Actually, I think there have been a number of threads talking about Waybrain and the way words were used in that high-demand religious organization to control and manipulate us. Could someone more search-capable than myself find these threads?
(Not to hi-jack Seth's thread, but I'm also wondering if other sensory input act as "triggers"; certain sights, sounds, even smells and tastes.)
After almost 20 years of being away from that group, wayspeak doesn't hold me in its thrall like it used to. I think time and distance renders much of their control impotent.
I came across some old Way East and Way of New York Grapevine newsletters the other night. Reading them and trying to remember what I was thinking when I first read them was like examining myself from another life. I read them and thought, What did I see in this group? I volunteered nearly 16 years of my life toward the establishment of this group, wrapped my life around its schedule, all because I thought the "leadership" were working honestly to strip the bible of myth and error, and present it to us as it had not been known since the time of Paul and the other apostles.
Seth, that's one of the things that helps me with wayspeak (and Wayworld in general): these people were (and are) liars. They didn't honestly research the bible. They found things during their research that clearly contradicted Way dogma, and they were either extremely slow to correct them or else never did. They took other people's work and "made it their own." Literally.
And, they allowed the doctrines, policies, and edicts of abusive madmen to become "the law of the land," even when they knew better from what they knew the bible said. They ignored the many clear verses of living and conduct, and wrapped themselves in the few "difficult" verses. And usually only made them even more difficult to understand, much less to live.
When Waybrain occasionally pops into my head, I use my own version of wayspeak:
That's not what I am talking about, and as far as I can see most of the people on this board won't get it because they still use it. I'm talking loaded language here, most are clueless as to what it is, I refuse to think there are nothing but a bunch of mindless zombies lurking and posting here. If you don't know what I'm talking about google "loaded language thought control"
I've been reading up on loaded language. it's one of the things that showed me that TWI is indeed a cult.
I regularly have reactions of guilt, fear, and yes, the desire to vomit during normal conversations with people, expecially my kids. I have to work really hard not to panic, and especially not to correct every little thing that my kids talk about.... why? because they aren't saying anything wrong! I have so much fear of the appearance of evil because of TWI and my ex husband that I was a nervous wreck for years.
I'll try to keep track of my reactions and post the responsible words and phrases here.
In the same way that a hypnotist uses "trigger words", twi employed the use of it's own wayspeak. Certain words or phrases would stop a person's mind cold and turn it towards cult obedience. Oftentimes a person would think through a situation logically, only to change their mind when one of these words or phrases were used on them.
"It's not best"...Meaning that no matter how logical or reasonable your decision on a certain matter was, you were wrong if it contradicted twi's directive. Twi taught that "good" was a tool of the devil and what THEY taught was "best".
"That the ministry be not blamed"...This was a verse from the bible that twi used maliciously to justify and cover up their own sinful activities. If you spoke out against something that twi was doing that was wrong, you were "off the word" because you were bringing blame to the ministry.
"Be not puffed up"...This was a verse that was always directed towards YOU, never THEM.
"Our father in the word"...A phrase used to command obedience to VPW. Totally unbiblical and insideous in it's nature, this phrase would trigger the concept that because you were taught the "word" from this man, he was now your "father" and therefore you were obligated to support his positions on just about everything and to be obedient to him as a soldier is to his commanding officer.
"Discerning of spirits"...A term that would rationalize and justify demonizing those who refused to capitulate to twi doctrine. Again, logic was abandoned the moment that a "leader" would inform you that so and so had a "devil spirit". How did he know?...discerning of spirits. Geer tried this on a grand scale during his "POP" speech...Doubtful that anyone involved with twi ever actually experienced this "mainifestation", it was used often when a "leader" wanted to both demonstrate his/her "spirituality" as well as direct people's thinking.
"There is safety in a multitude of counselors" = made sure your TC or BC or LC know your business, inside & out, and DON'T for the love of God, go OFF alone w/ a decision... you might not be safe :o
'One's own' = IDIOT... if you were to 'go it alone', it would be IDIOTIC... stick w/ the group, get counsel, be safe :unsure: If you have an original idea, that is your own… it’s probably idiotic.
‘By his stripes you were healed’… this means if you’re sick then you’re NOT actively believing the Word, and you need to figure out where it is you're missing it!
‘Whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive’… if you have any type of need, you’re again NOT believing the Word, and should probably be watched.
Awesome this is great we are on track here, Potato nailed it, this is what is needed for healing first recognize there is a problem. Good stuff so far keep it coming.
BTW welcome Potato I'm honored to have your 5th post be the 5th post on this thread, :) no numerology just fact.
Here's another one:
"Problem" in TWI we didn't have problems we had opportunities. I don't know what's wrong with the word problem, in math they are called problems that doesn't make them any harder to solve anymore then saying "I have a math opportunity" make it easier to solve.
"blessed" vs. "lucky" God forbid I be caught using the word lucky in casual conversation in the lobby of the Nerd over the World auditorium during the advanced class!
There were localized loaded language, especially in the mid to late '80's it seemed California had it's own set of words they used to trigger their people. Anyone care to contribute?
well yeah i want to contribute but it hurts me and makes me so sick how i loathed myself when "spoken to" aka reproved by leaders via wayspeak..... still wake up at night sometimes.....
and NOT just reproof
my sister (not way) told me i told her about some frikkin privilege of being taught crap by an older man. i told her she way lying.....
and the really weird thing, i don't know if i ever told this on greasespot before, my uncle said the exact same thing when i was a child. how would wierwille know ?
and the really weird thing, i don't know if i ever told this on greasespot before, my uncle said the exact same thing when i was a child. how would wierwille know ?
The only thing I have for you is a hug, as big or little as you like, I'm not sure but I don't think I'm older then you. So take it or leave it I give you a hug.
[oh, should I derail my own thread? Seems to me VPW learned alot from those spiritualists and stayed tapped into the "lower power" how else would he know to say things that he did to so many?]
Because the reality was that if you were being told to renew your mind that meant you -per "Infallible" leadership--
1) lacked believing
2) left your "spiritual Trapdoor" Open
3) Lack meekness to receive
4) were five senses orientated
5)Were listening to your "Old Man"
6) any combination of the above
And the icing on the cake was that "leadership" usually never got really specific about which combination it was--They either were very generic, or harped on one "weakness". Then when you fixed that "weakness" they came back at you with something else that apparently was a long term problem that somehow never got mentioned until now--now when you were just starting to feel better about yourself
anytime you needed to go anywhere, do anything, you were supposed to travel with at least one other person. This became such a hindrance and snare, and I felt guilty if I "broke" the rule.
I always found "Happy Ho Ho" comical because it reminded me of "Ho Ho Ho" which we all know as the most famous quote uttered by that jolly man from the North Pole.
But more to the point of the thread. I think perhaps what we are talking about here are words and phrases that automatically "push our buttons" and elicit a predictable response.
For me this was evidensed on two different levels,especially in the workplace.
1.) I tried to follow authority somehow thinking they had the big picture in mind rather than their own private agenda. This is definately not good advise in the work-a-day world but at the same time it does not mean that everyone fits this profile.
2.) I become(notice present tense) Agitated by demands that have no purpose and sometimes even a negative purpose that are presented solely to demonstate a show of power.
I know this may seem a bit abstract but it is all very real when the correct button is pushed and stong emotions rear their heads.
Thankfully I am getting better at recognizing what is taking place and putting it all back into perspective.
anytime you needed to go anywhere, do anything, you were supposed to travel with at least one other person. This became such a hindrance and snare, and I felt guilty if I "broke" the rule.
Actually you might be surprised to know this but the 2 by 2 started in the middle of the '92-'93 WOW year, right after one of the guys in our team left the field, his poor wife was in shock but stayed with the team. Funny how one person can effect the whole TWI policy. Can you say micromanagement?
I gave this a lot of thought today and came up with 3 biggies for me:
"you're wrong", "your thinking is wrong" = any action, desire, idea, thought, inspiration that you can't line up with TWI doctrine for your leadership. The desire to do anything, to live somewhere, travel, join an activity to make friends, was suspect unless it could be justified in some way. there had to be some "spiritual" advantage (it couldn't just be because it was fun or I wanted to). Any thought or act was under suspicion, and if you could not show a good reason, you were wrong if leadership felt like you were.
"make a decision", "decide to live for God", blah blah etc. = you have 2 choices, do the Word (TWI doctrine or anything your FC on up approves of) or do what's wrong. that's the choice we're given, and we have to make a decision. bleah!!!
In the Word
"stay in the Word" = go to fellowship, submit to leadership, study the Word (approved topics, because if you have weakness in your life, you're not making the "right" Word your own) daily. lots of guilt motivation to crack open the bible every day as a supporting source when "working" Way mag, STS tapes, and what you hear in fellowship. if you're not "in the Word" you're out of step with God's will. being "in the Word" requires going to an approved fellowship, no one can be out on their own or they're easy prey for "the adversary". not "in the Word" = "out of fellowship" = easy prey for "the adversary" = your a$$ is grass.
I never felt comfortable not being able to say Good Luck! to anyone because Waybrain said it was taboo. And the last time a psuedo leader proudly corrected me on saying I have a "problem" instead of "opportunity" I wanted to tell them to "bite me"...I wish I had!
I also never understood, and considered it an abuse of power, when the word Christmas was banned but Easter wasn't. What about Valentines Day, St Patricks Day (probably never mentioned because of the twi pention for drinking) and Mardi Gras? How about the practice of abstaining from Halloween and denying children of the all you can eat free candy while their friends got bags of it. And why was the word for Halloween not changed like Ho Ho Christmas was, surely Halloween was far more cinister than a holiday representing the birth of Christ and warm family traditions and memories!
I've got to conclude it was pride that caused whatever leader to stand up and get so picky about one word and not the others, it also smacks of a contolling power trip to keep the little people in line under the oppressive thumbs of those in charge, kinda like herding sheep.
Gal 6:12 As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.
13For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.
14But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
I also never understood, and considered it an abuse of power, when the word Christmas was banned but Easter wasn't. What about Valentines Day, St Patricks Day (probably never mentioned because of the twi pention for drinking) and Mardi Gras? How about the practice of abstaining from Halloween and denying children of the all you can eat free candy while their friends got bags of it. And why was the word for Halloween not changed like Ho Ho Christmas was, surely Halloween was far more cinister than a holiday representing the birth of Christ and warm family traditions and memories!
Welcome now i are in good company here.
Actually there were name massacres for the rest...................
Easter was coined "Resurrection Sunday"
Halloween was "Bless and Treat",
Valentines Day was ''Happy Hearts Day"............
the rest wasn't that important enough to celebrate and change the name I guess.
These are still in my brain that I battle during all of them. I'll stick to the Americanized versions now.
I am surprised you didn't get this in your area. But for root locals and such, it was the norm.
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Hi Seth,
Have you already looked at the Way-speak + Greasespot-speak thread?
Actually, I think there have been a number of threads talking about Waybrain and the way words were used in that high-demand religious organization to control and manipulate us. Could someone more search-capable than myself find these threads?
(Not to hi-jack Seth's thread, but I'm also wondering if other sensory input act as "triggers"; certain sights, sounds, even smells and tastes.)
After almost 20 years of being away from that group, wayspeak doesn't hold me in its thrall like it used to. I think time and distance renders much of their control impotent.
I came across some old Way East and Way of New York Grapevine newsletters the other night. Reading them and trying to remember what I was thinking when I first read them was like examining myself from another life. I read them and thought, What did I see in this group? I volunteered nearly 16 years of my life toward the establishment of this group, wrapped my life around its schedule, all because I thought the "leadership" were working honestly to strip the bible of myth and error, and present it to us as it had not been known since the time of Paul and the other apostles.
Seth, that's one of the things that helps me with wayspeak (and Wayworld in general): these people were (and are) liars. They didn't honestly research the bible. They found things during their research that clearly contradicted Way dogma, and they were either extremely slow to correct them or else never did. They took other people's work and "made it their own." Literally.
And, they allowed the doctrines, policies, and edicts of abusive madmen to become "the law of the land," even when they knew better from what they knew the bible said. They ignored the many clear verses of living and conduct, and wrapped themselves in the few "difficult" verses. And usually only made them even more difficult to understand, much less to live.
When Waybrain occasionally pops into my head, I use my own version of wayspeak:
"Go a-way!!"
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Seth R.
That's not what I am talking about, and as far as I can see most of the people on this board won't get it because they still use it. I'm talking loaded language here, most are clueless as to what it is, I refuse to think there are nothing but a bunch of mindless zombies lurking and posting here. If you don't know what I'm talking about google "loaded language thought control"
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How about "first thought" -regardless if it's "right" or not!
this term was used alot !
This was used after the first Advanced Class was taught by
Dr. Wierwille and was the "usual saying" especially in my Wow Home.
After Craig and all his "malarky", he later taught "first thought" is usually NOT!
Guess it didn't line up with James 4:17!
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I've been reading up on loaded language. it's one of the things that showed me that TWI is indeed a cult.
I regularly have reactions of guilt, fear, and yes, the desire to vomit during normal conversations with people, expecially my kids. I have to work really hard not to panic, and especially not to correct every little thing that my kids talk about.... why? because they aren't saying anything wrong! I have so much fear of the appearance of evil because of TWI and my ex husband that I was a nervous wreck for years.
I'll try to keep track of my reactions and post the responsible words and phrases here.
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In the same way that a hypnotist uses "trigger words", twi employed the use of it's own wayspeak. Certain words or phrases would stop a person's mind cold and turn it towards cult obedience. Oftentimes a person would think through a situation logically, only to change their mind when one of these words or phrases were used on them.
"It's not best"...Meaning that no matter how logical or reasonable your decision on a certain matter was, you were wrong if it contradicted twi's directive. Twi taught that "good" was a tool of the devil and what THEY taught was "best".
"That the ministry be not blamed"...This was a verse from the bible that twi used maliciously to justify and cover up their own sinful activities. If you spoke out against something that twi was doing that was wrong, you were "off the word" because you were bringing blame to the ministry.
"Be not puffed up"...This was a verse that was always directed towards YOU, never THEM.
"Our father in the word"...A phrase used to command obedience to VPW. Totally unbiblical and insideous in it's nature, this phrase would trigger the concept that because you were taught the "word" from this man, he was now your "father" and therefore you were obligated to support his positions on just about everything and to be obedient to him as a soldier is to his commanding officer.
"Discerning of spirits"...A term that would rationalize and justify demonizing those who refused to capitulate to twi doctrine. Again, logic was abandoned the moment that a "leader" would inform you that so and so had a "devil spirit". How did he know?...discerning of spirits. Geer tried this on a grand scale during his "POP" speech...Doubtful that anyone involved with twi ever actually experienced this "mainifestation", it was used often when a "leader" wanted to both demonstrate his/her "spirituality" as well as direct people's thinking.
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Is this what you mean?…
"There is safety in a multitude of counselors" = made sure your TC or BC or LC know your business, inside & out, and DON'T for the love of God, go OFF alone w/ a decision... you might not be safe :o
'One's own' = IDIOT... if you were to 'go it alone', it would be IDIOTIC... stick w/ the group, get counsel, be safe :unsure: If you have an original idea, that is your own… it’s probably idiotic.
‘By his stripes you were healed’… this means if you’re sick then you’re NOT actively believing the Word, and you need to figure out where it is you're missing it!
‘Whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive’… if you have any type of need, you’re again NOT believing the Word, and should probably be watched.
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Seth R.
Awesome this is great we are on track here, Potato nailed it, this is what is needed for healing first recognize there is a problem. Good stuff so far keep it coming.
BTW welcome Potato I'm honored to have your 5th post be the 5th post on this thread, :) no numerology just fact.
Here's another one:
"Problem" in TWI we didn't have problems we had opportunities. I don't know what's wrong with the word problem, in math they are called problems that doesn't make them any harder to solve anymore then saying "I have a math opportunity" make it easier to solve.
"blessed" vs. "lucky" God forbid I be caught using the word lucky in casual conversation in the lobby of the Nerd over the World auditorium during the advanced class!
There were localized loaded language, especially in the mid to late '80's it seemed California had it's own set of words they used to trigger their people. Anyone care to contribute?
Edited by Seth R.Link to comment
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well yeah i want to contribute but it hurts me and makes me so sick how i loathed myself when "spoken to" aka reproved by leaders via wayspeak..... still wake up at night sometimes.....
and NOT just reproof
my sister (not way) told me i told her about some frikkin privilege of being taught crap by an older man. i told her she way lying.....
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"Happy Ho Ho"
I still hesitate every time I say Merry Christmas, but I do say it now, loud and proud just because I CAN!!!! (and I am allowed now!)
Boy, my mama is so happy.........
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if only happy ho ho was my problem..... no offense at all...... love,ex
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and the really weird thing, i don't know if i ever told this on greasespot before, my uncle said the exact same thing when i was a child. how would wierwille know ?
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Ex, Wierwille didn't mean Happy Holidys, he meant Happy Whores(being blessed by his ministry)

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i really don't think i was a whore and i certainly wasn't happy
but i know you didn't mean it that way
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Seth R.
The only thing I have for you is a hug, as big or little as you like, I'm not sure but I don't think I'm older then you. So take it or leave it I give you a hug.
[oh, should I derail my own thread? Seems to me VPW learned alot from those spiritualists and stayed tapped into the "lower power" how else would he know to say things that he did to so many?]
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love ya seth 1956 here
i was not trying to derail your thread either, but some of that wayspeak really did a number on me
i'll take a hug from you any day
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Always a negative
Always produced feelings of guilt and/or anger
Because the reality was that if you were being told to renew your mind that meant you -per "Infallible" leadership--
1) lacked believing
2) left your "spiritual Trapdoor" Open
3) Lack meekness to receive
4) were five senses orientated
5)Were listening to your "Old Man"
6) any combination of the above
And the icing on the cake was that "leadership" usually never got really specific about which combination it was--They either were very generic, or harped on one "weakness". Then when you fixed that "weakness" they came back at you with something else that apparently was a long term problem that somehow never got mentioned until now--now when you were just starting to feel better about yourself
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"travel by two"
this came about during the Y2K, I think.
anytime you needed to go anywhere, do anything, you were supposed to travel with at least one other person. This became such a hindrance and snare, and I felt guilty if I "broke" the rule.
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I always found "Happy Ho Ho" comical because it reminded me of "Ho Ho Ho" which we all know as the most famous quote uttered by that jolly man from the North Pole.
But more to the point of the thread. I think perhaps what we are talking about here are words and phrases that automatically "push our buttons" and elicit a predictable response.
For me this was evidensed on two different levels,especially in the workplace.
1.) I tried to follow authority somehow thinking they had the big picture in mind rather than their own private agenda. This is definately not good advise in the work-a-day world but at the same time it does not mean that everyone fits this profile.
2.) I become(notice present tense) Agitated by demands that have no purpose and sometimes even a negative purpose that are presented solely to demonstate a show of power.
I know this may seem a bit abstract but it is all very real when the correct button is pushed and stong emotions rear their heads.
Thankfully I am getting better at recognizing what is taking place and putting it all back into perspective.
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Seth R.
Actually you might be surprised to know this but the 2 by 2 started in the middle of the '92-'93 WOW year, right after one of the guys in our team left the field, his poor wife was in shock but stayed with the team. Funny how one person can effect the whole TWI policy. Can you say micromanagement?
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I gave this a lot of thought today and came up with 3 biggies for me:
"you're wrong", "your thinking is wrong" = any action, desire, idea, thought, inspiration that you can't line up with TWI doctrine for your leadership. The desire to do anything, to live somewhere, travel, join an activity to make friends, was suspect unless it could be justified in some way. there had to be some "spiritual" advantage (it couldn't just be because it was fun or I wanted to). Any thought or act was under suspicion, and if you could not show a good reason, you were wrong if leadership felt like you were.
"make a decision", "decide to live for God", blah blah etc. = you have 2 choices, do the Word (TWI doctrine or anything your FC on up approves of) or do what's wrong. that's the choice we're given, and we have to make a decision. bleah!!!
In the Word
"stay in the Word" = go to fellowship, submit to leadership, study the Word (approved topics, because if you have weakness in your life, you're not making the "right" Word your own) daily. lots of guilt motivation to crack open the bible every day as a supporting source when "working" Way mag, STS tapes, and what you hear in fellowship. if you're not "in the Word" you're out of step with God's will. being "in the Word" requires going to an approved fellowship, no one can be out on their own or they're easy prey for "the adversary". not "in the Word" = "out of fellowship" = easy prey for "the adversary" = your a$$ is grass.
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Interestingly enough, I have another in the post, I just realized:
ick. I can't go on, but I'm sure you all can fill in the blanks on that one.
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now I see
Right On to SethR. !!!
I never felt comfortable not being able to say Good Luck! to anyone because Waybrain said it was taboo. And the last time a psuedo leader proudly corrected me on saying I have a "problem" instead of "opportunity" I wanted to tell them to "bite me"...I wish I had!
I also never understood, and considered it an abuse of power, when the word Christmas was banned but Easter wasn't. What about Valentines Day, St Patricks Day (probably never mentioned because of the twi pention for drinking) and Mardi Gras? How about the practice of abstaining from Halloween and denying children of the all you can eat free candy while their friends got bags of it. And why was the word for Halloween not changed like Ho Ho Christmas was, surely Halloween was far more cinister than a holiday representing the birth of Christ and warm family traditions and memories!
I've got to conclude it was pride that caused whatever leader to stand up and get so picky about one word and not the others, it also smacks of a contolling power trip to keep the little people in line under the oppressive thumbs of those in charge, kinda like herding sheep.
Gal 6:12 As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.
13For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.
14But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
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Welcome now i are in good company here.
Actually there were name massacres for the rest...................
Easter was coined "Resurrection Sunday"
Halloween was "Bless and Treat",
Valentines Day was ''Happy Hearts Day"............
the rest wasn't that important enough to celebrate and change the name I guess.
These are still in my brain that I battle during all of them. I'll stick to the Americanized versions now.
I am surprised you didn't get this in your area. But for root locals and such, it was the norm.
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The MOST damaging words I considered...
"Any two believers can make a marriage work"
It sounded nice, almost like an insurance policy... but my mother's advice was better!
"Uphold the Standard of the Word" The only time I heard this, it was directly related to the 'standard of TWI', and it was meant to judge~
"Clean House" This meant there was thinking or activity that TWI didn't like, and they were ready to kick some people OUT! :unsure:
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