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Sitting Ducks on the Field............


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Like Bagpipes, I've been cleaning out files and such. I came across this letter from August 4, 2000 that I received ''on the field'' from the Danie!s of the Rocky Mountain Region.

This came right after the second lawsuit hit the newspaper, and the Way's attorney's were seeking dismissal. This was sent to all Fellowship Coordinators to read to their people. It makes me sick.

"God bless you.

(Please read this to your fellowship after you finish reading the newspaper article and then include it with the article when you post it in an accessible spot for the disciples to read/review.)

The second lawsuit mentioned in the newspaper article against the Ministry was filed by the same California attorney who represents the Allen's. This second suit was filed on behalf of January P@rk#r (former Way Corps grad and HQ staff Jan@#ry B@rnes). The wording of the lawsuit/complaint is strikingly similar to the Allens'. [no really????] The similarities in the second suit establishes, as was stated in the initial press release by the Board of Trustees, that this is ""part of an organized campaign to destroy The Way International."" Despite that , we are not the least bit intimidated by OUR ENEMIES. Quite the contrary, we are the ones doing the intimidating.

Phill 1:27-28

Only let your conversation {behavior} be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit {stand fast as one, spiritually}, with one mind {soul} striving together for the {family} faith of the gospel;

And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.

We are continuing to live the Word and advance on the chaos and the dark. The impact that the new Advanced Class grads have had and will continue to have on their local areas as a result of the living greatness of the Word they were taught is immeasurable. The intimate :blink: exposure they had to the functioning of our ministry, day in and day out, for two weeks at HQ will no doubt have far reaching impact as well. We are also excited about the impact that the foudational Way Classes had on the adversary's realm as they ran during the month of July throughout the Way of USA. In addition, we have a group of high quality disciples that have submitted applications to participate in Way Disciple Outreach Group VII. It is certain their lives will also bring a devastating blow to the adversary's realm.

We are very thankful for your love and stand on God's Word."

As you can read, all of us on the field were just sitting ducks for them to load on the crappola. Talk about duck and cover!

We didn't have a moment to even think about ''why'' this was happening except it being from the adversary.

The enemies were from WITHIN, yet they are calling the women he manipulated ''enemies''.

How dispicable, that I read this, and thought nothing of it. That I just blindly read it as true.

Let this be an example of how fast the cover up happend and how they dismantled any ''questioning'' about Craig's behaivior.

I could go on................. :realmad:

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Yeah, Bliss – that stuff makes me sick too. Typical cover-up drivel. After being gone so long from that foggy atmosphere – it's amazing how their typical loaded jargon stands out in such stark nakedness to me now – as in this portion of the letter you posted:

We are continuing to live the Word and advance on the chaos and the dark. The impact that the new Advanced Class grads have had and will continue to have on their local areas as a result of the living greatness of the Word they were taught is immeasurable. The intimate exposure they had to the functioning of our ministry, day in and day out, for two weeks at HQ will no doubt have far reaching impact as well.

What I shared on the Buzzwords thread goes along with your post: A great diversionary tactic was TWI leadership stating "the integrity of the Word is at stake" when followers started murmuring against leadership or questioning something they did [and I'm not talking about leadership's decision on what class to run or organizing a witnessing blitz - but people murmuring or questioning over an ethical issue]. This came out of the mouths of even well-meaning believers. After Geer's Patriarch, I had many passionate dialogs with corps buddies via letters and phone calls. Many dialogs went no where because every time I would address specific issues, questionable doctrines and practices their response was typically along the lines of "you're deceived – the integrity of the Word is at stake." :asdf:

For me personally – the words in the above letter have no impact – they're action words of FLUFF! The integrity of THEIR words has always been at stake – and in my humble opinion because TWI leadership never addresses specific issues, questionable doctrines and practices brought up by the few, the bold, and the brave – they have not earned the respectful ear of anyone! :realmad:

Edited by T-Bone
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The second lawsuit mentioned in the newspaper article against the Ministry was filed by the same California attorney who represents the Allen's. This second suit was filed on behalf of January P@rk#r (former Way Corps grad and HQ staff Jan@#ry B@rnes). The wording of the lawsuit/complaint is strikingly similar to the Allens'. [no really????] The similarities in the second suit establishes, as was stated in the initial press release by the Board of Trustees, that this is ""part of an organized campaign to destroy The Way International.""

Oooooh, the big bad devil ( :evildenk: ) is out to destroy The Way International. :biglaugh::biglaugh:

No, actually.......it's called seeking justice via the legal system. When the president of said organization uses his power and influence to sexually seduce office/staff workers it has legal ramifications. Since martindale utilized the same techniques on several hq staff women, it is not a "strikingly similar" coincidence that THE WORDING OF THE LAWSUIT is aligned with the first lawsuit. Duh.

Thanks for posting this. It's good to be reminded of twi's manipulating machinery.

And, thankfully...........One (man) awake AWAKENS another.


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I can tell you from first hand experience with the allens lawsuit that LCM even made death threats toward CFF clergy since they were housing the allens during the upheavel.

Interesting heartman. Can you fill in more details?

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Thanks, Bliss! And isn't it the least bit interesting that copies of the letter and article were not made for everyone to have their own copy. You got a whopping 10 minutes after fellowship to look at it, less than that if you had a large fellowship. YET we were told not to go on the internet.

I was already curious as to why we didn't get a copy of the first lawsuit or article about it and then when they kept insisting and making a big deal about not going on the internet leading up to and after coming clean with the second lawsuit - I knew they were hiding something. That's when I found WayDale and started weening myself off the kool-aid.

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I came across this letter from August 4, 2000....


We are continuing to live the Word and advance on the chaos and the dark.

And.........while twi "advances" on the chaos and the dark, martindale is soon thereafter OUSTED from his position and secretly shipped off to toledo to live in a therapy-induced home environment......no forwarding address, no phone listing in his name, etc.

An all-out, run-for-cover if you ask me. :biglaugh::biglaugh:

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Well - the "integrity of the Word was at stake," wasn't it? (ironic smirk)

But who put it to the stake? TWI, by not confronting the wrongdoing.

...By perpetuating the lies, deceit, corruption.

...By acting completely full of hypocrisy.

...By hiding - not covering in love - but covering in shame.

What an amazing letter, Bliss. LCM used to mouth off about "weasel words" and avoiding speaking plainly. Yes, it's mentioned - but so glossed over and done in such a way that it isn't really mentioned at all.

Well - this is "The Age of Confrontation" after all, isn't it? (according to LCM)

The duplicitousness of TWI makes me :realmad::realmad::asdf::asdf::asdf: rather annoyed.

(Paw, how about a little weasel in the Smilies?)

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