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The Amish

J0nny Ling0

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Ya know, I could never live like the Amish do, but maybe there is a lesson to be learned by them. They are very strict and appear to be very legalistic, but by George, they live their creed, do not push it on others. And here after such an horrible tragedy, they are willing to forgive this guy who hurt them so terribly badly, snuffing out the lives of four sweet little girls in but a moment. All of these little girls, were the daughters of some proud papa. This thing has saddened me so deeply.

But, they do believe in Jesus, and they do believe in the doctrine of forgiveness as Jesus taught us, and they stand by it. One Amish man, as quoted in the following article says that they must forgive and not allow bitterness to have it's way, or something to that effect. It is hard to imagine after such an emotional train wreck a sentiment such as this, but they really must live their creed. I think that this is something for all of us to learn a lesson from, so that we can move on with life after TWI...

Here is the article


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We have some close Amish friends. Met them after following an 'Eggs For Sale' sign, down a LONG dirt road.

They speak a broken German in their home, and my Mom's from Germany.

We hit it off right away, and have been back to visit many times. We're invited in each time, once for a Birthday Party, where we sat around their HUGH oak table, eating cake & ice cream, sang some Birthday songs to them, and Sam, the husband kept making JOKES to my husband about his Profession... an ELECTRICIAN :biglaugh:

This family had a pay phone installed by their barn, and they will call just to say hello, keep us abreast of the family happenings, or sometimes to place an 'order' from Sam's Club. We share birthday greetings, and Christmas Presents.

They DO live what they preach, and they'll answer any question you have...

They are strict with their children. My Parents went to one of their weddings. The children ate at a different table than the adults. (and the adult male & female’s were separated) There were LOTS of little kids, ALL SILENT, and basically MOTIONLESS for HOURS!

There is a dark side, a very dark side, riddled with abuse and horrid crimes, usually against women & children... but the outside world doesn't hear much about that stuff... :( It would be nice for it they were as they seemed, peaceful & good.... Unfortunately, what goes on is sometimes worse than TWI... :(

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I have a friends who husband grew up Amish. They have very strong work ethics. Seems like most of them have left thier community's. He sells his cousin's Amish made lawn furniture as a business and raked in 6 figures a year..THey are going to build a 6 stall barn for a different friend of mine in Virginia, im so excited for her..Im sure it will be a masterpeice. THey cherish the simple things in life....

It's a horrible story about the attack on the school....they will blame it on the craziness of this world....they will be 100% right!!

Edited by likeaneagle
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SafariVista, I remember hearing about the abuse and thinking how sad because some of it is worse than anything we could imagine. :(

I'm glad that teacher got to a phone when she did, though. It sounds like that guy had planned on torturing those poor young girls for a very, very long time before killing them. The police getting there so quickly is the only thing that saved them. Imagine how quickly they could have gotten there if there had been a phone closer to the school house.

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This is such a heavy topic~

The Amish children are obedient, I've never seen them talk back or question ANYTHING, except the little 5 year old, who's house we were in, she was asking her Mom in a tiny whisper about my clothes, hair, jewelry & nail polish, all while hiding behind 'Mom's Dress', peeking out and getting a glimpse of the 'outsider'.

We first met our 'Friends' in 1988 after our daughter was born. We were in TWI, I was a cosmetologist and my husband an electrician. Two services they did not ‘Believe in’, AND I had QUESTIONS about their 'Faith'...

I think I acted like an idiot with my way brain and all :rolleyes:

This recent crime is a PRIME example of why child molester/pedophiles should DIE... this guy did horrible things to LITTLE three & four year old girls when he was 12 :realmad: and he liked it, couldn't get it off his mind... and 'went out of his mind'... ready to DO IT AGAIN & DIE AFTERWARDS~

sick, just sick

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Yup, Safari, if that molester had been dead, those sweet little girls would be enjoying a wonderful Autumn in such a lovely place on this very night or day. Harvest time is a wonderful time amongst those folks back there. But now they sleep the long sleep as their loved ones weep... :(

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It's horrible! I can't imagine how ANYONE could harm young children...It's so hurtful and disgusting. I agree, SV, the death penalty would save many broken hearts....especially if they have no remorse.

Forgiveness, honestly Jonny, if it were one of my children, I don't think I could.

I think you have a good point. Bitterness is an entrapment I don't like either. Bitterness poisons from the inside out, and keeps its prisoner in a hopeless dungeon instead of needed light to sort through things. I think understanding is a great key to forgiveness. If you can understand why someone does something, at least you can empathize.

I'll admit I may have some growing to do, but I don't think I could understand the insanity of such an act.

And yes, our experiences with twi pale in comparison to this even if we have been hurt. It's the same adversary, just a different day.


Edited by lori
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this hurts me too much to even think about it

i lived very close to amish country in the early 70's {easton pa} they are such warm loving people

i wouldn't like to live them but i have the utmost respect for them

so sad

let's not forget to say a prayer for that sicko"s family too

they must feel terrerble so sad

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I do not know if I could forgive someone who did that to one of my children either. But amazingly, that is what God asks of us because He does know of the rot and decay that will happen within our lives if we do not forgive, but rather live in bitternsess.

I am just saying that it is amazing to me to read of the way so manyof these Amish responded. It is like; "They practice what they preach! What a concept!....

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That is part of why this is just so freaking hard.

I can't feel that yet, I want to bring him back to life and kick the crap out of him till I have no strength to do more. I don't care if he was messed up mentally. Most of us are to some degree.

I admire them more than I can say.

And I ache for them more than I can say also.

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This gave me cold chills when I first heard it.

Oct. 5, 2006 — The oldest of the five Amish girls shot dead in a Pennsylvania schoolhouse is said to have stepped forward and asked her killer to "Shoot me first," in an apparent effort to buy time for her schoolmates.

Rita Rhoads, a midwife who delivered two of the victims, told ABC News' Law and Justice Unit that she learned of 13-year-old Marian Fisher's plea from Fisher's family.

What's more, Fisher's 11-year-old sister, Barbie, who survived the shooting, allegedly asked the gunman, Charles Carl Roberts IV, to "Shoot me second," Rhoads said.

"They were amazing," Rhoads said, "absolutely amazing. There was a tremendous amount of calm and courage in that schoolroom."

"Marian, the oldest one, did ask to be shot first," Rhoads said. "The faith of their fathers really was embedded in them. … How many adults are willing to do that? Not many."

Marian Fisher is being buried today, along with Naomi Rose Ebersole, 7, and sisters Mary Liz Miller, 8, and Lena Miller, 7.

Anna Mae Stoltzfus, 12, is to be buried on Friday. (ABC News)

Wow. Pretty unbelievable. I don't know that there are very many people of any age that could do something like that.

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Oct. 5, 2006 — The oldest of the five Amish girls shot dead in a Pennsylvania schoolhouse is said to have stepped forward and asked her killer to "Shoot me first," in an apparent effort to buy time for her schoolmates.

. . . What's more, Fisher's younger sister, Barbie, who survived the shooting, allegedly asked the gunman, Charles Carl Roberts IV, to "Shoot me second," Rhoads said. . . .

I would say this comes under the category of "living what you speak." Reminds me of Proverbs 20:11: "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

The Message version has it, Young people eventually reveal by their actions if their motives are on the up and up.

I hope I could be so courageous.

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Having been born and raised in Lancaster, PA...I was heart -sick when I saw the news in our chow hall TV; that's when I first heard about it.

I have many Amish friends and although they may have some off-the-wall doctrine...they are very-very sweet people and I cherish the friendships I've made. I sure do miss them sometimes!

Nevertheless...that SOB is not taking-up anymore air

My heart and prayers go out to the families!

lancasteronline.com has a link if anyone cares to donate to the families to cover their hospital expenses.

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Amish Community Forgives Killer and Raises Money for His Family

"The hurt is very great, but they don't balance the hurt with hate."

WND/TN (Oct 5th, 2006)

In what's being called a stunning example of "the imitation of Christ," WorldNetDaily reports that the Amish community devastated by the cold-blooded murder of five of its schoolgirls is raising money for the killer's family.

Dwight Lefever, a spokesman for the Roberts family, said an Amish neighbor comforted the killer's family and extended forgiveness to them after the shooting, the Associated Press reports.

Barry Wigmore, reporting for the UK's Daily Mail wrote, "One of the few non-Amish guests invited to the funeral of seven-year-old Naomi Rose Ebersole, the first little girl to be buried, was Marie Roberts, the killer's wife. With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Roberts sat in the back of one of the 34 black horse-drawn carriages that were part of the funeral cortege behind Naomi's horse-drawn hearse. On the way from the church to the hilltop cemetery, the procession passed Mrs. Roberts' home where her husband, Charles, loaded up his guns before heading for the little village school on Monday."

Reacting to the Amish outpouring of support for the killer's family, columnist Rod Dreher wrote: "Yesterday on NBC News, I saw an Amish midwife who had helped birth several of the girls murdered by the killer say that they were planning to take food over to his family's house. She said – and I paraphrase closely – "This is possible if you have Christ in your heart."

And Journalist Tom Shachtman, who wrote a book on Amish culture called "Rumspringa: To Be or Not to Be Amish," told the New York Times: "This is imitation of Christ at its most naked. If anybody is going to turn the other cheek in our society, it's going to be the Amish. I don't want to denigrate anybody else who says they're imitating Christ, but the Amish walk the walk as much as they talk the talk." Amish expert Gertrude Huntington noted, "They know their children are going to Heaven. They know their children are innocent ... and they know that they will join them in death. The hurt is very great," she told the Associated Press. "But they don't balance the hurt with hate." --Source: WorldNetDaily, AP, Daily Mail

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My oh my, I am speechless....I am at a loss for words after reading that article. This terrible thing should not have happened to them. There forgiveness is as Christ told us to be. And they have done it. Amazing.

But I have a little girl who is now 21, and I find it amazing that they could forgive so....God bless the Amish this night...

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