten about art. I was called the picture lady. I would talk about art and show them pictures and have them draw or color what they heard or saw. Some were very concerned that they couldn't do it the way the artist did. Or afraid that theirs wasn't good enough. I kept reminding them that with art, no one is wrong. We all see things different and always will. As you get older your skills will get better. Are we not all a unique bunch of people?
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There are more neurons aka nerves between the 2 parts of the brains in women because that's the way they are built. They come from the "factory" like that - they don't learn it. Because there is more communication women are much better able to moderate and facilitate serious multitasking.
No bragging - what follows is an example (which now after proof reading, I find humorous):
While in the kitchen with my 11 month old on my hip(whose favorite thing was playing with the collar on my shirt with one hand and reaching for whatever he saw that looked interesting with the other) I would hear the phone ring. As I was in those days almost a perpetual motion machine, I was able to pick it up before the 4th ring while pouring juice into his TommyTippy (lid was already off - pour stuff in and screw lid on tightly), turn off faucet and close the refrigerator door while loosely supervising our daughter (not quite 4) who was playing house under the sink (slamming cabinet doors and clanging pots in there) and hearing AND registering the dryer (which was in the cellar) buzz the end of it's cycle. Pick up the phone (usually before the 4th ring) and find sweet husband calling to tell me he missed the train, please pick him up at the later time - - acknowledge same with civil tongue in my head and blow kiss into phone and hang it up on the way to place 11 month old with his juice cup in hand in his high chair for his supper. Did I tell you that our meal was well underway in the cooking stage?
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I feel your pain.... I'm married to a mathematician....
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Ok so let me explain some of this from the original post...
Intuition - self explanatory - but not language ( a left brain preference)
Slow - DOING things slowly is "preferred" by the right brain
Complex - Complex is preferred over simple and quick (as opposed to the quick symbols the left brain prefers)
Real - As opposed to symbolic - Symbols are valuable - we use them in the alphabet, music notation, etc.
Emotions as opposed to logic and reasoning
Listens and Sees- as opposed to ears and looks
Ok so now what? Well once again I am fully aware that we need both halves to process information. I just think that its possible that too much emphasis was placed on left brain stuff.
In my classes I teach kids how to draw by reaching into their right brain abilities. According to studies, drawing what one sees is the only purely right-brained activity. Music is about half and half. While the written music is a language, and there is a lot of logic in music in general, there is an awful lot of emotion and intuition in music. Any person that can improvise, or tell you a note just by the sound - thats's right brain work.
So, I teach kids to draw using techniques that get them away from their built in symbols. Just ask any 5 year old to draw a picture of their family - the whole family will look the same with the exception of hair length, color and height. This is normal and natural for this age - because children have to develop language through symbols.
Symbols - geez that's a whole other post - I'll get back to you. carry on and banter.
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Thanks Chas....LOL
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