That's if you were even worthy of contempt - you might recall sometimes people were made to feel unworthy even of that.
(Self)Condemnation is a bedfellow of the contempt which is described.
All this from a "ministry" that was keen to tell us that there is therefore no condemnation... and then proceeded to put so many of its people exactly there.
I'm very thankful for GSC and its denizens, wise or wacky!
It's been my experience that people who are contemptuous of others are usually jealous of some facet of the person being held in contempt's life.
For example a type A business man might be contemptuous of the guy next door who works 9-5 , and turned down a managerial position because it would cut into the time he spends fishing with his sons.
While contempt comes out of the business man in actually it is anger and envy he feels that the guy next door gets to relax and spend so much time with his kids
TWI spends too much time comparing the Bible to 'their own' lives, as if today's life and each individual would have to 'fit' into some past written senario. Is life just a bunch of 're-runs'?
It seems the point of the ONE BODY, is that we all work together, and the brains of the operation would be Christ... and even THAT they couldn't get right... they've cut themselves off from a whole world of Chirstians.
But, on the lighter side... if what they're saying is true... that would make Mr. Wierwille & Ol Craig... nothing more than a big, brainless 'Donkey'sIcky Crinkled Korpusel'
Good post, Bagpipes! There was a person in my past ... a previous principal ... that also fit that description very well ... the contempt, the mockery .. all a part of her plan ... to me as well as to others. It's nice to be able to read something and relate it to something that has been bothering you, whether it was TWI (which, as you know, it was for me, too) or outside of TWI. One thing, though ... I stood up to the B---h outside of TWI with a courage I lacked while in TWI ... but perhaps developed after going THROUGH that in TWI ... in any case, I'm glad to be out of TWI, glad to be teaching for a different principal ... but rather horrified that the principal I mention now oversees student teachers ...EEK!
I think the author aptly describes the confusion that folks feel in these type scenarios. It helps me in the process of identifying the snare in which I was caught in twi.
That's if you were even worthy of contempt - you might recall sometimes people were made to feel unworthy even of that.
(Self)Condemnation is a bedfellow of the contempt which is described.
Gosh Twinky....I have thought that about myself. :blink: Probably if I would have gotten a one-on-one face melting session, I would have literally melted on the spot. :(
Doglover....I like your musings...all the time....written and spoken.
I wondered about why I wrote REALITY in all caps. I mean, it seems I would know it is a reality without having to read it (over and over) somewhere. Yet, sometimes I wonder if I am making stuff up. This has happened to me on quite a few occasions (especially in the leaving TWI process) and I will ask the person with whom I am involved, "Am I making this up?"
Ex10 pointed out that perhaps one reason I (and others) wonder that is because (in our culture) we are so busy getting to the next thing, that we don't take time to process. We move to damn fast with too much info/stuff to process.
Anyway, it's nice to know I'm not making it all up. :)
My "face melting" session was in front of the Limb Coordinators and their assistant fellowship coordinators after they supposedly confronted me the first time. ( This "first time" eveyone in our branch was confronted in a "special meeting", but no names were mentioned.) I highly question this. If they're not going to directly confront an individual one on one, what makes them think they can proceed to the next step? After all, who were they talking to?
During this "face melting", the Limb Coordinator's wife told me she had me figured out the very first time she met me, "within minutes". She's the same person who asked me that very day we met if another believer in my fellowship was a lesbian! They went on to accuse me of many more things.....they humiliated me, degraded me, and verbally assaulted me with little or no foundation for what they did.
The presumptuousness was so startling, all I could do was sit and wonder if it was really happening. These other people that were in the room were my friends. It was so embarassing! Of course, they weren't saying anything! I don't think they could believe it either.
She "bragged" during this confrontation they were often sent to areas that needed cleaning up.
It was so hurtful that I couldn't face her again. It felt like someone took a 9" dagger and stabbed me in the heart with no mercy. She's been known for a fiery temper, as she's done her "deed" with others, too. Often, in front of onlookers. She would make slanderous remarks even in teachings about other leadership. (some were still with twi and some weren't, and let's not forget talking about believers who just recently left) This was during teachings! She seemed to take the lead when it came to her husband. He just went along with her.
We moved to Cincinnati, and got back involved with twi, only to find it wasn't much different here either. I was spared the harshness, though. My ex and I divorced in 2003.
I just don't know how twi would allow someone like that to be "leadership", all the while hurting believers. (which is what she accused me of) TWI received at least one letter from another believer informing them of what this couple had done to him on a previous assignment. She even told me that! So it wasn't like they didn't know.....
It's been hard for me to write about it. It's been 8 years, and it still hurts. I feel better about myself now, and I've come to the realization she didn't know what she was talking about.....
I wonder how she'd respond if someone did that to her?
Maybe someone did, and that's why she does what she does........
Thank you bagpipes. Yes I'm too very thankful for GSC. Its given me the boost that I needed. Bigger and more loving, energetic, electric, than any Energy Drink, coffee, or sugar drink ever could.
I was sooo happy when I got in the Word in 1982 and sooo happy when I left Twi in 2002. God loves us so much. I'm getting back to the man I've always wanted to be.
What has happened to LCM; ruined his family, publicly disgraced. He deserved all of it.
I just want to help others like that one special person helped me at one time.
Abe, I too am finding my "first love" again...and my heart. It's nice to not be alone on this journey, as I know many folks were who left TWI awhile back.
((((Lori)))) I hope that as you are able to process (whatever that means for you) that the pain dissolves. I wonder if the lady of whom you speak is still in twi? Whether she is or isn't, I hope she has seen/sees the error with which she was manipulated and has changed. Look forward to meeting you in TX!!!!! (Cram that keyboard in your suitcase... )
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Thanks for the post. It puts into words what many of us have really been thinking, only couldn't find ways to explain.
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Too right, Bagpipes.
That's if you were even worthy of contempt - you might recall sometimes people were made to feel unworthy even of that.
(Self)Condemnation is a bedfellow of the contempt which is described.
All this from a "ministry" that was keen to tell us that there is therefore no condemnation... and then proceeded to put so many of its people exactly there.
I'm very thankful for GSC and its denizens, wise or wacky!
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It's been my experience that people who are contemptuous of others are usually jealous of some facet of the person being held in contempt's life.
For example a type A business man might be contemptuous of the guy next door who works 9-5 , and turned down a managerial position because it would cut into the time he spends fishing with his sons.
While contempt comes out of the business man in actually it is anger and envy he feels that the guy next door gets to relax and spend so much time with his kids
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excellent bagpipes, thank you
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Yes I've been one of the victims mentioned in your post. That is EXACTLY how I felt!
Thanks for sharing. Your perspective is highly enlightening!
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Bagpipes, wonderful post!
TWI spends too much time comparing the Bible to 'their own' lives, as if today's life and each individual would have to 'fit' into some past written senario. Is life just a bunch of 're-runs'?
It seems the point of the ONE BODY, is that we all work together, and the brains of the operation would be Christ... and even THAT they couldn't get right... they've cut themselves off from a whole world of Chirstians.
But, on the lighter side...
if what they're saying is true... that would make Mr. Wierwille & Ol Craig... nothing more than a big, brainless 'Donkey's Icky Crinkled Korpusel'
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Good post, Bagpipes! There was a person in my past ... a previous principal ... that also fit that description very well ... the contempt, the mockery .. all a part of her plan ... to me as well as to others. It's nice to be able to read something and relate it to something that has been bothering you, whether it was TWI (which, as you know, it was for me, too) or outside of TWI. One thing, though ... I stood up to the B---h outside of TWI with a courage I lacked while in TWI ... but perhaps developed after going THROUGH that in TWI ... in any case, I'm glad to be out of TWI, glad to be teaching for a different principal ... but rather horrified that the principal I mention now oversees student teachers ...EEK!
Just musing ... DogLover
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I Love Bagpipes
Dittos to the comments.
I think the author aptly describes the confusion that folks feel in these type scenarios. It helps me in the process of identifying the snare in which I was caught in twi.
Gosh Twinky....I have thought that about myself. :blink: Probably if I would have gotten a one-on-one face melting session, I would have literally melted on the spot. :(
Doglover....I like your musings...all the time....written and spoken.
I wondered about why I wrote REALITY in all caps. I mean, it seems I would know it is a reality without having to read it (over and over) somewhere. Yet, sometimes I wonder if I am making stuff up. This has happened to me on quite a few occasions (especially in the leaving TWI process) and I will ask the person with whom I am involved, "Am I making this up?"
Ex10 pointed out that perhaps one reason I (and others) wonder that is because (in our culture) we are so busy getting to the next thing, that we don't take time to process. We move to damn fast with too much info/stuff to process.
Anyway, it's nice to know I'm not making it all up. :)
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My "face melting" session was in front of the Limb Coordinators and their assistant fellowship coordinators after they supposedly confronted me the first time. ( This "first time" eveyone in our branch was confronted in a "special meeting", but no names were mentioned.) I highly question this. If they're not going to directly confront an individual one on one, what makes them think they can proceed to the next step? After all, who were they talking to?
During this "face melting", the Limb Coordinator's wife told me she had me figured out the very first time she met me, "within minutes". She's the same person who asked me that very day we met if another believer in my fellowship was a lesbian! They went on to accuse me of many more things.....they humiliated me, degraded me, and verbally assaulted me with little or no foundation for what they did.
The presumptuousness was so startling, all I could do was sit and wonder if it was really happening. These other people that were in the room were my friends. It was so embarassing! Of course, they weren't saying anything! I don't think they could believe it either.
She "bragged" during this confrontation they were often sent to areas that needed cleaning up.
It was so hurtful that I couldn't face her again. It felt like someone took a 9" dagger and stabbed me in the heart with no mercy. She's been known for a fiery temper, as she's done her "deed" with others, too. Often, in front of onlookers. She would make slanderous remarks even in teachings about other leadership. (some were still with twi and some weren't, and let's not forget talking about believers who just recently left) This was during teachings! She seemed to take the lead when it came to her husband. He just went along with her.
We moved to Cincinnati, and got back involved with twi, only to find it wasn't much different here either. I was spared the harshness, though. My ex and I divorced in 2003.
I just don't know how twi would allow someone like that to be "leadership", all the while hurting believers. (which is what she accused me of) TWI received at least one letter from another believer informing them of what this couple had done to him on a previous assignment. She even told me that! So it wasn't like they didn't know.....
It's been hard for me to write about it. It's been 8 years, and it still hurts. I feel better about myself now, and I've come to the realization she didn't know what she was talking about.....
I wonder how she'd respond if someone did that to her?
Maybe someone did, and that's why she does what she does........
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Thank you bagpipes. Yes I'm too very thankful for GSC. Its given me the boost that I needed. Bigger and more loving, energetic, electric, than any Energy Drink, coffee, or sugar drink ever could.
I was sooo happy when I got in the Word in 1982 and sooo happy when I left Twi in 2002. God loves us so much. I'm getting back to the man I've always wanted to be.
What has happened to LCM; ruined his family, publicly disgraced. He deserved all of it.
I just want to help others like that one special person helped me at one time.
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I Love Bagpipes
Abe, I too am finding my "first love" again...and my heart. It's nice to not be alone on this journey, as I know many folks were who left TWI awhile back.
((((Lori)))) I hope that as you are able to process (whatever that means for you) that the pain dissolves. I wonder if the lady of whom you speak is still in twi? Whether she is or isn't, I hope she has seen/sees the error with which she was manipulated and has changed. Look forward to meeting you in TX!!!!! (Cram that keyboard in your suitcase...
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