but the way I look at it, my grandfather lived to be 113, my Dad is 89 and going strong ( I called the other day and he was up on a ladder fixing the roof ) -so i figure Im not old but just starting to get warmed up
but the way I look at it, my grandfather lived to be 113, my Dad is 89 and going strong ( I called the other day and he was up on a ladder fixing the roof ) -so i figure Im not old but just starting to get warmed up
Mstar -- reminds me of the old joke ----
65 year old man goes to the doc for a check-up.
Doc checks him out, and says *You are in remarkably good health.
How old was your dad when he died??*
The man says -- *Oh -- Dad's still alive. He turned 90 about a month ago*.
The Doc said *That's AMAZING!! How old was your Grandfather when he died??*
The man says -- *Oh -- Grandad is still alive, and turned 110 four months ago.
And he just got married this past month!*
The Doc scratched his head and asked the obvious question ---
*WHY would your Grand-dad want to get married at age 110???
The man replied to the Doc -- *Who said he WANTED to!!*??
the doc says one glass of wine a day is good for you so if one is good 12 must be better!!! to hell with the suppliments etc drink much Rhine wine it's good for you!
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Yeah! Right! ... Like there are gonna be a lot of people (particularly women ;) ) answering this question.
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Just having to "prove" Garth wrong ROFL
me I am 55 years 8 months 1 day 21 hours and 37 minutes old
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I think it'd be Hap or Ron
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I'm 64
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Ahem!!! Chef -- If'n I recollect correct, Lifted is of the MALE *persuasion*.
dmiller checks Snopes!!) Garth (and Geo) taught me well!!
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I'm 51 and some
but the way I look at it, my grandfather lived to be 113, my Dad is 89 and going strong ( I called the other day and he was up on a ladder fixing the roof
) -so i figure Im not old but just starting to get warmed up
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Mstar -- reminds me of the old joke ----
65 year old man goes to the doc for a check-up.
Doc checks him out, and says *You are in remarkably good health.
How old was your dad when he died??*
The man says -- *Oh -- Dad's still alive. He turned 90 about a month ago*.
The Doc said *That's AMAZING!! How old was your Grandfather when he died??*
The man says -- *Oh -- Grandad is still alive, and turned 110 four months ago.
And he just got married this past month!*
The Doc scratched his head and asked the obvious question ---
*WHY would your Grand-dad want to get married at age 110???
The man replied to the Doc -- *Who said he WANTED to!!*??
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Well my Dad did get married a few years ago, in his mid 80's. He's as energetic as a 20 year old....
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you may out live Fenway, mstar
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gees i hope not--
They almost upended the place about five years ago but changed their minds --I think we should go toward old age well together
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42 Just a baby
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J0nny Ling0
I'm 49, and will be 50 in May. Oh geez, that sounds scary, fifty!! :blink: Ahhhh!!!!
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I'm 47.....Oh, the woes of getting older....I take herbal supplements for anything I can.
High Blood Pressure
Stiff Joints
Thyroid Support......Should I list anymore?
Exercise is good, something I should do more often.
I might be falling apart at the seams, but at least I'm not an airplane! TeeHee!
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Me?...55 years 6 months 6 days 11 hours and 36 minutes old...at least I'm not as old as Mo...
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My favorite Bumper sticker of all time----
I don't know what old is --but it's older than me!
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A certain male relative once told me that a "good looking woman" was one who was at least 10 years younger than himself.
Ladies, is there a female version of this adage?
BTW----------I'm looking 56 square in the eye!
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the doc says one glass of wine a day is good for you so if one is good 12 must be better!!! to hell with the suppliments etc drink much Rhine wine it's good for you!
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Psalm 71 one
Lifty mighta been referring to me heeheehee!
If ya look at my profile, I'm REALLLYYYY OLLLLLLDDDD!!

ooooorrrr I'm 2027
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35...no wait check that...53
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