Litigious, yes. It also appears to be longer than most of the content on the site. It is just curious to have so big a disclaimer and so little total content.
Strange...twi used to say that if you gave them money, God would bless you abundantly. Now they are saying that you give them money so that you won't lose heart...
...Must be that losing heart is an "opprotunity" for them these days.
HOWEVER it seems to me they are covering their @$$e$,
and ((COUGHH!!!)) copyrighting stuff stolen years ago,
from legitimate scholars who loved God enough
to basically *toss this out for free* for those who hungered, and thirsted.
Sure -- it's a new *format* -- yada yada -- but now they *own it*.
They can have it. Won't find me copying and pasting off THAT site.
Excellant point. If twi believes that they have "God's word", why would they treat it as a commodity that they own and have exclusive rights to?
I can see it now...The apostle Paul copyrights the book of Ephesians and makes sure that nobody reproduces it without his permission...charging a hefty price, of course, for anyone who wants to learn about the body of Christ and how it functions...because afterall, he OWNS that information.
Litigious, yes. It also appears to be longer than most of the content on the site. It is just curious to have so big a disclaimer and so little total content.
(lol) so true. I am hard pressed to imagine anyone surfing past this site acquiring any meaningful impression from such pitifully bland material, presented like dried white toast on a stick.
(lol) so true. I am hard pressed to imagine anyone surfing past this site acquiring any meaningful impression from such pitifully bland material, presented like dried white toast on a stick.
"We have dried white toast.
It's on a stick.
Write us."
Actually, they might be able to sell that at the local renaissance festival. Foods on sticks sell fairly well. Steak on a Stake, Pork Chop on a Stake, even (yes, it's true!) Fried Mac & Cheese on a Stake. :)
As long as they have ventured onto the devilish realm of the internet, I'm surprised The Way hasn't thought of having on-line versions of their classes, at least the basic (foundational) ones. Oh, of course, you would have to register, and fees would be involved, but it would relieve them of the onerous task of getting together a mininum number of people to have a class. It might even be more revenue than what they're now getting from ABS.
Of course, this would mean they'd have even less control of "the household" than they do now, but I think they will eventually have to admit most people (especially in this country) won't continue to allow a religious group to have as much micro-managing control of their lives as TWI has. People get tired of being screamed at, brow-beaten, told on the one hand they are "more than conquerors" then treated "less than dirt" on the other.
Frankly, if I were the BOD (and thank God I'm not), I would be looking for ways to re-invent this organization. I would remove the "and fellowship" part of their organizational title and go back to just being all about "Biblical Research and Teaching", as it used to be. Whether their "Biblical Research" has any merit, you be the judge.
I would think having the "and Fellowship" in their title would imply they ran, were in charge of, and (by implication) were responsible for the actions of those who were in charge of running their "fellowships". Hmmmmmm.
Jim, that is extremely odd! I remember craiggers teaching that there are devil spirits who answer to "Jesus" and that we were to never, ever, ever say "Jesus" without also saying "Christ". It would get you put on probation quickly for inviting devil spirits into the household!
"Write us" - posting an email address would open the floodgates
Always thought it was telling that sites like GS pretty much let anyone on to speak their piece, but anytime a conflicting point of view shows up on any Way website, sanctiond or unofficial, it's quickly shut down or restricted.
While this may seem a little paranoid, it really is a pretty standard set of statements. I am part of a team that works on my library's terms of use statements and while the wording is different the key elements are the same. These elements are common among most of the use and privacy statements that I've seen on web.
by the way, invisibledan, i'm hoping to take the foundational DWTOAS* class! i hear it's really bland.
*Dried White Toast On A Stick
Congratulations! Once you complete that class, you can move onto the advanced DWTOASWM* ( *Dried White Toast on a Stick with Margarine) course, which is slightly tastier.
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Good Grief!!!! Your right..
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Yeah, I'm sure they get so much traffic that they really need all that legal mumbo jumbo.
Like anybody would care enough to steal something off that site
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Dot Matrix
Far be it from me to say something pro-way.
BUT I think this looks pretty standard for an organization who has been sued, talked about and criticized.
I dunno, looks like they are dotting their i's and crossing their legal t's
I guess it can come across fearful -- to me it just looks litigious.
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Litigious, yes. It also appears to be longer than most of the content on the site. It is just curious to have so big a disclaimer and so little total content.
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There is a good size section on warrantees.
Which basically sounds to me as if there classes and materials dont work then tough for you, they take no responsible if their products suck.
There doesnt seem to be any big fat claims out there anymore like whatever they used to have .....(produces more harmony in the home!)
Ive wondered from time to time if anyone ever took them to task on that or sued them for making false claims.
Maybe, maybe not, but they certainly make a spectacle of what a cover their own foot organization they are.
The Way is not liable for damages resulting from use of their materials?? :blink:
Gees they really believe in it and stand by their stuff dont they?
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Strange...twi used to say that if you gave them money, God would bless you abundantly. Now they are saying that you give them money so that you won't lose heart...
...Must be that losing heart is an "opprotunity" for them these days.
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Not to change the subject too much, but on this page:
I noticed multiple references to "Jesus"
This strikes me as odd given VPW's propensity for the use of "Christ" or "Christ Jesus" as the proper name for our Saviour. When did that get changed?
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Amen Dot -- good point.
HOWEVER it seems to me they are covering their @$$e$,
and ((COUGHH!!!)) copyrighting stuff stolen years ago,
from legitimate scholars who loved God enough
to basically *toss this out for free* for those who hungered, and thirsted.
Sure -- it's a new *format* -- yada yada -- but now they *own it*.
They can have it. Won't find me copying and pasting off THAT site.
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Excellant point. If twi believes that they have "God's word", why would they treat it as a commodity that they own and have exclusive rights to?
I can see it now...The apostle Paul copyrights the book of Ephesians and makes sure that nobody reproduces it without his permission...charging a hefty price, of course, for anyone who wants to learn about the body of Christ and how it functions...because afterall, he OWNS that information.
Who are they trying to kid?
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(lol) so true. I am hard pressed to imagine anyone surfing past this site acquiring any meaningful impression from such pitifully bland material, presented like dried white toast on a stick.
"We have dried white toast.
It's on a stick.
Write us."
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Actually, they might be able to sell that at the local renaissance festival. Foods on sticks sell fairly well. Steak on a Stake, Pork Chop on a Stake, even (yes, it's true!) Fried Mac & Cheese on a Stake. :)
As long as they have ventured onto the devilish realm of the internet, I'm surprised The Way hasn't thought of having on-line versions of their classes, at least the basic (foundational) ones. Oh, of course, you would have to register, and fees would be involved, but it would relieve them of the onerous task of getting together a mininum number of people to have a class. It might even be more revenue than what they're now getting from ABS.
Of course, this would mean they'd have even less control of "the household" than they do now, but I think they will eventually have to admit most people (especially in this country) won't continue to allow a religious group to have as much micro-managing control of their lives as TWI has. People get tired of being screamed at, brow-beaten, told on the one hand they are "more than conquerors" then treated "less than dirt" on the other.
Frankly, if I were the BOD (and thank God I'm not), I would be looking for ways to re-invent this organization. I would remove the "and fellowship" part of their organizational title and go back to just being all about "Biblical Research and Teaching", as it used to be. Whether their "Biblical Research" has any merit, you be the judge.
I would think having the "and Fellowship" in their title would imply they ran, were in charge of, and (by implication) were responsible for the actions of those who were in charge of running their "fellowships". Hmmmmmm.
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Jim, that is extremely odd! I remember craiggers teaching that there are devil spirits who answer to "Jesus" and that we were to never, ever, ever say "Jesus" without also saying "Christ". It would get you put on probation quickly for inviting devil spirits into the household!
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sprawled out
by the way, invisibledan, i'm hoping to take the foundational DWTOAS* class! i hear it's really bland.
*Dried White Toast On A Stick
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I've never seen Jesus Christ involved in any legal battles, covering his B-Hind with a bunch of words, except for quoting what his Dad said...
What happened to:
All of their statements don't seem to line up with God's Word at all~
Could it be, TWI's TRUE self is showing?!?!?!?!
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"Write us" - posting an email address would open the floodgates

Always thought it was telling that sites like GS pretty much let anyone on to speak their piece, but anytime a conflicting point of view shows up on any Way website, sanctiond or unofficial, it's quickly shut down or restricted.
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Any person is FREE to speak Way Jargon without regret, fear or restriction to those in The Way... where else can you find such liberty?
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While this may seem a little paranoid, it really is a pretty standard set of statements. I am part of a team that works on my library's terms of use statements and while the wording is different the key elements are the same. These elements are common among most of the use and privacy statements that I've seen on web.
So I can't really falt them here.
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Safari! Your photo!!

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Congratulations! Once you complete that class, you can move onto the advanced DWTOASWM* ( *Dried White Toast on a Stick with Margarine) course, which is slightly tastier.
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sprawled out
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