We love Halloween but rarely do more than carve a pumpkin or two. I use stencils that I place on the pumpkin and they come out looking great! When the kids were younger we'd take them out trick-or-treating. We have fond memories of those times. Now, we wonder how many kids we're going to get at the door as some years are better than others. We always buy WAY too much candy. Don't want to run out you know .
We dress up, trick or treat, pass out candy and go to the school's party :)
Living in a predominantly religious area, there are many families that trick or treat in a church parking lot, or go to private parties with their children.
My preference for costumes and decorations would be cute, harvest type, or something imaginative without all the horror and gore~
Halloween around here is done only because I still have a kid at home, she's 11 and still into it and still wants me to take her trick or treating. Her costume this year is some kinda bloody doctor creation. I expect her interest in having me go with her won't last but a few more years, so I enjoy it while it lasts.
She's already made a bunch of her annual home made decorations for our windows and hanging from the ceilings throughout our house. That's the extent of our decorations and we always carve a pumpkin for the front porch.
Our house can't be seen from the road, so we never get trick or treaters.
We still have candy in the freezer from last year. Eating the stuff isn't our thing,she just likes getting it.
I LOVE Halloween but don't do much in the way of decorations. I do put a pumpkin in the window, though.
I'll dress up, put Vixen's Halloween bandana on her and we'll pass out candy to the kiddos who come by. Usually they say, "Hi, Vixen" before they say "trick or treat"
There are a lot of children on my street and in the surrounding neighborhoods so we always get a bunch of visitors. I just love it!! Especially the little ones who are so excited. It's just a great night for me since I don't have any kids of my own.
Our company supports an annual fundraiser at the local Children's Zoo called "Boo at the Zoo". We man a booth and give out treats to the ravening hordes! Two years ago I dressed in a cow costume, complete with rubber udders. I was shocked ;) shocked I tell you, at the number of "soccer moms" who wanted to play with those udders :wub:
We'll also participate ina ritual circle in homor of Samhain, but that will probably be on the Saturday following. I'm trying to come up with a scary costume to wear while giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters.
I'm involved in a teen caravan/party to different Haunted House sites in the area. One of the grave yards is doing a tour but it sounds more like an 'Our Town' type with actors talking about their lives rather than fright night stuff. I'm looking forward to that, sounds like an opportunity to see some local history, local characters.
A couple friends and I will get together on Sat, night for our own little celebration. There are some larger open circles in the area, some require a bit of driving...don't know if I'll get involved in any.
My husband Dave and his band have a standing gig at a huge halloween party east of town in the foothills. All band members and wives/girlfriends dress up according to a theme. Last years was famous rock stars. I was Janis Joplin and Dave was Neil Young.
This year the theme is Alice in Wonderland. I have been assigned as the Door Mouse, and Dave as the White Knight. Word has it that he will be wearing white tights with cape and white boots, and a white tri-corner revolutionary war type hat with white plume sticking out the top. Should be interesting....
I want to come and spend Halloween with all of you!
My neighborhood goes nuts with the Halloween decorating. Some houses are real cute, some are scarey, and some just make you wonder what they were thinking! I don't remember Halloween decorations when I was a kid, except for jack-o-lanterns. I don't know when it got so big. The people across the street put orange lights around their house, like Christmas lights. We put black cat clings in the window, and call it a day. Our house looks so plain during the holidays.
We carved pumpkins when the kids were little, then Drty Dzn would toast the seeds. Mmmmmmm!! Maybe we can get a pumpkin this year.
Oakspear, OMG! There was a man I worked with a few years ago that must have borrowed your cow costume and wore it on Halloween during work. But working with nursing home residents, he had to do alot of bending and he said the utters got in his way. So, HE WORE IT BACKWARDS! LOL! He was told to turn it around or take it off though. The bosses didn't like the placement of the tail.
I'm trying to come up with a scary costume to wear while giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters.
How about a white costume with rainbow trim and headband, and a big, big forehead?
(Will need a "bald" headpiece)
Some people still wake up sweating if that flashes in their dreams....
I LOVE Halloween but don't do much in the way of decorations. I do put a pumpkin in the window, though.
I'll dress up, put Vixen's Halloween bandana on her and we'll pass out candy to the kiddos who come by. Usually they say, "Hi, Vixen" before they say "trick or treat"
There are a lot of children on my street and in the surrounding neighborhoods so we always get a bunch of visitors. I just love it!! Especially the little ones who are so excited. It's just a great night for me since I don't have any kids of my own.
Well, you have a cute dog, in a costume, which adds cuteness.
And you give out candy.
Of course the kids are going to remember to stop by.
Any thoughts to trying a different costume for her once in a while?
I am not into Halloween much, due to it's pagan origns. But we do give out candy, and the kids do the costume thing. Once though, I dressed in my three piece suit, had my hair perfectly styled like a tv preacher and even had hairspray on it, carried a brief case to the Halloween party, and when people asked who or what I was, I tiold them that I was a "Lawyer", as they drew back in horror!
We are thinking though, of handing out beef jerky to the trick or treaters this year for a treat. Do a little "God Slaughterin" ya know...
I'm trying to come up with a scary costume to wear while giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters.
Here's an idea, something I did and won BEST COSTUME ....
Dress up in an ALL WHITE nurse or doctor uniform, long black hair wig, white face paint on ALL showing skin, black eyeliner covering the eye socket area, black lips, long black artificial nails, short fang mouth piece, with a trickle of red coming from one side of the mouth.
The first time I still lived at home. The second time I was a WOW in Hawaii, and wore this to work at BURGER KING The last time was in 1987, there was a couple that had just left the family corps living near us... the husband couldn't believe it was me, and after he realized it was, was visibly disturbed, and asked me to leave :unsure:
Every time I dressed like this it freaked people out!
Looked through ALL known boxes of pictures... it's not there. Must have been tossed during the time we were to 'get rid of anything that doesn't remind you of the Word'. That was to include any people that were NO LONGER STANDING...
Years of my life have big chunks missing in the picture area.... :(
We LOVE Halloween! We decorate the yard with the huge, tacky, inflatable decorations. I also put a grave yard out front, complete with bones. I always dress up to take the kids out and to pass out candy. Usually I dress as a witch. I finally got tired of trying to get all the green face paint off, so last year I bought a mask.
Around here, I think Halowween costs almost as much as Christmas. On the plus side though, the kids love the costumes and will wear them while playing off and on throughout the years until they outgrow them. My youngest still plays in his Hulk costume from 2 or 3 years ago, even though he can barely squeeze into it now.
We are thinking though, of handing out beef jerky to the trick or treaters this year for a treat. Do a little "God Slaughterin" ya know...
That would be way too gruesome, even for Halloween. Try handing out this instead.
Does anyone remember The Coneheads on SNL? They would hand out beer and eggs on Halloween. I remember they called the eggs chicken embryos, but I forget what they called beer. Does anyone remember?
New house addition.....>>>>Good stuff here..........we certainly enjoy it even in our old way days........just updated my web page with a new front yard addition.......check it out on the above link.
Last year hubby Dave dressed like the High Plains Drifter in oversized brown duster, cowboy boots, hat, and riding gloves.
We had an old antique table setup in the middle of the driveway with no cars or anything else around. On the table were a lit pumpkin, and an old wooden bowl of candy with a water-filled latex glove buried just under the surface. All other house lights were off.
Seated behind the table, slunk down in an old chair, with both gloved hands flat on the table and head hanging down as if dead, sat hubby, the High Plains Drifter, deathly still. I was hiding in the yard to watch the reactions.
People approached this table very slowly, even parents. One set of parents refused to let their kids approach the table and skipped the house altogether. Those that were brave enuf to approach the table kind of looked around a little. Most tried to look under the brim of hubby's hat and most concluded that hubby was a stuffed dummy.
Then, when they reached into the candy bowl, most were treated to the nice feel of a clammy pudgy squishy hand. At that moment, hubby would reach out and grab whoever had their hand in the bowl. Ohmygod. I swear people screamed, ran, jumped back, probably some even wet their pants. One little girl started crying (for that one he took the hat off and tried to convince her that it was just a joke). Some parents waiting in the street for their kids just cracked up laughing.
Anyhow, our house was the hit of the neighborhood. The neighbor told me that people several streets over were telling other kids about the scary house with the dead guy sitting behind the table.
The whole thing was just really easy to setup, and the costume was just some of Daves normal clothes put on in the right combination, no makeup or anything. But boy, was it ever effective.
Does anyone remember The Coneheads on SNL? They would hand out beer and eggs on Halloween. I remember they called the eggs chicken embryos, but I forget what they called beer. Does anyone remember?
"We will cease dispensing the canned consumables. It is permissable to dispense fried chicken embryos?"
That's all THEY called the beer. (Besides "beer" when handing it out once.)
The other parents ("We LOVE your costumes!") called it "liquor" and
Last year hubby Dave dressed like the High Plains Drifter in oversized brown duster, cowboy boots, hat, and riding gloves....
Seated behind the table, slunk down in an old chair, with both gloved hands flat on the table and head hanging down as if dead, sat hubby, the High Plains Drifter, deathly still. I was hiding in the yard to watch the reactions...
The whole thing was just really easy to setup, and the costume was just some of Daves normal clothes put on in the right combination, no makeup or anything. But boy, was it ever effective.
Kudos to him for being able to SIT STILL that long. I tried that once and got bored after the first 1/2 hour.
The SIMPLE concepts are often the most effective ones. One year I put that into practice, too.
I put up a HUGE sign that said "Beware of the werewolf", which was big enough to read from many steps
away, but small enough that you'd have to read it as you approached-unless you were smart enough to stop
your ENTIRE group and read. And who can stop a handful of kids when they see an obvious indicator free
candy is imminent?
As they approached the door, I sprang out of plain sight in a werewolf outfit.
How close I let them get, or how much I moved, depended on the size of the kids.
(The smallest, I stayed where I was. The teenagers were treated to a leaping werewolf as they got
CLOSE to him.) Naturally, NOBODY (3 people all night) saw me coming because they were all focused
on the sign and figured I'd spring out from behind the door, and they were safe until they rang the
doorbell. (The sign was to HIDE the werewolf, not WARN them. )
After I sprang out, I immediately said-sounding annoyed-
"Can't you read?
It SAYS *pointing* 'Beware of the werewolf!' " and handed out candy.
A lot of the parents and all of the teenagers got a big laugh out of that one.
Yeah, they WERE warned well in advance....
Well, the main laugh for the parents is some relief from the fairly monotonous door-to-door,
and the teenagers didn't have a real Halloween without ONE decent "boo" incident.
Frankly, the disappointment that year was the little effort spent on costumes by the families &
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We love Halloween but rarely do more than carve a pumpkin or two. I use stencils that I place on the pumpkin and they come out looking great! When the kids were younger we'd take them out trick-or-treating. We have fond memories of those times. Now, we wonder how many kids we're going to get at the door as some years are better than others. We always buy WAY too much candy. Don't want to run out you know
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We dress up, trick or treat, pass out candy and go to the school's party :)
Living in a predominantly religious area, there are many families that trick or treat in a church parking lot, or go to private parties with their children.
My preference for costumes and decorations would be cute, harvest type, or something imaginative without all the horror and gore~
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Halloween around here is done only because I still have a kid at home, she's 11 and still into it and still wants me to take her trick or treating. Her costume this year is some kinda bloody doctor creation. I expect her interest in having me go with her won't last but a few more years, so I enjoy it while it lasts.
She's already made a bunch of her annual home made decorations for our windows and hanging from the ceilings throughout our house. That's the extent of our decorations and we always carve a pumpkin for the front porch.
Our house can't be seen from the road, so we never get trick or treaters.
We still have candy in the freezer from last year. Eating the stuff isn't our thing,she just likes getting it.
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I LOVE Halloween but don't do much in the way of decorations. I do put a pumpkin in the window, though.
I'll dress up, put Vixen's Halloween bandana on her and we'll pass out candy to the kiddos who come by. Usually they say, "Hi, Vixen" before they say "trick or treat"
There are a lot of children on my street and in the surrounding neighborhoods so we always get a bunch of visitors. I just love it!! Especially the little ones who are so excited. It's just a great night for me since I don't have any kids of my own.
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Our company supports an annual fundraiser at the local Children's Zoo called "Boo at the Zoo". We man a booth and give out treats to the ravening hordes!
Two years ago I dressed in a cow costume, complete with rubber udders. I was shocked ;) shocked I tell you, at the number of "soccer moms" who wanted to play with those udders :wub:
We'll also participate ina ritual circle in homor of Samhain, but that will probably be on the Saturday following. I'm trying to come up with a scary costume to wear while giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters.
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I'm involved in a teen caravan/party to different Haunted House sites in the area. One of the grave yards is doing a tour but it sounds more like an 'Our Town' type with actors talking about their lives rather than fright night stuff. I'm looking forward to that, sounds like an opportunity to see some local history, local characters.
A couple friends and I will get together on Sat, night for our own little celebration. There are some larger open circles in the area, some require a bit of driving...don't know if I'll get involved in any.
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My husband Dave and his band have a standing gig at a huge halloween party east of town in the foothills. All band members and wives/girlfriends dress up according to a theme. Last years was famous rock stars. I was Janis Joplin and Dave was Neil Young.
This year the theme is Alice in Wonderland. I have been assigned as the Door Mouse, and Dave as the White Knight. Word has it that he will be wearing white tights with cape and white boots, and a white tri-corner revolutionary war type hat with white plume sticking out the top. Should be interesting....
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sounds like fun we have a costume party at our club each year
i am trying to talk my wife to go as adam ane eve but she says eveyone would think i was eve!
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I want to come and spend Halloween with all of you!
My neighborhood goes nuts with the Halloween decorating. Some houses are real cute, some are scarey, and some just make you wonder what they were thinking! I don't remember Halloween decorations when I was a kid, except for jack-o-lanterns. I don't know when it got so big. The people across the street put orange lights around their house, like Christmas lights. We put black cat clings in the window, and call it a day. Our house looks so plain during the holidays.
We carved pumpkins when the kids were little, then Drty Dzn would toast the seeds. Mmmmmmm!! Maybe we can get a pumpkin this year.
Oakspear, OMG! There was a man I worked with a few years ago that must have borrowed your cow costume and wore it on Halloween during work. But working with nursing home residents, he had to do alot of bending and he said the utters got in his way. So, HE WORE IT BACKWARDS! LOL! He was told to turn it around or take it off though. The bosses didn't like the placement of the tail.
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How about a white costume with rainbow trim and headband, and a big, big forehead?
(Will need a "bald" headpiece)
Some people still wake up sweating if that flashes in their dreams....
Well, you have a cute dog, in a costume, which adds cuteness.
And you give out candy.
Of course the kids are going to remember to stop by.
Any thoughts to trying a different costume for her once in a while?
Just asking.
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J0nny Ling0
I am not into Halloween much, due to it's pagan origns. But we do give out candy, and the kids do the costume thing. Once though, I dressed in my three piece suit, had my hair perfectly styled like a tv preacher and even had hairspray on it, carried a brief case to the Halloween party, and when people asked who or what I was, I tiold them that I was a "Lawyer", as they drew back in horror!
We are thinking though, of handing out beef jerky to the trick or treaters this year for a treat. Do a little "God Slaughterin" ya know...
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Here's an idea, something I did and won BEST COSTUME ....
Dress up in an ALL WHITE nurse or doctor uniform, long black hair wig, white face paint on ALL showing skin, black eyeliner covering the eye socket area, black lips, long black artificial nails, short fang mouth piece, with a trickle of red coming from one side of the mouth.
The first time I still lived at home. The second time I was a WOW in Hawaii, and wore this to work at BURGER KING
The last time was in 1987, there was a couple that had just left the family corps living near us... the husband couldn't believe it was me, and after he realized it was, was visibly disturbed, and asked me to leave :unsure:
Every time I dressed like this it freaked people out!
I'm going to look for that picture...
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J0nny Ling0
Eeuuuwww! :blink:
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Looked through ALL known boxes of pictures... it's not there. Must have been tossed during the time we were to 'get rid of anything that doesn't remind you of the Word'. That was to include any people that were NO LONGER STANDING...
Years of my life have big chunks missing in the picture area.... :(
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We LOVE Halloween! We decorate the yard with the huge, tacky, inflatable decorations. I also put a grave yard out front, complete with bones. I always dress up to take the kids out and to pass out candy. Usually I dress as a witch. I finally got tired of trying to get all the green face paint off, so last year I bought a mask.
Around here, I think Halowween costs almost as much as Christmas. On the plus side though, the kids love the costumes and will wear them while playing off and on throughout the years until they outgrow them. My youngest still plays in his Hulk costume from 2 or 3 years ago, even though he can barely squeeze into it now.
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mischief night is big here, lotsa toilet paper !!!!
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That would be way too gruesome, even for Halloween. Try handing out this instead.
Does anyone remember The Coneheads on SNL? They would hand out beer and eggs on Halloween. I remember they called the eggs chicken embryos, but I forget what they called beer. Does anyone remember?
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Last year hubby Dave dressed like the High Plains Drifter in oversized brown duster, cowboy boots, hat, and riding gloves.
We had an old antique table setup in the middle of the driveway with no cars or anything else around. On the table were a lit pumpkin, and an old wooden bowl of candy with a water-filled latex glove buried just under the surface. All other house lights were off.
Seated behind the table, slunk down in an old chair, with both gloved hands flat on the table and head hanging down as if dead, sat hubby, the High Plains Drifter, deathly still. I was hiding in the yard to watch the reactions.
People approached this table very slowly, even parents. One set of parents refused to let their kids approach the table and skipped the house altogether. Those that were brave enuf to approach the table kind of looked around a little. Most tried to look under the brim of hubby's hat and most concluded that hubby was a stuffed dummy.
Then, when they reached into the candy bowl, most were treated to the nice feel of a clammy pudgy squishy hand. At that moment, hubby would reach out and grab whoever had their hand in the bowl. Ohmygod. I swear people screamed, ran, jumped back, probably some even wet their pants. One little girl started crying (for that one he took the hat off and tried to convince her that it was just a joke). Some parents waiting in the street for their kids just cracked up laughing.
Anyhow, our house was the hit of the neighborhood. The neighbor told me that people several streets over were telling other kids about the scary house with the dead guy sitting behind the table.
The whole thing was just really easy to setup, and the costume was just some of Daves normal clothes put on in the right combination, no makeup or anything. But boy, was it ever effective.
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"We will cease dispensing the canned consumables. It is permissable to dispense fried chicken embryos?"
That's all THEY called the beer. (Besides "beer" when handing it out once.)
The other parents ("We LOVE your costumes!") called it "liquor" and
"six-packs of brewski."
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Kudos to him for being able to SIT STILL that long. I tried that once and got bored after the first 1/2 hour.
The SIMPLE concepts are often the most effective ones. One year I put that into practice, too.
I put up a HUGE sign that said "Beware of the werewolf", which was big enough to read from many steps
away, but small enough that you'd have to read it as you approached-unless you were smart enough to stop
your ENTIRE group and read. And who can stop a handful of kids when they see an obvious indicator free
candy is imminent?
As they approached the door, I sprang out of plain sight in a werewolf outfit.
How close I let them get, or how much I moved, depended on the size of the kids.
(The smallest, I stayed where I was. The teenagers were treated to a leaping werewolf as they got
CLOSE to him.) Naturally, NOBODY (3 people all night) saw me coming because they were all focused
on the sign and figured I'd spring out from behind the door, and they were safe until they rang the
doorbell. (The sign was to HIDE the werewolf, not WARN them.
After I sprang out, I immediately said-sounding annoyed-
"Can't you read?
It SAYS *pointing* 'Beware of the werewolf!' " and handed out candy.
A lot of the parents and all of the teenagers got a big laugh out of that one.
Yeah, they WERE warned well in advance....
Well, the main laugh for the parents is some relief from the fairly monotonous door-to-door,
and the teenagers didn't have a real Halloween without ONE decent "boo" incident.
Frankly, the disappointment that year was the little effort spent on costumes by the families &
kids and stuff.
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J0nny Ling0
Check this halloween clip...
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jonny i don't know how to paste and post or whatever it is called but for a real riot go to you tube and search for the life and death of a pumpkin
it's a riot let me know what you think
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