Wow. It looked like a mahvelous time! And man, that cherry scheese cake looked awesome! I know I would have chosen that one as number ONE. I love cherries! And the cake itself was so beautifull!
And Dooj, I did recognixe you! but, I was asking in that one post about which one of those guys was Tom Strange. And then later, someone posted his picture, and I decided surely that even though the caption said it was Tom Strange, it definitely was NOT Tom Strange, because I had not envisioned Tom looking that way at all. And so, sorry my Strange Friend Tom, but that wasn't you...Hah!
Well well, I just want to say that you all must have had quite a time, and I am glad that you did. Musta been just plain fine...
Holy guacamole, Rhino !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know which one I like more. Thanks – they're both GSC gems in my book!
excathedra said:
ohmyfruckinglord a prophet in our midst
Yes, Excathedra – truly the man has a gift! And I am truly humbled in all this. Remember – the Lord will always tell you first – but if you can't hear Him over the roar of everyone smacking their lips on some good BBQ – you're gonna be hearing from heaven another way .
You all have no idea how apprehensive I was of attending this BBQ. But lo and behold from the moment my feet crossed the threshold of Mr. & Mrs. Ex10's lovely home – my socially inept heart was put at ease - what incredible hosts! I kept trying to figure out exactly what I was experiencing. I've had these feelings before – couldn't place it – yet kept running it through this massive filing system of memories – and finally just accepted it as some kind of wonderful composite of every great fellowship I ever experienced. Like some Director's Cut – and my Lord was the director and He cut out all the bad stuff of TWI! No one had an agenda. No one was on an ego trip. No one had enough napkins.
…Geez – it was like being at some Hollywood gala – and celebrities kept calling in – sending their love and best wishes. And Krysilis, we were all just floored over the gourmet caramel apples you sent! Thanks!
Dooj - your minestrone was exquisite - and my vote goes to the Lemon Cheesecake.
Tom Strange - I wish I knew you way back when, brother! I think I would have learned a thing or two about walking by the Spirit - and probably would have left TWI a whole lot sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bagpipes, I've always enjoyed your posts - meeting you in person was like meeting an old friend.
Pawtucket, what have you done?!?! I'll tell yah my take on it - you've got some kind of amazing/healing/ministry thing happening with Grease Spot Café. I think it is one of the least restrictive environments for the Spirit of God to work in people's lives - and in such intricate, subtle ways.
...Holy cow! I wrote all the above last night right after we got home [my last edit time was about 11:08 PM] - I was wired and tired and grinning like a fool [ooops - gonna break into a Joan Osborn tune]. I wish the BBQ would have lasted longer. And I don't mean so I could have eaten more - but to get to visit more with TempleLady, Lori, George St. George and the Countess, Rich and Crispy, Mr. & Mrs. Rush7.
It was great meeting all of the brethren and sistern "in the flesh"... we had a great time! ...and it's good to see folks posting so's we know they made it home OK... now we have some faces to names ...and more memories...
paw has many, many more pictures but these give you the basic idea that we got together as "old friends" even though many of us had never met... it was that comfortable...
ex10 and "her beloved" were the most wonderful hosts ever, and although we didn't leave the place cleaner than before we got there, it was still in one piece!
dooj, T-Bone, Tonto and I live within about a half hour of each other and we had to go to the Woodlands to meet! ...but I'm glad that we did... my Mom even came along and had a wonderful time as well!
Much heartfelt thanks again to ex10 and her beloved for having us, many thanks to dooj for feeding us so much food (you could taste the love)...
Thanks to all that attended, you each really made it a special time! The rest of you folks who didn't make it... well... don't miss the next one!
What a hoot! The ex10's were such wonderful hosts...thank you guys so much!
Cheesecake? 1 (run) lemon
2 (zoo) chocolate
3 (tree) cherry (sorry, RR...that dooj can cook!)
Excath, it was so good to hear your voice on the phone...that made my night!
Krys, what a beautiful gesture to send those fancy-schmancy caramel apples to all of us...thank you.
Paw, thanks for the t-shirts...they're awesome!
Bagpipes, you are just cooler n' hell.
And Strangeone, I'm hearing that Twilight Zone music in my head knowing that in our pre-twi days we were at maaaaaany of the same concerts...brothers and sisters in the purple haze!
All the rest of you wonderful greasespots and spouses and moms of was a joy to meet all of you.
From the Pampas grass growing by the side of the road, the white herons (egrets?)
in the trees on the way to Ex10 fabulous house.
THe wonderful hospitality and welcome from Ex 10 and 10 1/2
the warm delicious minestrone soup waiting for us thanks to dooj
the fellowship
the fellowship was just unbelievable..
we laughed and we talked, and we laughed and talked some more.
I was prepared for some awkward silences and there weren't any ...
it was like we had done this a hundred time before.
the beef brisket, the homemade potato salad and coleslaw
the cheescake, those simply awesome carmel apples from krys
the food was to die for
not to mention the breakfast this AM thanks to our own "kitchen queen" Dooj
We had a fellowship this morning where we sat hand shared our hearts, listened to gospel music had prayer--just such a wonderful , sweet, loving spirit that you could feel in the room.
Getting to meet and talk to Lori again after 20+ years
sitting and talking with Crispey, Tonto, The countess, Dooj, Pipes, ex10
the guys, paw, and george, tom, t-bone, ex10 1/2
it was worth every dime, the 5 hour flight each way
the airport snafus
I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Thank you to one and all for making this weekend one I will forever treasure
What a wonderful time I had - that you to everyone for allowing me to cook and serve you. (I didn't do it all by myself BTW - Mr Ex10 was a major help in the food dept, as were Pipes and Tonto for helping me keep the kitchen clear.)
I would do it all again - anytime, anywhere - just to get to see all you folks sitting and enjoying each other.
Oh and Ex10:
"How's your Mama and 'em?"
(My Mama's fine. How's your Mama?") Sweet Potato Queens are cool.
Paw PM Ex10 about this one - she has an idea......
I'm just tickled to pieces for all y'all! I know first hand how much fun it is to get to finally meet fellow greasespots in person. And what a good looking bunch of greasespots y'all are!!
Tom, it IS like getting together with old friends, isn't it? I was so relieved at how easily we slipped into comfortable conversation, joking, eating & drinking just like we'd done this a million times before. And we have, right here, but there's something electric about getting to put faces, voices, names and personalities with the characters we're already so accustomed to online. Did you find yourselves calling each other by your GSpot names instead of your "real life" names? :P
T-Bone, I totally agree that Paw has a ministry. I think there is no way to put a price on the sanity, healed hearts, renewed relationships/friendships and even marriages that have come about as a result of his making the cafe such a warm, friendly place to hang out. As long as you stay away from the gum under the counters and don't make the cooks too angry.
Ex10, I was gonna wait until I got back to NC to write my thank yous, but alas I'll just send them from your keyboard...where your fingers will tap this week and where you will enjoy that awesome music I hear as I type. :)
You know the depth of gratitude I have for our time shared. NEVER in my imagination would I have pictured the past few days. It has been quite surreal. God's grace, mercy, lovingkindness, and spontaneity of circumstance are again manifest to my heart. I will treasure the memories and the very special gift.
(Edit here: And thanks to Mr. Pipes for the FF miles to get here and for allowing me the time to go. )
What a pleasure and delight to meet my brothers and sisters most of whom I have only known from behind a keyboard or a headset on a phone.
THANK YOU Mr. and Mrs. Ex 10 and Tucker and Fancy and the teenage Ex 10's...for opening your home to everyone!!!!!! And for the laughter!!! My ribs might be sore for a few days. (hee) Mom of Ex10..I know she must be proud of all her kids. And thanks to Ex's mom for playing taxi all weekend.
RichnChrispy....we have proof of the 1 degree separation. Ha!! Cleveland!!
Lori....thanks for your gentleness, laughter and beautiful smile.
Tonto....gosh.....what a heart of gold. Thanks for your ear. meeting a friend. It was great to open the door and look at the two of you and say, "I'm Bagpipes." chuckle
George St. George and the Countess....thanks for the stories around the porch.
Rush7 and was fun to meet you. Keep those kids a laughing Mrs. Rush!
Templelady....thank for your inspired gratitude and love.
Doojable.....finally!!!!!!! (LOL) I didn't hear you snore!! But then I hardly slept. Thanks for all the food...when are you gonna open a restaraunt? As Mr. Ex said, "Without your presence it would have been a non-event." (hee) My Momma and 'em are fine, btw.
Tom Strange...thanks for your generosity and kindness. What a pleasure to meet you face to face. I enjoyed again meeting your mom and the conversation shared.
Pawtucket.....this would not have happened if not for you. The connections God has transpired because you had the thought to start a cafe. Thanks for it all (and for the tee shirt.) "One Man Awake"....multiplies.
Hey Ex10! That book I was telling you about is called
"The Sweet Potato Queen's Big A$$ Cookbook"
Real fun - but DO NOT eat anything in that book without a full cardiological exam - I can't even read it without my blood sugar rising and my cholesterol going off the charts.
Hey Dooj! Sounds like my kinda food! Right now I have sweet potatoes (and not yams) baking in the oven, and beef tips over rice waiting to be consumed by my wife and ravenous progeny whenever the hell she gets home from her first day on the job with the State Of Alaska. Looooovvvvve them Sweet Potatoes!
And hey; Didja hear the one that Walter Cummins told at PFAL '77? :
Ya see, there was Maine Potato, and this Idaho Potato who went and got married. And, one day, they had a little baby! Yeah! And they decided that since their daughter was so sweet and beautiful, that she was a Sweet Potato! Well now. After that Sweet Potato grew up, she came home from college one day and said; "Mom and Dad? I want to tell you something. I'm getting married. And the man I am marrying is named Walter Chronkite! Isn't that wonderful?!?!" Well now. The parents of this Sweet Potato were not convivced, and they said to their little Sweet Potato daughter:
Why, you can't marry Walter Cronkit! He's only a "common tater!!!!!"
Yeah, Rev Cummins knew how to tell 'em. And ya know, I say "Rev" Cummins, because he was always so damned respectible. He is/was a good man, and one of the things about TWI that I am thankful to remember.....
Templelady, I forgot to thank you for the outrageous reindeer sausage you was wonderful! We enjoyed it Saturday night with the brisket and Sunday morning for breakfast.
Twinky, I noticed on the regular Texas thread that you mentioned spare ribs. The barbeque wasn't ribs but slow-smoked beef brisket from a place close to where T-Bone and I live called Hammer's BBQ. They got to slave over the hot smoker and all we had to do was pick them up!
Ex 10 and 101/2, you were great hosts...your house is beautiful...loved the colors...and the layout!! Not to mention your hospitality!!!!
Dooj, your cooking was exquisite, and your zest was there for all to see! Loved those pictures of you and Pipes dancing.......
Pipes, I equally enjoyed the fellowhip with you...You're such a fantastic woman...There's something about seems like you look deep into the soul of a person....and you love them...loved that about you...
Paw, you were there to record things and your insight you shared was awesome...
Tom Strange....Thanks for your humor...You were funny...So when I see your posts I will think of this funny guy....and thanks for bringing your mom
T Bone, thanks for what you shared earlier...I wish I could have had more time to get to know you guys...
Tonto, we should have talked more about the beautiful scenery you and I both like.
St George and the Countess, It seemed like we shared similar stories...
Mo, after all these years....hello again....Muwah!
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quite polished as said
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TWIG without TWI ....
that sounds great
or TWIGS without TWI = GS
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ohmyfruckinglord a prophet in our midst
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Har, Har, Har!! (Touche'!!!!)
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J0nny Ling0
Wow. It looked like a mahvelous time! And man, that cherry scheese cake looked awesome! I know I would have chosen that one as number ONE. I love cherries! And the cake itself was so beautifull!
And Dooj, I did recognixe you! but, I was asking in that one post about which one of those guys was Tom Strange. And then later, someone posted his picture, and I decided surely that even though the caption said it was Tom Strange, it definitely was NOT Tom Strange, because I had not envisioned Tom looking that way at all. And so, sorry my Strange Friend Tom, but that wasn't you...Hah!
Well well, I just want to say that you all must have had quite a time, and I am glad that you did. Musta been just plain fine...
Love you all so much....
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Holy guacamole, Rhino !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know which one I like more. Thanks – they're both GSC gems in my book!
Yes, Excathedra – truly the man has a gift! And I am truly humbled in all this. Remember – the Lord will always tell you first – but if you can't hear Him over the roar of everyone smacking their lips on some good BBQ – you're gonna be hearing from heaven another way
You all have no idea how apprehensive I was of attending this BBQ. But lo and behold from the moment my feet crossed the threshold of Mr. & Mrs. Ex10's lovely home – my socially inept heart was put at ease - what incredible hosts! I kept trying to figure out exactly what I was experiencing. I've had these feelings before – couldn't place it – yet kept running it through this massive filing system of memories – and finally just accepted it as some kind of wonderful composite of every great fellowship I ever experienced. Like some Director's Cut – and my Lord was the director and He cut out all the bad stuff of TWI! No one had an agenda. No one was on an ego trip. No one had enough napkins.
…Geez – it was like being at some Hollywood gala – and celebrities kept calling in – sending their love and best wishes. And Krysilis, we were all just floored over the gourmet caramel apples you sent! Thanks!
Dooj - your minestrone was exquisite - and my vote goes to the Lemon Cheesecake.
Tom Strange - I wish I knew you way back when, brother! I think I would have learned a thing or two about walking by the Spirit - and probably would have left TWI a whole lot sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bagpipes, I've always enjoyed your posts - meeting you in person was like meeting an old friend.
Pawtucket, what have you done?!?! I'll tell yah my take on it - you've got some kind of amazing/healing/ministry thing happening with Grease Spot Café. I think it is one of the least restrictive environments for the Spirit of God to work in people's lives - and in such intricate, subtle ways.
...Holy cow! I wrote all the above last night right after we got home [my last edit time was about 11:08 PM] - I was wired and tired and grinning like a fool [ooops - gonna break into a Joan Osborn tune]. I wish the BBQ would have lasted longer. And I don't mean so I could have eaten more - but to get to visit more with TempleLady, Lori, George St. George and the Countess, Rich and Crispy, Mr. & Mrs. Rush7.
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Tom Strange
It was great meeting all of the brethren and sistern "in the flesh"... we had a great time! ...and it's good to see folks posting so's we know they made it home OK... now we have some faces to names ...and more memories...
paw has many, many more pictures but these give you the basic idea that we got together as "old friends" even though many of us had never met... it was that comfortable...
ex10 and "her beloved" were the most wonderful hosts ever, and although we didn't leave the place cleaner than before we got there, it was still in one piece!
dooj, T-Bone, Tonto and I live within about a half hour of each other and we had to go to the Woodlands to meet! ...but I'm glad that we did... my Mom even came along and had a wonderful time as well!
Much heartfelt thanks again to ex10 and her beloved for having us, many thanks to dooj for feeding us so much food (you could taste the love)...
Thanks to all that attended, you each really made it a special time! The rest of you folks who didn't make it... well... don't miss the next one!
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What a hoot! The ex10's were such wonderful hosts...thank you guys so much!
Cheesecake? 1 (run) lemon
2 (zoo) chocolate
3 (tree) cherry (sorry, RR...that dooj can cook!)
Excath, it was so good to hear your voice on the phone...that made my night!
Krys, what a beautiful gesture to send those fancy-schmancy caramel apples to all of us...thank you.
Paw, thanks for the t-shirts...they're awesome!
Bagpipes, you are just cooler n' hell.
And Strangeone, I'm hearing that Twilight Zone music in my head knowing that in our pre-twi days we were at maaaaaany of the same concerts...brothers and sisters in the purple haze!
All the rest of you wonderful greasespots and spouses and moms of was a joy to meet all of you.
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From the Pampas grass growing by the side of the road, the white herons (egrets?)
in the trees on the way to Ex10 fabulous house.
THe wonderful hospitality and welcome from Ex 10 and 10 1/2
the warm delicious minestrone soup waiting for us thanks to dooj
the fellowship
the fellowship was just unbelievable..
we laughed and we talked, and we laughed and talked some more.
I was prepared for some awkward silences and there weren't any ...
it was like we had done this a hundred time before.
the beef brisket, the homemade potato salad and coleslaw
the cheescake, those simply awesome carmel apples from krys
the food was to die for
not to mention the breakfast this AM thanks to our own "kitchen queen" Dooj
We had a fellowship this morning where we sat hand shared our hearts, listened to gospel music had prayer--just such a wonderful , sweet, loving spirit that you could feel in the room.
Getting to meet and talk to Lori again after 20+ years
sitting and talking with Crispey, Tonto, The countess, Dooj, Pipes, ex10
the guys, paw, and george, tom, t-bone, ex10 1/2
it was worth every dime, the 5 hour flight each way
the airport snafus
I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Thank you to one and all for making this weekend one I will forever treasure
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OK - sleep deprevation is almost gone...
What a wonderful time I had - that you to everyone for allowing me to cook and serve you. (I didn't do it all by myself BTW - Mr Ex10 was a major help in the food dept, as were Pipes and Tonto for helping me keep the kitchen clear.)
I would do it all again - anytime, anywhere - just to get to see all you folks sitting and enjoying each other.
Oh and Ex10:
"How's your Mama and 'em?"

(My Mama's fine. How's your Mama?") Sweet Potato Queens are cool.
Paw PM Ex10 about this one - she has an idea......
Edited by doojableLink to comment
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I'm just tickled to pieces for all y'all!
I know first hand how much fun it is to get to finally meet fellow greasespots in person. And what a good looking bunch of greasespots y'all are!!
Tom, it IS like getting together with old friends, isn't it? I was so relieved at how easily we slipped into comfortable conversation, joking, eating & drinking just like we'd done this a million times before. And we have, right here, but there's something electric about getting to put faces, voices, names and personalities with the characters we're already so accustomed to online. Did you find yourselves calling each other by your GSpot names instead of your "real life" names? :P
T-Bone, I totally agree that Paw has a ministry. I think there is no way to put a price on the sanity, healed hearts, renewed relationships/friendships and even marriages that have come about as a result of his making the cafe such a warm, friendly place to hang out. As long as you stay away from the gum under the counters and don't make the cooks too angry.
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I Love Bagpipes
Ex10, I was gonna wait until I got back to NC to write my thank yous, but alas I'll just send them from your keyboard...where your fingers will tap this week and where you will enjoy that awesome music I hear as I type. :)
You know the depth of gratitude I have for our time shared. NEVER in my imagination would I have pictured the past few days. It has been quite surreal. God's grace, mercy, lovingkindness, and spontaneity of circumstance are again manifest to my heart. I will treasure the memories and the very special gift.
(Edit here: And thanks to Mr. Pipes for the FF miles to get here and for allowing me the time to go.
What a pleasure and delight to meet my brothers and sisters most of whom I have only known from behind a keyboard or a headset on a phone.
THANK YOU Mr. and Mrs. Ex 10 and Tucker and Fancy and the teenage Ex 10's...for opening your home to everyone!!!!!! And for the laughter!!! My ribs might be sore for a few days. (hee) Mom of Ex10..I know she must be proud of all her kids. And thanks to Ex's mom for playing taxi all weekend.
RichnChrispy....we have proof of the 1 degree separation. Ha!! Cleveland!!
Lori....thanks for your gentleness, laughter and beautiful smile.
Tonto....gosh.....what a heart of gold. Thanks for your ear. meeting a friend. It was great to open the door and look at the two of you and say, "I'm Bagpipes." chuckle
George St. George and the Countess....thanks for the stories around the porch.
Rush7 and was fun to meet you. Keep those kids a laughing Mrs. Rush!
Templelady....thank for your inspired gratitude and love.
Doojable.....finally!!!!!!! (LOL) I didn't hear you snore!! But then I hardly slept. Thanks for all the food...when are you gonna open a restaraunt? As Mr. Ex said, "Without your presence it would have been a non-event." (hee) My Momma and 'em are fine, btw.
Tom Strange...thanks for your generosity and kindness. What a pleasure to meet you face to face. I enjoyed again meeting your mom and the conversation shared.
Pawtucket.....this would not have happened if not for you. The connections God has transpired because you had the thought to start a cafe. Thanks for it all (and for the tee shirt.) "One Man Awake"....multiplies.
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LOL - Remember DON"T eat anything that "Needs to be eaten"
"These eggs have no needs - they don't need to be eaten - but they Don't NEED to travel!"
My Mama's fine - How's your mama?
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Hey Ex10! That book I was telling you about is called
"The Sweet Potato Queen's Big A$$ Cookbook"
Real fun - but DO NOT eat anything in that book without a full cardiological exam - I can't even read it without my blood sugar rising and my cholesterol going off the charts.
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J0nny Ling0
Hey Dooj! Sounds like my kinda food! Right now I have sweet potatoes (and not yams) baking in the oven, and beef tips over rice waiting to be consumed by my wife and ravenous progeny whenever the hell she gets home from her first day on the job with the State Of Alaska. Looooovvvvve them Sweet Potatoes!
And hey; Didja hear the one that Walter Cummins told at PFAL '77? :
Ya see, there was Maine Potato, and this Idaho Potato who went and got married. And, one day, they had a little baby! Yeah! And they decided that since their daughter was so sweet and beautiful, that she was a Sweet Potato! Well now. After that Sweet Potato grew up, she came home from college one day and said; "Mom and Dad? I want to tell you something. I'm getting married. And the man I am marrying is named Walter Chronkite! Isn't that wonderful?!?!" Well now. The parents of this Sweet Potato were not convivced, and they said to their little Sweet Potato daughter:
Why, you can't marry Walter Cronkit! He's only a "common tater!!!!!"
Yeah, Rev Cummins knew how to tell 'em. And ya know, I say "Rev" Cummins, because he was always so damned respectible. He is/was a good man, and one of the things about TWI that I am thankful to remember.....
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Templelady, I forgot to thank you for the outrageous reindeer sausage you was wonderful! We enjoyed it Saturday night with the brisket and Sunday morning for breakfast.
Twinky, I noticed on the regular Texas thread that you mentioned spare ribs. The barbeque wasn't ribs but slow-smoked beef brisket from a place close to where T-Bone and I live called Hammer's BBQ. They got to slave over the hot smoker and all we had to do was pick them up!
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You all are most certainly welcome for the reindeer sausage it was my pleasure to provide that treat from my home town.
For those of you wondering where you can get more , along with other Alaskan goodies such as salmon , moose and caribou here is the link to
the Alaska Sausage Co, web site
(Mo-shamelessly plugging one of her fav Anchorage shops LOL)
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J0nny Ling0
HEY!!! You Go Girl!!! Keep spreading the good word about Alaska!! We had "Halibut Aleyeska" tonight....Yumm!
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Hmm server not found.....
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Alaska Sausage
Try this link.
I'm afraid I could blow my entire grocery budget on there!
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I got in just fine, Rum. That link works for me.
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I am still reminiscing!!!!
I had such a great time!!!!
Ex 10 and 101/2, you were great hosts...your house is beautiful...loved the colors...and the layout!! Not to mention your hospitality!!!!
Dooj, your cooking was exquisite, and your zest was there for all to see! Loved those pictures of you and Pipes dancing.......
Pipes, I equally enjoyed the fellowhip with you...You're such a fantastic woman...There's something about seems like you look deep into the soul of a person....and you love them...loved that about you...
Paw, you were there to record things and your insight you shared was awesome...
Tom Strange....Thanks for your humor...You were funny...So when I see your posts I will think of this funny guy....and thanks for bringing your mom
T Bone, thanks for what you shared earlier...I wish I could have had more time to get to know you guys...
Tonto, we should have talked more about the beautiful scenery you and I both like.
St George and the Countess, It seemed like we shared similar stories...
Mo, after all these years....hello again....Muwah!
Rush 7 and wifey...nice meeting you...
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Will there be more pictures with who's who? Which man is T-Bone? And who is ex10 1/2?.... who's the lady standing at ex10's right in the girls photo?
Just wondering
Hey... watersedge probably knows
should I call him & ask? ~
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Tom Strange
the lady to ex10's right is rush7's better half... (nbw I think)... T-Bone is the guy in the red shirt (the one with all of the gray hair!)
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